West Van. News (West Vancouver), 12 Jul 1934, p. 1

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f If' •l .- . 1 . » | « 7 « B _ _ ~ . « f e ; Z ) 'ftess.Parkt, • ' • ' 'i*»- „ IP® ■. ■«' ;• - WWI!illll»jni>WIWM9M̂^ .m bleii^, \ld, WhytecimJ£ii,U ■ *' rl ., Dundarave 5c per copy at newsstands. iiliBl pBisB,.T • OEIiVaUJlN P.O., W l ^ VANCOUVER, B.C., THURSDAYi JULY l?tlE l934Vol. IX No. 11 C.C.F. CAMPAIGN HOLIiYBCRN HAU, LIBBRAI. CAMPAIGN BBEVB LBYLAND . „ . LEAVING FOR '̂ RIMSWORTH DBNB" BN FETE FOR I.O.DJ!. ^ GARDEN PARiry: "" «™f'Tflhe*Drovinclal*C^! Eric Hunt w»u give an aaoress, as chairman.: , tenai suiwomnutiee mvwngfiir K lS tiv e . were the seakers. tak in g^ Ms subject "Thfe Gos- .jiackX iie Mhthespn, the Lib- Sf? Webster stated that pel of Hls Sdn. eral candMafcs, spoke, saying It 2?® 5?" ^ iLorPF movement had start* ./ ' v-- waa njost important to win this phase andth€̂ C*v« * ̂ Tatio* A<ro 'SOFTBAIjIj bv f̂ilfiction bfic&usG Mi? Piittiillf) opposltiotLi which iiiuflt h© itofir* -- ----- . .̂.... w. He was appointed representative - The sylvian iawnar-ahout the J toSoirihg Freeman's Slashes, who at the |S t o ^ i ottOTfa agate tM bytho council, who have the full house will be dotted with g a y - S o r '̂ a v S the K Pert of ali-West Vancouver E n K T h e A ; turn of Libor^would indicĵ ^̂ *« Hoove and Mrs. J. B. Leyland are lending their beautiful beach gardens for the annual garden party of the Buncan LawSon Chapter, I. 0 . B. B., to be held Saturday; July 14th, from 3 to 6:80 in the afternoon, and from 7 p.m. on. -I ' 'iMlI'K . WHl'i tl leir choice. booths -- home cooking, ice cream, soft drinks and candj g H T g S 4 » ' S ! r a S ¥ ■) fuTra nnlicv Canitalism did not L people oenina tnem. we nad to ------------------------------------- i^ayea^a.afaire poacy. and 18-11, thereby earning the aHHistanoe from Ottawa -------- . . provided entirely by the give the worker ^ o u g h ^ t^ W though ̂ ir w'e ' received muclJ last meeting cMf lthe youth of West Vancouver, willhopir what he made, nor wouia ̂ ___ , t,-__taougn,. u wo reccivea muLn n/wrt'rwiffgitt 4f waa 4.... 1.1 ... <v4i 4-Uy%back what he made, nor would, ft at any time. We shoul^ ex- right Stevens, Freeman's catcher, was4.- r. wxk flhniim AV ............................ mrirfl"tWaii ift wow"ffivA« add to the pleabre of the guest̂ ^ tend " w l i n e of-Kfetl^'P^: would %11 be. mucf less than J"™*Jl® J f m i '■ £. / ""1'i.eii 'j. |iV, ' ici.u v y - y - 7 ^ ^ On Tuesday" night the whit wo nav to tlm federal gov̂ the mem&rs of the Legion and evening, the Vancouver Fire- operative p r m c i ^ ^ t o t of the finals was plaW and Legion W. A. to raise the neces- men's, band will W d e the u s m.the case of municipal ser- Freemans.had the game all their S d in W e T ^ K v e r w ®'®®®>-̂ " " ®̂" ® ' " ""® the Vailfcouyerwhile the Vari6buver and the - SwedishuippR . jraeiim iio nau wic K«"w a ii^ needed in W e s t , Vancouver, agf av,*" " 'r*vivAM).,. - - ,«'>'->'»"-'A'̂ v»̂ .̂r»iii«/-tiSiv#iwwM.o<wYi*.fvvav'̂ 'tO'̂ 'Win'̂ l!&® runs"̂ tO"̂ o. ""-°4.w7\W/ĉ -'■Irolice" cnoir = l^ m ^ K S eM L d ^ h e -sS -^ e tto a ^ lw m .> :a -b estJ o u t of._.30®" ^^J."^ u E -* o f-th e ridi---*«̂ ®̂!?̂ ̂ dancers will complete a delight-socialism had reached..ttte stage. All ffamfis to be f.??® 0 1 tne na luembers of either of these org- ful nroffram: ■' of being played at Ambleside Park and jj. Wfikes said the Liberals ^̂ Îzatlons. The above The attractions will be ,umny any rate orî , the North . be held dn the Legion Hall̂ July and varied. The ever popiUaf - - v o t e S ; ^ ^ ~ " housi^housie holding ftrst placePeople had been victimizecb .̂at.; n e x r ^ :tVlasrelection7and"had-found" it out, for the Liberals had then ttimfmpt OYET) AdSOr'N ' , Vancouver, held out glittering promises and all knew him ̂ ell and favor- which they had hot fulfilled. T h e--------- « - i >aj m.h« --r ablyrIt'was very necessary that same conditions existed today as . ̂Mr, Patttullo get every support previous to the election,- and so ' 2 ^ A%Bf^ a t, this time., : ̂ ' far the Liberal government had, ant, . Mrs./Paul Smith; M.L.A., said done nothing,^Further,teelther r 'Z ,te?-^ B te? ----------- -- thin'g long ismv of course, and the nine pins, raf­ fles, clock play, etc,, runningMISS McINTYRE'S PUPILS hub, uiouk ymy, ow., *umit«ii -- IN SUCCESSFUL r e c it a l , close, seconds. . pne_.of the.._raf-. fles js particularly enticing âa 'The violin and piano pupUs of- it includes, an, ielactric waffle Miss Margatet McIntyre were iron, eleetoc clock, ^'luanent heard in a successful recital last w®̂ ? cuRiihhd saucer the pricfe of ensemble* ' one,. .l, *. i jfi I uTd - r A m 't o l ^ t l f r ^ t e i M d Z e S t e y S i t t K ^ ® t wSe" dish ofencore in each case, M rs.-Ed- and ,^omge anrnTirA anH PdimatiftTi «oatfl wore under-ivirs. i.-^oneigrove were u on 4 . .encore in each case, Mrs. Ed- and .bridge surance and education costs were wards acting as^accomi^ist. , , • ^eteg 'akeU in hand. , should the younger generation A. E. Munn, M.P., stated Mr. desire to dance lip to ,l a.m., a Matheson was a fine, type and collection will be taken up to de- would look after the intereste of frav the eddifinnal expenses, his constituents. Mr. Pattullo Tom Smith and Sid Jamieson had done very well to get as will be ̂ in charge of the cards much as he had in Ottawa, but pypij of M!rs. and the floor with the popular more time was m m red in such -- .u ._ - . ̂ case. -- 4̂.1. i,„.j Considerable enthusiasm pre­ vailed at the large C.C.F.,meetr ing last Friday evening in the Orange Hall, when Councillor R. Fiddes occupied the chair. - Mrs. R, P. Steeves, the C.C.F. well executed,' Miss McIntyre's- tunes will be told by Mr.s Wood- junior and senior grade pupils/ .Taylor and there will be..others whose numbers occupied the re- to read the tea-cups,, afternoon mainder of the program, played and evening. - , j 4.̂ with decision and finish, some of The chapter are pleased t o ^ the seniors being very gbod in- *ble to announce that Mrs. Paul Heed. Mrs. F. F. Lovegrove, a Smith, M.L.A., has kindly c ^ - Colin mcLea^n, s^nted to open the garden party m m '4' l-v i4 ' "T-j* 1" ""'t* / "V ♦ ana me noor wiwi wic jtimju4«* ..-- .1 - . .-- LiwaaaioLiuK oxtioi/, anu n%.7. and her preseime candidate, expressed hw .plea^. j]iiamond Orchestra pros- a case. Mr. Woodsworth had two VQca]-si>los were well r€ceiv---ihe„many._ prominent jiatrones.r ure at the interest shown by the viding the latest dance hits. As said in the ̂Ottawa- House tha ̂ She was the recipient of two ses is sure to make this atter- public. She said everyone/wai- .^^.^dded attraction-som'e^^^ ̂ he favored givingfOrtetitels the- bouquets. This proceeHs were in ' noon a-very memorable one^ ridden by the fear of losing their «er<4on is going to win a beauti- vote, and he did not think many îd of local charities. Th afternoon takes the form all through capitalism a n d i n B. C. would agyee with that. ̂ ^ > 7 .....-- ________ of __a -chim ing garden p^ty people were starving in the midst jhhde for the occasion; Tickets Mi;s. F. Stainsby ancTMrs., JT, Announcement ° where friends meet from far and of plenty as a result of the profit , be obtained from'any mem- C. L. Hunt ^^ch gave a vocal h 'll i'r t ™i'V-- A *V̂r: hear and have a happy visit over system. An emergency situVtidn - reg^^atioM for solo, and both had to .resmnd midst of existed, and the.' Liberals ..were^i^Q^j^gj^yeg^fe-^Rg-lilake-A^ with encoî es. Mrs. J. Shef f̂eld Speatay Chô ^̂ e very delightful surroundings-- guilty of dedeptipn a j l r p T r i ^ o m Y i a T i i s t : : . training in Dramatic Art.El^u- evening the fete done nothing since coming .into power. Through interlocking directorates 1 0 0 men controlled I acted as accompanist.' ,i* ili ISC' training to Dramatic Art lilwu-..evening the feto be tion Singing for colorful produc- jnore of a care-free earn!, comes more of a care-free carni A large nuniber* of people at- tiOn operetta and play val 1-- and from 7:30 p.m,. until uucuwxatus ivu men controiiea > -- . tended the Liberal"irieetihg last ^̂ T̂?Srcrns<4 0 Ti embers of- the bonfire our lives, while 374'companies , AUpartv invitation is extefid- nfght in the Orange-Hall, David ' die away, fun-holds sway. To owned 75% ofCanada's asset's., ~ -SihliV to attend a gar- Morgan being in the chair in the West 508L.< ĵ be guests ̂ pleasure this g a r d e n SEIKVICE All vioJi . ~ €̂d to the public to attend 'S';gkr- o iYu labor power d«n"aerviec at 3 p.m. next Sun- day,' July 15th, on the lawn 'Brockhurst'- ^̂ Ti?f the. public. 2818 Bellevue Avenue. 'Ihe candidate was presented . _ _ _ _ _ with a bouquet by little Harold "' ' ̂ / ~r^ v : Allen. ; majority had delegated all pow- unavoidable absence of George Hay. year . the Sprott-Shaw whools are installing an amplifier, so/ Unpmpl03red Association Mackenzie Matheson paid tri --- ever yone will be able to epjoy Mackenzie^ m a tn ^ o n ja m Association wiU be held tonight^ everything. Saturday afternoon m the Legion Hall at 8 p.in. evening, July 14th.bute to his opponent, Mrs. Steeves, as a woman. Much of the G.C.F. policy had been em­ bodied for some time in the Lib- creas^ education costs and was < V ^ O ^ V E R leral platform. Whether or not proud of it. Good government HORTICULTURAL SOCIEl̂ X -o ^ ' ./ficcuo --y ngnt to ouuuxi iiiwxjiey :i Mrs. Harnson sang several basic idea being that all th e - gennett. If elect songs whiclr were roundly en-/ people should be properly fed.- gq in with no strings. clothed.andhousei • ° * • i i t t Swales, M.L.A.. stated western premier^ together in' Mr. D. Celteh, who is well known December arid they had together ;- and has 'hMn ""e ° f th e ^ W on Mre Paui S ^ t r '^ i - A ., dSded O riT fsW oO O stated- S S " 'and® haf te to X th I , -^Xtries f l S ^ con- a knowledge o f l o c a l support of nine provinces for the s i s t '.ef sweet peas, annuals, also he had a knowtedg^ X i g far Mr. Bennett had . hardy border flowers and climb- Rattuiio .was .worK senem^.^ou and , ing Wichuraiana roses. As many faster, but 'may not know what.is meant by ■i ■' 1'.;̂ . '-jlKvi* M-' j 1' . ^,,5fflons" h Id :i< riteto («^ in .filment | f S S s S S i t the'Sm e time he wUed toe j tte word ™ u r a i|m a " w â ^̂ Rev. Robert ConneU-.-said'tod hi^onstautercy. toe Delta. ™d design^ only ;ta meet em .̂........' -- v - o f this tilied to a rose, in brief this was\ elMtion would be a to t of the" ■' J;.Price, M.L.^, e?eendro Litoral standteg. Thdre waa'a.-^ais ought to h^e told tome ^ - tu n e ^ I t^ s e X ta'spite"of t to plted to a rose, in brief this^wM\ the Liberals were accused of do- ; a koBe ongmally introduced by \xTr.̂ A i c r maila flti inff nothing The S.P.A. would": a Mr. Wichur, a single white Wood, K.O;, made, an mg norn n̂ĝ ,ine anA f.hia narfint rose."twrai stanamg. There was a "erals ought w , 2 a Wood, J4..U;,-made an mg iiuLiuug., x wfeeling throughout B:C. that the constituents , what they h ^ i « ,f ĵ, the 'supports of leven now enable them to a v o i d a n d from j;hi8 parent w w, Pattullo Government had :gaihed:i done. The his very old friend and'neighbor, a Americmi Pil- S r t ' s 3 "n o m to to ^ li 'S d S ^ -rel^^ X d - adrts^ toe 0 ^ 1̂ to ap-, : w ^ d t o hiSN n. . J t is. h<«ted as to n y as.jpps- p r ^ h Mr. to th ^ ^ ^ L hoL/I' +i,a West Vancouver. sible>will attend on_̂ 'Thurr (Continued on Page 4) *uxux. xxx,,.o,jr.xv.;.7thCpeople,- ̂ generally^ all the pbwer/givehH hadt'not made. g^ d on, .their .Uhder5the;tRi?iAt̂ ^̂ - ^ Mr. Matheson; f -/ r; present. xgi ŵ . / 'nn ^'rhnr&davĴj«sunconstitû ionaVhM>ĥ .̂.:̂ ^^̂ ^̂ ^ Hon. Dr. G. M; Weir, Minister .creas^^ the Vancouver, sible. will attend on_.Xhursday put through the houseAuddeidyr-j^veh:by ^ ' of Education," saidr'hfe ihad* in-: - schools, grant $4,101.60. overnight, and by j t the Liberal: wards acting .as ^ m papm t. J>t r^aucau -4- 4 ■' > ^ 'W i • ̂ {'1* =lcr£gr.iiS "e<®