R i i p ' yoU R_ iSiSi ■i-.a.ii„T.iii.iiM giv«n i*«*. S P 6 0 i s t s f " ■ J li i l ■, and' Mrs.. i«HIV«l'.'Al»V*' '>■>«• •• «»„ 4¥ •'iS'a Wm aiSSiK No. 3 3a »"*"■ .............. , . ̂ • A s t b u r y ' s B q i l d e r s S r * oyes „ ._ „ . Dr..'Gkmis . i -vr- . Lennox Itical seienee Min. Mills, are moved from summer months at la a J O itt . . 'j . • >, ,v,\. 4 ̂a *, MiUs* % • * * ' ,»'S' . 6th iind Marine DriveIVA ;Mip IW ' "'n , ,0n>m*K ....... !-■■'■ ...r.... -̂ --............ .......' ■<,'" f ' , ' fVsrt n't ' 4"S ' ",',. " ifl , '■!. > ir. / - '-'•t * L a u n t lr y wood Avenue, htt left for Keat's pi£e lii Paulino Johnaon - laland. . . . during the lunoh - h(H»r--' >a®j V, * „ A Thuraday, when the t^how OfF. J. Patteraon, 1487 Gordon Pauline Johnaon and Hollyburn Avenu& haa returned here from Schoola aaaembled to preaent Trail, B. C„ for ttle aummer va- Miaa Elliott, who haa been 4 1 5 c ; t w B F K p B i Tht Store of Sorvleo. ,140a Marino Orlro Wont 37 or West 607 Bmergency Phono Wont Stl < After 10 p.m.) VeA-'nfPM'Xt, 841* fy m for dffendablk l a A t l N D R i r ^ ^ . . - .- ' I ' 1 t' * i'Mfc-f""- jt> o' i ' " ' ■1 (i ' ̂ h DAVE A N D E R SO N l, W est Vancouver R epresentative Phones-.West 691L or North 1810 waive up aiao aa«» ... v..-v. UOSI/ WlOllCH UirUOl' appAV»waaia«r Yukon, where they expect to re- marriage to Mr. Leslie Brooks .iAA r.afnvv. . ScllOOl StUff 0 0 Mr. and M ranC. H. Wdloh Bv-EIectlon C a m p a ig n ̂ MEETING Friday, July 9 th a t 8 p.m . Orange )Hall Speakers : MRS. R. e . STEEVES (C.C.F. Candidate) dr; LYLE TELFORD sidd In futum^........ ̂ , O' Mra. Jam es H. Sm ilh and Mrs es last week aT a delightful fare- Clachan cabins into a houae at well tea given at th e home of 2608 Bellevue Avenue. Mrs. Smith, 992 20th Street, in ' '• • ,* * honor of Mrs. A . H. MoNair, who M y Sagerstone, who has been le ft ;On Saturday for a trip to - ocg „ p y i„ | ^ house at 170 24th th e Old Country. All the guoata street during his holidays, has were .riiemberB.,of the Racquet- returned to Vancouver. eers \C lu b . TJe tea table was . . . . thrB ridgeR ive'rD istrict, where very artistically-arranged with j , q . Anderson has moved they did ', some build ing.- He maize candles in silver sconces, from Vancouver into a houae at states that there are a great a variety of yellow flowers form- 1 5 1 g i s t S treet, manv men out of'work there, m g the centrepiece. Mrs. R. S. , * * ♦ ■McCall and t o .-.M r,, a n d . t o . ,R. Newman, of « ' 4i Mrs. Ed, Black and two sons, 25th'»̂̂ and - Marine Drive* - have gone 'to their summer home at Selrha Park for the school holi days. * J* * George HaWkes and his son Bert, 16th and Inglewodd Aye., have returned from Bralom e ip Stratton̂ s BAKEkY Everything of the Best in CAKES & PASTRIES, -Christening,. Birthday and Wedding Cokes made at 1468 Marine Drive n Phone West 27 •if ;̂ %*, '• -';r ■ T- If"' , fivL 1' f 'S : ^ \ i d h AVXUV.*a.U . aim XTXiO.,j». axuiuj- lyi,. 02%̂ IVira. J\. INeWlllaU^Gl presided a t the urns, little Vancouver, are occupying a0%vii4'ln vIvACfoari . iii .•*W Ivl Si - . i« v *Nrim*#ougheeed^of«Dunfdaraye,« --------------- Vancouver, are uccupyuiK who recently underwent an oper- Olhw meetings to be a d d r c s s e d _ e r i c Smith d r e s ^ d j n H^^ ̂ a tion Jn ..th eJN ofth .V an cou yer % prominent speakers;___ " e^ A ^ n t e t i r w a l tl>e summer.^ . . S k t r ^ r '-serviteur. A presentation was Tuesday, July 10 Legion uaii, ^y^de during the aftemeen to . The_Misses'Winnie and Nora 8 p.m. - _ . Mre.̂ McNair from the Club, and Bowman. B erf Bowman aiid'Dick Wednesday, July 11 Legion she was also the recipient of a Bradlev have returned from a Hall; Afternoon Tea. „ ^^lonial bouauet of Pink rose- S f o n at Cultus Lake. ....... ------ . colonial bouquet of pink rose- Friday,'July 13 -- Orange Hail, ^ vocal solo was given by 8 p.m. Mrs. Colin MacLean, while Mrs. Watch posters for further par- a . Ellis played a pianoforte solo,' ticulars. . both of which were much en- Come and hear the true policy joyed by-the guests. - oftheC.C.F. ■ . N ., Raine Passes. Nicholas Raine, one of West 4iinblesided Sh e ^ Vancouver*s pioneer resident's,------ Mv ATid -Mrs--Wr-hV-iVlerricKi-- -nr----- irivt- oinf --passed-away-^last-]^iday^fL^ Avenuer have rer " At^^ie^AVeriue,'T ia^Shoyed A^nue^^ nt^^was in ^^h^76th turned from an ehjgjable motor the summer irionths. ^ r : W T l a v r t o " m M l ^ * „ ;v L o u v c r haz S- f h f d f v S A v S e ." h a S & P Cofe ">0^^ W ft Bay. ^ ^ y ^ Raine a n d ^ is s Beulah for the su m ^ n . ^ , Mr. Lilllco, 2614 Lawson Ave., iJRainejqf Aberdeen, W astogtq n ____Mrs-Mv -Sr-Seward^of- Arrow-- has_moy_edJ_o_th€_j?ity._ and one son, Carl of Montreal. Vs. O.. haa. b^n; visiting in _ , , Miss Daisy Etrealey of ;;the teaching staff of the Prince . ̂ * George Public Schools, arrived V 4-ui wiin homie today for the school, hoikMiss Kathleen Wenmoth, who , is on the" public school staff at ' ' , « ♦ Lytton, B. C., has returned to McLeod and family, her home at 14th< and Jelterson gggg Mathers Avenue, have loft Avenue, ;fpr thei sum'imor vacar their summer home on Say- tion. ory Island. ̂ ̂ ^ Mr; and'-Mrsi?^^ L SPECK. Proprietor M e f a l W o r k s Philip C. Chapman General Insurance Agent Fire, Automobile, Burglary, Accident and Sickness, etc. -2557 King's"ATer"Phone W. 42Y8 Hollyburn Theatre FRIDAY and SATURDAY July 6th Rnd 7th STAN LAUREL and OLIVER HARDY in Sons of the Desert MON., TUES. & WEDNESDAY July 0th, IQth and 11th 'Footlights Parade' with .JAMES CAGNEY and JOAN BLONDEL , T|I|[URSDAY, -- .July 12th f BROKEN DREAMS also HEADS WE GO . ! (t~i V !* AM 't i l 1'i' " ̂. ik' ■a.! «'̂ ii * ' k«fit ^ ' j ' ' .̂1 III. i n rlTTn-̂ ,: ,) -f il'• 'iV i •i'q. 1, f h/.'I f a t e ? " were S 7 t K " Mr. and Mrs. Martin and 2:30 p.m. Tuesday in the. West extensive a te a tio n s made and Mrs. Verey, all of Vancou- Vancouver United Church, hoiisl a ^ l 785:̂ Fulton, ver, have moved into ̂ house at Rev." Hillis Wright and R ey:R r-^ fenu e. ^Ms^ IW. Savory -1443HMarHie Drive Am bl^ide , Phone West 340 .J, , ̂: Evenings, W est 143 Listings W anted Real Estate Finance and ' N̂ ' I i I ' ' Insurance , R. Morrison, officiating, and in- ;V e7brM ^f"and-MrB.-^EaEley- of made in Capilanoterment * was _View_Cemetery:. Engagement Mr.and Mrs. Back have moved frnm Vancouver into a house on Williain W oods of Vancouver, Oxley St., W es^B ^; Mr. and S/Ss. Lloyd E lliott of' jJo^ g^ t^ ^ th ^ n d M lev u T A v e- Mrs. Jack Breeden of Capil- Vancouver last w eek announced * ̂ season. ano, whorhas had a severe oper- th e ~engagem ent of the ir daugJ^---------------------- >¥-- ♦-- ^ ^ --------- artiony-is-expected home, ̂ hiortls^ TEAROE & SON Concrete Contractors - Garden-Walks -Lily; Pools Gravel and Cement 1474 Phone Marine Drive W est 84 k ̂ ij f ' . J. m f.V. M ■ rxr^ i '4 i ,V ■ y Wxner-engagetueub ux hitsii. -------------------- ir-- -f-- t---------- --------- arnOTi7--rt5-c3cpccrin=u nyxiix., ter,-Ethel Louise, to Mr. Leslie Robertson and. from! North Vancouver General Douglas'Gordon Brooks, son of of Vancouver; have Hospital. Mr..^iand Mrs. James B ro^s, ĵ ôved into,a suite at the For- „ • V * • - 2334: Haywood Avenue., tune Cup Inn for the summler Last Friday morning the Wedding will take place at First ̂ , pupils o l the Pauline Johnson Baptist Church, Vancouver, a t , ' ̂ School assembled in the Annex . 7 p.m; Monday, July 23rd.: . ^ A'T^ri^ WEST VAN Sheet Metal Works Mrs. Forbes' Tea Room J. R. Morris of Hollyburn, has building for " « c i S moved toJfancouver._____________m scs^ J lr s . O D o n n ^ " . .. Trustee, was present, and after Phone West 39 Furnace and Range Repairs, Sawdust Burners Foot of Oxley Street West Bay Sea Front ICE CREAM, SOFT DRINKS, JEAS, TOBACCOS, CANDY Plailaygrounds, Sand Pile b o a t s . PHONE. -^FOR HIRE West 698L2 Sherman Store 3900 Marine Drive Bertha J. Campbell P h on e W est 243X 3 K ew B each Bathing, Boatingr Fishing 'Summer Cottages Marine Dr. West Vancouver Mineral Spring on the. property : JN ANY QUANTITY, QUALITY OR FORM TaciBc % ld Smelting i;& Refining Co. 600^RohscHiiStreet ; > Trinity 3588 ♦ ♦ * ______ _ __________ W Cookson has moved from a few well chosen remarks to th^- city into a house at 2329 the assembled pupils, presented Kins^s Avenue. . th e 'su ccessfu l ones w ith .th eirKing's Avepu ̂ Honour for Proficieijey, T/vi.r. Aikn 15th and Ingle- D e p o r t m e n t a n d Regularity. The S v^n fp hL r̂ tiSned̂ ^̂ ^̂ ^̂ prticeedings closed after a hearty ' ■ retumea m . O'Donnell and the fAlert Bay. ̂ ̂ ^ teachers w ith the singing of God Mr and Mrs. Frank Ellis hkve >Save th e King, - returned from their koneymoon ^ p e r ^ d ' for two months of on Vancouver Island and have freedom. ̂ ̂ . R^W u?A vljfu"" ' ' " Mr. dhd Mrs. AJeitt-Feir are Bellevue ̂ ̂ ̂ . occupying the home of Mrs. J. Afljutont M a r g o t ^ a t ^ whiS^the tetter*^ s" aw on a T * W68" m S Mr. and Mrs. D. A, RamSey ofL M. btratton,. i.,oo. jiiai ue Toronto, Ontario, are visit- Drive. ̂ * ♦ \ ing their son,̂ ̂Rev. F. A. Ramr TVancis 'Nash returned last seyiat St. Stephen's Rectory. S v i S S r h i oarentorDr. an'd Mrs. A . C. passengers. The increase in t t e KrfoS 9906 Marine Drive. number , of people using the fe^-N ash ,22UbManiievriv«. last month compared with V-: C. J. Overington PIONEER BARBER ~ Expert Work. 14th and Marine -Phone W est 135. . ' r%\ J •;:%•{ lU ;!' 4". hi n- _ i5 ' ■ill VERNON FEED STORE A. C. SEARLE Phone Weet 9 F ertilizers' o f AH Kinds f ' i 4 , \ ■ „ rM y 1 0̂ -'T •] Wood, Coal, Bhilders* Supplies k i Tii'Ai Borrowing .Power Gone » I suppose you know- the Millers are moving?" ♦ * Ait5» looL. Mo/Aiw* -- n ooA . "Why, they've only been here six Ryrtaci Mnro-aret McIntyre and those for June, 1933, is . months. People are just getting to T .r ^ « ^ n t " be the . figures being 75,978 as a- Juiow them."Miss .Jervis speui' " * "Ten* tbftf'ft whv"motoring on Vancouver Island. gainst 73,754. ̂ Yes, that s wny. * ' 1*1"i;# J $ -T _ iW i • r,' k . / j '•"•J 1' <1 \ k ' " f-'»' ■ . "~7 WB m m ̂ 3 I r., M " - 4 V'1' ^ \i liiSH;