West Van. News (West Vancouver), 5 Jul 1934, p. 1

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it m k i Tii • * I F "mmm ,̂1 , ̂ r g»mggWgiW!W»'weBTOi!iW8gŵ̂(w?a»!Bfgaiiwi!mj!Bgf̂ ̂ ■ " ^--n« ij ̂ i^, tfi in.. ̂*m>nm. II §l̂pjJj|t||yilWWIMlHliJWiiMilwm.'»|WW)||tiWjjlllU.<Plil»!lĤIBpi>MS)W!lMiaiWNWtiiW'M'PI*l!lli!JllWI!»ilil 'WiîMiililJ.ILJPjWro(W!«Wiil|!l|lipW!l'l̂ «i i. mi ■« i».ŵ « m p-r-f * w ¥V CircAlaim mim^ o f West Vancouver^Ambleside ̂ Hoilybum^ Tj:% i0virym .' . : : : : z - - ^ E tc .--....- r 1 ............... .. < '1 «"-'j,JSr<,S! p, Dundarave »i(Lpii!Ljep|)|uiiJitwsstiiyyi#^ Vol H O tlT - iURN P.O., WEST V A N C O O V E l B.C. ;'B«tSi'R;:P.'STEEVBS' w k '**^ who has been chbslii as C.C.F. candidate in the ' North Shore By-election, needs.Uttlo Introduction in . C.C, . F.v educational or cultural cir­ cles. However#, to those who wishfto knoyr.her more fully the , following information may be .v a lu a b le : The o i o n o t t s TWreifth THURSDAY, JULY: GARDEN SERYtiQE^ [934 N o. 10 held in the Qrange Hall tla^t Thursday. Final arrangements ,mam«:. v. , were'm ade for the 12th of July was educated The public are invited to {a garden service a t 8 p.m, next Sunday, July 8th , on the laWn ,. facing .the 'water;.\at>.<«**!B|^- The reguiar meeting of West hurst,** 2818 Bellevue AyenUe. Vancouver L.O.]^. No. 2990, was FRAMAR MONTESSORI SCHOOL 'A more charming scene could i m H M M f BHtisratb^^^^^^^ for the day hbfhave been seen'th aff th a r In i ; in th a t country v̂ rill be Hon.^J. T. M.: Anderson Mr. Crickmay's garden last ' MRS. R. P. STEEVBS C.C.F. Candidate nOLLYBURN HALL tor 01 Jjaws' 01 ijeyaen univer- ■ ad0 win leave'the County Orange ,a ra iry i^iay, xne oieepmg sity; H er marriage was the. re- hall a t 10 a.m.- sharp, corner of Beauty, Briar Rose." ^ e sun- . -suit war-time m e tin g , in Gore Avenue;.and Hastings St., ken .garden and a r t o made an , Holland with Mr. R. P. Steeves, for Hastings Park. The proces- excellent stage for the tiny fairy while th e la tter was awaiting' gjon will bO one of color with flowers in their dainty costum es' exchange: after three years as a gaily decorated banners, fife and to sing and dance and finally a- prisoner b r war in Germany, drum bands. On arrival a t the waken the Queen Bnar-Rose. All Mrs. Steeves was a t th a t time grounds the 'judging will t ^ e Abed their parts most creditebly, working for the Dutch govern- olace for the best dressed and ' showing the. love and patifsnee "'meht"h*d'^letaPadvisor in the'of-"' uniform Competitions.... Miss' Crickmay bad expendediin flee which regulated distribution will be held fo r pipe and fife and training them, so oveiyoming ■of food and" other commodities drum bands and a very lengthy the natural shyness of-the, tiny scarce in th a t country during sportia program will be run off. mites whose ages varied from 8 „the_war 5̂ .arsli_ ̂ ^ A t 6:30 n.m. a banquet will be to 6 years. The accompaniments Mrs.- Steeves came to CTahada [h d d ln th O K iirv rn c b u v e rT t l^ ^ ----,» / ------Powell. .--ai W m "fWVi ' I"' S t, UlU: MACKENZIE MATHESON Liberal "Candidate-- "" After the audience of mothers refreshed' w th SOFTBALL Q RtiT'in^Holfvbu^^ when h e r husband, now the prin- speaker for this/ioccasion being Morrison will give the ' General Gwdon Dr, A nderson., Hr- Weirj minis- xvitcr w»c ttuun !n taking as h is 'su b -^ te r of education,',and His Wor- and friends were -- . . . . . . , , u- i / " *ben she has been actively int- ^hip Mayor Taylor and others. tea ok the lawn and the children Even Batteraby on his bipycle ject The Peeling baviour. . <•, ^ , iji the work of mlany ^ v^Vid ud the celebration a a t the nrettilv d ................................................................ ... * - I 'i 'T i; T # | i t !\ jf, LIBERAL CAMPAIGl^ ̂ MEETINGS public organizations. She is a - m onster dance wil] be staged in in the attractive schopl, w orn past president of th e Women*s the Crystal ballj room Of the much appreciated ̂songs were ' Internatiorial League fo r Peace, hotel. Tickets f<k tbe banquet ' sung by Mrs. Stainsby and N tables couldn't catch the F.C.I. boya as- they scampered around the sacks and crossed the homO or- ' plate. When the dust had settled-------- ------ ---- ------ ----- ---------- --- - , notei. XlUKtSl/B tne uan^iucK BUUg uy AYXICJ. - pmw. tt licii .uiic A ni T ihprni nflTrmaigTi of the Overseas University and dance may bO-procured frqm man Sewell, the afternoon clos^ and the score-keeper consulted, hnVP hP̂ Ti a r r a n g ^ Graduates' A ssociation,' ^fnd is any member of the lodge or by ing with games for the children it was found that the local bovs wW.h wfll E d d S ^ b v also a foundation .W alter Of the phoning W est 86. t . - .on the lawn.; • . . . . had scored. 16 t o e s while tfce [î 5î i~rn~nHrH.'itr"lffi3rkcTizic"--In terna^nnal=:rGlnhg::s:^b&^:^^. ^ .. "jlFhe-̂ nsualT^a^aAevWillrberheld, i- . . '. -v.-. - V„!......h0B[htheTPiaht^4,-8r.hftys.;;.i;nhld S a t 8 p.m, ' tions Society,... dunng which of the-12th , leaving the Orange ' - i - f nv+ nl R n m '■ tiOUS SOClety,-.. during whwh mc-±..vn, ,cav.i.|. v..c v.»..ey TFw meetinc in West Vancou- edited the ir paper-for Hall a t 7:30.,a.m.i and members ver wiS be M T a f I p.im^^^ youth on,League of are asked to meet a t 7 a.m. to Wednesday, July 11th, in . 'the Orange Hall, when'George Hay will be in the chair. The .speak-: LO.D.E. GARDEN PARTY IIU.U1 OliUI.«5U JLW - I/4SXSUD v..». 1 ' , '.jL ^ .............■ :.do was to g ^ 4 . . . - : T \ ' ' j r ; 4 ' T>«.tia«... ID.nll ' J-jrt ty/̂ aVi/\%»4'Cs4TiY\ . ' ' - *• • {.1: » ' ';do was John Bell, talkative shortstop for"F.C.L, knocked out a, home ers in addition to the candidate, " will be Hon. Dr. George M. 'Weir, minister of education; Mrs. Paul Smith, M.L.A., and HI S. Wood, •K.C. - _ ....... " ~ Other meetings will' be as fbl-̂ ~. -lows: July 6th, 'H orticultural The . annual I.O.D.E. garden ____ ____, ..r - -------v -3 - - A XI, •„ u party will be held on Saturday, run but it came when the b a s^ Nations m atters. , open lodge. A wreath will be q + n K o m and were empty. F.C.I. pulled o f;a Before Point Grey amalgar placed on the Memorial Arch in, ^ • xv̂ * • triple play when Crawford m mated with the city she was ap- miemory of the many who paid from 7 :30 p.m. on m the evening right field pulled down a fly and pointed o ^ th e Poin^ the supreme sacrifice. ̂ a t "Crimsworth Dene," tho home l;hen threw to Tom Neil a t first Planningy^ommission-and-served..:-- The-annual church-parade-wilJL--Qj^j^g^ve and-Mrs^J.-B.-Leyland. whQ-in-turfi relayed-it to-Tearoe be held a t 3 p.hi.» July 8th, in ^ p ' 1 ci^ith ML.A.. will at third to: catch both runners the F irs t Baptist Church, corner ^ off their bases. B urrard and-N elson St.,, :^ v . On Monday, the holiday. F.C.I. ~"~Andrew~Paiil will l3e the apeaker .~ T h e comm ittee-m -charge-is as The collection will be* given to follows: ,-S i 'i ' 4. * in th a t capacity un^til th a t body was suspended* by' the Greater Vancouver Commission. ==^Mrsr=Steeves-is-Tar;memb_erjLqf the Provincial Executive-of the f;' ... ..... folloVs: general convener, Mrs. Vancouver 8 runs to 5. W._B;-Small ;-afternaoh' tea, Mrs. gni Gentleman knocked a home ______ finiirlay; candy booth,-"Mrs, run with^ two op bases while duî xvLxi, ufiiteu -̂/iiuxuxi xxan,' , , i- x rt-p xii "P m A ..'The local lodge fakes this op- ice cream and soft'drinks, Archie on second base fnade_an Capilano; July 12th, L egion H air "speakers list theJP .-T . portunity of inviting the citi- H irst-hom e cooking Mrs. J^nassisted double play. Lynn Valley; July 13th ;K . of P . - ?}as addressed .hundreds of ^ens to attend the celebratipn a t Last Friday Seeds passed out Hall, N orth Vancouver. / ' associations throughout the low- H astings Park and the function P. CT Chapman, lucky dips lor . „ . For furthGF T>articulaî pl^S6 cr niainlaiid ̂on educationarl.„aiid-- Hotsl.--------^ ^ -- ;-- --̂--c3iil<iir0n>---̂ hfi -Mî ^ - Bcryl (xVdy Hall • Noifh Vancouver- C.C.F., a director, of; and fre- 9thr Gorfield's-Hall, Doliarton^ Huent contributor to the ' Com- July 10th, United' Church Hall, monwealth. She ..is on the the" Loyal P rotestant Home for orphan children. - T h k l^ a l lodge takes^ th is^p- '**■*1', A v/x x u x i / i i c i u a x LXUUXCI.J.O ,-y . « • , see advertisement in th is issue .' cultura Isubjects. ______________ As a. souvenir of the W ar she LEGION CARNIVAL ... possesses a Bed TMangle^bad^^ The annual Legion Carnival in coirfeired on her m recognition Ambleside Park on . Dominion . Day proved quite an-attraction, and numbers of our. residents , and_visitors-were^there during i^flos,rted and efficient organiza- the afternoon and ' everiingr: A . , tion who .1^^^ ̂ variety of booths had:be<en set , ™ ^tm gs throu^ghout t h e ^ t i r e up, where cocoariut shies, ring constituency. In. W est Vancou- toss - housie>usie,_sWttles, e te .,. . On Thursday,. 19th instant, the lodge will pay . a fraternal visit to Ladner L.O.L. , ■ and Joan. Purchase; attractions, fbrtune_i:telling, housie-housie, etc., Mrs. ̂Froud. The after­ noon's p ro ^ a m will consist of excerpts from "H.M.S. Pina- of the playoffs, when Freeman's defeated them --26 -runs- to 10. '* l | | RECITAL BY MISS ........................... - . MeINTYRE'S PUPILS fore" by the Junior Girls Choir under the direction of Mrs. Colin On Wednesday and Friday of this week Freeman's will play West Van* Lumber for the right to meet F.C.I. in thfe finals. This will be a two-out-of-three series and the th ird game, if necessary, will be played next h A recital wil Ibe given-by-the M acL^n, -the West Monday. pupils of-Miss M argaret MeIn- Schools Band, Maypole and ..oik _ ----------------- ;-- tyre a t 8:15 p.m. tonigM in the. dancing by tjie school cluldien COMING EVENTS Legion Hall. The assisting a rt- under^ the direction of M ss is t will be Mrs. F; F; Lovegroye. Clara Wilson, and in tlie7eveinng ""fl r # J " -'i • H'v V'® IlUUbJic-XlOUSlĈ SKll/l/i6S^ •x.i j / u Will JVlrSf !**• a.* ♦ x u i v / ------- , ----- , were played, all oL theih lbeing Proceeds will be in aid of local an interesting and varied pro­ well patronized by the-efowd.' for. tomorrow, (J^ d a y ) night, ' - -x ..... The exhibition softball game ■ 4 f and the Circus band also.'assist- ̂ S ]® kers will be IMJs. Steevg^L ed~ in entertaining those, who- .and Dr. Lyle Telford, w m e -poTTir. xi.'-.;-- fLov/a -YxrilLfwi-a fine-musical--'oro- gram, the outstanding fe a ^ re being the Firem en's Band. The. W hist Drive and Dance, Orange Hall, July 20th. came to the jearhivai,"while, the ' ..there wH^ Legion W.A. were there to sup- ^ a m . Next week there ^ i l l he_ .XI.. w e x t? L i i e i e Lu d u ^j- -------- -■r ' •ply tea, soft drinks and .-ice 'i'i®^uieeting m the I^ ^ o n Hall on cream from a booth on the Tuesday evening, July 10, while ..... ' .on-Wednesday, July 11, an after- in<Km tea has been arranged to ISillw Hill, known a s \ "Algy," Regent, Mrs. Hayes, and the over CKWX, spent,Sunday as various committees hope to the guest of Mr. and Mrs. W. R* " make the garden party a mem- Clark, E igh teen th-S tree t., orable one. Mr, and Mrs. R. G. Drost of Vancouver, are occupying Mrs. Morris- Taylor's-house for the summer months. '% * 11' .'4, : d ' W t f ■ grounds. M AC K EN ZIE M A THESON TRINITY* COLLBGHi EXAMS.r^Fhich alL women are invited. In th e /tr in ity College Elocu- '^Any^-- __^men. wishing to attend will tion examination, examiner' Dr.^ also . be cordially welcome. Lyon. Mus.."Bac;; 'M A ., sM rs;; : G)a;mpfire m ee tin g s /a re under.. Fergusson's pupils'^ were /very ' way a t western pointe, while the ' successful, taking h ig h ;h W s > final rally will be; held m the Honors: K. Pollock of. W est . Orange Hall on .Friday,. July. Vancouver, Betty Blakeley, May Headquarters a re Ojpen a t the Mends, Ralph ChadvHh,.. Jean -1700 Block, Marine D i^e# beside Thomson. ? " " Passes: Dorothy Arrow,,Isa-" . -----------^ ^He Hardie,, Jean yP eason ;^ Miss M argaret M cIntyre has Yvonne Pearson. / ? r / r her s tu d w ; above;!^^ Mary B^'dshawCdf Post: .Office^for; o divisions entered fo r th e 'T rm - ,. lefi^bhs can get , f^ollege:Schbla'̂ h t t j!î °'i§I IM p M fe '^ tionmg<h^^ ' r IBERAL'■standard-bearer for the constituency of North Vancouver in the . E by-electidn caused by.the death of H. C. B. Anderson. Mr Matheson has re­ sided at Cdidfeild during the past twenty years. Born Oxford County,̂ On­ tario, he. was educated in-.the public <̂ nd high schools of Bra^on, Mamtoba,- and is a 'graducete in Arts injKe university of that provtnee, and ts a medalist, m the LL B.. degree of that seat of learning. He was tailed to the bar m Winnipeg ■ -and Vdemedlaw fbr-.a time in Saskatchewan, and duringjhe. past twenty-three vears in'Vancouver.. He is an enthusiastic member of West Vancouver Lawn '■ :iowlingiemiand-his..MUch-^^^^ is gardening, ̂ Wednesday evening he rpreived'ithd'iwmination as candidate ifom-an-enthusiast}c and united Liberal convention composed v f a full representation from altpafts of this constituency. ' '4. V*"! .1 h ■ "■ ■■-AV'J -i >• n *y i ■ \ i ^ M ' C'. ' r / V ;• ' "t " \rU y ' c '.a* ' - • T . » V S ' il. f i V t'&ptA i . k m k m m