West Van. News (West Vancouver), 18 Jan 1934, p. 4

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Iv A it WBW8 ' I t o S S a f i B r '« !̂s8̂ b̂ŝd|pK̂||||||̂ ||̂ |||||||̂ |̂|||̂ |̂̂ R||̂ |||̂ ̂ sv M B * F B INAUGURAL ^ ^ m m s 'ii t ' -Jeffebes. « ^ y « i,»*v 1.-; impo(»ed upon us by the ^ * ® t S 5 3 E r o ' -«, ^ 0 ' A. ^ Government Inspecteo 7 «6W »«s>illW «(«W *sW l#«#Aetoeesies l«e U llllint^ n /n r io ) WHEAT luM StBf sfur;:-- BKD^'LiUM^/NiiKi/ *•.... jjsVti** K«l * WUt. allBBM «UT flBANB '■fi 1 'I he ' n' "• ■• J -' 1 f| } '•' i t( . ! t i t '4m* ■' M ^W I^ , v̂*s-| KBAUT, BoUr Brwd2VilM ....................... i,..-....pir nil AWC PKAB. 8l«v« ». Uiider,*ii4 ^ *"■" BWiiNl •tii«»fw****»î *̂t*"̂ .****'*** AlIUI.. Arl,,,, n«4 B WWU COFFEE Vtcuum ®'*.B. a OranulMtMd 8UOAU . (ym li 10 lb*,) ..............6 »»•*Ĝ IIHII, »i» r̂ "tf ............ , , --•»_ PBUNESr fi'*Mib ■ slock;:". ;.;.:;;2 lb*r 29c ------------ ^ > • ■ t t m • • . . . _ _ l < 17cWHEAT PBAHL8.......8 lb, *«ck r Red & Whlt« COCOA, Vt lb- t*«_J®» lU i& While FANCY RBI) BOCKBYB SALMON, flat Una...-.....>2 tlna 85e Tall tlna .......... ®®̂ Red ft White TOMATO SOUP 2 tins . , 'A U ^ W . . dutlOi W nirvFINANCE: Councillora W. Vic Phone West S70 ^ jtfeflOHi K« FWdes, and Ueevf; BOARD OP WORKS & L IG H l. LA III), Swift'* Sllverleaf, per lb. 14e Ck)un'ciIlor B. Piddes aW SAUSAGE Fwre Pork, per lb......He C<)Undb ^ p a BKS: SAUSAGE Be.i Boef. per lb.... He l lg a r and t • .. AAUSAGE Devenahlre, p«r lb,«. l»« Council. __ POT ROAST IIBEF, lb, .lOe te 12Fi« WATER & FIRK FINNAN HADDIE per lb. ...... i«« G artho^e and Council. Fli;i.En'EDTIADDIE per lb.... I7e PUBLICITY: Rcuvo and Coun KIITBRB .................. ......... 8 lbs. 25c PICKLED CALF TONGUE P«r lb 20c OIKESE, OriUrlo Mild, per lb.. .. 2l< BACK b a c o n , (by piece), per lb. 24c BIDK BACON (by piece) per lb. 23c BU'ITER ...................... 2 lbs. for 57c n e w l a id EGGS--Extra*, doz. 25c •■ topec ttu lly^u to^^ *..,1 ,«li IT t. w ,L , ., , j ^ ( 0 O V " O i 1 j fill Biiildinir Material of BeAl Q u a lity a t andallBrnW ingfli^^jj^P N O W I r....... . LTD.W£ST VANCOUVER Lb®*®® " ' ' ■ " - I t o , PKdiio W (S t 868L Phone West 115 Marine , ' ■ Service Right Grades*^ h. 0 . L. No. 2990 FRUITS & VEGETABLES ^FFBES " " Rowe Beauty GRAPE FRUIT. "No Need u Sugar".:.......... CARROTS or TURNIPS ......................... . . . J i b s . 25c ,...?4 fo r 19c ."6 IbBrc-lOC- The regular mueting of Vancouver L.O.L. held in the Orange Hall on 'I ucb- day last, a large, members being present. One member was welcomed bership from InniH ail, AJberta, on transfer certilicatc. I he CLASSIFIED ADS . /.I Advertisements Is 2 cent* per word, minimum 2 5 c:!n't;:."Ex^ep^^nr^^^^^ *̂ ®®*:*" - c o u n ^ «U clsssi. assUfiids \n the West Van yJew* get Immedlsto results. FOR iiENT-6.U«om ,\u„i,...fp»nt. Phono Weot 0»̂ X̂ l o s t -- Female Wire-haired Dog, under year old,_Wednesday, 17th instant. Phone W est 59L3. i HMHMhIiSIM R eeve J , B . L eg lan d Extends Jiis ' sincere thanks to the citizens of West Vancouver for their expression of con- fidence, and will continue to work for the best interests of the Municipality.* M % * * M * * » I - " . 1 , . J c? ThO M « * v * » * * " ----------- l liC S W A iIV i * *SW * * w I WT ra n g e m e n ts w ere well undei w ay Phone . ............ ------ ' a tr-c A ^T T w ^i^d Some WEST VANCOUVER PROPERTIES fo r The S t. P afldclr dance to be FBKHY t a l e s Are Com an For'Sale and Wdnted. C. J. Archer held on F r id a y f ^ a ic h . IGih, popular cigarettes,,Cigars and To- th e hall. . , baScos are always fresh at the An invitation w as rec e iv e d .,. Ambicside Tea Rooms. :-- from North V ancouver L.O.L. ■ - ' For'Sale and Wdnted. C. J. Archer Ltd., 1415 Marine Drive. Phone West 225, Seymour 5954. T from North V ancouver TECHNICIAN - Installa- No. 1840, to pay a r e p f & ,S s tested, serviced v i s i t t o t h e i r l o d g e - o n M o n d a y , c u s t o m b u i l t . T o m B r o w n , 1 » ' - , . 1 . - . -- X : • • t V i / b v t 1 .4 -V m i m r i l l - V T F. n / * i 3 t > • PIANO -TUNING;.:; Repairs, . Adjdst- ments,,€tc. English expert. Maur­ ice Bruce|NortlLJ:664TL 22nd instant, when the initia­ tion ceremony will be conferred on approved candidates. ^ The officers of the lodge will attend the annual County meet­ ing on Saturday, 20th instant, . to be,held in the County Orange Hall,.Gore Avenue and Hastings Street, when the annual election _of-officers-wilLtakii_pLace,_____ West 266R. f u r n is h e d a n d u n f u r n is h e d Houses to Rent. Houses, lots, and FOR RENT~2131^^:M^ 5 rooms, bath, fireplace; also 2119 with three rooms, inside plumbing. See Cromar Bruce. ______ - ., acreaS for sale. John Lawson, ' HEATED TAXI - Phone North 546; I7li, nnH Marine. Phone West 55._ Will go any place any bme. Reason. --7------- r------------------ :--7": : :: aWe rates. Hick s,-J. R.j-Taxi. LOST -- A black and white terrier. Phone West 472L. drawn to the Mass Meeting to W.;CARLEY buys and seRs furniture, paints, oils,' ' glass, etc, French Polishing. Phone W est 71Y. LEGION NOTES be held in tEe~M oose H ^ lT ^ u r - "MARCELLE SHTOPPlT-r- .Thermique ;i -1 l i MI - 1 ^ - G e r a l d D . H g S. wishes to thank his friends and supporters for again electing him to the office of ' Councillor 1934-35 Qfroo-t iTi'thp r i tv a t 8 Dim., PermanentsWavet;^^ f • ' burning. Marcel 50c; ' reset 35d;: ----------- - to n ig h t (T h u rsd a y ) , Finger W ave 60c.-Phone Mrs. King The next general meeting of ant, for which Comrade G. Mc- -rrr--. the branch will be held a t 8 p.m. Neil has been chosen as one ot A.* liî CX VT a Vw Ŵrv'"X.UVAX West^304, 1520 .Marine; sharp, Friday next in the Legion the speakers of the evening. M^oriallI'^l~aTrd7t-is-e'xp€cted- ' --------- -- there will be a large turnout of members SCOUT NOTES THE WELFARE A is fe A T IO N re- quires discarded clothing. Phone -- West-SV-and-rfruck-^lUcollect.^;_ To the E lectors . I wish at this time to thank the Voters and Workers for electing me to represent them on the 1934 and 1935 Council. L a n ce S. G a fth o m e 1 r?t' On the evening of the 10th pensions, unemployment, and Instant the scouts', of thCr 1st economic reconstruction, which West Vancouver Troop ̂ held are some of the basic features their regular weekly meeting iif at present being widely discuss- the Parish Hall. The^ boys are" ed in Legion circles in connec- working hard for their badges, tion with the coming convention and last week K. Vernon' passed slated for March the 12th next, his laundryman's badge, V. will be of vital interest to the Eracewell his carpenter's badge, members at the coming meeting, and M. Burbridge his swimmer's - ' Attention of veterans is _ and pioneer's badges „ OLD GQLD -- Best Price Paid. West Van, Jeweler, 1622 Marine Drive. FIRST-CLASS SHOE REPAIRING- ,14th a t Ferry. 'Best material and workmanship." * -j;:--- ^ FOR PLUMBING REPAIRS -- Res­ idence Phone W est 241R.-^ WEBB'S SHOE REPAIRS WEAR . BEST -- Dundarave. vmmimm Harold Q; Barker wishes to thank his friends and supporters for electing him to the office of ^ SCHOOL TRUSTEE 1934;3A T o the Eleetdrs of W est Vancouver: I would wish to express my sliicere thanks to all those electors and workers who chose me fo r the honor of represent­ ing them on The School Boai*d for 4934 hhd 1985. M R S. A . M. O 'D O N N E L L TheJiardesUob-of alLis try-___ItT ak ^ ailot-b f mental horse- scs------■ ------z.___^ ^ 9 ________ ̂■■X l > ------------------------------------------------------------........................................I . . -. aiL-is-uy---___*i^-i»Kt»-a-Auu-vi -mt;uuu xiutae- ing" to"look busy when you're power7torim ll"̂ « ~ lo a d 'bLbad not* ' ■iiidirtmiimf'j u d ^ e n t No. Grace isn't going to miss thenext danc^ H't' GORDON ROBSON Barrister ~ Solictor WEST^VANGOJJ VER- Office No. 1447r Marine Drive Phone W est 403. 10 to 12. VANCOUVER„ OFFICE-- Suite 501: 610 Hastings St. W. Phone; Seymour 4199. 2 to 6. '̂Oh, i§n't - i t wonderful!" said Grace. "Jack jiist • called' me up and asked-'me to go to the Country Club dance next Friday. I've been so eager to go, particularly after missing, the dance last week. Jack said he had wanted to take me to that one,, too, but as we had ho telephone then he couldn't get in touch with me. . I'm certainly glad we have a te l^ o n e now.' Goodness knows how many invitations I missed while we were without GEO. HAY N otary Public Real E state i&; Insurance L istin g W anted ' " T405 Murine Drive Phone W est 21 or Seymour 1260 Evenings W est 204X one. t e l e p h o n e c o m p a n y_______ __ _,. - • 1 '___ ̂. -r- _____________________ AMBLBSIDE SHECT-METAL WORKS S, CROSSOlf , L. SPECK --:̂ .-v.,̂ .l!:r<̂ iotoisL=. ̂ ; it i " \ -V V E H N O N F E E D S T O R E A. <1 SEARLE Phone West 9 Fertilizers of AB Kinds ' v * < V :;5 ;7 r- Woo^^CoaL BuiMers' S n p p ® ^ ■i I -iiw v;i tl M "U .-6m m ) ̂ f » V S <1 W' ,C: V ftiV .y 'Si S iS & 'V