- t ■rS f«. ft ( • In the 0KAN6B HAI^.JKONDAY, JAN. 22nA' >t 8 PJA -- '--T' . ^ ■ - ■ a___________- ̂ ' ■»■ J l i b t*" ■ .ifJmlcfiMf r V* * TEAROE & SON :♦"< ff s. 'garni, B n U d e n * v $ u i i ^ W o o d i "Ci^!':'"'!" D u m p T r u c k W ork - pacific Coast this ysar. Two .................■ St wook in West epn^U m ^ ^ t q i r i o a ^ o ^ M u ^ ^ f t ie ' 'W b t ^ f b o o t t i ^ ^ f l b r e COUNCIL NOTES ..»k.., * ■.. 9kt* 3 l i6 a ' ........ Ill •* -.» ■. w.- ■ -uSB M.' E«. Sambel wrote ttie Vanco .the stojre situated at the a d v ^ that this matter was* in have also started to drum! hihdl; • > „ ,; I . ♦ * ♦ ,. ir2iki„,r, .., J* ' Marine Orlve*• * *■ Bliss Almas, 1243 Marino Drive, has been eonOned to her home through sickness. . Bfrs. L. Burley, 187 28th St., hi K. W. SaTWjr 1443 Marine Drive ' Ambleside I , Phone West 340 Evenings,.>West 148 ^ Real Estate m The Eidsre Inspector sent Into was confined to her home « t the of the week through apprediation was: sent him for * r Ms services.. Mrs. B. Sisson, 24tti and Hay- ,*• ^ ^ w oodA venue,i8visitinginV ic- -Mrs. F. ,D. Grafton wrote the toria, : A public meeting o f the Group Mov'ement will be held at S p.m. next Sunday in the Horticultural Hall, North Vancouver. « ' i t i a i f a T M eriR A SD lE r a is ir a s ....i--r:,oa........ 9Kc _ : i i i . n . 11.25 ......... .. ... s Drag Store Thft Store of Senrleoi 1402 Marino Drlro WoatSI Bmergeney Phone Woat 321 (After 10 p,m.) ' ■ '̂ fli '> ' h ' t 1 7 i! 4. I*; < f '\̂ < \ A. >¥h*• • 1, ij ■ council regarding the Lighthouse Park ̂Trail, The matter was re- .ferredltp. .the,,.chairman „of the parks and the engineer with pbwer to act. ' * 0 0 The. tJ.B.C.M. wrote the coun cil regarding the convention in Victoria on 29th January. The The best skiing of the year Mrs. F. X. Hodgson sang a group of songs at the Women's Musical Club yesterday in the Hotel Vancouver.. . * 0 < 0- was enjoyed-Idst Sunday by the many who went up Hollyburn Ridge over the week endr Since then considerable snow has fal len.' ' 0 ,* 0 As the .time for the annual clerk was instructed to forward check-up of the Hollyburn Public a resolution regarding the Work- Library has arrived, it Is re men's Cbmpensation Act aiid the " quested that all those who have matters relating to Housing books be kind enough to return Loan - Arrears and the setting them by the 31st January, aside of a reserve to. be referred * ̂ , to:the^reeVe:and:theohairman o f ^ AUanDatum*Jedgerrkeeperat. finance*. ■the ■Royal"Baitik"hererhiBs"been~ Philip C. ()hapiliaii (ieneral insurance Agent , Fir«, Automobile. Burglary, Accident and Sickness,, etc. 2557 King's Ave. Thono W.^42y8 transferred, ito the 25th Avenue The council ordered a vote of Branch o f the bank in Vancou- thanks to be forwarded to the place..has been taken fire marshal for the'very effici- Ohver of the-Mam ent and Isatisfactory manner in Office. * i * which the duties and require- ments of that office had been , Mr. and Mrs. R. R Johnson met and for the clear and ilium- haw moved from 17th and M - inating report presented on the Avenue, into a house at 1576 year's oi^fations; also that this * - 'The " hoar; frost of -Monday morning, January 15th, gave place to rain soon after 1 p.m.; and there was a steady down- popr during the afternoon and much of the night. 1.84 inches Were received at Duchess Ave nue up till 8 a.m. Tuesday.* ♦ * - Word has been received from the Eaiat of the death at the family residence, Church ..Street, Acton, Ontario, of Jean Mildred, invalid daughter .o f .. Mrs. Janet and the latO ^efef^ayers. "De ceased was a sister of Mrs, T. G. Armstrong, formerly of 2331 Bellevue Avenue, and now resid ing at 887 Broadway. West, Van- HOLtYBUKN Barber Shop 16th & Murine e x p b r t : s b k v i g b E. MARSH, Proprietor. t i appreciation of the services rendered be recorded on the min utes. , ■ ■ / Dr. H. B. Sotham, formerly of the High School teaching staff. waiSj a recent visitor in West W est V a n . Sheet Metal Works A'gents^M c(3ary~Furnacesr". ' Furnace- and Range Repairs General Sheet Metal Work. PHONE WEST 39 Evenings:, North 1584R. "We make warm* friends." a r o o S ^ ' to^toe " toff " o l ' X PUBLIC MEETING (Under auspices o f the C.C.P.) - LEGrONTHALtjANr24; a t 8 p.m. H. C. E. Anderson, M.L.A., will discuss the. issues before the next session, of the Provincial Legislature and deal with rep- ,.resentation on .legislative mat- ' ters from the constituency. Everybody welcome. Mrs. C. H. -Gnffiths, 25th aiid Bellevue Avenue, has received from a sisterlh Scotland a photo said by the latter to be genuine of the LociriP^ess Monster. It: shows a, huge reptile of the lizard family on the shores of a lake with a dead Iamb in its mouth. The body, including the long tail would not be les& than fifty feet long and the head resembling that o f a horse, and held high ap- .pears to about twelve^feet off the ground. ' ~ couver. , F. Harropl Ottawa Avenue, is in the Vancouver, General Hos pital, where he recently under went an operation. Much pleasure waS' derived from a little party given by Valerie Smith to her Sunday School classmates last Thursday afternoon at her home, 992 20th Streetr--Those-preseht-were-her- teacher, Miss Noiris, Doris (Ele ment, Lois Colvin)' Joyce Coney, Stella Gracey, Pamela Haslam, Joan Jessamine, Mary McLeod, Louise Messinger, V a l e r i e Brmth: Hollyburn Theatre I't FRIDAY and SATURDAY " January 19th and 20ih,̂'1 I Cover the Wateriront with BEN LYON, i CLAUDEl'TE COLBERT and ERNEST TORRENCE -MONtt TUES. & WEDNESDAY* January 22nd, 23rd and 24th A story; of the San Francisco earthquake. 'Frisco, jenny ̂ with ̂ RUTH CHATTERTON ii<M I 1 '4 T-witl-ffil i&Ji .'i f r Strattoh's BAKERY Bread, Cakes, Pastries, Bamburies, Almond Varieties, -iBiiithday,-Christening,- and Wedding Cakes 1468 Marine Drive Phone West 27 . ] « llfS ' 'i*' ' f ■ :<T'r|' L . - ii fj'lf I. O. D. Ei Mr. and Mrs. P. Woods have moved ■ into a hdusq a t' 2882 Bellevue Avenue. The Duncan Lawson Chapter, •LO.D.E., is arranging a Lunch eon and Bridge to be held on January 29th-at 12 noon in the dining room of David Spencer Ltd. Those who have not al ready made "their reservations are asked to phone the convener, Mrs. F, N. Hirst,. West 63L3 as soon as possible. C. J. Overington PIO N EER BARBER Expert Work . 14th and Marine P h oneW estl35 . DEBATE AT CAPILANO, Under the auspices of Capilano C.C.F. Club a debate will be held in the Capilano United Church, 22nd and Phillips Ave., on Thursday, January 18th, at 8 p.m. The subject of the debate will-be-^The-Praoticability-of-the- ,i "The council ordered purchased from Pemberton & Son for sink ing fund purposes a $5,000 West Vancouver 5Y2% bond due 1946 at 89.94. . He: "Will you marry me, dearest ?" She: "Certainly, Companion ate, trial or fight-to-a-fmish ?" Ik Ik Give me the man who cheer fully faces the problems of the day and tries hard to overcome them.. - p.\if \ ' i M ::fsl : ' 4 - ' | ' it-? National program." The meet ing is an open one and all inter ested are cordially invited to at tend. Your bndgegame wiH improve your 40-watt ,£k>'si They, use only l/4 of a C€mi in added current for an entire evf ning. 4^ fjjfer p." .Ti'fc' i- teett*te ^ T iS H COLUMBIA ELECTRIC RAILWAY CC UNEMPLOYED ASSOCIATION OF WEST VANCOUVER The next meeting of the Un- emplayed Association of ̂ West Vancouver will be held in the Socialist Hail on Thursday, Jan uary-25th, at 8 p.m. As an effort is being made to link up with other non-political _u n e m p 1 o y e d organizations throughout the Province, with a view to obtaining better living conditions for thoise affected, it is urged that as manyjinemploy- " "ed men and their dependents at ̂ tend possible. Reports of delegates attend ing other unemployed meetings will be given and the evening Tshotild be an interesting one. A plan outlining the needs of unemployed families in the North Shore Riding has been drawn up by the West Vancouver U. A. and w ll be presented to H. C..E. Andersoii, member elect for^this constituency, prior to his meeting in the. Legion* Ifell on Wednesday, January 24th, when Mr. Anderson has promis ed to deal with such issues. CORPORATION OF THE DISTRICT OF WEST VANCmiYER, NOTICE TO RATEPAYERS Payment-of-taxes-far-the-year 1934 can bertnadeTirrad^" vance and if paid on or before the" 30th of April will bear interest at the rate of ' , - 5% PER ANNUM ' , from the date of payment to June 30th, 1934. • Payments, may be made at the Municipal Hall, 14th and Esquimalt, Hollyburn, B. C. W. HERRIN, ' . Municipal Clerk. TM iH l tH4 7-̂ '•■•■•A '■V, ■l.i « 1 ! -k i i fA ■ p 'im r *, I SUNSHINE OIL BURNER TBBM Si-$13ie0 DOWN, and 8 MONTHLY PAYMENTS OF $5.60, - or $53.00 CASH About the price of 1 ton of good coal in&tals the burner; and the combined monthly payment and fuel coist is ju st about the same as you will be payinjg for coal anywroy (Oil costs about 1 cent an hour), and you win more than gave cost of burner in: 1 year by less washingr of curtains and house decorations because of I ts cleanliness. Ask for ope of our men toccall and ta lk COAL. N . ^ 2l8 WOOD SAW P b S T OIL Phone HilK Dowal Day: West 340 Nights : West 622X- It 1 ■I 4 ■< ' H - M i ' ■/ • 1 1 ^ ' .-4;