West Van. News (West Vancouver), 18 Jan 1934, p. 3

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- t ■rS f«. ft ( • In the 0KAN6B HAI^.JKONDAY, JAN. 22nA' >t 8 PJA -- '--T' . ^ ■ - ■ a___________- ̂ ' ■»■ J l i b t*" ■ .ifJmlcfiMf r V* * TEAROE & SON :♦"< ff s. 'garni, B n U d e n * v $ u i i ^ W o o d i "Ci^!':'"'!" D u m p T r u c k W ork - pacific Coast this ysar. Two .................■ St wook in West epn^U m ^ ^ t q i r i o a ^ o ^ M u ^ ^ f t ie ' 'W b t ^ f b o o t t i ^ ^ f l b r e COUNCIL NOTES ..»k.., * ■.. 9kt* 3 l i6 a ' ........ Ill •* -.» ■. w.- ■ -uSB M.' E«. Sambel wrote ttie Vanco .the stojre situated at the a d v ^ that this matter was* in have also started to drum! hihdl; • > „ ,; I . ♦ * ♦ ,. ir2iki„,r, .., J* ' Marine Orlve*• * *■ Bliss Almas, 1243 Marino Drive, has been eonOned to her home through sickness. . Bfrs. L. Burley, 187 28th St., hi K. W. SaTWjr 1443 Marine Drive ' Ambleside I , Phone West 340 Evenings,.>West 148 ^ Real Estate m The Eidsre Inspector sent Into was confined to her home « t the of the week through apprediation was: sent him for * r Ms services.. Mrs. B. Sisson, 24tti and Hay- ,*• ^ ^ w oodA venue,i8visitinginV ic- -Mrs. F. ,D. Grafton wrote the toria, : A public meeting o f the Group Mov'ement will be held at S p.m. next Sunday in the Horticultural Hall, North Vancouver. « ' i t i a i f a T M eriR A SD lE r a is ir a s ....i--r:,oa........ 9Kc _ : i i i . n . 11.25 ......... .. ... s Drag Store Thft Store of Senrleoi 1402 Marino Drlro WoatSI Bmergeney Phone Woat 321 (After 10 p,m.) ' ■ '̂ fli '> ' h ' t 1 7 i! 4. I*; < f '\̂ < \ A. >¥h*• • 1, ij ■ council regarding the Lighthouse Park ̂Trail, The matter was re- .ferredltp. .the,,.chairman „of the parks and the engineer with pbwer to act. ' * 0 0 The. tJ.B.C.M. wrote the coun­ cil regarding the convention in Victoria on 29th January. The The best skiing of the year Mrs. F. X. Hodgson sang a group of songs at the Women's Musical Club yesterday in the Hotel Vancouver.. . * 0 < 0- was enjoyed-Idst Sunday by the many who went up Hollyburn Ridge over the week endr Since then considerable snow has fal­ len.' ' 0 ,* 0 As the .time for the annual clerk was instructed to forward check-up of the Hollyburn Public a resolution regarding the Work- Library has arrived, it Is re­ men's Cbmpensation Act aiid the " quested that all those who have matters relating to Housing books be kind enough to return Loan - Arrears and the setting them by the 31st January, aside of a reserve to. be referred * ̂ , to:the^reeVe:and:theohairman o f ^ AUanDatum*Jedgerrkeeperat. finance*. ■the ■Royal"Baitik"hererhiBs"been~ Philip C. ()hapiliaii (ieneral insurance Agent , Fir«, Automobile. Burglary, Accident and Sickness,, etc. 2557 King's Ave. Thono W.^42y8 transferred, ito the 25th Avenue The council ordered a vote of Branch o f the bank in Vancou- thanks to be forwarded to the place..has been taken fire marshal for the'very effici- Ohver of the-Mam ent and Isatisfactory manner in Office. * i * which the duties and require- ments of that office had been , Mr. and Mrs. R. R Johnson met and for the clear and ilium- haw moved from 17th and M - inating report presented on the Avenue, into a house at 1576 year's oi^fations; also that this * - 'The " hoar; frost of -Monday morning, January 15th, gave place to rain soon after 1 p.m.; and there was a steady down- popr during the afternoon and much of the night. 1.84 inches Were received at Duchess Ave­ nue up till 8 a.m. Tuesday.* ♦ * - Word has been received from the Eaiat of the death at the family residence, Church ..Street, Acton, Ontario, of Jean Mildred, invalid daughter .o f .. Mrs. Janet and the latO ^efef^ayers. "De­ ceased was a sister of Mrs, T. G. Armstrong, formerly of 2331 Bellevue Avenue, and now resid­ ing at 887 Broadway. West, Van- HOLtYBUKN Barber Shop 16th & Murine e x p b r t : s b k v i g b E. MARSH, Proprietor. t i appreciation of the services rendered be recorded on the min­ utes. , ■ ■ / Dr. H. B. Sotham, formerly of the High School teaching staff. waiSj a recent visitor in West W est V a n . Sheet Metal Works A'gents^M c(3ary~Furnacesr". ' Furnace- and Range Repairs General Sheet Metal Work. PHONE WEST 39 Evenings:, North 1584R. "We make warm* friends." a r o o S ^ ' to^toe " toff " o l ' X PUBLIC MEETING (Under auspices o f the C.C.P.) - LEGrONTHALtjANr24; a t 8 p.m. H. C. E. Anderson, M.L.A., will discuss the. issues before the next session, of the Provincial Legislature and deal with rep- ,.resentation on .legislative mat- ' ters from the constituency. Everybody welcome. Mrs. C. H. -Gnffiths, 25th aiid Bellevue Avenue, has received from a sisterlh Scotland a photo said by the latter to be genuine of the LociriP^ess Monster. It: shows a, huge reptile of the lizard family on the shores of a lake with a dead Iamb in its mouth. The body, including the long tail would not be les& than fifty feet long and the head resembling that o f a horse, and held high ap- .pears to about twelve^feet off the ground. ' ~ couver. , F. Harropl Ottawa Avenue, is in the Vancouver, General Hos­ pital, where he recently under­ went an operation. Much pleasure waS' derived from a little party given by Valerie Smith to her Sunday School classmates last Thursday afternoon at her home, 992 20th Streetr--Those-preseht-were-her- teacher, Miss Noiris, Doris (Ele­ ment, Lois Colvin)' Joyce Coney, Stella Gracey, Pamela Haslam, Joan Jessamine, Mary McLeod, Louise Messinger, V a l e r i e Brmth: Hollyburn Theatre I't FRIDAY and SATURDAY " January 19th and 20ih,̂'1 I Cover the Wateriront with BEN LYON, i CLAUDEl'TE COLBERT and ERNEST TORRENCE -MONtt TUES. & WEDNESDAY* January 22nd, 23rd and 24th A story; of the San Francisco earthquake. 'Frisco, jenny ̂ with ̂ RUTH CHATTERTON ii<M I 1 '4 T-witl-ffil i&Ji .'i f r Strattoh's BAKERY Bread, Cakes, Pastries, Bamburies, Almond Varieties, -iBiiithday,-Christening,- and Wedding Cakes 1468 Marine Drive Phone West 27 . ] « llfS ' 'i*' ' f ■ :<T'r|' L . - ii fj'lf I. O. D. Ei Mr. and Mrs. P. Woods have moved ■ into a hdusq a t' 2882 Bellevue Avenue. The Duncan Lawson Chapter, •LO.D.E., is arranging a Lunch­ eon and Bridge to be held on January 29th-at 12 noon in the dining room of David Spencer Ltd. Those who have not al­ ready made "their reservations are asked to phone the convener, Mrs. F, N. Hirst,. West 63L3 as soon as possible. C. J. Overington PIO N EER BARBER Expert Work . 14th and Marine P h oneW estl35 . DEBATE AT CAPILANO, Under the auspices of Capilano C.C.F. Club a debate will be held in the Capilano United Church, 22nd and Phillips Ave., on Thursday, January 18th, at 8 p.m. The subject of the debate will-be-^The-Praoticability-of-the- ,i "The council ordered purchased from Pemberton & Son for sink­ ing fund purposes a $5,000 West Vancouver 5Y2% bond due 1946 at 89.94. . He: "Will you marry me, dearest ?" She: "Certainly, Companion­ ate, trial or fight-to-a-fmish ?" Ik Ik Give me the man who cheer­ fully faces the problems of the day and tries hard to overcome them.. - p.\if \ ' i M ::fsl : ' 4 - ' | ' it-? National program." The meet­ ing is an open one and all inter­ ested are cordially invited to at­ tend. Your bndgegame wiH improve your 40-watt ,£k>'si They, use only l/4 of a C€mi in added current for an entire evf ning. 4^ fjjfer p." .Ti'fc' i- teett*te ^ T iS H COLUMBIA ELECTRIC RAILWAY CC UNEMPLOYED ASSOCIATION OF WEST VANCOUVER The next meeting of the Un- emplayed Association of ̂ West Vancouver will be held in the Socialist Hail on Thursday, Jan­ uary-25th, at 8 p.m. As an effort is being made to link up with other non-political _u n e m p 1 o y e d organizations throughout the Province, with a view to obtaining better living conditions for thoise affected, it is urged that as manyjinemploy- " "ed men and their dependents at ̂ tend possible. Reports of delegates attend­ ing other unemployed meetings will be given and the evening Tshotild be an interesting one. A plan outlining the needs of unemployed families in the North Shore Riding has been drawn up by the West Vancouver U. A. and w ll be presented to H. C..E. Andersoii, member elect for^this constituency, prior to his meeting in the. Legion* Ifell on Wednesday, January 24th, when Mr. Anderson has promis­ ed to deal with such issues. CORPORATION OF THE DISTRICT OF WEST VANCmiYER, NOTICE TO RATEPAYERS Payment-of-taxes-far-the-year 1934 can bertnadeTirrad^" vance and if paid on or before the" 30th of April will bear interest at the rate of ' , - 5% PER ANNUM ' , from the date of payment to June 30th, 1934. • Payments, may be made at the Municipal Hall, 14th and Esquimalt, Hollyburn, B. C. W. HERRIN, ' . Municipal Clerk. TM iH l tH4 7-̂ '•■•■•A '■V, ■l.i « 1 ! -k i i fA ■ p 'im r *, I SUNSHINE OIL BURNER TBBM Si-$13ie0 DOWN, and 8 MONTHLY PAYMENTS OF $5.60, - or $53.00 CASH About the price of 1 ton of good coal in&tals the burner; and the combined monthly payment and fuel coist is ju st about the same as you will be payinjg for coal anywroy (Oil costs about 1 cent an hour), and you win more than gave cost of burner in: 1 year by less washingr of curtains and house decorations because of I ts cleanliness. Ask for ope of our men toccall and ta lk COAL. N . ^ 2l8 WOOD SAW P b S T OIL Phone HilK Dowal Day: West 340 Nights : West 622X- It 1 ■I 4 ■< ' H - M i ' ■/ • 1 1 ^ ' .-4;