11̂ 9 ^̂ *9SS#SA s:i?nittii«.ailJi!isiiiP!$3!issi®̂ . ' . ' ' ' t : ......... i........ . I'W. IkMf J i *-5-A.»'- 'i'lifĉ-*fr ? 'A--.« i k I&- liHi t " <! '̂A>' V « O H<»H--*irt ^.-M fc •». »V* i fei 1 ,' ■ fSi' AIfllSw WSirai, mm̂ ' W Mf ̂ . t -» ,^w»-^„«v%,.«- » . .<«(W»4»'ll̂ -̂ - >r' Circulating in the District of IVest Vancoupej/̂ Amh/esî le, Hqllybum^ Weston, Dundarave ^ ^ 6fl pel* copy at newsstands. iiiiiiriiii[iiiiiirliiii(aMiwiii<Miiiiiiiiiiww-|iiMii«iiiiiiî^̂̂^̂ ..artiwiiwiifaitiiitiilliiMiil̂ ilte tammirntM m Umm \'ol. VIII "H"| I . , . .' -JV"' ' ' . ' 'I"*'- 'i HOLLYBURN P.O., WEST VANCOUVER. B.C., THURSDAY, JANUARY iSth, 1934 No. 38 'V<. j' t <' ' \ ■■ i *.'v .H > »' : liWiifeiisigiiK '̂w |r A ̂ ^ t V I w JI V jm J N m A f I J ▼'1!iK . ^ t f U M « M U u J L 9 ̂ 4 * '^ I ( , Xt ' * h , '• •I./-'-'; mwfcl Vv, ^ Vfj V ̂h ̂ ' t ' '■./ l&y Councillor R. F idd^ T >.',' m;, ' "' vi.," , , ' Councillor L. S. Gai^home -M ^ 4?̂ ' ** . ..' .1 V T; ' . , ii." ̂■ ' ► ' ■ VI , V % "' i\, . , ,t '/'k ■/' V. ' ■' \.r . , " .X j A \ i 'i .•." '. 'I Vi I : ^ ^ 4 4 ■ '! lA- !'Vir̂ Councillor W. Dickiitispn i r' ^̂ i' H. C. E. ANDERSON, M .L.A.,. TO SPEAK PRITCHARD TO SPEAK IN WEST VANCOUVER Reeve if. 1̂ . Leyland Councillor G. D. Elgar Under the'auspices of the local C,C.F. organization, an open meeting will- be held in i the Legion Hall, on January 24th, at 8 p.m., which will be addressed ■ by H. C. E. Anderson, member- elect for this constituency in the Provincial Legislature^ Mr. And erson will deal with the issues .likely to arise during the .ap- -Tproaching"-session^^--Victoriar and will di§cuss,.r)^jres!e»tatihns, advanced by vafibus local organ izations with regard to proposed legislation. Any organization de- * siring to make a submission for _purposes-ol-public-discussion-on- this occasion should communi cate with Mr. Anderson-or the Secretary of the local G.C.F. organization, prior'to the- meet- Is there a need for a daily paper which will report without political, financial or religious bias. , the daily, events as they happen throughout the world? yV, A . Pritchard believes that there is and will address a West Vancouver audience in the Or ange Hall on Monday,. January 22nd at 8 p.m. ,to that effect. He will be accompanied by --Dayid^EllisTwhonyilLoutlinerthe' /legal^.ahd;4lnuhciat standing of- the proposed .new* daily, and questions and ̂ discussions are invited. ' The meeting is an open one, -^and-is held-under-the~auspices" of the C.C.F. NOTICK TO RATEPAyERS. •^ E V rS i^ A U G U M L Tbxes for the year 1934 can be paid in advance and, if paid on or before April 30th,. will bear interest at 5 per cent̂ per annum from , the date of payr ment tq 30th June, 1934. Pay ments may be made at the muni cipal hall. An" advertisement relative to this appears in this issue. ADDRESS AT THE STATUTORY MEETING THIS AFTERNOON ous points which still exist, with a'view to avoiding further, traf fic-accidents;:-- L E G H M ^^i A^ 9f mg. If you say .̂ ît can't be^done, you'll be-interrupted-by someone doing it. ' ■ THE MUNICIPAL ELECTIONS As was very generally expected, Councillors G. D, Elgar and Lance Garthome were.returned to office by very large majorities. In one of the most difficult years through which West Vancouver^ has ever passedrboth of them had made excellent showings-in the municipal departments in their charge, as had indeed the council as a whole. Added to this it was common knowledge that complete harmony reigned among the members of the council,^ a very necessary condition, iLgood^woflri^tcrbe done," and~one,'^ich unfortunately is notA . . . - . ^ r . . . a ai>V V TheM , B, and W Groups of the Legion W. A., are giving a ■^military whist driy,b ,md old ~tiffie~dance W 'Saturda^evem of this week in the Legion Mem orial Hall. 'TumeFs Orchestra will supply the /music. There --will-be -good-prizes -and refresh- meiits.^ Admission 25 cents. Everybody welcome.------ The District Council will meet at 2 p.m. Friday, January 26th, when the annual electiori of of ficers will take place. LEGION ENTERTAINMENT as common in such bodies as it might or ought to , be. Under the. circumstances," therefore,', the'electors would have beeh very unwise and very ungrateful had they done less than signify their approval by returning Councillors Elgar and7 Garthorne by the handsome majorities given them. There are some w h o; seem tq hold to the opinion that no candidate should.be given, an acclamation regardless of his reco^ while in office.-.W e cannot agree with this." For it seenfsHonasi:hat"the~bestrwayin"which'the-eIectors-ean-signi#-- sir app . A very enjoyable evening, was had by all attending the first of a series of whist drives and dances held in the Legion Hall last Friday. A good crowd was in attendance and tallied good scores4owards the grand aggrel -gate.--Erize-winnerslof-the-eyen=. their appreciation of a.candidate,'if he-has done good work while an office, is not 'tb bother him with an election, apart , from the fa,ct tjhat such ac.tiqn saves the municipality money. The results in the election for ̂school trustees occasioned no surprise,among those who h^d had. tlfieir ears to the ground. Rumblings of-discontent have been heard around the the municipality for some months over school matters and on Saturday" the electors put^ that discontent into , action. Rightly or wrongly, the nev/ system and some of the-changes in the personnel made as a result of that change did not and have not generally met with the approval of the ratepayers. The new school board-is faced with a difficult situation, but there is no question that the electors by their ballots have ...given^them-a-4nandate"'mad'"WilL^xpectfthem-to-i:fii3nmate.xhe. status auo in the schools ds soon as.it is possible to do so; Detajlspf the Results of the voting a r e , given below: FORCOUNCIL:-- . . . / ^ Elgar,-G. D . ..1......1........ ̂ ' Garthome, Lance...... ............ Lambert, Lr. RusseU; T. E . W; fo r SCHOOL BOARD :-r , O'pbnnell," Mrs; A. M. Barker, H. ' G. i__I..-;.:.../...... McDonald, W: N. ..... -- -- - .^ -B r a d sh a w r F r E ~ --~ --322 ^ ;K eh d r ick ,:C .'^ ^ ing were Mrs. W. Green, Mrs. W. Slater, H. P. Gray and W. Slater. Dancing was enjoyed to the music of Roy Lowes and George Childs. Next drive will be held -Fridayy-Januaiyv--26th,--Watch for further announcements. WEST VANCOUVER > SCOTTISH SOCIETY Attention is called to mem bers and friends of the society! that the regular meeting,Y-ill be held on the fourth Friday, of the month, January-26th.,_juid will take the form o f^ Bums'Night. Watch next week's issue of this paper for particulars and adyer- /"tisementT" 521 505 201 187 545 377 348 Number of baSbts in poll 7M . < , . j u «« It should be. added, that'John. Sinclair was elected by ac clamation for police commissioner,' _D E A T H OF J. J. HANNA J. J. Hanna, for over twenty years a resident , of West Van couver, passed away suddenly early Tuesday morning on board the Santa Rosa while en route to Los Angeles. The deceased, who was 74 years old, was bom. in Janetville, Ontario, but^came to Vancouver in 1891 and has been :1ri:business th ere j® ? o leaves to mourn his- loss his m fe and a daughteri both resi dents of Vancouver.,, To the . Members ■of the 1934 Council: Gentlemen-- It is a personal pleasure for me to welcome you^here today, enhanced by. knowledge of the ' fact that the Council has receiv- -^ed-the~coniplete-confidence-and endbrsation^.nf-the Electorate NotwithstaniMng the difficult -times th rou ^ which we have passed. W est Yancouver has pro gressed rapidly during the last -few-yearsT-and-our-own progres- siveness will in itself bring with it many serious problems. These problems can be handled satis factorily by careful planning and far-sighted vision; on~the~ part of the Council, and it is cer- -uthin that if the same enthusi asm and co-operation, that has- existed in the past is_ continued^ in the future, we have reason to maintain our faith in the destiny of this Municipality as becom ing one of the most attractive residential areas in Canada. It is desirable to prepare the Budget as early as possible, though some delay may be ex perienced, owing to uncertainty as' tb -the extent to which the Provincial Government may be able to relieve Municipalities in respect to grants and the cost of Social Services. The Financ .̂, Committee will no doubt take conservative view in their esti mates. until such time as there is-definite assurani^ of a higher percentage of collections from different sources of revenue. A list of public works for the present year has already been submitted to the Council for their consideration, and as each item seems necessary to the sections of the Municipality con- cerned, an effort should be made for the completion of same be fore the. end of the year. Last year certain important drainage systems were much improved in the Eastern and Central sec tions of "fhT'IMuhicIpality, and" this year our attention might be directed to the Cypress Park, area,^ where many of our J^x- payers are suffering from flood eonditions. We have reasonable Arrangements for more. perm-, anent Transportation facilities to points beyond West Bay must receive our early attention. AYhile the Second Narrows Bridge has been out of . commis sion-, and during a^period of business depression, a private company has provided a modified . service at a financial -loss to themselves, and the Municipality --has been-unable-to-provide-funds-- ̂ for purchase o f such equipment ' as would be. necessary to supply ade^rate. service ;, especially-.is_ .th is , so- during the summer months when, in addition to a 't! '.V I f i tM' 'rtf '* '̂*1 -ftS k » , L ̂f i*' '■ r, -lim it^ local--traffic~there~is""* heavy^ traffic ■ from outside points.. An increase in resident population in the Western area is already- indicated, and definite plans must.be made to cope with vthe_si_tuation. iff:;* kh *»r>' __It is our intention to rp^e gradual improvements, to Amble:: ?̂"" -side-Beach and Park, which have proven a source of health and happiness to so many o f ' our citizens, and especially the chil dren. However, some arrange ments should be made for bath house facilities in order that the public may find reasonable com fort and convenience. Bonds a- mounting to $40,000.00 were re tired last year in connectiOn'with the Dundarave Wharf. This #!Wharf-is-a-decided-asset-to-the Community, and I would respect fully, urge that an endeavour be cmade for its repair,' as if neg lected much longer we shall 'be burdened with a structure that -is-useless-a-nd-an-eyesore-to^t-he district. .'.i Hi. U'" v : i f c ' i ' - i S ii ./-'f t r i .-Y-ii. ^ la-i ' i il' f S > iff"■'ri A ii assurance ,that the Second Nar^ dll ■rows Bridge will be completed during the early summer, and while certain protection works have been carried out at curves oh the ..Marine Drive, it will* be; -advisable-for_theJGounci.l_..tq.-re::l quest" tlie Provincial authorities to erect more guard rails or dry walls at the remaining danger-^ The result of the First Narrows Bridge plebiscite wijl give con siderable impetus to land devel opment, and it-is necessary that By-laws having reference^ to building regulations be strictly enforced in the interest of those who make substantial invest ments in this Municipality. The Provincial Government, through the Department of Lands, is how being approached to hasten the Nationalization of Garibaldi Park, and if̂ possible,, to, begin the extension of the Marine Drive from Whytecliff to Squam- ish. This Council should assist in urging that this project be commenced as soon as possible. May I again appeal for con tinuance of the good-will and harmony that'has always exist ed ainong members of this Coun cil, in order that the business of the-Municipality may be car- ifiedrmrirwithr dispatch -and^ef ■ mll'iTt tS-I '■1 f « •4%. 'i \- .i w .f.-; I.;' I -s - h.,' 'if . f . . ^ ■■.! 'VI ficiency, justifying _the trust (Continued on .Page 4) V ̂ 1 4- " , ' " s i - ' - , . , , - 1 .k. •r* I'- ̂ L