F rlcet good o n Friday and Saturday^ J an . 6 th an d 6th - ' iBy'*tuifii6 did not-4̂ )* - ■ pear In the N6w Year's honors' 'C taN N N B V iC tB - aOLt»>OAT0/ltoMa Haed a«»MI Lwf• packsf• itm iliT hmK doff« si# iRAfa FRUIT. Iirf#.... . 4 for 11# TURNIF8 or TABLE CARUOTR fe i . lb I# Rod a WMt# FLOUR, Ffit«#l tioili#* HoM Flour 49 It. a#«l( $ iM ' ' SI 'lb. •uefc tN j * 7 lb. i tfb M4 Rod a Wbli# liAXmG POWDER R«d a Wbit# COOIA, Vt H». Un l|« 1b. tin 1 w I DATE% Now Shipment, FIGS, Frekh Smymn Cobldns RICE FRUNl j m Fine. Quality. Riiil* Clara SRIiXJtAH. 2 lb i .1 l# 6 lbs. 21c S Iba. 21c Hilliob. 83« .* t SLICI^ PINEAPPLE Faultieoi Brand, aice 2 tin.............. 2 for 17c TOMATO JUICE HoRy Brand lOPi ox. tin Be Meat# P hone W est 370 neUĵ Seeing that we arô both, SLICED BACON. lb. pkf...... 12c LARD. SwifPa............ ;,:;.per lb. 14c SHORTENING. Flakcwhite, lb. lie CHEESE Beat Ontario mod. lb. 21c CHEESE Full matured.........»lb. Sic DILLS, Frexlf atock « Bk J «*• 8 for lOe FINEST PORK SAUSAGE lb. ISc BEEP SAUSAGE.....:........per lb. 10c FINNAN HADDIE... ..«:..per Ib. 15c POT ROAST, per Ib.... lOc to JZVtc soup/he has my sincer- e it eommfserations and 1 have written hfm"al)Out It. By the same malM sent a despatch to H(s Majesty advising him as a loyal subject that, unless Mr. Mackenzie King snaffled a knighthood out of the next hon« ors ̂ list, Canada would secede Government Inspected Only -- :-- -- ..... -1 T "ir ii'H rHij • I f I I i|iiii"t'̂ " •̂]̂ -'iiiiirifii-_j irTT'TTii ir-nn--iri"ii'fiiii |iiiriin>~̂nrrjiiMrt<1MW«WW"iWB'»̂ 1 Store at Hqllybum, next Theatre PHDN& WEST 3dl w # a WW" W . • u, -V ,-fW . and joint the Soviets. I also of fered, to bet him ten dollars to a cent that Mr. King would ac cept, the honor, if made, he hay ing already'Rccepted the title of ~ " " ible.""Right Honoural This fuss, about titles makes one sick. No .,̂ objections have been raised and* in fact all Can- hlVER ............................ per Ib. 10c adians are gladfto attach either BRISKET OF BEEF,r.' . / per IK 7c LAMB VEAL -- CHICKENS the burdened and hoodwinked taxpayer. " - "RTIV/TROWSDAXE. before'Or after their names such woî ds or initials as Reverend, Doctor, Colonel, M.A.; B.A., etc. given by universities or church es or the government,:not for getting K.C., for services rend ered or examinations passed. Then among the lodges we have Grand Masters and Z.'s, Sup reme Wizards and Dragons, L U M B E l E t and all Building Material of Best Quality at Low Prices. b u i l d JSO W l r I WEST VANCOUVER LUMBER CO^ LTD. Phone West 115 Ros. Phone West 368L 15th and Marine , "Right Service Right Grades** CORRESPONDENCE . . „.AjraM»l .AccIaiiiM̂ ^ Editor, West Van News;.. S ir :--• Your suggestion that „ -----:-- . , ' the reeve and two councillors re- My correspondent should try B ro th e rs and quired to bo lilected for ensuinjpf to buy a West Vancouver bond Ye/ terms should be returned to o^, and the price he will have to K flee by acclamationJs-iinfair to . P"yX®" i|comp»red w th those S r i n most c W e~bfeW Btra8"a~bday; ■ina--of other B:C;' muntclpalltles may' f" equivalent to suggesting that Convince him I in the un- the ta w .o r s - , surrender . ihe-i^yofoX^h^trulh. ^ reeivdê ^̂ ^ franchise -- their one means of *» the First Narrows Bridge "ve. would be rtgaiaedi, CLASSIFIED AD S The rate for ClaBslIied Adrertlsiimenta lSo2 cent* per word, minimum 25 cents. Except in the caw of tbiMe havlifff regular accounts, all classi- fleda are payable strictly in advance. , , Remember Claaaifieds in the West Van Newa get immediate results. SPIKELLA CORSETIERE West 487L.__:________ __ Phone HEATED TAXI -- Phono North 546; Will go any place any time. Reason, able rates. Hick's, J. R., Taxi. RADIO TECHNICTAN - r .iS ^ U a - ------ - tions, repairs, radios tested,"serviced, p o p SALE--Bed>Chesterfleld, Table -• .....built. Tom Brown, -i- -i------ -- ^and custom West 2G0R. Couch, stoves, rocker. N. R. E lli/ 1 4 2 7 m rin e , Vfe'st '184R." r 'j' jrBiicmso -- weir ono n.™.,s oi <» the Firar Narrows' Bridge tive, would be regarded , as an -volclng-theirppinlon^s-to-whq-wcon^^^ shall repreaent^them in oiflce. "djaastrous, H^ve never inquired J ep The financial condition of the municipality is none' too ^dod, Take* one instance ; ~What" in surance per head is carried on the passengers on the West Van couver ferries? That at first FURNISHED AND UNFURNISHED Houses to^Rent. Houses, lots, and acreage for ' sale. John Lawson, 17th"a"nd Marine, Phone-West 55."- FOUND -- Dog. Owner may have same by identifying and.paying for this ad. Phone West 699R1. about boat insurance, as I was born to be hanged. EDITOR. ■ Safeway Stores will, com ing this Saturday, close o glanca may seem Irrevelant, but urday evenings at 7 p.m. I further consideration of the of 9 p.m. as heretofore, question will prove illuminating. ocratic country. > Oh, Yea ? And then some. I^t us at least be consistent- and .cut out all ititles of all kinds or admit all titles of all kinds. 0 ♦ PRINTING -- For all kiilds of -printing-- phone. .West. Van WANTED -- 114 cords bolts for mak-* mg hand split shakes. Apply -Box 3 West Van News. • News, West 363. KINDERGARTEN TEACHER--Ddily or periodically a t your home. Phone West 104Y1. . Vancouver < l̂ebrated the ad vent' of /I934|m The city was well lit up and so were all the people, in fact; brt^her,:ypu and I were the only _ sober persons around, and i am -muriieipaUty-Tn-M;heTproVince^ls-- THE CORPORATION OF THE FOR SALE-DeForcst Crosley Radio_____ .inoo .J ....1 : ' ̂ 1 . J-Q" ■ - ; .r- I ■«.. f Again, your statement about R. L. Purdue wrote the coUn- "West Vancouver being in better cil re brush on Bruce Street op- financial condition than any posite Lots 8 & 9, Block 3, D.L. DISTRICT OF WEST VANCOUVER 1933 model, console. West 108. Snap.. Phone PUBLIC NOTICE V.' I y ~ too obviously , more a pat'oil the to the enginecTr with" power* to. Vi'̂ EST VANCOUVER PROPERTIES fo r Sale and Wanted. C. J. Archer Drive. Phone West 225, Seymour 5954. ' back for the reeve and council -than it-is am atter of actual fact. What do we owe the banks ? What4s-our-total indobt- edneaa? Are we really in -as happy a position as you would -have-usTbelieva?----------------,-- Yours for the unvarnished act. truth and a little less "salve'* for Philip C.-Chapman General Insurance Agent Fire; Automobile, Burglary, Accident and~Sicknea8, efcT not synchronizing very well. Very, sad but a fact. J/here _ŵ re_ Is hereby given to" the Electors of the Municipality of the Corp- FOR RENT--Five Rooms, modern; partly furnished,-good location, near .ferry ; $12. Phone W est 2 5 5 X . some women being hoisted along oration of the District of West the pavements by the e a r s , ' Vancouver, B. C., that I require W. CARLEY buys and selK furniture, paints, oilsi . glass, etc. French Polishing. Phone West 71Y. MARCELLE SHOPPE -- Thermique B557 King's Av«. Phone W. 42Y8 which is alright in the case of the presence of the said Electors rabbits, but~" among humans at the Council Chamber, Muni- doesn't, .appeal to me, although cipal Hall, West Vancouver, B.C. "'permkneî . Wavif __ doubtless it would mean another - ON M ONDAY burning. Marcel 50c; reset 35ĉ ^ little job for the beauty parlors, the 8th day of January, 1934, And why all this hilarity ? One ia o'clock noon, ,304.1520 Marine. _______ can only deduce that, at last .a --------------- ------------------ WE have All the Xmaa Packages of •' _ _ r i V , ̂^ 1J" .' w » ■ -r ̂ , 1 ̂ r ' people-are--beginning to sce~a--4or ine_pnrpQ3ejf eleqting-perr little riit after ' years, of the I®®"® *® represent them as Eeeve black clouds of. depression and it went to their heads just as at the first * Armistice. One .can only hope, that their joy will prove to be better founded. ♦ }>' ♦ There is ^ne thing that we Gahadians will need to do in and Two Councillors and electing three persons to represent them as School Trustees and one per-, son to represent them as a Com missioner of Policev-;̂ The Mode of Nomination of Candidates' Shall Be as follows. ^ a T ^ C ig a re tte s , Tobaccos,' Pipes,: Chocolates, a t City Prices or better. i ^bfixpensive a n d : sensible pres ents for these times. Ambleside lea Rooms. ' c.. THE WELFARE ASSOCIATION re- clothing. Phone West 37 and truck .will collect. The Candidates shall be'nom- 1934, wha^veivib" may "hold for inateJ" in writing; the writing OLD GOLD -- Best Price Paid. West _ Van. Jeweler, 1522 Manne Drive. us, and that is, to keep our heads. Should a measure- of prosperity return; we should not start _boosting everything to the -skies,-as has-been our habitrin the past, and ^6 bring on the inevitable slump.On the other hand, if the clouds'^tay with us we must be very careful not to sudd^ly jump'from the frying pan into the fu*e. We have been sizzling in the pan for some years now% and it's b ên very hot, but remember, the fire is.. shall be subscribed by two elect ors of the Municipality as., pro poser-and seconder, and shall be delivered to the ,Returning Of ficer "at any time between the~ date of the notice and 2 p.m: of SHOE REPAIRING- 14th at Ferry. Best Ynaterial and workmajtiship. f o r PLUMBING REPAIRS __i4®?Lce Phone Wej5t.241R;:-:,-- Rea- the day of nomination. The said writing may be in the form num bered 3 in the Schedule of the "Municipal Elections Act," and shalk state the names, residence and occupation or description of each person proposed, in such repairs wear -- Dundaravfi. ' ̂ -J • 1 A .L ■ -- "r nianner as sufficiently to identi- fcandidate; Ind i f the .. Ssp 'SB I'm Replace youir 40-walt lamps with 6o's and notice die diflerenee. together. All this in reference to the old nostrums dished up as new regarding a new social ord er. That is my message to the *4:roops--and they are "a fine body of m^'"-f--3vh^h it was useless givingf^ntil New Year was over. event of a Poll being necessary, such Poll shall be opened on GORDON ROBSON Barrister -- Solicitor WEST VANCOUVER-- Office 1447, Marine Drive Phone West 403. 10 to 12. VANCOUVER OFFICE-- ' Suite 501: 510:Hastings St. W. Pnone, Seymour 4199;,.2 to 5. r-r.. e i A 6o>Watt lamp costs no more to buy and jijses only l/4 of a cent in added current for a whole evening. 4 \r . . ' i i s : " -i.eeiaMHi PRITiSM v:OIUAABiA ELrCTR!C R.-MLWAY CC TOR SALE - BEST QUALITY 7 Second-Hiand Shoes Udies* Men's 75c $1.35 Honey returned if not satisfied. Postage Paid. 213 C^rrall St,» Vancouver SATURDAY, THE 13th DAY OF JANUARY, 1934, i between i:he hours of 8 o'clock a.n;i. and 8 o'clock p.m, of said day _at the Ambleside Hall, Cor- Street and Marine " 1 D r iv - e ,7 W e s r V a i^ ^ C of which overy person is hereby required to take notice and gov ern himself accordingly. Given und^ my hand at the Municipal Hall, District of West Vancouver this 28th day- of December, 1933. GEO. HAY Notary-Public Real Estate'dbi'Iiisnfahce td is r t i i^ s DriveJ.'.n:;'?!-..........■' ' '1405 Marine" Phone Wfest '21 or Seymonr 1260 Evenings \w^t:204X . W. HERRIN,- tr 11 u „ I^etuming Officer Hollyburn, B.C. * December 28th, 1933. S H ® - METAL »WORKS s. CROSSON L. SPECK L Proprietors - r & 'tfiC M l