lSlM!.,."i, Vi'i. i..J!_____ ______ jl_______ _̂_______ A'- '- « - - "/.j. • ',\ . - s>! u'. ;'!■ I*. L' 'c,u'S. .: >-r~~ ,'-4-;-,"-.n'«»?"- - »4"->" Dunaarave ,<h IMh .1 /I"? , ' " ' " - * ■ft*' Vol VIII "" . . HpLLY.BURN P ,0 .,7 W K T VANGOUVfiR. B.C., THURSDAY, , *' _ .. ; .;..s....l .: \*.'..f.L. ,J. .?; t ̂, I ■■ ■ i . >• • f' •• .->j ■ , . f ' " -■ "V , ' . „ , . » f i l t « ^ T ' - v » ' ■*•-•' '" - s 'l-o-,: 7«i<*{; . . . . I - I V « . y f , . , « . . .X . - - „ ■ . . ^ , . . < « ...,. *,.f No^-^35;. y , '1934 WHY.NOT A BOARD OF. TRADE? . * '« < !.i i . > •' WILL SEEK ai-ELECTlON It seems to us that in view of the developments that are 'likely to take place , ------ time Is ripe tb again form^'Weat,V«i|teouferjBoard:^ Unless something unforeseen occursi the . Second IJJarrows I S g e wiTj'be reipraed for tr^fic b^ore nert/sutom^r, and (liatTiIonBT'vriU-mean-aTgreatTdeaHo^WOTnmnlcipaUtyr'.indeed-^^-- r the last accident to tharstructure and'ite ,consequent, closing toTO'~dQne quite ao muehJia™ to buBlnegB-1rer^s~t^^^ pression; • Again, it is safe to assume that: before, long the First Narrows Bridge Company* will , have ;̂;secured the necessary aoDrovals for its construction, dhd, th e'Uioment* that occurs this district will begin to cotUe. into its own. . . ; .' j vr ' ',11 Jii ' r 1 *1/ q ,' W < 't . • , ' are homes, but at the same time there Will be-rndny-xOccasions on which a Board of Trade can not,'only ,assist the council but be of real value to the district-as fit-whUle.,..,,;, ' The first West Vancouver Board olTrade was quite active in the. first,.period„x>;̂ ,. its,,exist|e^.;AUd:JidAfifOod«work,..butJf. naturally languished .when thel^first proposal .'.to ' bridgeVthe' First Narrows failed andrthe cpritinual accidents to the Second Narrows Bridge and the. depressjbn.. completed its downfall.. • Times have now changed^, We'-. Jiave already the big development-scheme "Of-the-British*'^Pacific^Properties'" Ltd^ ahd, as before stated, the question of adequate transportation will ere long bp settled ̂ Let us get ready for what is ahead of us by again establishing a West Vancouver Board bf Trade. RAIN ANp SNOW AT OUCHES ' ' F̂ OR THE YEAR 1933i ' Days with Inches of, Inches of. Dry . i4noh_ofy \ Rain / Snow Days Rain or over January...... ......... 11.94 ■/ ' 10.0 6 4 fbbruarv 9.60 " 1.8 - -11_____ 4^ March' "'*'̂ Apyih May June...... .................... 2.66 July ........... :s...... . 1.71 August ....... ' 1.45 September........... 6230 October ..:.......... .: 9.06 .November ............. 6.09 December ........... 15.22 S': - .y " '" j: f 2.2 4 .2 6 77.90Totals...... :.v.; Corresponding Totals for 1932 77.60 :i4.0 ~ 177 i i i :2 182 23 24 REEVE LEYLAND ASKED TO STAND , I V «%. ? r m m m m t m Thd foRowlng petition signed by all the ex-reeves 2HE ELECTIONS ; * *• ♦ i »> -Reeve Leyland and Councillors : Elgar and Garthorne have defln- y. itely' announced thdlr̂ caridldat-*; ures for 1984. It may be taken for granted that Reeve Leyland i I -resident . . , many ex-members of the "~couhcll,Tind oveirbne"hund . red of the .most, prominent^ citizens, has been presented to Reeve Xeyland; ReeVjS Leyland,' West Vancouver, B.C., Dear Sir, / ̂ v. We, your fellow .citissens ' and ; ratoUdyers of West s Vancouver, wish to take this opportunity of express-' > ing our sincere appreciaf' tion of the service you have; rendered the municipality, *̂ during":"ih'e ' trying r-tim through which we hâ ve passed and for the capable ii manner in which you have ^ , conducted the business of i. the punicipifity.You haV|?'̂ given yotii* time unstinting- dy and have done much not ; ' only to keep our municlpfid- ity in good standing, but to ~ make ~ known"2 its mieritB throughout the land.' Your f services in connection with the upper lands' develop- • ment and the First Nar- 5; rô v's Bridge deserve the ̂ appirecidtion of every loyaF:., citizen of West Vancouver*4 --JYejwnuldjcespeclfuUy^t^t _ : :̂will.„haYe-^no~oppo8ition, -and i t \ is unlikely that there.will be any ............................... L ■ . . -"VI . I i * \ \ i'i Lr. Lambert has sbeen mention- ed as a likely candidate. No deFhite announcements have been made by Chairman C. "irr # 3 V •^1 y L E. Kendrick and W* N. McDon ald: of the school board, but it is likely they will again stand for dffice. ..It is stated that. H.,„ G. Barker will be a candidate to take the place of T. E. Batchelor who, it is rumored, will not a- gain seek office. S ' NEW YEAR FROLIC..- .... - " ' " THE PIRSTTN 19S4 i2pV' Saturday evening, January 6th, just before school, opens and everybpdy..aettles down, to ■ routine living, the Duncan Law- son Chapter, I.O.D.E., are enter taining at a Frolic for the Young People of West Vahcouv^T'Xi „?rder tp_:Pl.eas.e;_all a^ . ^hrrhas been divided into two I; W *1 'r-pip-sj': f f, 4" *t - 4 S ® parts -- 6 :3p, - 9, Children's Party; 9 to 12 p.m.. Younger Set̂ Danco" ' The Orange Hall which has been secured for the occasion, •is being gaily decorated jn ,a very festive way, some new lijghting -7--e^^et&T-being-particularlyr-good.- f;fij '|V.' • Ifi, I pledge you our whole-heart ed support. w m , i,;;r .".f i ' /' I? ?! ' A' 't, V* ' 'ir*: S_TEWABDBHIR.MEjBTJN_G_ Party, games, favors, candy, re- freshments, and lots of fun; and TOMORROW -then-fronL9-pjm._to-12-p.m.,-the- if Councillor G. D.; Elgar^ Note:--The year^ends at 8 a'2m. oh^^nuaryiL_- < » ̂ V ̂ \ . ■ BRIDGE AGREEMENT MQITON PICTURE LECTURE SIGNED BY TISDALL ^'A ̂ OUR OF SCOTLAND The agreement between the' Oity of North Vancouver and *|A Toiir of-Scotland," and also * the First Narrows-.Bridge Co. „scehes in the Bridge Riyer Dis- Ltd., for proposed construction tri^ of B. C. will be the subject )f a $6,000,000 bridge across the of J^Motion Picture Lecture, m St.i;Stephen's Parilh. Hall on.intrance to the "harbor, was s i^ - , id on Tuesday by (Commissioner Mohiday Evening, (Januaiy 8tn) 1- _E. Tisdall. it was announced.- by Mr. J. Wardlaw. This lecture '7-signed the agreement on be-, wiUfbe very lhter€stirig~'and m- lalf of the citizens of the City? strActive? the scenes were >f~North~Varicouver--and-̂ Diŝ -- within the' last few rict," Commissioner Tisdall de- -months. .Those who have seen dared. , 1 ' . . Mr^FWardlaw's Aem l Views of' The agreement r̂ is identical the";North Shore Area know wth the one signed between the solnething,of the high stndard î ĉouver City CpuncilVand the of ; îcture that may be expected >ridge company,r.witK the exCbp-* from'the "riews next Monday. A joint meeting of the Muni cipal Council and Board of School Trustees wiU be held to morrow (Friday), January 5th, at .8 p.m. in the Inglewopd High yodnger' set will hold sway, and enjoy a Young People's Dance. : A splendid Vancouver orches tra has been engaged and there will be serpentine, punch,, re freshments and everything that goes to make a jolly dance. , S,eyeral parties are being ar-. m k J l A' V!.̂t -i t'A . School Auditorium. The pur.- _ pose of the meeting is to present ranged and' judging from the kd- the' annual statements to the vance sale of tickets the hall ratepayers. ' i will be crowded with the young An advertisement relative to. life of West Vancouver. As an 5 V \ Hv: -V'i this appears in this issue. added attraction the guests may have their fortunes told,, and see what 1934 .has in store for them for the small charge, of 5c., Tickets which are 20c for the children's jiarty; 25c for the THE CURTAIN CLUB The first meeting of the Cur tain Cliib will take place at S '̂00 p.m. next Saturday at 219 Em- , pire Building, 603 Hastings Street. Tlie club has been form- Mrs. J.< McIntyre or Mrs. K. V._ ed-byJrs.jr.Jg.JEerguson,JBLT._Jifiyster^^^ conveners; C.L., who will instruct the mem- toj- the h'rolic, or may pay at the bers in acting. The membership Saturday next, January is limited,to twenty and one-act ' 4; r l.ijl i i V ■ Hi: (I f'j'.PVHiA I 'll-i vy .•{ ■ h \ ih'rA ^ plays are put on, giving every- 2̂ one an opportunity to take part. GIRL GUIDES' RAFFLE For further particulars see the advertisement in this issue. ion of the StaiiTey ParTc clause nig|it. Th e lecture'begins at 8:15 fiia i-y. ,nTrA«,4-v.̂ p.m."', and there'will be a silvernd the proposal to take over the lontrol of the bridge-imi fifty .colhaction. 'ears. ■' -c- Councillor L. Garthorne TJbe result of the Girl Guide raffle in aid of the Toy Shop was. as follows; Turkey or Don ation, Mrs. J.' T. Watt, Ticket No. 137; Doll, Mrs. Bert Thom'p- ' i i H 2' 'i I'I !<0RTH VANCOUVER jpERRY revenue WAS LOWER Decrease revenue and i'SANTA CLAUS FUND Headquarters. PrefeiousIy,ackhowledged $207.23 Creery Avenue was CHORAL SOCIETY'S SOCIAL The West Vaticouver Choral Society is giving a s^ial at 8 :15 qqjj ticket No. 78 j Tin of Tobac- p,m next Monday, 8th January, go, Mrs. W. B. Small, ticket JNfo. • in the ^ g io n Hall ior which an 74. Table Mats, Mrs. C. Bruce,. --------- enjoyable program has been ar- tmlo t̂ No 88- 'Rafii SnlfA unA During 1933 precipitation,- by f^nged. An invitation to attend Pb^der, Mrs. Dundas, tidket No months, recorded at Cliff.Brake, i® p^ ̂""123; Box of Chocolates, Mrs, G. I . n '•irU RAINFALL AT WEST BAY, 1933. * . ' f' ,! '4 " * A\i s % the North V^coaver ferries : Mto-: Rowlev ______. 1.00 or the month'; of Deoemb6f,"as2 a pViend ' ' 1-00 ompared-with the same" ..... :............ V" .50 f 1932, is noted imfiguresisiuM' ------------ ----- temw" IS5b f Total .... $210.23 as cbiiipar:^ •\ritKo$21,f. 4 - At West Van News -, the months in: J933. 'JPas-J. Previously acknowledged $40.50 traffic for Ilpcember.-lg^^ 4 I^won W. A. - (reported- , c o m p a r e d b y mistake in Santa' loS^2^77 ̂ for December>inv ' Claus F u n d ) ............. 5.00 January.......9.10 ins. Februarjr-- 8.97 March ................. , 7.10 April......L.......... 1.12 May ................... 5.17 June ................... 2.47 July .................. 2.40 August.............. 7- 1.38 September........ ',7.91 October ............. 8.43 November.....-- 5,40 December .̂.........,15,79. jt (t*ft tt u ti u if u' u their fnends, old members, as- Gray, ticket No.' 5 l ; Console Set, sociate and prospective mem- Mrs.-B. Hewitt, ticket No. 185;. T?? Portrait-Photo, Mri J. Wicking,---OTCilB8tYQ,0 It is hOP6d thftt there fiolnai' Mn Tnriion HaalrA-f ' will be a large turnout. ticket No. 166;' Indian Basket, Miss Morris, ticket No. 99; dozen tins Pineapple, Mrs. B. Hewitt, ticket No.. 181; dozen $45.50: totaTof 39,250 veh ic-Jah . 3-^Ry . cheque to' , "i^nte'Glaus-Fund 45.50 Total............../76.24 ins. I. O. D. E. The i^gulai* monthly meeting tins Pineapple, Bevan Savory; Lawson Chapter, . ticket No. 197 * Lamp Shade, LO.D.E,;, will be held at the" Mrs. J. W. Banks, ticket No. 23; home of the, Regent, Mrs. Ber-. Tea Cosy, Mrs. Grisedale, ticket ^rd:Hayes, Radcliff Avenue, on No. 205; Marcelle, Mrs. K. Sav- Monday afternoon, 8th January, ', dry, ticket No. 196; Xmas Cake, D. L. Saund-; Mrs., A. E. Young, ' ^ Pro- / The crickets .were drawn by ^ncial Echoes Secretary, will he John Lawson on Saturday, Dec- i€ Ir*' 41 -'Si r, '■ ' -i'-! ii\ ' a*'"'KV* H , / -This comjpares with ^ ^ e guest Apbaker of the after- ember 22nd, at the headquarters es recorded during 1932,. ̂ jipom , ; ' / , , / ;of the Santa Claus Toy Shop. 'S&r "4> V -1 . f ̂ fl. i ̂ i'-.4 l̂̂ -U '■ 'i