SPECIALS for Friday ami Saturday, Feb. 2&d & '24th NuIn̂ r e d RtUM JAM, . ■ ■"■'SlSS (ftH. ' fsjf ■ e**4#-l R«4 it Whits RIXJUK, 4« lb. *Il II.S5 Aylmsr OUKRNGAGK 1*1,UM8 Ult linn ................... 2 far I6e Nabob COFRKK, In the njir I lb. alaas Jar, vacuum aealed......... ale AI»HICOT8. Kva|Miraf4Hl. p«r Ib 16< IiO.MAN MKAI, rDOKIKH. dot..... J0« • I.KNTKN HIKJDKHTIONH CJIICKKN HADDIK, Nalwb, tin J8c RABY MACKEHKI. In Tomnta Baur«, tin ..... - ........ : : Rod & White 80CKKYB HALMON Fancy, Vt*..... I**€» RED gPRiNtJ HALMON, Matchleaa , Flats .......... ..... . 2 Una 2Ic BU)ATEI{ RAB'IF., Morton's . , U n . --..................., J« . Rtnl it White HUAUllltriTJ and Chc<>Me , Ull t in ............ 10c ^Icd'A White CHICKEN HOUR with Rice, per tin ...........lOc Red Ht White Oranifo I'ckoe TEA per Ib............ ......... .... ......... 30c M m U ,^lpionet'W e*ri7# AYRSHIRE BACON, Blleed .... lb 3Hk 8WIFTH BACK BACON--SkJji on In piece ............... ........ I»er » , $»t FR1.MK RIB OF BEEP ... per lb. I4e IHU.ME RtKT ROASTS, per Ib. I2F|C IM'RE FORK SAUSAGE,,per Ib. 18c BEEF SAUSAGE ........... per Ib. lie PII.I.EITBI) HADDIE, ...per Ib, 16c FIN.NAN HADDIE..............per Ib. 15c KIIM'ERKD HERRING...... 2 Iba. 25e CIIEESE-Monterey ........... 20e Dll.US .........................4 for 10c 8W1F:i :S J'URK UARD, per II). 15e PURE REEF DRIPPING, per Ib. 84 FRESH KII.LED BOII.ING FOWL Per lb........ ............................... 20c RUTTER ............................. 2 Iba. 59c BUTTER , ....... -................... 2 lbs. 67c REGION CONVENTION CARNIVAL OANCE There was a gfxnl attendance a t the Leirion Convention Carni val Dance given on W ednesday e v e n in g b f last week In H o lly -" bum Pavilion, quite a num ber coming down from N orth Van couver, The program of dances showed plenty of variety , and the-6-piccc "orch oslra ■ Avas" kep t" busy all the evening respond ing to encores. A big scram ble took place for the balloons, which suddenly began to descend on . th e dancers from the roof, and these and o ther novelties added m aterially to th e enjoym ent of th<'*ev(jnlng, m ore particu larly the Valentlne^dartce compMItlon. I t was 1 o'clock before tl^e play ing of the N ational A nthem con cluded the carnival.. ~ -- A'bout" the~funnie8t" th in g "is tht* man who is a sociak success, and ft business failure. Opening Annoiincem ent For th e convenience of W est Vancouver custom ers ^ e "are"7opcning--fr-branch-of^ur-Htidio-)BepartmenM n7 Gemmill's D rug Store) corner 14th and M arine Drive, Hvhere a supply of our best radio bargains will be on display. W est a? FORSt*S l t d : Cor. 14 th & M arine W est 37 T H E m n U t lN G B U S H ^ • t t t o t t a e . matoe iudgiwmt »>><•. 2?in eime.wlll.ba^wdly view o f th o fiM?t th a t h a s jawaya.l>eon " the B i iw e ." One can, onl^ hope th a t hia d ea th w as as accident, b u t a t the same tim e i t is no t th e custom of e x ^ n - enced m ountaineers to taKe foolish, chances or to go alone. H e appears to have done b^h* F u rth e r, i t is very^,strange th a t a t h is tim e o f l i f e ' h e^ h o u ld have suddenly made up ms mmd to try to scale an admHtedly dangerous m ountain in his own country a t a dangerous D n ^ oi th e y ea r w hen he coqld have made th e a ttem p t long ago m- " stead of'm ountaineering in the Alps, E very th ing cries put a- g a in st the rep o rt of the circum stances of his death being true. ♦ • * Only recently there appeared in th e p ress an advertisem ent from a m an who stated he w antj ed to m eet a lady with a fpw hundred dollars to take a share in a very in teresting proposition. M atrim ony, if suited. One won ders if th e very interestirfg proposition«w as ma:trimony, and* one wonders still more why ,both men and women should adver tise fo r m ates as they do. For nowadays ori-<4hi3 side of the ~ A tla h tii^ l^ ^ quain ted w ithout necessarily gor ing th rough the farce of an in- troduction. it is in most cases a farce, since an introduc tion seldom c a r p e s ^ l h it any guaran tee . W nat a world it would be if i t did. We should then g e t som ething like the fol- . low ing: ."Mr, Smith, m eet Miss Jones," and aside to the la tter, --"He-s craj:y, and - you ̂ w ill-be_ crazier still i f you m arry h im ;" -^ r^ S o -p h a rm in g ,-m y -d e a r ,-th a t- he has charmed: th e courts out of th ree fraud case? and two breach of promise actions arid- will fool St. P ete r yet into al lowing him into IJeaven." On the" o ther side we should prob ably have the following: "Jim . allow me tq introduce Miss S m ith ," and aside, "A man h u n g er, my boy, and you had better w atch your s te p ;" or "A cling ing vine with th e tentacles of an octopus;" or "Fjor God's sake keep her amused', o r she'll cry, and you'll wake up w ith the o rg a n -p la y in g -- th e -- ^Wedding- M arch." And so on. GoveiTWPttt' I]B8|Nb6tid Oiily tore.ai PHONE WEST 3 4̂ s,m«as L U M B E l t and all Building Material of Best QuiJlly at Low Prlcds. a n d a iiB u iia g g n i L D NOWI WEST VANCOUVER LUMBER CO. LTD. . . .H " ■■K,M - BM i( C n J « - C L A S S IF IE D A D S aB i .. 4-1 f% MAIM M'l l,, rwu far ClasBlfied AdvertlMment. is 2 cents per wwd, minimum 25 ,« U . la t l . " 7 « . f *!.<«, t a r l" , re» « '« « » " *»• •" v . : n . w. .d ,a .,d ..t. » . . i u . KINDEKGAKTBN - At Wwl Bay. Tuesdays and Thursdays from.lu, until 12; at Ambleside Beach Wed- nesdays from 1;30 to 3;30: WANTED TO RENT -- 4 or 5 room house, waterfront if possible, r ull :" -plumbing~~Will;-take--yearly.JeaBe._ hi. Phone Trinity 1304K. FOR sale -- 6 hole "HarvMt" Em press Range. Water coil. Good eon. dition. Phone West 144. , ■ ■ ;i|... - ' .. FOR SALE •-- Cow Manure. Phone Bob Black, West 17. - WEBB'S SHOE REPAIRS WEAR BEST -- Dundarave. . ------- LOST -- Senior Business Diploma, Dept, of Education, Victoria, Muriel Howdle, West 2Q7L. SOIL For cost of hauling. West 248L._______ .__________ HANDY ANN sisOPPE, Dundarave. Wool, Notions, Stationery, Toys, -- D̂.M.'G.,--Hardware,--Nails;iiEtc.---- WANTED -- Overbecks Rejuvenator; Must be cheap. Give price. Box 40, West Van News. for SALE--Hoover Vacuum Cleaner like new; can be seen'; at West Van. Electric. Phone' West 108. " WILL EXCHANGE GALIANO LAND overlooking' Active Pass for West Vancouver-property.-Box 14, West Van News. ____ ' ' • ■ Government of British Columbia^ DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC WORKS Tender for Licence to supply*"and. operate Ferry .for Conveyance of Passengers .between West Vancou ver and Bowen Island. FERRY TALES Are Good and Some of them fresh,, but the stock of r:popuiar-GigarettesrGigars-and-To-- • baccos are always fresh at th^are Ambleside Tea Rooms; Pursuant to the "Ferries Act," Chapter 87 of the "Revised Statutes of British Columbia, 1924," and amendments thereto, a Ferry-has been established across Queen Charlotte Channel between a point on the. east shore of Howe Sound between Atkin son Point and the north boundary-bf- th.e Corporation of the District of 'West-Vancouver-and a-point-oii the east coast of" Bowep Inland betwwn "Hooa~Pomlrand" FURNISHED AND UNFURNISHED Houses to Rent. Houses, lots, and acreage for sale., John Lawson;' 17th and Marine, Phone West 55. PRINTING -- F o r aU kinds of p rin ting phone W est Van News, W est 363. LAWN MOWERS SHARPENED with special machine;! vail makes. West Vancouver- Machine Shop, 1449. Marine Drive. The teacher h a d l^ o r e d long arid patiently to teach little:.Ar th u r the points of th e compass. Teacher;' "W hen you stand w ith your face to ,. th e north, your r ig h t hand is tow ard the E ast, your left tow ard the West, and your back tow ard the South. Now, tell me t he direction.^. -What is in front- o f you ?" L ittle A rthu r (a f te r a thought- ful p a u se ) : *T^y stom aS i." Teacher; "Tommy, can you tell nie w hat th e fem inine fo r bachelor ts ? " Tommy: "I ^spect i t m ust be lady-in-waiting, teach e r." I , You have probably robbed one- socket to replace a burned-out iamp_Always-keep-a-cartonjo£-- lamp̂ handy for such emer gencies. Make it 6o*s. They cost no more to buy than 4o's. L« f !•'»* BRITISH COLUMBIA ELECTRIC v CO. LTD Wednesday Next, February 28th ar2"P.m." at.out-..,.......... Auction Rooms, 238 Lonsdale Aye,, North Vancouver Moved in for convenience of the sale from West _VancQuyer._ incIû ing:*-."T" " ' Dining Room Suite, Chester field Suite, Fawcett^ Range, Dawnport, Leather Couch & Chairs, Dressers, Biedroom Furn iture, etc., etc. You can include goods in this sale by calling a t the Ambleside Home Furnishings db Auction- .eers, 16th dt Marine Drive, and we win pick up same. HBWETT AUCTIONEERS 238 Lonsdale .Av^ue, North Vancouver ____,Phpne 'Ncfftli 88 iwu Jk vrasAV' maau v.̂ \/*Ts*Aa a \/aaav» Pursuant to the said Act, .te^^ ̂ hereby offered to public competition the Licence for the supply,-operation and maintenance of a ferry for the. conveyance of passengers between the said points for a period of five (5 ) years with provision for the renewal of the said Licence: _3for a further period of five (5) years the^fte r-- . SEALED TENDERS for the said : Licence, endorsed "Tender for Bowen --Island-Ferr-y--Licencey^nd^ddressed-T" to the. Minister of Public Works,7 Vic- ■ toriav - B.GT-,-"Will:-be-̂ received- *up" to-- -noon--of---Thursday--the first day of- March, 1934', and jvdll be opened in public in "the office of the Minister at 3:30 p.m. on the same day, _ Tender forms and Conditions' of • Tender may be obtained from the . Public Works Department offices at Bowen Island, Vancouver ^nd New ■ Westminster and from the undersigned. To be acceptable, each Tender must on the form supplied and be signed with the actual signa- ture of the Tenderer and must be ac- ~compamed"by ah accepted bank cHe^e . ,payable--to -the Minister of.-Public- Wo^s, Victoria, B.C., in the amount of One Hundred Dollars ($100.00): •n L unsuccessful tendererswill be returned to. them: the cheque of the successful tenderer'will be re-' hM actually commenced operation of the ferry to the Minister's satisfaction. , Tender r̂a ^ 11 state in their tenders the amount of annual subsidy (if anv) ^ subsidy is required, the. amount of the annual Acenc?^ Government for cepted^̂ "*̂®*̂ ®̂̂®®®arUy, be ac- P, PHILIP, Deiartment of Public v t e f e B. 17th February* 1934.- RADIO TECHNICIAN -- Your Radio troubles given; prompt expert -at- tentionr--aerials, tub"gs, Tom Brown -- -266R7~̂ ^̂ ----- -̂------------------- the JVELFARE ASSOCIATION re* quires - discarded clothing. --iPhone West 37. and truck will :eolIect. -- W. CARLEY buys and sellis furniture, paints, oils, 'glass, etc, French ̂ Polishing; Phone "West . 71Y. MARCELLE SHOPPE -- Thermique Permanent Wave without danger of -- b̂urning.--Marcel--50c;-reset--35c;_ Finger Wave 60c. Phone Mrs. King --^West_3-0.4,_1520.-Marine.- _ j ^ _ OLD GOLD -- Best Price Pai<V West Van. Jeweler; 1522 Marine Drive. FIRST-CLASS SHOE REPAIRING^ 14th at Perry. Best material and workmanship. " ■ ■ ■ ■ ...... ^ FOR-PLUMBING REPAIRS -- Res idence Phone West 241R. GORDON ROBSON -Barrister----Solicitor WEST VANCOUVER^ Office No; T447, Marine Drive Phone West 403. 10 to 12 . VANCOUVER OFFICE-- Suite 601; 510 H ^ t^ g s St. W. Phone, Seympnr--4199i,-2 to 5. GEO. HAY Notary Public ' Real Estate insurance W anted 1408 Mariim Drive - Phone West 21 or Seymour 126 Evenings West 204X