• miwii.i»iii.w-iii| tint iiiTrirt- .... Sliojno JklPounjUiiiis* • s f f i X L S for pridoy a n d J ftu r d o y . Feb. I6th & 17th ̂ & Vt fV O t o c t K i i ^ IDICK QUAKER OATg A certain ei «on-r-l thouKbt^, ifT&f'llrllrlw it Sunday <>n the-n Government Inspected Onl£̂ ' .... 1- \>,'< '""'V v' . Store at .. J»„. , , ., .... «-4 • V-/ CifBESE. Servui, Vt ib. pwkfS# He PATES, Fr«»b FIGS, 6l«k* Coô tiiS 2 »*«* *5«ROMAN MF-AL .... Pbs* 2J« GINGER 8NAF8- 6 do*. I H FASTRY FW>Un. Ao»lr«M«« ' 10 lb. Aftck flak'#! **#*!»*■ FBA8, Blue Ridge 8 Up* 25f GOLDEN CORN, Blue lit White2 tifiN 2&t GREEN BEANS, No. t tin..... 10c FORK ik BEANS, Holly , 18-0*. ............ ........ V.. 4 tlim Z5c CORNED BEEl', Good <|uullty < 1 lb. tin ..... .......... ............... 12c. WHOLE BABY CLAMS, Baiuiurt, " Ull (init ........... ....... lOc SLICED FINEAFFLE, F«u1Uc«h - 2m .,;........................... 3 tln« 25c RED FLUMS, Nabob, Htjuat tlna 10c AFFLESl Mpleridid ctMfkcrM, 7 Iba, 25e sisW# at once, but I neKOU- v«ry»4i«arly cvfflp?... Phono W est 370 *" * ■ ... «.j (, 1 .. - , t",. '■ r •. '•, ,', .....,.1... FEANCT BU'ITER 2 IbM, for 28c WJ per lb bottom, while my body assum^FO*J' HOAST from FRIMB BEEF a , ir u fi I,. ̂ a position at f igl hVAi OF l.AMB, per lb....... ™r"23c descent WoppcJ up on my, no.se, piilMK lUIMi OK BKEP, per lb. 14c which would get "'i"*"*,*"'i!® 8WBKI' l•̂ «,•KI.E« .COBNBD BBW »"?»•. I" "J^er words, I t«camc ' iM*r lb........ .......... 18c j|. kind of human tripod, wni ^ FURE FOHH .SAUSAGE, per lb. 18c ^as hard OH my body and my REST BEEF SAUSAGE, per Ib. lie dignity. If I escaped Ihi.s posture FIlifNAN IIADDIK, per lb....... . 1.6c | usually rockettod down a slope KIFFKRED IIEUIUNG ...2 Jlw. for 26c -e-th© place . Was all Hlopes--on CHKi-ytK -- Ontario Mild, per lb. 21c one foot , and' then sat dowm at DILLS ..................... . 3 for 10c bottom with, both skiis BU'ITEIt-UiOLDEN 61EAD0W BUTIKK- ^ 2 Him. for 60c -FINE ALBERTA 2 lbn. for 65c FLAKEW'IIITK SHORTENING per II).......... .......................... He MOBRAATON WINB IN LBAVKNWOBTH Tom Mobraulen won from twenty-two coniestanis to clean up the Class A ski honors.in the annual Northwest Association championship tournament, last Sunday at Leavenworth. Five thousand speclators held Class A Combined Tom Mobraaten, Vancouver, 469.5 points;. A, Johannsen, Van couver, Vancouver irie wotiruui w*"") ....wrapped around nl̂ y'©ars. They gave me a pair of sticks for sup port, but I couldn't l}an ̂ on to myself, so couldn't be dxiK'cted to hang on to the^i, and didn t. But the crowd had a very good time and the renter of the ski is offered me $10 to come up next Sunday and .amuse his guests. l u m b e and all Building Material of Best Quallly at I ^ , P r i^ .andaiiBuua * b u I LD NOWl v̂5 „ }.ir ,t4 tb 4?,̂ . ,*!' t\ h s»̂ WEST VANCOUVER LUMBER CO- bTD.rr T 'a/AciA.QAOr Phone Went 115 Wost SeSLPhone weal ii» "Right Service Right Grades" , K - rinnnifiitd Advcctl»«nient0 ■ i« 2 cenU per word, minimum 25 in*S ca^ of b-^ng regular accounts, ,uU ,l„ .i. In th« WMt V«i N.w. get lmm«U.t« rwalt,. 'ii'tHTA. jflhnnnHon, Van- a,ooT vAHroUVEIl puorBimES. FOB SALE--Cheap; Coat, frenh In. 428; Henry Sotvchdt, " « f 1 1 , " Good milker. Mre. Penmen, 1a &..e.dOKa said 1 was the best sk stuntci , or •Sale ana woni .Mathers. .... .... . ho had ever met in a long and Ltd., .1.416_Manat on 1. ------- ---------------------- -̂--------- W. C.T. U. The, West Vancouver W. C. T. U.. held their regular monthly meeting at the horhe of Mrs. W. wicked lifft. I .tokl him I had only one body-rr-what there, was left of iti^and wouldn't come for $.100. I don't know how T got home but am certainly,, rumed. " Ltd., 1'415 "Marine Drive. W est 225, Seymour 5964. WANTED -- . around 30 or 35 years; .able to do plain cooking; $15 monthly. Box • ir . West Van News. . , ' SPIRELLA CORSBrriEBE'-- Phope West 487L. / ________ ~ Acreage in West Van- .couver, 2 to 5 acres. Give best price for cash. Box 7, W est Van News,. place in the jumping. He" won the- cross-country grind Satur day afternoon and took the com bination championship with 229.6'points. A. Johannsen, also of Vancou ver, placed second. in the com bined events, jumniiig 177 and 172 feet and placing second in the cro.s8-country for a total of Mrs. Hibberd, occupied the chair After a short business session, the speaker, Mrs. Estabrook, Prosldent oL the District W.G.T. gain. WOMEN'S GYM CLASS, Badminton . Wednesday- evenings, month. Orange Hall. Phone Molly. Edwards, West 435R1. ^ SACRIFICE SALE -- good sturdy stock, Phona West 3UY2. W alnut Trees, 50c to $1.60. That the Youth Movement in yancpuvjer ̂ an onjy expect the U., gave a splendid address oh "aupport 6T the young Beds or the life of Francis-Willard, the young Pinks .is evident from the SHANNON'S TAXI--Phone North 50 Day or n ight service. Ambleside to North Vancouver General Hospital, $1.25. GIRL 18 WAl?^$ HOUSEWORK -- 250 25th Street. -I- LOST -- Airedale Dog, name "Buck Lame in 'right hind leg. Phone West 307R. - t • RADIO TECHNICIAN -- Yogr Radio troubles,^ given . prompt expert a t tention-aerials, tubes. Tom Brown West 266R. , - 219̂ 8 points TiUIIti ftf missions. it ! ' (i if ill E. Elliiigrud of the Vikiiig Ski Club, Vancouver, was the No. 1 • m'h t i Class II jumper, making leaps of 139 and 170 feet for 199.6.points Results were as follows: The hostess served ^ en jly oL of the eWef officials dainty refreshments at the close ^of th<Russian Government of- Vancouver Machine Shop̂ ,1449 of th'e meeting. - ficially stated that his country Marine Drive. . ' ' wW prepared" t^ iv e - J a p e n ^ ----------------------- ------ --- -------- THE WELFARE ASSOCIATION re quires discarded clothing. Phone W est 37 and tru ck .will collect. W. CARLEY- buys and isehq furniture, paints, oils, glass, etc. French Polishing. Phone W est 71Y , _____i. i ̂.i- 'i 1 "1'.-'̂ Cio^ A Jumping 1. Tom Mobraaten, Vancou- I 1 'a ii_i ver, ,200, .202 feet. 2. Henry Sotvchdt, Vancou ver, 11^7186 feet. The school board wrote the council re ditches on the north ern and eastern boundaries of Pauline Johnson School. The council-ordered that the-work of Hearing the ditch on Jefferson Avenue bo undertaken by the engineer, but thalT̂ on the east- igood thrashing, in other words, while fully prepared herself (and'quite sensibly so), she in structs through her teachings the young Reds of_ other coun- FEURY TALES Are Good and Some of them fresh, b q t ^the -stock ' of -- popular Cigarettes, Cigars a n d ; T o -, baccos are always fresh a t the Ambleside Tea Rooms. MARCELLE SHOPPE --- fhermiqiie Permanent Wave without danger of burning. Marcel 60c; reset 35c; Finger Wave 50c. Phone Mrs. King. West 304, 1520 Marine. R.-BoIj Lymbourne, Ti'ail, 191 and 189 feet. em boundary bo left for the at- ----------- ------------- tention of the school board at its- these liifes is fit for^Essondale, tries to preach preparedness as the cardinal sin and internatkm- al peace as the only thing. Any perĵ on who cannot read between FURNISHED AND UNFURNISHED Rouses toi Rent. Houses, lots,- and. acreage Tor sale. John Lawson,, 17th and Marine^ PhoPe West bb. ■ OLD GOLD -- Best Price Paid. West Van. Jeweler, 1522 Marine Drive. own cost. FIBST^EASS~SHOE REPAIRING-- 14th a t Ferry. Best material and workmanship. Res- ancl there are a good many,sup-" PRINTING For ^ kind^of posedly aen.sible persons loose pA p̂ ,® w h o 'o u g h t to be there. The News, West 363. ^ ■dene. Phone West 241B. Christian idea! of i n t e r n a t i o n a l ......... ...... - .. la WEBB'S STOb '^ S paiRS WEAR jjrotherhood is fine but ."b"'°"S;^EGION-JKHIST-AN0-DANGE----- ^BES.T.̂ Dundarave.lyxjust-plain-insanity-with-Rxrs= ^ ---------- sia- prepared-and- Germany rattl ing the sabre backed by a 2,000,- 000 army.. Nobody yet has been There was a record attendance iHiu army.. XNODoay yet nas oeen ^ Milit^y Whist able to givy^me ̂ satisfactory ttoIianswer to the following ques- Friday evening. The tion, "How can God, the Un- winners were W. Parley, changeable and Unchanging, be 0. Bentley, A Finland, and Miss opposed to one's fighting a right- 2 ; Following refresh- cous war or a war in defence of , the remainder of the one's home and country- when it .1" dancing to is-repeatedly stated-inJHoljaVrit-- by the old teor-_ that Dav5d was "a man after SP?,' ^°y Lowes and George God's own- heart?" David did Ghilds. „ . GORDON ROBSON Barrister -- SoUcitpr WEST VANCOUVER-- Office No. 1447, Marine Drive Phone West 403. 10 to 12.* VANCOUVER OFFICE-- Suite 501: 510 Hastings. St. W. Phone, Sqymour 4199. 2 to 5. little else but fight in defence of The next military whist and Ips country, and in modern war dance will take place in the the countrs'- not ready for \var, Legion Hall on Friday, 23rd in- when it comes, is licked. slant.♦ ♦ ♦ • A gentleman a short time ago - Permission was asked of the wrote a letter to the Vancouver council to build a club house at press to the effect that tobacco the ski camp on Hollyburn Ridge, users ' were not real he-men. Tlie matter was* referred to the Now at least nine-tenths of the reeve and the chairman of parks .You have probably robbed one socket to replace a bufned-out lamp. Always keep a carton of . ̂ ^ ' -1. lampî nTncly for such emer- enctes» Make it 6o*s,B;̂ ey cost no more to buy than 40 's. C.E.P. and of the British Army and Navy .fOIL the_past^one-hun- dred years jnVoked, and the vari ous-nations they-fought and -de feated would hardly agree with him. Also Tennyson with the able assistance of his pipe (he GEO. H A Y Notary Public Real Estate & Insurance Listings Wanted 1405 Marine. Drive Phone West 21 or Seymour 1260- Evenings W est 204X -- was a confirmed tqbacco user), wrote "TI ................. -villSM COLUMBIA ELECTRIC ..v.Ky CO. LTD. fh"e~Idylls~of~thiErKinrg; and some others of the finest poems in our language.- The gentleman who so slanged smok ers is either., very ignorant or very high upi in the Holy and Ancient Oi*der of Ananias. .11-- I.» f» "Can yJu-give.me a room and bath?" Clerk: -*T can .give you a i-tiom, madam, but you will have to take your own bath," ' _J_ of th e ' ' hritish Ehipire Service League ~ Tuberculous Veterans* SeeUfurk ' " , f ̂ lit ̂ ' Member Vancouver Council of Social Agencies and'Welfare" Federation. . >/ ; 1116 Domimra Bank BuUding, VaacouTer, ^ Phonb Seymour 4205 m ent^ancfwd^e Ser̂ ^̂ maintains ah adjust- man/wrth 3 available to^any ex-Service VICTOR BLANCHFLdWERr Executive i Secretary.