# . * ,«*»,«.' i« . , "'I'. 'h t? M ' • î' -Jt , ̂ '-./I/ rt' t- y •=!'>, .'\~ --A.̂ <f.t<r. V«tA>.<'ĵ-sS«Jt-«A«.«-̂. i-'ts / .AW5 -iM s l̂4V'«S "»'JS W l l t f f '•-»" t ' •- ̂;ifi r; :/ ; 'i' ̂' :' > t; ,? S If. / ■ • <! f!. .. !.'..':.';;i?i it.ftf i •■ ■ .. I 1 f ~ ' ' /i P l • ^ * * \ • • ̂ t t \- ̂ • , Mrs, .. nouAci at iiTH puehees 4v« .. and .family . Mrs.. S i, 1027 Dui^ess Angeles, JlK̂ WI» A Our delivery operates ail -., • the time the store is open Duchess Avenue. - ifsfSt.......................... , .......... »-J6aa#Ss»¥^ Kdioig'«• »V* DO <i* ̂ __W A aiw waW# Milk, tsUf., »,nK^,.,y<^, .coupota ';..« Toilet Paper, Kobta Malkitt'S B<3t Coffee In jit. Fruit BrMi::r-ii:;r":::L^^^ 6 tw>at' ••- .p,ci.i).... .« ISO ivenue. . *> ' R, Clarke, .who has been , , „ spending l^e past two months Chocolate Bars 42e N A O M I C H a f t e r m . M 0:E.S. ORANGE HALL Garden's Orchestra -■«- ', FRIDAY, FEBRUARY 28rd, 1»34 . , COUPLE $1 .00 Single 50C For'invitations Phone West^TSX Rofroshments A new hom was installed last Saturday a^jU i^Flrst Narrows Lighthousd; I t l ia s been some what foggy since and has broad cast Mts ^arrival to some pur- p o ^ ' the lasib few days. At present it IS not very* popular with the 'nesidehts of Amblcp . sld^. Fulton Avenue. ' . , V, „*!. * ...... ' . v,n. Quite anumjjor of people camo over from the city last Sunday to West 'Vancouver, *the ferries carrying 2557 passengers. Many peoi^ ask You DeUver Gemnulfi Drug Store tIOl Mifliii P rif i • Wait 87 y " ': ' Emergency'* PKotio West 881 (Aftor 10 p.m.) Engagement Mr. H. H. Lemon of 22204V[8r- L.O.L. No; 2990 Hugh Brown has returned to 'his duties on the teaching staff of Pauline Johnson School, , , , where Miss Francis Webb is act- Mr. and Mrs. John Bell, 1175 *"* ®'" substitute teacher.. Duchess. Avenue, have moved ^ daughter was bom to Mr. and.Mrs.,AIlan Bean, .28rd and ess Avenue. ^ ~ ^ ̂ King's Avenue, on 7th February r T tir • u 1, ^ 4.u, in the North Vancouver GeneralL. J. Wrisberg, who recently ' underwent an, operation in St. ■ 'Dni.Vci WAoirkifol' V,oo •i'ofn'r*rw>/l 'f.rt HObbYBURN Barbcfr Shop IDth A Marine EXPERT SERVICE E. MARSH, Proprietor. Hollyburn Theatre ir. fi. AX. ------------ Teh next regular meeting of.; Avenue. inc Drive, West Vancouver, an- above lodge will be held in uncos the engagement o f '^ is the Orange Hall ^on Tuesday, Mr. and Paul's Hospital; has returned to his home at 15th and Gordon « 4< t«i Mrs; Bobbie Seeds V ^ Chilliwack, have moved into a house a t'B lU Esquimftlt ; ^ ^ h u e . ' ' Jack Watt, Jr^ and Jim Brown last-week won the men's' hahdi- f(i6iHitJ I'xxV JL. •' • ~-- Tvr i- w * ------------ ' • .ij * * Ik can doubles at the B. C. Badmin- •Mri, C. -----T-; ■ Snurznm • B G- ■ • toS tdufmmentjin.yancfiUY.er.:..,,Of A Avenue, Vancouver. The .ŷ jn jrive a final report on the J. Cotton of bpuzzum, JS.u, . ♦ ♦ > wedding will take placq. quietly gt. Patrick's dance to hax-held was a visitor over the week end , Stephen's, Dickens -th e early -partjc^J[uJy^___i__ 1...... : ■■'o j L J g r i d a y , - J t e c h „ ; , l ^ - All in W e s t Vancouvor^^^ ................... C lub gave s o m e l) ic k e n s sk e tc h e s ♦ ♦ ♦ . members are asked to naeet at „ u ̂ Wednesday evening, 7th instant, -L O b - No. -2990....wilU.hold....4 hehali:on-Sunday.next,.atAQjl5----- Mrs..,R.~LaMarche has mQved_,^jj^..^jjg^pjj.ish-hall of-St.. Agnes their regular meeting next Tues- a.m. whence they will proceed to from 1126 Esquimalt Avenue,. church, North Vancouver, to an ----- ttoH * cv. w/iiviTifi n+, 1126 appreciative audicncewhichfilb FRIDAY and .SATURDAY Pobruiiry 10th and 17th SUM SUMMERVIbbli and ZAZU PITTS ■ in ■ X daughter, Agnes, to mr. February 20th. une memoer nave .movea irom Argyie virfnr Smithson, eldest son of will be welcomed to membership Avenue into a house at 16th and (he late Mr/T, W. Smithson and on transfer certificate. Fulton Avenue. Ijig iHv« i QOi7 '\A//iar r HER FIRST M ATE MONr, TUES. & WEDNESDAY February 10th, 20th and 21st, SoThisU-Africa day at 8 p.m. in the Otange Hall. TEAROE & SON Phone 8 4 W est Sand, Gravel, Buukers' Supplies WcMitd,JCQal__ Dump Truck Work St.. Stephen's Church for fliviUe worship. Several members will be absent from the regular meett ing owing to attending the R-W.; into her new home Duchess Avenue. * ♦ ♦ So far-there has been . -- ^ j, „.™L----------- W IlEEbER and WOObSBY very.ing owing auLcimiiiB . J50 lar--mere xms uwu. . vexof Grand Hodge Sessions at Chilli-' jiffie snow on Hollyburn Ridge, wack. ° , . . Oh Sunday only four feet „were Two fraternal visits were registered a t the measuring pole made since the last meeting to i;vhich is less a t that point than L.O.L. No. 1840 and Mount j^st June AKr.,if fiiiu .Htyip Inst Pleasant L.O.L. No, 1842. _ ed 'the hall. Vocal and instru mental niimb.ers were also given^ by West Vancouver artists. riOLLYBURN HALL leaa a . 7 " ; R, C. Dunns, who* will be the 41, ■ speaker at'the 7:80 p.m. service yearV the pole was coywed Sunday, -the-48th-instantr some twenty odd feet ot tne Hollyburn Hall, will take as RAStT, PAINES WINS slalom r a ce on Jbeautiful.9f in Hollyburn Hall, will take as-^his-subjeet-rTThe-T-hree^Appear-- ings." There will bej v a v a : / vrxi . J mgs." There W ill oe a young. HOLLYBURN RIDGE ,A n enjoyhble and ^ people's lantern service tomor-'. - -ed- Birthday Tea _ was g v e ^ y . . . ̂ .J* , • .4 v-iso DTra; when 1443 Marine Drive . Ambleside . - Phone West_340: Evenings, West i i3 Real Estate Finance and Insurance Ideal weather and snow-con ditions predominated on Holly- bum Ridge Sunday and,the Van- "S k r Club held its first Txr > n Qf Fran row (Friday)Ut 7:30 pTm. when the .Women s Guild speaker-will be Jack Ander- Ms m the Woods at t o Sunday'schooP as usual St Hall at Caulieild on Monday.̂ __ _io_a.m. Stratton's BAKERY Bread, Cakes, Pastries, Bamburies, . ^ Almond Varieties, -Birthday,-Christening, and .'Wedding Cak^ 1468l\f^ihrt)rrve Phone West 27 ,couver -- ----- - club and open slalom race. Basil -Dames-was-firstr-eover4ng--the The West Vancouver "String 'Rn.̂ emble will take .part in the C.C.P. OPJ^N FORIJM AMBLESIDE SHEET METAL WORKS ------E7 SPECK S. CROSSON. Proprietors icy course in 32 4-5 seconds on .'7 in • The next meeting of the West „^ „,p -^ T T rrm T w at cnriFT Y his first ruiL-^nd 32 2-5 seconds p fcf Fphrn Vancouver C.C.F. Club will take HORTICULTURAL SOCIET on h i r second.- W a M te n n e r North Vancouver on 21st Febru- fo , the ^ ovesi made, the fastest individual run, ary. in 30' 1-5 seconds. Art Hulla led the opeh slalomers with runs.of 30 1-5 seconds and 35 -15 sec ♦ Xno iQrjn or an opon^ui uixiv tiiy ^ -it/r rti • •L « Tiv̂ ai chief speaker to be Edwin Jones D. T +• xvitli tViP fine of Saskatchewan. Mr. Jones^ is ^ e n t qf W^In connection w ^ ^ th e ̂ interest- cultural Associ^ion at its an- qo 1 appends and 35 -15 sec- warm weather of last week a res- discussion will follow. The nual meeting. Mrs. H. B. Car- p^fi« ' r S p ^ rL oeter acted as dent r ^ e p o r t s having,seen a man JJJfp+in ̂ ® held in the l a n d was chosen vice-president; judge, P. Harlin, D. Montseratt, wearing |® S d e ^ H e in fo rm e d Legion Hall on Tuesday, Febru- Liimlkeepers, and James Walker Drive at Am bte de. i n « g - H. Trust secretary. starter. CORRESPONDENCE us thatl if we had any doubt on 26th, a t 8 p.m. ^ 'the subject, h e , could produce Study,groups have ^ c n form three other witnesses to prove ed at polling points in West V iiuee uLiic couver and members and others * Kt * interested are asked to get in The dog poisoning epidemic touch with' the following eon- viflQ broken out again, one dog -Zeners in their own locality, to your journal as a p ro t^ t ^jed in Altamont and ah- Hollyburn, S. J. Nasmith, Mrs. ^ against the continued use of th e - : h ^ '° g ° /Elizabeth JKerr; Dundarave, -.pointed jiatoon system in the lower other in Ammesiae. . Editor, West Van News. Sir:---I feel impelled to write VERNON PE E R STO R E A. C. SEARLE Phone W est ,9 _Fertilizers of All Kinds Wood, Coal, Builders' Supplies grades of the schools. In the last three years of High School, Mrs. F, Lefeaux; Altarnont, Plans were mad® to hold par lor shows every month, com mencing in April, with exception of June and September, when spring and autumn exhibitions are held." A boai*d of directors was ap- and includes Mrs. W. Dickinson, Mrs. H. T...Curtis, Mrs. A. E. Wheelwright, Mrs. H. P. Allen, Mrs. P. Mastermair, William Blair, Av̂ -J. Evans 'anch W.'̂ Fowelir"' . . . . . . Tames Reid Keith Road, met-^Major-A. M.-Lester, Mrs. Milton ----- ------ .. -T-T~ ; . J f 1 with a serious accident on Tues- Cunningham; West Bay, Dick maybe it is allinght,^but I feel afternoon while engaged.in^ Lloyd. .It-is-hoped to_form..a there is no place for this system ^jd manual training group at Horseshoe Bay also, in the public school, as a matter . -i from Pauline Johnson The new convener of enter- of ^act I feel the time has come School, his right , tainment is Mrs. M. Cunning- ̂ Fvir.v- when the schools should be under being broken in three places ham and results are anticipated day to Mr. and Mrs. Vigo E i gbvernment control and a j y s - f^^b f.^L ^S t?u ck regulto^ in the near future. son of Travers Avenue. tern"- of education introduced gu^ht concussion. He was re- ------------- =--------------------- -making school trustees a.thm g - S the^Nort A daughter was born last Sun- f il<>4 •- <*'■ toft %•( ',iA\ ' 'ilv1 f, ' jAf ■ ' «k If« !i| ' / ' i f 'S ' 'i ̂ iKM' k ̂ I'Ts" y h V ".'Sti - 7<) 'li; Viv-■■'M'■b ' Aur « ft-V',?t 4 \ J. A ' *>̂IL1-H f.-I'i ' > 'I I'* ,hy ImJ' ' - r 'V r |A rt ~4 f ' .V " 'I'T C',-' i -ifr.---*' I 't- '*(*'f i Vi ?' "" IT ' ' ̂ k* ..'W' ' f:-;; ■ k 'M i it k- ? "Cxi it-- ^ ' ; -f - of the past. Yours, C. SHARMAN, 967 20th St., Hollyburn. mbved to the JJorth Vancouver General Hospital, where he will bo for some-time. D; w . M cD o n a l d p a s s e s t o e : I N ' -• j; ' / ■'x" 'j ' •' I ̂ . the housewives'gold rush. ' 'You may find some ^articles or precious metals . , That You,can ..Xum^JntOiiCash Now. \ Pacific Golf Spotting ̂ r^efining Ca. 600 Robson Street ' Trinity 3588 Donald William McDonald passed away in his 55th year on --̂ s t -- , n , Shaughnessy Military Hospitel. He leaves to mourn his loss hiS'n e icixvco vv -------- , . 4j wife, three sons and one" sister in Seattle, one .sister <m ^ n Francisco, one sister, Mr*f_ Dr. of West Bay, and one brother, H e n r y R.JVIcDonald^ of 1507 Fulton Avehue; _Faneral services were held last Friday at ,. 3 :30 p.m. inDr E. D. McLaren officiating, and interment w^s i? Returned Soldiers Plot, Moun tain View Cemetery Ambleside Home Furnishings & Auctioneers 16th and Marine Drive Auction Sale on W ed., Fci»."2 8 th Anyone wishing to include'"good8 in .this sale can do so by phoning the Auction JRooms. Cor, 3rd and Lonsdale AVe., North 89, or by HEW ETT AUCTIONEERS, Cor. 3rd and Lonsdale Ave. Phone North 89 ' |l>;a 7 \ :'i -"rv S'V -1-3MMS5. ♦ 1*4 ir* 1 % , W -il OLD TIM E DANCE SATU RD AY, FEB . 17th, L]feGION W.A. IN LEGION HALL 8.30 to 12 Quadrilles,. Minuets, Barn Dances and Veleta. , Free Instructions Refreshments Admission 25c V \'4M' <fCh-. > ••• i ■'V w / -si t<-diSfS:A V.,