IJK|fjjBWDABI#B ®A(AiI S K E H L ir lw E ij|̂ |̂||||||Q|||||||||||||||i||||̂ ||p̂ on^«--West 610111#-or North 1310 Sommer^sL^ l̂Zlll. Natural ' Permanent ia Foremoat B B C A U S B - It }o«ve« tli« haJr Soft, Full of Life, Naturel in Appear- ance with rlnglft end*. Don't bargain with your hair Gwendolyn Beauty Shoppe 1610 Marine Orire F o r oppointmenta PHONE WEST 117 > HOLLYBURN H AH J Sunilay Bviiihig Serfkt Feb. l«th, ttf 7:30 SubJectl-^^^^^- ^The Three Appearing* " " Speaker: . MR. K. C. DUNNS Friday Evening, Feb, 16th at 7:30 o*eloek Young l^eople's Lantern Service, Speaker: MIL JACK ANDERSON..f ■■...I--.-- ' Sunday School IQ a.m.,^.I | t l | aiii ibe«^nlt» HoOrbera Tbia'^oeltty la a Branch of Sei«tiet,'i» Bofttoo, IfiMiaiidbtiitttf S i m d a / 11:80 «4». Sunday, February 18, 1034 Sabjeci: "S O U L "' *■ i! ' Sunday School a t 10:00 a.m. TeaUmony McetinK Wednesday at 8:16 p.m. § W « - BT A i r a P /Mpt M 6-J ■' • g t3 J e K o r ,n 4 W 'iS i te n M r JDU ' a,<%,:®*lrll Ifll HAPTIST CHUHCH I til'i. It .: ill i l l ■ # l i r Liquid Petrolatum . (Ituaaian Oil) 10 oz. l>otlloM id cenla ntao PHrilODAtJAIC . .. . 81.86 AOAItOL ...... 76c & 81.39 r MAONOLAX 60c A 81.00 ANBLESIDE PHARNACY W. L. KEIl, Prop - ........1401 Marino Drivo „ Phone West 82S -PUfc]IS D EU V EU Y Services 10:00 a . m . -- Sunday School and Adult Bible Class. 11:00 a.m.--Kev. H. P. Humph- : reys.. ' .7:30 p.m.--Apex Class from First Baptist Church. 8:00 p.m., Monday --̂ B.YIP.U. Speaker Mr. Hall, r, V :3:00 p.m;, Wednesday--rPrayer and Praise. ' 7r00 p.m., Friday -- Junior C.G.I.T. Philip G, Chapman General Insurance Agent Fire, Automobile, Burglary, Accident and Sicknena, etc, t597 Klng'n Ave. Phone7w. 42y8_ The 'News " ST. STEPHBN'S CHURCH-- February ,18th --̂ 1st Sunday in Ixmt. 8 :00 ,n.m.--Holy Communion. H:15 a.m.--Matins and Sermon; 7:15 i).m.--Evansong and Ser mon. THUKSDAY, 8:15 p.m. -- Lee- - . ture, Dean Qiiainton in __ __ Orange Hall. . : FRIDAY, '4:15 p.m.--Children's Lantern Service. St. Francis-in-thc-WoodB. Cnujfeild SUNDAY, .3 p.m.--Evemsong & *- Sermon. DEATH OF J, A. WATSON John Albert Watson died last Thursday at the home. of sister, Mrs. E. Macbarlane, 12o7 'Clyde Avenue; Be.sides his sis ter here he is survived by two others, Mrs. R. McMasler, resi dent in the United, States, and Mrs. J. Donaldeori' in Ontario, also one brother, Henry of Worth Vancouver. Th^ deceased, who •' passed away in his sleep, wa.s in his 60th year. Funeral ser vices were held at 2 p.m. Mon- "day- in North > Vancouver, - Rev... Walter'Ellis officiating, and in terment was made in the,family plot," Mountain View Ceipetery.- ^TOLLYBURN VERSATILE PLAYERS IN FINE PLAY ' ̂ .. m a s m ta w i " KING OSCAr 'SARDINES-- (& tu rW only) , TAM-^.B. Pure Strawberry, 4 lb. tm.............. each Sjc ̂ m a rm a la d e--Aylmer, ^ l i eMARMALADE--Empress, Orange, 4 lb. tm...... .each 39c CORN-Golde# Bantam, Ay mer, No. 2 tin..,.... each lOe SPINACH--Aylmer, No. 2 tin..: ........... .-ea^ 15c T0MA1X)ES--Aylmer, No. ^ squat tm........... 3 19c TOMATO JU ICE--AyImen No. 1 tm............... i5 for 13C WALNUT MEATS--light amber pieces.^......23c o a t s -- Robin Hood, non-prem ium ....................... 2 to v 26c TEA--Blue Ribbon.......... ...................... *..........22® COFFEE--Blue Ribbon ................................. • re s c rv ir th c ijg 11# d uanW W SAFEWAY S T dllES UMITED d i s t r i b u t i o n WITHOUT WASTE WI3ST VANCOUVER UNEMPLOYED ASSN. WOMEN! ■ UNITED CHURCH • •-- armeay^Ue, rorluUf.a oegtrov. Services: Sunday 11:15 a.m. -mid-7 :15 Crowded houses greeted the presentation of the three act comedy, 'Taying Oft the Mort gage," by the Holly burn Versa tile Players last Thursday and Friday evenings in the Orange Hall. Mrs. Florence Bowman, 19th and Bellevue Ave., ;the writ er of the play, deserves great credit for a very clever and well • written full ,oi humor arid entirely true to life in a fanning .community in Canada thirty years ago. All the cast entered into the spirit of the period and p la c e -an{Lgaye_a_mgst_ realistic -presentation- of- their various parts, keeping the attention of their audience throughout, in The' next meeting of the West Vancouver Unemployed Associ ation will be held in, its new quarters at Pauline Johnson An na ,' on Thursday; - "February: 22nd at 8 p.m. Keen interest is' -being shown in the new North Shore Federation of Unemployed ; Associations^.and, arrangements are being made to take as many pdrsons as possible in -to the mass meeting in North Vancou ver on Fi'iday, February 23rd. Full reports will be given on Thursday and a large attend ance is desired. _ The Association will also hold a Hard Times dance pn Thurs day, March 1st, details of which appear^ elsewhere in this paper.. Special Meeting DR* G, JO. SJEjAZjE . . .D E N T I S T .; '. Hay Block, 14th and Mwine Dr. Office Hours 9 to 6 p.m. Evenings by appointment. Phone West 73 . Dr.Ma|rjory McCu.bbln - „ . : p - E N x i i i j L l _ : Hours: 9 a.m . :to 6 p. m. Saturdays: 10 a-m . to 1 p. m. Evenings and 'Saturday A fter noons by appointment only. Royal Bank Building' Phone West 446 Residence Phone West 393. , CHURCHES OF CHRIST, SCIENTIST : A^pecial-jneeting-o£-Ahe.-A3::;-_.:., .^SOUL'T̂• I • ■ _-- 1.. .... 1 J] . nT8«t i-Wd/IrtTr T .......N. ..S.«« O ̂ ' -Tin 11 .n/a Established on North Shore , 20 Years., (Lady--AaalslanD---------- BARRON BROS. & WILLIAMSON funeral Birertors North Vancouver Parlors 122 West Sixth Street Phone North 134 Vancouver Parlors 55 Tenth Avenue East Phone Fair. 134 The regular monthly meeting of the Women's Missionary So ciety will be held in the church hall at 2:15 p.m., Tuesday, 20th February. Reports.-of-Presby^ ierial meetings will be given by Mrs. .Hi I Us Wright and Mrs. George Baldwin. A cordial in-- ~YHTrtioiTls'exteiKled-Lo-alHadies to attend. • ° - fact their acting has never been surpassed in West Vancouver. The scenery was well arranged and entirely typical of the farm house of the period portray^. sociation. was held on Tuesday evening to hedr speakers from Bloedel's Camp now on strike. A graphic picture was given - of the liimbm^-industry under the modern "speed-up'- process, with an outline of wages and condi- tion.s among the men. A collec SirAMFHONYB CHURCH Ser- i i J . O v erin g lo ir PIONEER BARBER ̂ Expert Work 14th and Marine Phone West 135 • Sundays 8:46 a,m.--i'Uoly Mass - mon- 10:46 a.m,--^Holy Mass -- Ser mon. 2:16 p.m.--Sunday School. 7 ;30 p,m.--^Devotions; " Week Days 8;00a.m,--Holy Masi' . 7 :30 p.m., Friday--Devotions, ̂ Confessions of Children, 7:30 p.m,, Saturday -- Confes sions. Exc'^ellent incidental' music was played between acts by an or chestra composed of Mr. Scales, .Miss --EL._Ruff,. W. Cuthbert, B. Ellam, Miss Irene Hogg and the Black Diamond Boys,' The play was-produced under the direc tion of J. C. Young; J. E. Dur bin being in charge of the scen ery, and Rupert Harrison of the properties, wdiile B. C. Electric were responsible for the electric al fittings. At, the conclusion of the play a short address,, was given by Mrs. Bernard Hayes, Regent of the Duncan Lawson Chapter, I.O.D.E. ̂ who spons ored the production. tion was.taken up, the rneeting going Yin record as being in sympathy with the loggers and willing-to assist them in any way. While the meeting was palled under the auspices of the , Unemployed Association other woodsmen,' not members of the jorganization, were present -to extend their sympathy and as sistance. Lesson - Sermon which, will be read in all Churches of Christ, Scientist, on Sunday, February 18th. . . ' • Among the citations which comprise the Lesson - Sermon is. the following from the ,Bible: "Thou shalt love thy neighbor CUB NOTES On the evening of Monday, February 19th, the St. Stephen's Cubs met in the Pariish Hall. The pack is now divided up into -five-groups with a-scout a t th€ head of each. During the meet- . ing. Gordon Greenway was in vested as a tendferpad. LITERARY SOCIETY THE I f l "■>lM W est Van News Pub1i»hod Evory Thursday ' The; ni^ hieeti«^of-L4ie--So-- eiety will be held in the usual place tonight (Thursday, 15th), at ;8 o*clock, wlieh an address will by Mr. R, Allison Hood on "The Muse of the l^Ieri'y Lyre." Mr. Hood is best known to mosr people as the - «'Hhpr,of two succ€ Jioveis* ̂ PrFrLDVEGROVEF^ lighter side of poetiy Phone West 863 -----hasT^beem: a--stndj*--of--Ids--foi*- yeam; and his address of to nights will deal with the English writers of the ̂lighter poetry fiom Milton's- "Ljxidas" to the A week later, on Thursday, ,22nd { instant, Mrs. Hamilton Smith, will give another of the pleasant, papers which the public has learned to expect from her. Bttiinoas and Editorial pffico: 17th and Marine Drive^ (Next to Hollybnrn P, 0.) Phone West 363 - Mail Addri&ss: P. 0 . Box 61,%taiybttrn, RC. North Vancouver Office; . Lonsdale Ave. SCOUT NOTES On Wednesday evening, Feb ruary 14th, the 1st West Van couver Scouts met in the Parish Hall. Ross Gleam was made mem^i\ ^^Th^e'̂ ioys now being in three groups are' working for a display which they intend to put on later in the year. - ' Oxford Group meeting for men will be held in the Horti cultural Hall, 22nd and Lonsdal^ p.m. This meeting, is for ah nien interested iir the" Group' move ment. - If you encounter-no-^ifficul- ties the office boy could take your place. as thyserf7'n:Matthew-T9r-L9). The Lesson - Sermon also in - ' eludes the following passage from the Christian Science te^rt- AooJc,_71Sjcienjce_and_Health with Key to the Scriptures" by'Mary_. Baker Eddy: "It. ̂ should be thoroughly understood that all . men have-one Mind, .one God and Father, one Life, Truth, and Love. Mankind will become per fect in proportion as this fact becomes apparent, war will cease and the true brotherhood of man will be established." (p. 467). "It is very hard to. drive a bar gain," said the fellow who had bought an old Ford for $10. * ♦ ♦ I. "Dear Teacher," wrote an in dignant mother, "yo.u must not . whack my Tommy. He a deli cate child and isn't used to it. At home we never hit him ex cept in self-defence." ' T h ere's a R easo n ! For Our Increased Business. May be it's because- ,we serve quality goods. Patrons expr^s surprise at our moderate prices.-- ' May we surprise you ? OUR P IE S H A V E PERSO NA LITY d r o p i n a t t h e CARD OF THANKS $ 1 .0 0 a year by c a rrk t: $2.00 a year J b e s u b j ^ t th i s t im e ,w ll be ------- -- hy«R tt. ~ > T he W in d m P o e try a n d P ro se ." To the many friends* who, by their expressions of sympathy and attendance a t the funeral services for ,the late Mrs. Jack- man, -have come .very near to them in. their bereavement, Mr. Jackman --and--family-- tender their heartfelt thnnks. Trr - TH E W ORLD DAY OF P R A y iR FRIDAY, FEB. 16th. a t 3 pJm: Service in the United Church ah ' •All women cordially .invited ■ ■* r-f i; i. ̂ , it-1' * i i * ; I ' ̂-T-;} < ' Vo""" v' ̂ ^V* - ^