SPECIA LS fo r F rid ay f ̂ V i: 8I1BSDDKO WIJBAT* p*r pkf., .. m u v u m m M BMM», i m 9 : 4 " 0l(g. itiMi A WMU TOMATO m>VV, iln 70 Fbm t QualUy MWNES, fi^r Ih, m Had A Wlilt* FMiUK* 7 Ih. 0M<k Me Had A WfilU TOMATOKH, 2P|i 2 Itfii 2&<i AiMmiMy 9 ^ mfyiUiliim VIIttlF M*C Vf* v«*̂ i w BOABT lt<m J'KIMB BBI», Power* elldirlier a larBer army, . Ilia 1 which {fi-ineaUty only means OJt- .....*......"Itt recognition of the troops Jb. Ijc gjjg jj£g already i?ot under vari ftss, m At 1 i ' if n H. 4 U0d A w ait# 8PAG 11151*11 «imI Ckm00'....;......\,l........,„„„'2;*,tlit» lie FINK 8ALMON, u l t tins. ««th l ie JAP ItlCEl Fureisfco ........2 lbs. le OAT CAKH8. Ilnbbie Burns, pka. l ie ' fled A White TOiLFTf UOU.8 ..................... 2 for H e fled A White MATCHES, 400s COFFEE. . . lb. 2le AFPI.E8, aood eookinif, ..,.7 lbs. 25e V C. A n. J« OE. FOHK A BEANS ^ 3 tins 25c * ^ a. sA.a.1. n»ny. This merely means offici aturdM y, Feb. 9 th A I0 th a! r^oghitlQh of the gods to Ich th e . „an Junkers real knee previous to 1 s to re a t H o lly b u r n , next P h o n e WMt 370 ̂ t >• ►■ WiFW* S -5* » 8n :- ................ 1014 and iaeklentany ever since I t Is siso quite in line with Gei:- that the Great i.KtiH OF LAMB..... . lb. 22c Qŷ pretty names. It will be IMJHK POKE SAUSAGE ib. I8« much better -if Uuiae demands IJUUNH' SIDE BACON . are acceded to, l>ecau»ê ^̂ t̂ ^̂^ J'. W ̂ /T * *1 ' * lu f! '^bat their governments have i'. ....* been aware of for years but r* n iliS l have been afraid to tell them,j-1N F.B I A LBEin A/ liUlTER Qf course, i t . won't please the I '^ f .' I t ^ pS c7oSSt a l r n e r ? tS th" iiAumF Pii I PTft...t ...... threatening explosion in the FarIIAIHHE HLLBTS shortly read *̂ "'*'*' ...................... . •* something like the following in the:;pres8 V B . M . . » . , . i flTEST VANCOUVER LU M B ER C<>- Pl>- Phone West 116 15lh and Marine "Right Service -- Right Grades" Res. Phone WMt 868L i '-I' f I 11 * •A (4,^1 ■/" WEST VANCOUVER - *'of the last mcetliiR of the W.V ■ UNKMI*LOyMENT ASSN, U.A. should be made regarding -------- . the Canadian Lesion. It was ? r t"oll Members of the above Associ- meant to sUte that the West ^ ^ S ie W wirolJi? ̂ Mr tion are umtHl in uHsinrl in- Vancouver Branch of the Ganad. CLASSIFIED AD S< I «a.fa. ■vt...4. The rate for ClasHified AdverUMments Is 2 cenU p e r 'w o r i minimum 25 cent*. Exeept In the case of thsue having regular accounts, > all classi- fleds are payable strictly in advimce, • j* * ■ ' »* Kcmember Claasineds in the West Van News get immediate, results. atlon are urged to attend to- -^Va'icouvcr Branch of the Gana^^ P attuL night's meeting In-the Socialist i7 \i^ ';" r v " n W n affllU^^no ̂ in gdVwas f o r t h e S WOMEN'S GYM CLASS. Badminton SHANNON'S TA X I^Phone North 50 Wednesday evenings, $1.50 per . Day or night service. Ambleside to month. Grange Hall. , .Edwards, West 456R1. $1.25.. Ha l I n t S p.m; Several Import- iwUlV'the"nVX'fo™ ed'No'rih ""5®> . . . . -------- -- , ' ^ . ------ T-- - n n t-m a tto r s - w ill be u n d e r dlsi-"'fev,i,,.,. F c d .f a t lo ir iK irK 'p S B r a w ould bom b f e r r y ' t a l e s "Arc Good-mn) So«>«" w ?.9 -r-Choap..JE'hon6 cusslon, amdng them the prob- ti, it also S r a o d in f o S Vancouver. Colonel Williams of thom̂ Tresh, but the atocb_of . _We£446U.............- --.... ' lem of new. headyuarlers. Be- ' hn non.nnlH leal Mom Thol™ l^^ lY®®. *'.?®" .̂ bemoan the fact r " b " l » r Cigarettes. Qsois und LOST--Gold Wateh, m*B0graifi.B.K.b. p r t r w i i n i ^ v e n r e P r d i n g th e « h I i m t tb rized the' se n d in g of n J "® N ar™ w s Ambtaide Tea^oma! ' . Pi„der please return-to-West;Van.North :Shore^Federatlon o f had .been. Up, the city AmbUa.de Tea Beoj^------^ ^ News and reeelve reward. • m n nvofi AaaniiiiifiAtiu uu tK iu tri, iiiL u u tin p jo y miiarht h a v e been snff* H owovpth' .i.i.oxTtntirsr^ Axm iTVPiTPMicfn^n --̂ '• ■ Gana~^lan Leg|bn of the British Empire Service League Tuberculous Veterans' Sectioh Member Vancouver Council of^'Social Agenciea aiifl Welfare : , t Federation. 1116 Dominion Bank lluflding, Vancouver, Ph^ne Seymour 4205 This section of the Canadian Legion maintains an adiust> ment and Welfare Service which i.s available to anv ex-Service man with a cheat disability. ° AOKimm-AMCHFLOWElR, Executive Secretary. U.B.C. students of ' advanced views held an indignation meet- , ing and got their lawyers to a p r ply for an injunction against the P R I N T I N G - P F o r aU kinds ____ ___________ _ printing phono West Van enemy, wirelessing their action . . . News, West 363. to the circling aviator above WANTED TO RENT--Fumished or Unfurnished- Houses AjiriL 1st; ,. furnace,* modern, 3 bed-rooms; on or near, the water.' Reliable tenants. Evenings, Bayview 6466. fl opped a juvENILEFOOTBALL-- message that his gas ^vas get- DIVISION II. J ing low and promptly bombed - -- :_____ judge?oul -^®, 7®®*̂ Vancouver team . vast damage to their several digr^ia^yed the" h a n d y ANN SHOPPE, Dundarave. , ^Valentines; Wool; Notions; Station e r Toys, Paints; Nails; etc. >Your Radio nities and digestions. Thereupon side Park on Saturday to a 1 all Mr̂ 'PattuIlo phoned for the gold draw. It was a splendid game to M r.. Bennett, who, enraged throughout,^the local boys play- that anybody^ else should have ed well, and would have won by the audacity to start blasting, a big margin of goals, but for took a deep'breath and blew the .the excellent work done by the daring aviator and his machine Shamrock goal-keeper, who turn- into the stratosphere. And so* cd in one of the best games seen ■ T r -------------------------- . . . . . . I , 1 - , r e , 1 * ................................................. THE WELFARE ASSOCIATION re- Clothing. Phone West 37 and truck 'w ilt collect. W. CARLEY buys, and seBs furniture, paints, oils, glass, etc.,' French Polishing. JPhone-West '71Y. A certain Louis Wolfe,'aged |"e.,Shararo^.s.bu(; the local Finger Wave S t PhoU^ 71veara. recentlv f»U a;.,.™-:g- boys-had nfost of the game,-apd-.^- West 304, 1620 Marine. ^ flight of Ataiis in Kansas City , f®*'® ' i f « fi"®"y L®®-' W gold - Best PnV. p -a w 1and-hrnkA-hfQ-n™^-Kvv+-vii4-,i«»'l- ter equalized-after-a-gooctr-un-- Tri:.,-jugiiL ui._a.uurs m Jtvansas Uity ,-;----^--.-^--0 . * -------- and-=broke~ his-Treckr bnt"ilrdn't~ ̂ 5!* equahzed--_afteri=an.^good ̂ ;know-it-until~he"Visited the hos-- - West Vancouver defence pital a week later about the was good, and the forwards larihe Drive.' the constitution of a. pirate." At this moment we are wondering ^ TRUE DREAM STORY what would happen if the old ' . ------- ^ fellow committed a murder in - - ^ certain man we happen'to PbUA^BING REPAIR^ Jdence-Pjione-West 241R: -- Res- •i' f!-' '• ( l-u. I t .. ' ĉ ajv/vir wuiiiutitju n muraer m --- wcitam zuttii we xicippen to Canada. In all human probabil-- Î bow dreamt recently that he ity Mr. Ellis would , have to use ^^d died, was given a big funeral an airship mooring mast, in fact afterwards a very large and he told us in confidence that he .beautiful monument was erect- xŷ buldn'̂t guarantee the job at «d in his honor./An old friend that. Even a-hangman-has his - in another-town,-hearin<F worries these days. * ' of bis death and the circumt stances of his burfal,'°fcame to view. the monument. But he repairs wearoJlifcjl -- Dundarave. IfpSsSv hh' ' 5. There is bom occasionally in searchS^h?™™®®*'. f*® every-lahd a man or woman who S f at t o for sheer love of country goes j 1 . ^ot up and alone amongst the ̂ emyTo lain he woL^U® information or in other wavs to ^ ~ help their nation. Such make up GORDON ROBSON Barrister ~ Solicitor WEST VANCOUVER-- gj^^ce No. 1447, Marine' Drive Phone West, 408. 10_ to 12. VANCOUVER OFFICE-- Suite 501: 610 H aatii^a St. W. _ Phone, Seymour 4199. 2 to 5. vis .j; A 60-waU: lamp costs no iils -i igSsfss ..... lilisS a more to buy than a 4 0 -w V ̂ -i* I . < watt aivd uses ooly ..v-.,, XU4UUU. ouen maxe up a i . the personnel of , the S ^ e t Ser- reducing exercise is vice of every power. If they sue- left to ceed, no honor - can be given when the cake is passed 1 them. If they^fail,--their own t ̂ ^ ' people must perforce repudiate oldtJays the man them and in war. death in front Sr® nioney was a miser, of a Wall is their portion. For ̂wonder. .̂ ;̂>4hese reasons it'is only fair, that p , T ------ . - |^ ^ d . .X Q u J a e a r - W r i j ? h t ^ -- W dislike them,^5lmuld be church t h S m o ^ -------- CEO. HAY Notary Public . Real Estate A Insurance' Listings W anM 1405 Marine Drive ^ Phone West 2 f „ ^ g m e W 12*0 Evenings WMt . 204X ?,"« H l i * . awful." SSliltiS® mMM cent of-the War Office, of all Black: '•(t blame for the execution of Nurse " She w as/a brave and Yes, I did--he woke ̂ i « v ® T S ® " w h h 'p a i d ^ e u su a l a .T l ! ® V '®'®® ®' d a t no ise ovah f f i . ! ? 'lf®®®®®'®«®"® «® °™ ed.. i L e W L i '® ^ '® ® .laa t, n j h t . ■'v; ',T , .7-^ f o r . w h ^ e v ^ , , , v: - ■, . rith^thoRA f^mrc9*» r ^ . j ^ h i | s D a t 7 S^anUher womanaj^other. Sounded ,lak a lot - « < r , I . n . , , , , . . . . . , . - 'V--, BRITISH COLUA\BIA ELECTRiC RAILWAY CO. - w i t h - ^ e m r . ' , . * nuffin 'bu trffJ ^®* ®̂®® only laid the '®"®®«"' >>« e a s / w - 'y,'-. /'<; VERNON f e e d STO Rte A.C.SBARLE P to a e W M t* Fertilizers of AD" % .H f V " ._T ttYj-'c**.. f • V** -- ./V" Wood, C o ^ r ® 'Vfciiiill fYSiisKKiSS,, "V. , - r 1 t \ ^t" H.-*- ' ' ^