' A i y. 1 I. If J " H *1 ̂ ' : ' h r . , \> •■',= . • ' . ■ ■; ^ p m x m s m m m m ?»1 ; ',-_.X-v '. V Ji C a to s ^c" > ellcatessen Z 4 2 ? s » ••W ■ ' r-.. r, F«b. I5ih. STHESr ■ in ... . MA ^ { 'T ___e, i m Noel .venii^ hiii moved into sta M vv9m% '■'■•"'■"80l||nEND0 M i ■■ -- ̂ ̂V- " ■«" ,' M.ra,-.J . V past eyinfiT with Gapta! »-is'a s « iwiisaMiitofawuii w* lO c s _ ot tho. P w - -. new«>aper. . ■W11. KO, ^ »>■■»•■»I ,*.̂ I*. LIONS Groceries ' Op^Sli#^i ,,,„k.rdBr.n4:e.»j&;*«;i^<*S^^ SunkW OrM*«<' A , ( W i n t e r "^ h o n e W est 14 (S n o w S ik e iV 'S a t f M is j ri ' - j «',>»--'iji ,' f * , I ' ) ' ̂ " Cowan'S Pit«i» Porfoctloa Cocoa . . •'̂"'̂ 1 ib« fllll-t̂V»M**»«»n*e#«»««»«»**«*'"M«»»*«-jSa® ̂ yj.iiwi"tip:.;.;.ir..i'.'..--.:-»-.-'V.«̂ wv. Chocolato lEmira............. .'....'.6 for zoo* nobertson'8 Bread^S loavea for I8i^ Crosses'-Ambaaaadiir Dry G in g ^ « AIg ̂ p5C......r*v*" ..... .... a S " ^ Keove J.' B. Eeyland'Waa A w t ■ V *o ' ed tb the oxecutiveof the UnBi A. J. Teed, has' moved from C.M. at their convention in yto- ■Vancouver into, a house at 27B0. torin last w ^ . ■ Bellevue AvOTUft . , .. . / i i« m andiliW. W; J, Ray have month 62,888 moved from 2842 Bellevue Ave- com py^ vrtth 69,646, for Janu;a ̂ « S <4 J 4 S% • «%!»■■• #V4' IMkOll* «S,AC Genifmll'c Diqf $tpre * * V I y ,• .< 4 I • ' Ths Storo of Borrico.iM?- " ■•"•*> •"-* .'V uoa Marino Drivo Want W Bmergenoy PIioqo Wm I 8S1 (A fter JQ p.m,) m mOVea,'ironi 45wni6 xjuiievue nuvw wa*»jj»*Yv» » . . ■! * rA S ^ n S e"®"*® 1448 Duch- ar|^of 'f f ^ U ^ C c o n s f f ib ir ess. Avenue..̂ ..-. j . . .. jast Sunday bwlbBr to;the: Mr. and Mrs. B. BelUnd lamr very fine weathet, 2,664 persons ,ily, who have been, liv i^ fo r the using the ̂ boatA'.^ , . . I C e ' S A d " a X " o r « : Mrs. Sharp of the Hollybum ' "'Akf'fifyle'iA venUOiv*^**"* '* I 0 ! 0 f* 0 < H » il* M |« IM |> (« i I* •A.I ' C • • • I -i '( * A'ii , ' I ' , ' '■' t. . .l̂ ' lN'.THB;pBANGfi HA D t ̂ ^ 4 '( !'■ ff ' FRIDAY, F e b tto ry 1 6 th , a t 8 p.m Show and D ance 86c .' > Sjiow 26c ̂ D ance,2Bc .■ Children IBc S IX -P IE C E O R C H E S T R A ' ' HOLLYBURN ^I'ia r m t ' 15th & Marino EXPERT SERVICE E. MARSH, Proprietor,' ' th e West Vancouver Strinsr Ensemble under the direction of 58 Blocky 16th and Mar ne iJnve, A Js a.patient in.St..?aul,s.lfto&pit-; 1' ' Hi - ' •'■«"*' .' . ; . ■• . t . : ' ■•.■ h • ■ ■ ■ ■ I, .: , i ■ . , . . • • - './i ,,■ ■ I. 0 . D. Btâ 4̂ 'i a m b l e s id e SHEET METAL'WORKS TEARQE & SON PKone 8 4 West V '>"1 Sand, Gravel^: B n i l d e r s ' S u p p l i e s Wood, ' Dump Triick Work 1 '-f liCA l^dliviv - MU VAAQ hWiivviA V> WA. vaâ 4 H o te I v S u v e r * the ohair was taken by the .Reg- ̂ wotei Vancouver,, ̂ uny^g. -. l', Mr. Patterson of Va^puyer. M o r to the h i m n e s ^ l ^ ^ ___ has moved' into a house, at 2468 ■ L.. Saunders . pf l^ w We^pjpe .<» A -4. M̂.vfe.upt.ftWk'i'̂«»'Pr(>vincial-^*riCnoeBteoeci^ » » ♦ ♦* 6 tary, gave a short talk in an of- Class Leaders for .January. vancouver®into®® a™°house'^°rt ^y® afa®o^ddressed the mefting TXTiVivtediffh---- ..... on "The Necessity for Peace-nyiecmik V-- seems to be fairly well read from, the National Chapter, Hoffman, ' , xt:„4. ' «■ v>,,w,Uav,. .TAmnfn na'tnmr .mp.mbers to llS- Doors open at 7.4B HOLLYBURN'^W oL"^"-'" B Sm ^^^ . ■ G r i M i ^ l ! B l t e k e Spa^^^ r Propnetors , , Richard Wilson ;,:' 8i Bhoda- * . .. Ti:; V, , ' It seems to oe lainy wen icau Hoffman, Mg>« established that ' a- number of Toronto, urging members to lis. 'Grade Sb--lv D ^ o t h ^ ^ in. the ten to the series of radio talks ; singer and Margaret KVdd, tie, _ • weeks is the result of a - given over Canadian Radio 2, Berny.Crosby; 3, Michael Cos-. now pre- Broadcasting -Commission • on , tello. t „ ' vailing in Greater Vancouver. Sunday afternoons a t 2:15 p.m., : n ■ Ko'T "n ,.» "Willoueh- At the same time, however,-this E.S.T., but unfortunately these ;̂Grade 5a--l,Gfl(). WillWfn explain all the Cases, are recerved here at 11:15 a.m. by; 2,, Eat Jefferies; 3, Moira which undoubtedly some The.addresses will be given by .MMLebd:_ ., „ . ' W ' prominent Canadians and are %s Grade 5b--1> John ivyaa^ <3, , ) , ♦ , ♦ , follows: Dennis;-Nickerson; \3, .Norma i^Minions:! , « .4̂ ̂ Ifi I_.w, J -fM *«•*.* cc (V H o l ly b u r n T h e a t r e B'RIDAY and SATURDAY February 0th and 10th TheReliel \ tWCf'il with VILMA BANICY, MON„ TUBS. & W ED N B pA Y Pebrunry 12th, 13th and ■ 14th T h re i! C o r n e r M o o n ̂ ' with - CLAUDEHTE COLBERT MARY BOLAND RICHARD ARI ..H enr^otvehdM l: the VAn- Febroary 18--What Might Hap- _ ni«T> ^ ' Tipn to CannHa it the Cô IleCuVetS*' • • a ttt c o u v e rsS Club ^ the RTdge peato Canada jflJie^ llec tiye - r ri 4?^T °C atherine Low- made the longest jump of the, . System Is Abandoned? Hon.Grade., 4a~X, C a ^ ^ , .^gg Irene Parlby. . ■Kataoka, d, ^ jumping title with a February 25 -- Present Ob- p t A - Mary Wilson. - .,e«. fpg+ lump at the Seattle stacles to Peace. Mrs. H. P. P.-T. A, Grade 4b--rrl, Louise Messin- q-nurts Carnival held over Plumtre. ' The P.-T. A. will hold their . g e r ; 2, Dorothy Nelson; 3, Nor- week end at Snoqualmie, March 4 -- Why did the Collec- ' g^eral meeting in the High man Ogden. . . ^ gĵ Mobraaten of the tive System Fail in Man- .School on Tuesday. February Division IV. j_ _ ^ m ^ lu h la lsD won his second churia? Mr. John W. Dafoe. ' isth. at 8 o'clock. After the re- Grade 3a--1, --------- --------- -- --------- ----- , . . f f 1443 Marine Drive Ambleside , " Phone. W<»t 34t)- Evenings, Weist .1,43 RmI Estate! '-T < ' ,ii if! -fn- .1; - J *■ S t r a t t o n 's B A K E R Y i M l i f e Bread, Cakes, Pastries, Bamburies, , . Almond Variebes, Birthday, Christening, and' Wedding Cakes l 4 ^ "Marine Drive Phone West 27 _____ _____ ■________________ ___sam e-clublalso_w on h is second churia: ivir. jonn vv. j^axue. at o ocioca. uuc 145- Grade 3a-r-i,, Lenneu's~W^od- , . ^ "combined", victory and 'IJtTierbroadcastBrin-t-he-ser-ies-- ports-and-therelection-of officers cock; 2 . -Ruby Bourgeois; 3, Xmpiri^^ Tbe will be announced next montb. , there wHl be a musical program. Hour! Nakasbiibm ■ nrevious - week the Portland A new member, Mrs., Pegram, and a social will be given to the -. Grade , 3 ^ 1 . . Glfdys Wilson; . P S ^ w r E a d ' ^ n e to, him. --------- -- -- -- noun , nrpvioiifl ' week the Portland a new meraper, mr».. ireBiixu*, a n a a soom i vym wc isxv,=,. «« : Ht p ) ~ Grade-3b-^l,«Gifdys Wilson; P ^ _ . was welcomed into the Chapter, teachers >nd students of the _ > I V'W 2, ' .Eula P ierson;- '3, , George championship naa gone t , , ^ , _iJMitcheJb ' ___ «««>!:.--Pov-fvr -uroa triVPTI h v TVTrS. - ' ... ' ' ■"■ ij, T ^ ^ - . The nnai rep o rt 0X1 y n igh t ............................................. . -vr ' T. T Wn-Qhpror 15th andGor- ren's-Party was given by Mrs. - . . ------- -- i ^ Division V. , J A ™ ri«+ipnf in <̂ t K. B.'Forster, who also aimouhc- : Eagle. Cake -------- ' u'- j1, George Knowles; do"., Aveme is a patient in St. ^ :;-3rPeter-Gtoke..-_BauIsJIospital.____-------- - ^ ^ g n d - A p n l r ^ - - - --- _ _ ------- ^ -/V b b W n sU B a r - ' Grade 2a--1 ,------ ■ '2; Billy^Slater ;-3rPeter-Glar.ke,ir--J^aui s-j:^»pxttu.- ......... Grade 2b--1, George Edmg- philfSh 15th - and Ingle- Reports were submitted by ■ ton: 2. Beverley E llis; 3, Mable A^ w in tv^ the Conveners of the Empire 7151^ 1117̂ ^ -r Study. ̂ H ospital;-W elfare and i . " W est -Vao ." S h e e t M e ta l W o r k s Ajgents" McCliwy .F.urnacesi Furnace wid Range* (Repaira General Sheet MetalVWork. PHdNE WEST 39 V.; V Evenings4-North^l584R--- "We make warm' friehdfs." ' '" --Hr -'"X -r "I'i' f "« " f-t"' . ' ̂ wood Avenue, is a j^ tien t in xne , - tt„„„44̂ j- -W elfare and Division VI. . - . N o r th -V a n c o u v e r General; Hos-, - .|t^d g ^ .H . Grade la -- 1, Eleanor Wyck- pifal. ' ^ ; ' The following were appointed - Edythe; Lang; 3, Nom e Hood has returned' as nominatihg com m it^e for T t o d e lb -- 1, -Margaret Me- from a .short trip to Seattle. G'o®urlay7 ^nvener)T ^^^ Cuilpch; 2, Eleanor Nelson; 3, , Lawson and Small, Mrs. P. C. Chapman,'Mrs. ^'Joy Granwill, _________ . . . H .]g ^ r o w n ,. both ;of th e t^ach-7 Mjcup. 1 cup brown sui^ar 1 egg 12 cups,flour. : 1 teaspoon'soda 4^ teaspoon salt, ̂ . "" T, teaspoon cinnamon teaspoon, cloves ' 1/2 . teaspdoii nutmeg . 1 chp raisins .. 1 cup sour milk', "7 f Tablesp'oomhot water-mvYxax, .,, , . . ■p'no'W'Rrown both of the teach- , i t . r l a a e s , axxu xm B . w lu . jjx^ xx . , , ^ " V ----- ' r* 'xT-ci-raro ' ino-^^^ of the Pauline'Johnson Mrs. Small reminded members . Prepare dry mgredients by- : STAMP-NEWS . i n g s W o f t h e ^ the, play 'Taying- Off th e - . lifting together flour, salt, ' The regular meeting-of-the ^ipkness Mortgage,' to be presented this Aftor. sifting add raisins, ' Wekt Vancouver Stamp Club will owing to sickness. ̂ , , week on Thursday and Friday, -cream abutter, and sugar, add be held at the home of Dr; Nash, praok Kerlev tied for' third in the Orange Hall, and said ar- Tbeaten egg, beat well th®n add ^ 27th and'Marine. Drive, on Mon- O e r a W r a n g e m e n t s , were now complete, :<3ry-i"gre4mnts a R e rn a t^ iday; February 12th, a t 8 p.m. »*"<=« Pauline John- while Mrs. P.- C. Chapman dis- -sour milk and. s"4a whiph. has " 'Shins in Philately will be'the Tiit. was ihadvert- played the Afghan donated by -been dissolved in tablespoon hot .. s l i b S ' S th e exhibit- by Mr.. ^ J " i r U 1 ? h r i i L s " McTavishftickets for which w"*er ^ a t m W ^ . there, will be a public exhibition . 7 , . v discussion ofi the School Librar- oven. . . ' -^in^h-e--Oraiiger-Hall7--Fui4her: ies after which it was desolved ----- announcements Iater.7 ' washed a good deal of snow,off donations of suitable Wh rr 11'/7V'?' ■r-l7SVr7 r» i . a u i i v u u i u . m iu G iu ii& ; . « > /a. i> > \ f T t 6 0 0 7 R o b s o t t7 ^ S t r e e t i -,̂ vJj V I t*T«WW.WS»V»1.,» 1.JI V T r in i ty ?35S8'k - \ , ---------------- J ,j^ni «45 nff les aixer wnxcix xt was ueBU4vx=i.x i~;------ ----------- ̂ -- - --̂ j-- : washed a m od. deal, of solicit donations-of suitable , Wheii a man jumps in to .th e the mountains a n d _ ^ ^ I^ b p m , .(.„ augm ent same. river one can -pretty--sure. Ridge resulting m flood,condi- - . . , . j, _ _ • _ -------- a VinffnrYiniage ; Af A com m ittee was appoii ' ^ I P l 'rn m im t i o f e h f Ca^i jSm A committee was appointed to • there is a woman at the bottom ̂ ■ th T p irs t Lake SkiVCamp only make arrangements. "f »t. • . -------- --- ' sixlfesi^lsnQW remains.andja8t__ Sunday it was foiihd' Impossible to use the hill. Mrs., Goddall anii: family of Dundarave, have mlwed into one o f , thdN Bulkley cottagea. at- 26th- and Bellevue Avenue., * * ,'7 f 7 - ' ' R. J. Johnson, 1576 'A r^ le Avenue, who has been very.eeri^ ously ill, has suffieientty efed to be a;ble to- ber out and iL around againr S r r 7 V A t r is A/r̂ A . LEGION, CONVENTION C A R N IVA L DANCE IN H O ^Y B U R N PAVILION^ WEDNESDAY? FEBRUARY 14th, .1934 A dm ission 50c ov; MV? IMM.V .•7" ~ • ' , -V' - , ( i. ( ; > -; \ 'S' J ........ r i----- 77- 7X̂ 7 7 ,. _ _ . ■___ ̂ - ,• ̂ ' I 7 * Tv™.-7v-- ■ : - 7 ̂ ' 7 \ 6'-piece Olrchestra l i l i ii&'iMSi 7 £ 7 \ ' ' 1-