I ' >7T T' ' * MtW . ̂ 3. , s t '43m a î m. "!?' ■' * * _*< }6. MM iwkniM̂ IWMMM*fW6wwN!< ' •"• ••"J IJU) ilW W i»Wi«iM>W mm Si™sp« B u rra rd L a u n d r y L td •lu' ' D^?EN»ABLic L A I I N M L Y S E R V I C EDtPENDABLK Phones--Went 691L or North 1810 ll l i i | |» iiiiilt»i. i|iiiiiii)!rii|lli|.rî î / ' i m i . / BUI are WearingI f "iif-vti t a Long Bob t Htfc * l>Bdi«w Atfnue Urn ^ Hunday Eventef, Feb« lUh| An addreus by MR. C. B. ChOGG,, Wear It aracipfully. Don't have Htray an<l« hanainar (JoWn at the nmk or eajra when you can have them permanently curled for 20c a curl. Gwendolyn Beauty Shoppe of New WoBtiulDHter. Friday Evening, ii'eb. 9th, at 7:30 o^clock Young People's Lantern Service, 1 Subject: •THE GOOD SHEPHERD" 1046 Marina Drive For appolntmenta '• PHONE WEST 117 Sunday School 10 8.m. sjf; . A l C I t f h t i i i - S c i e m a . . ' « JMMEJytEiMwwwrtMi! vM(| M tk u 4 B N lM ilt. BoUrbw. TWii « BfiMh of . . 'D m F In fO w re li of Chrlife in Boston, msetts t, 10 > toi*c*̂ NOo"'S I v™' ... .... . tiMMp.'. .a-1 U.- -̂-hS ' a(|̂ Sunday Service: 11:80 a.m.•' t i-" > ' I Sunday,.February Jl, 1934 Subject: ^ * * S P IR IT " Sunday Seh<ml at 1P;00 a.». Tcatimony Ideating Wednesday a t 8:16 p.m.' ST. ANTHONY'S CHUKCH H IIC E S E f f E C n V E fR IO A V A f l M O O H & M T U d O M f , lAUSXGE^^OxfoW'Sraiia':;^ " BACON--side, by the.piece.... PtU M S-M SeTB eX G fe^^C lJerZ thesv^^^^^ TOMATOES--On'miKl City, large tins..-...... ..;-.'*2:ttr';19c A Y LM ER-POKK -& B E A N i U f M ........ PE A S-- Avlmcr, Sieve 6, No; 2 tins.,.;..... ;....;C^2^oM9c PEls-A.ylmer: Sieve 3,.No. 2 tins..'.... . 2.for 28e ja m --Supreme Cheny. 4' lb. tin..................'.........each JELLY--Empie.ss lied Currant, 32 oz. glass 3& SODA BlSCUn'S-piristie,, 2 Ib. box-.....---..,, each FLOUR--Aunt Jemima Pancake, small |^g.;....,.eMh, 16c LAMPS--Sunbeam...............................*........ Z for EGGS--Grade A Medium...... :.............................d ^ n 22c SOAP--P. & G. Naphtha ............... . ^ }Uc ASPARAGUS--Rieh' iiavotj 15 oz, tin...̂ ......,.j..[̂ »-....ii.» i9c m»» ; \»r i l i l l j ' ■ f' ! j LAIUIE UBTEKINE j now B0 eenta' GIANT KHIJHCIIEN BAl/TB - 60 centa J6 oz. COD LIVER OIL «.«»;50-(c»nta* ANBLSSIDE-PHARHACY W. L, KER, Prop 1401 Marine Drive Phone West 823 FREE DELIVERY BAITIST CHU&CH Services 10:00 a.m.--Sunday School and Adult Bible ClasH. 11:00 a.m.--Rev. H. P. Humph reys, 7:30 p.m.--Rev. H.oP. Humph reys, , • 8:00 p.m., Monday -- B.Y.P.U, At home of Mr. H. Lowe, 2452 Haywood Avenue, 8:00 p.m., IVednesday -- Lant- ..... - Lecture.'* 8:00 p.m., Thursday -- Choir Pnictice, Sunday ,8:46 a.m.--Holy Mass -- Ser- i' mon. 10:45 a,m;--Holy Mass -- Ser mon. 2:15 p.m.--Sunday School. 7:30 p.m.--Devotions. Wm IT Days 8:00 a.m.--^Holy Mass.. ■7:30 p.m„ -Friday--Devotions,, ̂ Confessions of Children. 7:80 p.ni., Saturday -- Confes sions, ' . -- We reserve the right to limit 5AFEWAV,STp?^.>imp DISTRIBUTION W I T H O U T W A S T E v'l CHURCHES OF CHRIST, SCIENTIST CAPT. J8ATCHELOR LEFT -----------■ ' - -1-646,-297 EST-A-TB- 7 :00 p.m., Friday - C.G.I.T, ----- Junior "SPIRIT" is the subject of the Lesson - Sermon which will be read in all Churches of Christ, Scientist, on Sunday, February, n th . Among »fch€ ""igitations which eorhprise the Lesson - Sermon is D R , G. D.. B . S B A L E ' DENTUfy.';:" Hay Block, 14th and Marine Dr. Office Hours 9 to 6 p.in. Evenings by appointment Phone W est 72 Disposing .of a net estate._of -iho-follbWihg from the Bible: ST. STEPHANAS CHURCH Quinquagesima Sunday, Feb- Rich Suitor: "I--er--suppose ruary 11th. you are aware that I've been 8:00 a.m.--Holy Communion, making advances to your daugh- 11:15 a.m.--Matins and Sermon; ter." Preacher, the Rev. Canon Impecunious Father (extend- H. King, of St. Paul's, ing hand); "Yes; put it there, , Vancouver, son, 'And now what about her 7:15 p.m.--Evensong; address, poor old father?" by Mr. Cyril Silva-White, followed by "Forum" , in the I^rish HMU f "V Tbr News $46,297, the will of Captain Rob ert Alexander Batchelor, Canad ian Goyernbient pJloL 2947 Mar ine Drive, who died on January 9, has been filed in Supreme Court for probate. The widow. Helen Bromhead Batchelor, receives a life inter est in the residuary estate. She was also bequeathed.some furni ture. Four- sisters, Elizabeth Batchr elor, 3994 West Tenth; Isabella "Bless the Lord, 0 my soul: Who forgiveth all thine iniquiti es;, who healeth all thy diseas es." (Psalms 103: 1, 3). i . The Lesson - Sermon also in cludes the following passage from the Christian Science text-: book, "Science and Health with -. Key ĵto the Se3#tures" by Mary Baker Eddy: "There is no pow er apart from God.' Omnipotence has all-pow6f,"and' tb acknow- Dr. Marjory McCiibbin -- I ^ B - N T I S T Hours: 9 a. m. to 6 p. in. Saturdays: 10 a. mil to 1. p. m. Evenings and Saturday. After noons by appointment only. Royal l l̂Bank Building Ph(ine W est 446 * Residence - Phone., Weist 393. Wediieady~ Feb.' IT W -- ASH. S tev e a to ^ ^ e tta -B a tey WEDNESDAY -- 10:15 Alfreda Cameron of Montrose, "®. Scotland, receive $500 legacies. suppos.itionWEDNESDAY -- 10:15 a.m., Holy Communion; 7 :30, Evensong. A daughte:^, Ariadne Robert- sickness, and deathhave power. He proved them WOMEN I pnrtblna «l«i _ IbdU a cwsiiny, w»t draw. bu4M o& iMdift of pcm. IKNIdOERBOC^R RXM ^T 0 0 . | | | mVltladA6t.«7N»«Blo,Oimda M Friday, every Friday in Leiit, f<>«. powerles^' (p 228)4:15 p,m„ Illustrated ser- bequeathed half the residuary Powerless, tp.,228). estate "in trust for her children. The remainder is apportioned amongi^grandc^^ Philip C.- Cbapmiiuii GeneralTnsurance Agent~ Fire ,. Automobile; .^urglaiy , A c c i^ t and SiclmeB^ etc. 2557 King's Ave. Phono W. 42Y3 Vice. i l l m Established. «m North Shore 20 Years, (Isady Assistant) H A R R O N B K W . WILLIAMSON forteraH IF rertar0 North ' Vancouver Parlors 322 West Sixth Street Phone North 334 Vancouver Parlors 55-Tenth- A venue East Phone Fair, 184 Church . ertson, Donald Robertson, Ari- Committee; 2:30 p.m. -- adne Robertson; nieces, Betty . W. A .; 3 p.m;--Girl's Tea Batchelor, North Vancouver, and 'and Sale of Home CbOLking_ .Jean . Batchelor -and__Minnie. SL Frands-in-the-WoqdSy Batchelor of Thurston Bay, and '"CaulfeUd , children of the deceased's broth- Monday, Rrp.m.-- --Women's eram d sisters who may be alive Guild Birthday Tea, at his widow's death. JElla DouglasJHanes, JL26 -West UNITED CHURCH Third Street, North Vancouver, was left two oil paintings and a N ew zJ -^ o L o f--Physical--T ^ m ia g Ainbleside Hall Special corrective exercises, weight lifting, boxing and self-defence. Classes for business men, ladies - and Children. Rates Reasonable -r 01 lurtner particulars please phoiie Mack Hallmark, director, formerly instructor in SandoW ancL .Lledermann. -bchooIs7-at'Wes1r217R., ;■ / Minister: Hillis-Wright----- barographrvaluedrat-$i20r Services: Sunday 11:15 a.m. _____________ 7,;15 p.m. JANUARY SUNNY l^UT WET Sunday School, 10 a.m. C. J. Overington PIONEER BARBER Expert Work 34th and Marine Phone West 135 Prayer MeeUng Wednesday Although January was ab- ° ttr ' * . . ■ normally wet, it was also warm- The Women S Association of er and sunnier t h ^ usual, ac- Hie West Vancouver United .cording' to the monthly report C h ^ h held Its regular meeting of E. B, Shearman, Dominion *̂ t̂erao.on,_ February!.. m.e.teorological expert here. p r e S K A M in imnfall, w h L l a t t a & y V o r t " ' were read " 5^? by the conveners of various com mittees. The usual "Daffodil Tea*' will be given in March, and a B. G. Products luncheon on m --̂ r r ---------- W est Van News as much as in 1925, when 12.16 inches were recorded.. The aver age is 8.28 inches. Mean temperature was 42 de- ApriH9, at David Speniere Ltd; S ' 0^361?"^^'^^^-% ^ evemte win^be^^^de^Af exceeded in 1931^ the mean was 43.1 degrees. tefnpemlOTe--of--tlm **^513111^8 t o t h e t h e d o c t o r c a m e i n t i m e of the teidphone. Mrs, W. T. Rush. Published Every Thursday Publisher' Phone West S63 Bualnesti and BdHorial ORice:' 17th and Marine .Diive (N ext,to Hollyburn P. 0 .) Phone West 363 Mail Addrciu: P. O, Box 61, Hedlyburn, B.C. month, 56.4 diegrees, was regist ered on the. thirdtheJowest,-31 , SdHOOL NO'S s f G. E. -Brealey Jias been re- bnghtly for 56. .6Paftteted.,i>rincipal-jn^..Pauling,..aff,. I t J ohnWn-School. and H. I Davidson 47^ ^ averege principal of i>Hollyburn School hours. Mean relative humid- J. « . SatchelLremaining 1% *® fore; supervising principal. AR the West Vancouver teach ers thts year will receive"sched- ule salaries lekn 10 per cent as against a 20 per cent cut last yearit\i; ̂ \ ̂ -i t i ■ :i!»15S North Vancouver Office: 123 Lonsdale Ave. The Misses McBain are occu- pying» a suite at the home of $1,00 a year by carrier: $2,00 a year Mr. aOd Mrs, W . G, Thompson, by mail; " _ - 2058 Argyle Avenue. Lowest temperature recorded since November, 1933, was on December 16, when the ther mometer srnik to 26 degrees. Similar weather- conditions prevailed in Victoria,, according • to reports from the capital. month was ,7;28 inches, three inches more than Usual, and_inild,--stormy- weather prevailed: - tebnhl'n! ■'""" I ' - notified:by: 'he sick--tr------- »----- u" woman S"bedside.-TIe was_sent_£Qî ^̂ M r s " ' " r f ' ' " <5 " >«' telephone^i:'--Mrs. Hendersons-life'was"saved.™--' s J f "if ̂ alongiWithofit' said, Hendmon-.-- iHcnow-hethf^hd#:'^" t V L\, :; B.C . t e l e p h o n e