West Van. News (West Vancouver), 1 Feb 1934, p. 4

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* iCJuJy, S P E C IA L S f o r F r id a y a i i d S A tu rd B y , F « b . 2 n d & 3 r d ifj ftEO VLVH JAM........« lb. fin ®®« CORN rtAKBS* K#l% f% 3»kiri Wc K«d R White OKANOE PEKOE t e a .».* ..... . Mi. 39c IIOGEIPE HYIUJP...... 3 lb. Jin IHc CHICKEN IIAOIIIK, Nnliob, U . lifi ........ ......... . V... ........ ........ . 13* WHOLE HA MV CLAMH. H»iiguct tail, tin ......... ............... Red R WWt« lOMATO CATHUP 12 os. boU lt .............. ........... 15c Red R While TOlifATO iU ICE. I.arifc aquat lin ......... -..... 19* YEIJJJW BCIUR. Kwicy, ^ m a c a r o n i, Ready Cut 2 M»h. 15c Red R White FM)OR WAX 1 lb. tin ......................... .............37c, QUICK QUAKER OATH, Chinawart! ' Each packaire contalna a bcBullful piece of NeW EiiKM*ih Doininlon Chinaware ........................... •'....... 25c HPREAIHNO ( IfERSE, HrookiUld */i Ml. pktf.............. ....................... 13c RAISIN RUNS, fresh nrnde.H for.10c The. privilege* end e«tabllihed right* o( the penrion- «rerthr*Sfitted ,. -and- a re ; a t- have w itneM ed an unrelenting AYRSHIRE RACON, by piece, lb. 20c and visdouH attack th e... ... ......a for 10. right* o f those m n who Huffer- M c ^ l t Phone West 370 1 store a P H O N E ' W E S T 3 21c 25^ per ih. 16c CHEEHIi, old Ontario, . per lb. 3.1c CHEKHK.*lkst Ontario »IHd, per Mi. . . » ..................... PURE i.ard ......... .............. 2 H A im iE KIU.OTS .... PJN.NAN llADlllE........ . per Ib. 15c KIPPERS .... ............*...2 Iba. 25c LEtiHOF I.A M H ................per Ib, 23c POT ROAST, per M>........ lOe, to 12'/ic PICKI.Eli CALF TONGUK,„.. Ib. 22c OEVONSIlIRE SAUSAGE,..... lb. 15c t*d in ju ry and sicknes.M, during the war. Penainn()rs relief haH twice 'been cut, bringing those who a re rsfecipients of this aid to th e edge of destitution. Pensions have beefi drastically slashed on the flim siest excuse, and the p ligh t of the pensioner IS one of panic and despair. He feels th a t the country for which he fough t has betrayed him. ' Wc have inform aiioii th a t during the present .session of Parliam ent an attem pt will be L U M B E l t and all Building Material o f B » t Qu-lHy a t Low W e e s . B U l h B N O W 1 ___ ' WEST VANCOUVER L ««B E R " o . . W - I ■ « ^ . " r .inone YYL 1 5 th and Marine "Right Service R ight G rades . ^ I. O. I). K. SWIFT'S RACK RACON (Rind on) ...................................... iV ad T to 'fu rth e r cut pensions n- FINK ALRKRTA RUrrER..2 Him. 65c j^ng tho following lines: F irs t; ^ ------------- A cu t in the basic rate which a r tis ts in c lu d e M|ss., Olive implies a general scaling down Percy, Messrs. Tom Cooler and of all pensions including widows --------- (Jordon and dependents; This cut may be The regular m onthly' m eeting \ C L A S S I F I E D A D S 3, -cJ, « "" 'V e S . K r in ttV w S t V N,w. get ImmeJInt. r« .alta of the Duncan Lawson>:Chapter, I. 0 . D. E., will be held a t the home of,.M rs. W alter Gourlay, 2322 Bellevue; byrMbiid u fter- A noon, Felifuary 5th. ' Mrs. D.. L. Saunders of New W estm inster. Provincial Echoes Secretary, will be present and will commence her talk a t 2:15 . sharp , HO members are requested . to be on time. The Rev. P. A. Ram sey will also speak. Mem­ bers are reminded th a t th is is nom ination meeting. U nder tho auspices .of the C hapter, tho New W estminster. " lio .......... ..................... . - At Oie close Reeve J. B. Ley- «s h'Bh as one thiid of the pres- Iniid complimenttd the young unt rate._ .. h.,,,,-. mnsicians on their splendid ef- Second; We ^ fort« and tendered thanks on be- - attiwk on civil seryantif in e ̂ hair of the Chapter,-.... .. ..... ceipt-of-pensions hyill again be Mra Donald Mc.Taviah th e " P S . ,a „ effort m ay lie made IJoHjntal convener, was in charge discontinue pay and allow- ef he a rraw em en ts ,^ ■_.... L ices 'for-penB i™ ir,,: receiving ■ 1 he !.uiichcon and Bridge held trea tm en t fo r th e ir disability a t David Spencers Ltd. on Mon- r o u KENT - $16.00 a month, fu m isherJ 3 room house, modern, con- veSent. close to ferry, garage Phone Seymour 1932. WANTED -- Modern furnished house near ferry, state rental and loca­ tion. Box 10, West Van News. . WANTED-^Loan of Sewing Machine. V* JI Urgently needed. West Vunco\iverl o s t -- Zipper-top Handbag,,, con- *-----:)ST; - Zipper-top taining naif red ferry ticKec, oe ------------- ^ tween 25th and 2368 Haywood Ave, jj^p jo TECHNICIAN -- Your Radio Wednesday week. West 2euij. troubles given prom pt expert at- tention--aerials, tubes. Tom Brown ■ W e 3 t ' 2 6 6 R . ■ ^ ' ' ■ ' - day anti cenvened by Mrs. F. N. H irst was very succe8.sful and thorouglily enjoyed by the mem­ bers and the ir friends. The prize for Bridge was won by Mrs. W. B. Small. The.Hollyburh V ersatile Pla;^- ers are presenting„theii* comedy ' "Paying C)(T the M ortgage," on trea tm en t fo r the ir disability w hilst in hospital. » * The bAint of tho^fight for re^ sto ring lost ground and prevent­ ing fu rth e r encroachments as outlined 'above rests squarely upon"'th e Canadian Legion"and i n . view of th is fact fifteen branches of th e lower mainland have combined their forces in WANTED--English-pramrlow-model Phone We.st 361L. ' LOST -- Ginger Kitten, half Pwsian, answers to name of "Pep.' Phone West CG5R. THEWELfARE^ quires discarded clothing. Phone n ' ................ . WOMEN'S GYM CLASS, Badminton Wednesday evenings, $1.50 per month, Orange Hall. Phone Molly Edwards, West 436R1. . - ' West 37 and truck w ill^ o llect. SPIRELLA West 487L. ind truck will j^ollect. ■ CORSETIE^ffijS - WEST VANCOUVER if^K^iimTIES For Sale and WantedJ•(0.^J'.'^.i^'cher Ltdi, 1415 Marine tlrive." '̂ Pnone ia~4- -f 1 Ju n io r Band directed by L t. C? 4 order to send to the.forthcoming J ; "-6 ornfield7- pr esent e( l -- .8th. and 9th. F u r th ^ _ Qttav^a on March elightful concert for the pati- ^u n d else- X2th. four outstanding men with herc-in Ihis issue.-----------^ ai delê ^̂ ^ N either those who do not be^. tion of pensions. Ihwc-il^is not socially incorrecL-r^jfege;^^^^^ be afdele- FERRY TALES Are Good and Some of them fresh, but the stock of popular Cigarettes, Cigars and To- West 225, Seymour 5054; ' / t j ! delightful concert for the pati- j s n t r - o t--Shaughnessy-rM H itabww.; '.'•'•j I . .1 w*' H E A T E D V T A X I : , ' P h i | | | l f i ^ Dupuitti v.iK'Aic.'.ucs., »..v. -w Will go any place any tiiiie^i!Rieason- baccos ̂are_ always fresh at th e. _ abla-xates-H ick's, J;.̂ R.,jTaxi'. - .i-- Ambleside Tea Rooms. - .......................... ........ ..... rr; r f i Hospital on Friday evening last. The band was in excellent "fdfra7~"th<r coneluding~number, .....v,.-- ̂ uieiso uiere wui ais»u uc u ueic- "Grand Military "rattoo," being refu.se to accept misplaced , gation from the Legion Provinci- vory much appreciated as wui.s. Ihittery nor those who belieVe al Command and possibly dele- -also--the---Musical-SwitchA--A the confraryjyill_adm^̂̂ gates who niayJie-sent_tii_r-epre- xylophone solo was., rendered by right. - sent their individual branches Alex. D'eardon and flute solo by "What, if anything, is the throughout the Province CyrilHowarth,a former resident .meaning of the foregoing sent- - We in West Vancouver are -nf-^fet^an^ouv<nv:^a3tB H --enee4^^------------- -̂----- ------------- - rveiy-fortunate-in-Tiaving-a^-one = of our members Grant McNeil, mong veterans a$ one of the out- T lA I)lD ~T E C H N iC fA N '= InstallaT tions, repairs, radios tested, serviced and custom built. Tom--Brown, West 266R. : W. CARLEY buys and ■iBellipftiwiture. paints, Oils, glass, 1,; et<S - Wench* Polishing-, Phone West 735Y.' PintNISHED AND UNFUfcNISHED Houses to Rent. Houses, lots, and -..acreage for salei- •■ JohlL^aJgaQn. " I7th and Marine,* Phone W est ,55. MARCELLE S flO P p ^ ^.-IM ermique Permanent Wave witnoTOj!danger of burning. Marcel ;5P_CL/r^®t 35c; Finger Wave 50c. rPhoife^Mra. King West 304. 1520 Marihei' OLD GOLD -- BestiiPiriceilPaid. West „ « , * Van. Jeweler, 1522, Mariile." Drive.For all k inds of ---------- ------ --------- -----------------PR IN T IN G '--- r o r au aiiiu» ui , r ? . -------- --- , -- printing--plronB~West Van-- Wp<«t Sestt. nstiterial-^andiNews, w e s t d oo. , workmanship. ff 1 p- its h Til r r i standing men of 'Canada, in the fight for pensioners' rights. Many of the benefits now being enjoyed by pensioners through­ out the Dominion are largely due to the^un tirh ig efforts of th is Legioirair-e--on--their--behalf-- in the past, ~ It is only logical th a t th is CUB NOTES F()R PLUMBING jREPAIES -- Res- idence Phone Wepi ,24lB ;/ On Monday evening, January -WEBB'S SHOE REPAIRS WEAR 29th, the St. Stephen's Cub Pack met in the Parish Hall. Cubmas- ter Lester was helped'by a group of boys coinsisting of_D,_Cole- -man>-KAV ernon^B.--'Km.brellf-B^ Dickinson and W. Lennox. Five new members were wel- BEST -- Dundarave. coming convention, and conse- fnipmjin quent^y we feel every effort nyust" be Im Fd^to see th ^ "he GORDON ROBSON Barrister -- Solicitor WEST--VANGOUVBR^ Office No. 1447, Marinie Drive Phone W est 403. 10 to 12. VANCOUVER O F F I C E . Suite 501: 610 H astings St. W. Phone, Seymour 4199. 2 to 5. W r T TTgiven every support. - , itr / „ ' In this connection and within tt ̂ -n Vancouver W.C.T. the course of the next few w ^ks ̂ hold their regular month- you may be approached by duly & authorized members of the Can- 2058 Argyle adian Legion with a subscription Thursday afternoon, list soliciting your worthy sup- February 8th, a t 2:15 p.m. port. A rrkngera^ts have been . ------- made to hold, a Convention Dance 1 A. in the Holly burn Pavilion ■ , _ - P e r h a p s t h e l i g h t , i s J » i ? _ J j m . . R e p l a c e y o u r 4 0 - w a t t l a m p s •%» ' - w i t h 6 o 's a n d n q t i c e t h e d i f f e r e n c e f o r o n l y l / 4 - o f a c e n t f o r t h e w h o l e e v e n i n g . Ill kiiu lAwuyuurii on rpi. A . iValentine's Dav, February 14th the-Auto^iviechanicrs Class'will (Details of the latter event will Manual Training , 1^ advertised in the columns- of Su„ Monday-at 7^30 p.ni. this paper). GEO. HAY Notary Public Real Estate & Insurance Listings W anted » 1,405 Marine Drive' Phone W est 21 or Seymour 1260 Evenings W est 204X AMBtESlDEmis paper). . ana--Axcoxmtancy ^ivAJoi,yj:,ojLi./j!* ;"May I, on liehalf of the_pen-- g^T^^-^gh^chj goLat SHEET-M-ETA^L-W-OR-K-S- siohers, ex-service men, and f<ew students inter- t --------• ____ i ____ their dependents throughout j Sel- this district, ask for your fullest 670R.,^ . .c ^ p e ra t i^ a n d support in this L. SPECK ' S. CROSSON Proprietors V^lJ«»-«^Liun-ano support in this « tt,- . , , - -- - - - -effort, A ^reat fight is about to • colored preacher was talk- commence and feeling confident - con^egation about th a t our claims, are just, and equitable, we intend to bring'this "P the queation oI Pensions Adminis- dkrb '^° t At this point an bidHucauua ui rensions Aominis- f ^ l a tratioiis to a satisfactory con- «PavL t J? elusion. Further information can ̂thought you said that lie had by phoninjg West 98L1. / f e e - f r e e as the Youi^s . respectfully, ̂ water we diunk!" L « f> BRITISH COLUMBIA ELECTRIC RAILW AY'^ Sgd. H .e : W ^ R , - r e Z t l h r p r i U "̂ ! ' w pst " VERNON FEED s f 6^E A. C. SEARLE Phone West 9 Fertilizers of, AU. Kinds , Wood, Coal, Builders' , Supplies