West Van. News (West Vancouver), 1 Feb 1934, p. 3

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ÊSS • M T H i 'W W M Ur tPi' •« ff ■iWi.tBiii<aâ H6a.H*tt.̂ M M |f »-- r -«■■-»• -w -Tww« w » If »CTPyT»^reiy»»Bm l*l>W »"l » ^ lfw n i^ i'» t y .-j{r - '■ wwwi' / if THURSDAY «nd FRIDAY, ,F«bniary 8th an<dL9th iChU4y«n..40o.TICKETS 26C »• 1 ,V'%-3 mm S'" m iŵ'i' -j " " ' ' ( ' , .'»s * t r . «i- ■" m Ileeve LciyUmd and^Cfoundl- . Death of Bord S* Ray-; lore Fiddea and Garthorne were Funeral aervicea were held laat ■ '■■'M t i S W 6 t - | ! 5 r S a t i E ? % E ^w rtii Phone West 14 U O I | 5 : t i | K ^ # ! Y 9 1 l F ■ I!f40 M a r i n i ■'■ jl * " V t ', iM •>* f"""-; f' < * " ' Groceries ■ -'•■ - "Cotin^onery- ' Speiicei!*S'-lnia •'-'> 'T ob accos' B o r t a a * ' ' ' ■ " ' ' ................... ^ £»Oya JBiHTI AUiyt Viucov ov»* W*Convwttion there: Mr. and Mrs. Caleb H. lUy, 18M. ,• * * Keith Road, who died the provl- Tlr. , and .:Mw." Bobble Seeds ous Monday bi-hle Mth ' have moved' from' 1468 Aiwle He leaves to mourn h|»P**®|2* Avenue Into a house at 668 16th hts parents •nd;ono elstwr. Street. Mr. and Mrs. T. M. Heard, •̂Vancouver, have iftoved into a house at Slat and Travers Ave­ nue.' • ( ♦ t i. Munro officiated and Inter­ ment was made in Ocean View Burial Part •- ' t. „ ii « ' • ̂ •' Durini? the first iwo weeks in February pupils attaining the school age of six years will be P I V E t t " " - f J S d B " :" ' " JPOWDIEIL rw?* now reduced to SOc a Sox funummlfxr ( le n iilill't D n i| S tore Tht Stort «f fionrlea tIOS Murttt* Drive l^eel i f / . Bmerfonty Phone West Sll {After 10 p.m.) T' ' ll* n • VV-: * ' ■ !' *t - ■■ \ , S*' t'liiiij gViS5vi»̂.̂Wî 'WtWWSP̂WNklW"' m H a n d i P p r S •'O LD COUNTRY GTYLE'- Arc being served at THE CLUB LUNCH 1 4 2 9 MARINE DRIVE We have inatallod ,a new force draft ventilating system-which entirely eliminates all cooking odors. You'll notice the difference. ̂ QV»4SW« vJn' o*«n ^ ; * , Mr* and Mrs. B. E. Trafford ̂ admitted into the receiving das- have moved from 12419th Street^>es at Hollyburn and Pauline into a house at 2184 Argyle Ave- Johnson Schools, nue. * * * A son was born to Mr., and Mr. and Mrs. Alex. Weir. 1460 Mrs. Winkle of Inglewood Ave- Argyle Avenue, are moving to nue, in the North Vancouver Vancouver this vsreek. Weir General Hospital. - - - p was connected with the city ____________ waterworks for a number of SCOUT NOTES years and is now retired. ____ _ a 0 * ' HOLLYDUEN Barber Shop 16th & Marino EXPERT BBBVICB E. MARSH, Proprietor. , ":Vt - • :• '•"v' h'- V. V■ "W TEAROE& SGN P h o n e S 4 'W ^8^ Sand, Grayelf Buildeca* SttppUes Wood« Coal Dump Truck Work SCOTTISH SOCIiETY ■■ OW ES ANNUAL ------------------- --------, ^ ^BtJftNS*NIGHT 'been ̂ competed' fo r throughduh Canada. Lif^ saving certificates . . . . 1 "* ' ' j r. • *11 ^ meeting of the 1st West Archbishop dePencier will Vancouver Scouts was held in present the Lord Bessborou^gh the Parish Hall 6n January ^4th. Trophy for life saying to the pjnlay Taylor was welcomed by members of Camp Artaban at a the troop as a new member, and meeting to be held in the p a r m ^ group of boys was chosen to hall of Holy ^ i n i t y Church, help Cubmaster Lester w ith his Vancouver, a t 7:45 p.m. tomor- . row (Friday). This trophy has * ______________ LEGIO N NO TES The W est Vancouver Scottish to The' nex t -general-m eetln«-of tfrSaVOIT 1443 Marine Drive Ambleside Phone W est 340 Evenings, W est 143 Insurance Society gave their annual Burn^* have^attL^^^^ A rtaban to the local branch will be held a t n ight a t th e Clachan on Friday, he present. ' 8 p.m. next Friday in the Legion evening w ith a large and eu- - * ♦ Memorial Hall and a-full attepd- thusiastic attendance, who made Mr. and Mrs. Kerr and family ^nce of members is requested for m erry to the wee sma' hours, have moved fron i Radcliffe Aye- purpose of discussing the , N aturally the m ajority of those eYer-increasing items of business present' were Scots, bu t some ^ i growing out of the a^angem ents Sassenachs were .^Iso th ^ e , who relative to the torthcom ing con- enjoyed themselves ju s t as much underwent, tw o operations, re- A tte n t io n of th e members is and weto ju s t as welcom^ The W d from th e h e Z k h X w n to - first-pai^-of -theeyenmg_waa.d ,.__]iome^at ̂voted to m ilitary whist, the win- ? and n r ^ n ^ ara in ly •Sported in last week's issue, ------- r a l t i e lead lnF ® leT 5einT --«^*"-"®-"" * f . ------ January 25th-iM Stgntnmderi:hc ^ I ■.■■■■. ■■" h_ .mm,' ■• ■■ ■ •■ '■■•A ■■ . *1. . ' .. ■■ ■. . ■ . ■ • . I . . I M 'A - r U i - u 4«.'U 1 / 1 / ^ I C I T * H ollybu rn T h e a tre FRIDAY and SATURDAY February 2nd and 3rd. " 1f . p . i . " (Flying Port No. l) Rated by the oritics as one of the best 10 o f tho year. ■MON., TUBS. & W EDNESDAY . 'February Bth, Cth and 7th. ' S a ilo r" S -L u c k ^ JAM ES DUNN SALLY EILBRS ' i *>• ' ■ ' w l , ['"nl ,4**̂ itf. , I jjlX . ' I i t'i '\k" /'vP'iM m ' 'i " I S i nefs' Mrs., dePencier, Miss Gertrude g gamham, who :Lawson,^ohn:.Law^on living-in;Vancouver, Davie. The com^ny. then sat ^ave moved back into a house down to a feast Scotch dam- ^Bellevue Avenue, ties, during which Ihper Falcon- ̂ » » , -er-of-the-Seaforth-Kighlanders Unemployed Association of West Vancouver Notes, to w it : "The W est Vancouver - B ranchD f j^the Canadian Legion a t their Friday meeting endorsed the action of thdJN.S.E." The_branch_ is not S tra tto n 's BAKERY Bread, Cakes, Pasities, Bamburies, V Almond Varieties, -Birthday,-Christening, . . land Wedding CJakes 1468 Marine Drive' Phone West 27 '■ . ' i i l <1̂ m l i d 'iMS/'V'VM '■".fiS.;! "? .1 * '7-1- played some stirring airs oh the; pipes. The"sp~eechrto:'" ,, Memory" was made L.O.L. No. 2990 wilFhold their record as having given it's regular m eeting next Tuesday a t endorsatiOn to any such reportedo ___nvoMfyn Hall ,. . <» ji ./•_____ j.r__ J Spice Cakes 1 cup butter T c u p "brown" sugaT~ •Hi. Utia M The L.O.B.A. will m eet to- night~(Thursday), a t 8 p.m.. in Philip C. C h ap m an General Insurance A gent Fire, AutomobUe, Burglary, Accident and Sickdras, etc. 2557"King*s7SLVe7"Pta>aa"W.742Y3' West Van Sheet M eta l W o rk s by Rev. IDavid Allan, who gave a resume I of the poet's life ahd^the dis- --„v-- ^ "̂ tu r b 'ed conditions th a t obtained the Orange Hall, in Scotland and the world gen- . * _ eraliy a t th a t time. England ̂ Gordon Franks .of Vancouver, was in the throes of the Seven' entertained a number^ of _his y ea rs ' W ar, the American C!ol- friends on Saturday a t-th e For- onies had revolted, the JBritish tune Cup Inn, when a very pleas- - Is le s - were - beginning_ to_ tu rn an t evening was _spen_t in cards from agricultural pursuits to- and dancing. m anufacturing, and the poor ̂ i. Giiai.rio P shswph were ground down on every side. , ,Miss Sarah Sharpe Passes He quoted from some of Bums^ Miss Sarah Sharpe passed a- noems rem arking th a t up to the way last Sunday a t her home, ? S of h ^b eco m in g an .excise 4456 West 10,th A v e n ^ , V am man* tbe poet had to do hey^y couyer, in her 72nd TYianiial labor fo r years, fo r leaves to mourn which he was physically unfit- niece^, Mrs. ted ' and as a result he died a t Inglewood High School teaching t ^ '- S v kge of 37. The vote steff, and Miss Robina Kenealy. r f t t a L to the speaker was Vancouve^a,lso o n e ^ a n d ^ given by J. T. W att; M argaret Reid. Funeral services organization. 1 pint flour , , 1 teaspoon each of caraway M d coriander^eds^ ̂ f:' r: 'A k lMil of'The secondT of~The series m ilitary whist drives and dances p.ut on by the entertainm ent com-' m ittee took place in the* Legion Hall last Friday evening,with a' large attendance, the evening prize' winners being Messrs. A. Turner,;--A_^Cue^-Tia wson L and_ Duncan. Refreshments were 2 teaspoons baking powder rJLieaapoonueach of extract of nutmeg, cinnamon and gin­ ger 1 cup milk Sift flour, sugar and baking powder together, rub in the but­ ter. and add milk, seeds and ex­ tracts. Mix into smooth b a tte r ;' bake^ in; patty~tins for7l 0- to -12- m inutes., - - ' - - . _____ . .■ m i i l served and dancing enjoyed to music provided by George Childs ? and Roy Lowes,. The series will be continued until April 27th with two .grand aggregate priz- pvnpnflA?"^ .es._ ._Third, n O h e series Friday / a t 8 p.m., 9th Februaiy, - Wiiv- SP.ot..-- i Insurance A gent: "But you surely agree to taking out an in­ surance policy to cover your i l i i Wily- Scot-: '̂ Na,-- na,- m on; I- micht be lost a t sea." I p l , " V j}. - 4 ? l l Agents McClary Fur|iaces. Furnace and R ange Repairs General Sheet: M etal Work., PHONE W EST 39 Evenings: N orth 1584R' "We make warm, friends." Louden s W a num ber wl* Ih e ld a t 1 10 p.m. y^ te^day of vocal solos suitable to the in Vancouver, Rev., H enry Knox occasion, which were much ap­ preciated, and the rema.inder of the evening was spent d an ^ ing. In which reels and Scotch quadrilles predominated. J. Mc­ Gowan acted as m aster of cere­ monies. Join thc,houscvyives gold rusH. - .Vo® some , sjiticles or preciou%'inctals ^That You can Turn ' Into Cash N ow . P a d fic C d d S m e lto g ft R cfiniB g C#.^ 600 R obson stiheet T 1 T rin ity 3588 and Rev. Wilfred McKay offici­ ating. and interm ent ivas made in Gapilano View Cemetery, * ♦ * Preparations are being made to move the old manual train ing building at, Pauline Schools on to th e grounds of Inglewood High School. S T . V A L E T M T I N E ' S D A Y LEGION CONVENTION CARNIVAL D A N CE IN HOLLYBURN PAVILION WEDNESDAY, FEBRUARY 14th, 1934 6-piece Orchestra Admission 50c ' u f w i l ' t&v,! j.l C.G.F. CLUB MEETING Vancouver C.C.F. g u b will be . held in the Legion^Hall on Wed­ nesday, February 7th, a t 8 p.m. e^An executive meeting will be held prior to th a t a t 7 p.ni. • As proposed changes ,of thq organization will be discussed, i t is requested that as nmny mem- bers as possible attend. Mr. . -Trotter will be a guest for the. eveningrbut-the fneeting w^ll be - purely a business one. SUNSHINE o n . BURNER TORMSr-- ^DaWN7 arid a MONTTILY^PAYMENTS OF $5.60^ or $53.00 CASH - ~ - ^ • / About the price of I 'to n of good coa^ inatgis the burner; and the combined m onthly paym ent and fuel coatiSs joi^t about the same as you w ill be paying for coal,anywoy,(O il costs about 1 cent an hour)..and you w ill more than riave cost o f burner, in 1 year by less w ashing o f curtains and house decorations because of its clearillness. A sk for one of our men to call and ta lk i t over. C O A L North 248 W OOD S A W D U S T O IL Phone Hi»:Dpal D ay: W est 340 Nights^-- W est. 62;2Xii-' !rr:0f?if - i m :s, av,;.::-, fiifS'U mm ' * \ : I Sf'iXs rff'"' i-v „ , ' • ■ l,; ffjm lA 'It-,1 immHIM m m '■ 'j". - . wDrii-fitS*