sssm «*--r w"',-fi.% •î'-' ,,4' . W' ■'■® DKPBNDABLK Mm ^bone»~West m WBSTVANCOUVKB ,Q m tii«-.Sc»acg. I*** Sodety i< /" I F You are Wearing I * ̂ , , a Long Bob ■ " • I W*tr it fr«c«lully. Don't b*v« •tray end« hanglnip down at tha neck or «ara whan you cun have them permanently curled for 20c a curl, • HOIXITBURN HALL U til V . , I » „ . . i Sunday Evening S«rriM speaker: M R TOMf McLa r e n A hearty invitation ia also extended to a. Spedal Service ^v. |«tli,aii4 M i^ a l t , Thii Society t« a Branch of , m e Mother p a r c h a»rfih 0̂ ChrSt, Scientiat* in Boston, ' MasiutiBhtisetts Sunday Service: 11:80 am. f»ftlC£S EffICTIVE FOR FRI^V & Sunday, February 4, 1934. T O M A l S S ^ r c h a r ^ No. 2Vk tin...«.v«vi;««chi Sc otvipu*^ no?iiNf*'*'Avlnier« N o , 2 t in.̂ w*.*.*****.*™.i.ea4i:h. .Sc, WAX BEA N S--Orchard C ity , ^ o . 2 sq . ' RED ARROW CRACKERS^ picfir*' ifC nif. COCOA--Fry's, 1/2 lb. tin 22c Subject: **LOVB »* ■ n U p ■ Gwendolyn Beauty Shoppe 1646 Marine Drive For appointments FIIONR WEST 117 Silence Is Golden Foliiician: "Conirmtulato /ne, dear; I was elected." Ilia Wife: "Honestly?" Politician: "Why bring that up?" Tu«Mlay, Feb, 6th, at 8 p.m. when MH. MtCANDLESS . Bible Tesdier from Philadelphia Penna. will address Christians and others. Mr. McCandless is well known in the Eastern States and you will find his moHsage Helpful, Scriptural and Inspiring. Sunday School at 10:00 a.ra. Testimony Meeting Wednesday at 8:16 p.m. p Anr*ciTTP--.n &► B.. 14 oz. bottle...........;........».eacJi iwc f f i r ^ r c ^ L i b b y W ^ OZ. « n , 8 20c W K K : . p S . i r « : s . M S f ■ and 1 Package Rinso free............. .............. »« for 35c UNITED CHURCH We reserve the right to limit quAhtltles SAFEWAY STORES LIMITED BAPTIST CHURCH 10:00 a.m.--Sunday School and president, Mrs. Adult Bible Class. precede the.: 11 ?00 a.m.--Rev. H. P. Humph- which a fnen - a musical ser vice next Sunday evening con sisting of anthems, solos, etc. The regular monthly meeting of the United Church W.A. will be held on Tuesday, February 6th, a t 2:15 p.m. B r i e f dcvotion- exiercises , conducted by the D I S T R I B U T I O N f 2 5 ^ W i T H O U T W A S T E SKI TOURNAMENT ON H0LLYBURN RIDGE ......... ji %i I •K- S4 A ' I ; I IM ?• I ] k4 i I -r'l " 1 " I j VI CHOCOLATES] Wo carry MOlU'S and NBILSON'S ia boxoM 25c to $1.25 alao . Lownoy'a, Bowntreo'a. Robertaon'a, Bzxy'a & Palm in cakoa and bars. ANBLESIDE PIARNACY W. L. KGR, Prop 1401 Marina Drive Phone West 823 FREE DELIVERY president: Mrs. P'ponnell, will ^ jy..,.,..... champ-- precede the, of the Hollybbrn-Pacific : . . which a friendty* nalf-hour will^ . p{ , cinndav following his reys. be spent over T;he new i^ap of 10j5 feet in first-class 7:30 p.m.--Rev. H. P. Humph-^ form! Abie Knight was second. DR, G. D. H . S E A L E DENTIST Hay .Block, 14th and Marine Dr. Office Hours 9 to 6 p.m. Evenings by appointment. Phone West 72 8 :00 p.m., Monday--B.Y.P.U. , T. Rush. Member.s and friends 8:00 p.m., Wednesday--Prayer cordially invited, and Praiee. . ' Reid, Mra. W. Rosa and Mrs. W. JO™ ^' m 'd .;au' also m axing,a uiauaiice ua xvv 8 :0 6 7:00 p.m., Thursday -- Choir Practice. p.m., Friday -- Junior C.G.I.T. At close of morning service ordinance of Lord's Supper will be observed. LEGION W. A. The regular monthly meeting of the W. A. to the Canadian Legion' was held last Monday with the ' president, Mrs. W. Green in the. chair. There was Qjsa good attendance. Mrs. Little- ford was elected convener for feet, while "Irish" Beaumont took third with a 101-foot jump^ 'Class B honors went to Clark Hoffman who cleared 100 feet ̂ with Erik" Twist taking second on a 93-foot jump. . A special four and one-balf mile cross-country race was won* by Gus Johnson with Mickey Mitchell next only a second be hind. S. Gullicksen was third. The-Rewr ST. STEPHEN'S CHURCH __________ February 4th -- Sexagesima the refreshments for the Valen- Daisy Bourdon won a two and Sunday. V , tine Dance a t the Pavilion on o n e - half mile race for women. 8:00 a.m.--Holy Communion. February 14th and Mrs.*Howdle International exhibition jump- 10 & 11:15 a.m.--Sunday Schools' reported having visited hospital jpg featured Nordal Kaldahl of 1 T:16 a:ni?^H61y•Communion & and taking ten^'Xmas~parcels the WestenTCanada Ski Feder- Sermon.______ containingTruit. candies, smoke_s ,.ptj^y;_y^hft_jiirnpe,d_113 and 115 7:15 p.m.-^Evensong apd Ser- and playing cards with a Xmas ji. Belsvig .bf the Viking Dr.'MarJory McCubblii D E N T I S T Hours: 9 a. m. to 6 p. m. , Saturdays: 10 to 1 p.m.,' Evenings and Saturday After noons by appointment only. Royal. Bank Building Phone West 446 .. Residence Phone West 393. PAULINE JOHNSON, SCHOOL The three leading pupils in.the .half-yearly grading examina-̂ tions ju st completed are as fol- ^ lo w s ^ J 11 t.;- n. W O M EN I ■ luUi a <klVMWwIWM. mon. Auxiliary Sunday School n t h and Inglewood 11:00 a.m.--Sunday School. St. Francis-ia-the-Woods, Caulfeild Su ndayy-3-pTm.^-- -̂-------- ------- Monday -- Birthday Tea.. card in each. As there was ofily Ski Club'made'110 and 109 feet Inbr, Mptinnald- one local patient, the others were and Earl Young made two leaps p S ^f^ v n ^ distributed to other patients. . of 109 feet each. The Weather ^Ji® B eaty , 3, Marion Mac- "S ® b f T ? G rade' 6 b - l , ' Jam es Ander-attendied. Jh^gting^ was by 0. gon- ̂ Moen and E. Laurillard. w n so erg , o, Feari --------- - j --------r---■ " . ■ .. ---rlYlCLieilliSll̂ ----- ---- T ^ aldahl also appeared in exhi- ̂ Division 11 Division L w» Feb. 12th. Monday--The War- who had no visitors and who were very appreciative, Mrs, B utt in the absence of Mrs. -Casey--made -sweral--visits--1 local sick. The Rev. Ramsey 5 I '* W ^ S S ! S S i J i S t W ^ - bition jumps over 'the new West ce ski camp hill, built , by- -Grade-6b-- l7-Isobel-Banks^2,- Eatablixhed on North Shore 20 Yearn. (Lady Aaalatant) HARRON BROS. & WILLIAMSON funeral Birertors North Vancouver Parlors 122 West Sixth Street ̂ - Phone North 134 Vancouver Parlors ' 65 Tenth Avenue East Phone Pair. 134 SreKiMSb"®®'** " ■ " give a very interesting anti-war Mkkey°PoguTand""irisF B ^^^^ W risberg; 8, Olive Rob- i F ^ b r W 22nd -- The Very *®An old Time dance is being mont. He jumped 106 and 112 g j Allison- Rev C S. Quainton wm g i ^ a ̂ p„t on by the W.A. on Saturday* 4e® c o ' i w ® ™ the"® lX foot 2, M a u r e e r ^ T ® ! , pubhc lecture m the Orange Hall F ebruary lrd . in the legion ST. ANTHONY^S CHURCH 8:45 a.m, 10:46 a.m.- Ser- Sunday -Holy Mass • mon* - 3 -Holy Mass -- Ser mon. 2:15 p.m.--Sunday School. 7 :80 p.m.--^Devotions. Week Days^," i 8:00 a.m.---Holy Mass. 7:80 p.m., Fi'iday--Devotions, with the Black Diamond-orches^ tra. Dancing 8:30 to 12 o'clock. Free instruction from 8 to 8.3*0 on the popular, quadrilles, mmu- ets, barn dances; and veleta.' WEST VAN. RANGERS he will continue his' training on this hill in preparation for the Leavenworth, Washington, meet which opens Saturday. Other results -in-the-Hollyburn -Club's fduiTiament were: Novice Jumping -- 1, George The West Vancouver Rangers Kobinson, 56 feet; 2, G. Houser, Football. Team are playipg the Ted Haywood, 52 Burnaby Athletics a t Ambleside Park on Saturday at^2:30 p.m. , Junior Jumping -- 1, Alan. Division III. Grade 5 b ^ l , M argaret Hil- born; 2, Eric Ajello; 3, Barbara Edwards.' _ Grade_4a--1, Doris . Clement 2; Lois Colvin; 3, Diana Chap man. Division IV. . Grade 4 a ~ J , M arjorie ' Phil lips;. 2, Richard Jordan; 3, Jac queline Zemel. ' " . Grade 4b--1, G arry .Miller; 2, C. J. OTeriogton PIONEER BARBER Expert Work 14th and Marino Phone West 135 7:80 p.m., i sions. THE West Van News PubliBhed Biwry Thursday ' I I PuMtaher F. P. LOVEGROYE Phwie W ^ 363 Busineaa and,]^Uorial OfTIce: 17th and Marine Drive ̂ (Next to Hollybarn P, 0 .) Phone West 363 Mail Address: ' P. 0 . Box 61, Hollybum, B.C CHURCHES OliCHRIST, SCIENTIST "LOVE" is tho subject of the Lesson - Sermon which will be ' read in all Churches of Christ. Scientist, on Sunday, February 4th. Among the citations which comprise the Lesson - Sermon is the following fiom the Bible: "Owe no man anything, but to love one another, for heH hat lovoth another hath fulfilled the law.^ ̂ (Romans 13: 8). The I^ssoh - Sermon also in d u c t the following passage A. Masteiman, G. Masterman, Special Race, 4i/> m iles__1 A. Cripps, M. Stevens, T. Butt, Gus Johnson, 36 minutes 5 sec- VJ'SPmI " • 2, Mickey Mitchell, 36 B. White. Referee, minutes 6 seconds ; 3, L. Gullick- Mr. Woodward. RIDGENOTES The Ridge above the fog is a veritable wbndeidand these days. Brilliant sunshine and warm Chinook winds make i t possible to shed sweaters. There is an tv • r, , - excellent view from the top of* Bourdon, 20 minutes «« the hill a t West Lake, well worth 2, Bertha flaigh, 23 the trip up the tra il 20 seconds; 3, Peg Har- Many of our local , boys took ° minutes 41 seconds, part in the H oU y^rn Club com- r, Women's 'Race, Class B -- i, sen, 38 minutes 15 seconds. ^^ejass B Race -- 1, Bill Brown, 6 40:05; 3, Clark Hoffman 43:35. , , -- 1, Jack Sax- 2, "Stew" ̂ Morrison, 45 ,.5.4; 3, Mel Lester, 47:05, " Women's Race, Class A -- 1. ^ ........"" ■ m Grade 3a--1, Nancy Grieve; 2, Marion Dundas; 3, Archie Moore. " , Grade 3b--1,. Fidelia Flater; »"'.,Uo*'don Russell; 3, Therese Miller. Division VT. - .Grade 2a-- 1, Freda Jenvey; 2, Baynard W elsh; 3, Jean Fid- des. Grade 2b-- 1, Daphne Graham; 2, John Bayfield; 3, Gerald Addy ^ D ivisionTII. Grade la --1̂ JSonita Gilchrist; 2, June Penn; 3; Doreen Flet cher. Grade lb --1, D aphne Little; ------ la xiuw well u n d ^ way, and a series bf BakwMdy: "Love for {5od and competiUonslas" b^n"p l^ ^ &?ser.'35'miSs^5®Mcon(^^ i>nt he spoA gfete a repifta mattps the ̂ e incentive m both by the club, to craiie off 0̂ ? ^ --^ -------- ----- - NorHi Vancouver Office: 123 Lonsdale Ave./^ i f i 1 1 * --i 41.00 a s*eair by carrier: by mall. healing and teaching. Love in spir083lum ines, designates, and leads the way. Right motives give p in ions ' to thought, and s t r e n i^ and freedom to speech and action. The vital part, the avei'age of one a iiio/ith, the per son making Die m ost points in be pronounced champion. There was - a large crowd of spectators and a new supply of skis has ju s t been put in this 42.00 a year beart^and soul of Christian Sci- last week to meet the demands of ence, is Love." (p. 454, ,113). the skiers a t F irst Lake. ^ He who*, laughs . la s t laughs St but he soon g e tion for being dumb. OLD TIME D^KCE SATURDAY, FEB. 3rd, leg io n W.A. Quadrmeŝ ̂ Mtouata. Ban. D«.caa and Valeta; Kefresbments IN LEGION HALL ' 8*30 to 12 I " yFtro Iratructjons Admissioo^^ 25c ^