GOOD THINGS TO EAT Friday, Saturday, Monday . Dec, 28th, 29th, 3U t Many Spinal Deformities Dis covered Among School C3iIJd- r«i. t '̂ '« i; i lb. tin SOr S ■i PLUM J A M ........ .. I V M M V SOUP, VKr;i5TAIILK SOUP. t»er tia . ,,, ge j TOMA'TOIS8>->Hed At Whit#, larc* I . ............ -........ ......... .. t ic PORK A HKANS--NcIh,!, 2 Ufic 25c HL. l»lNKAPPLE~|Jlrb«. per tin 12c aiUSHKf) PINKAI'PLE-Ilirkc per tin-;,;........................ . |ge SI*A(illli'm --lied & While c o n s FLAKKH~<tujl!ter, each"* HAKINO UIIOCOLATK- lied At While, •// lb. .................. ipu COCOA--.|{<hI At White, '/i lb. tin 15c D A T E H --New and (rehli,,.,. 3 Iba. 20c PliUNliH--Nabob, medium, 2 iba. 26c TEA--Aijnt Mary'a, per lb. . ,...... .,37c .,,CfO|'..|' Elfrr"riied, White/" }'"ibi"'tiii"'38c HOOAH -- lied Arrow. ................. | 5|. M eats Phone West 370 CIIAUK A SELECTED OEESE, lb 20e i;HADK A SKLK(.TED TURKEYS l«'»- ib .......................... 25c and 28c liOILINC FOWL, per lb...................20c UOASTINC CHICKEN, per lb. 28c IM RNK' HIIA.MROCK IIA5I, Half or Whole, |»er lb................ 23c MO.VTERF.Y CHKEHf ̂ each....... 20c MLVCEMEAT (McCoH'a) . 2 Iba. 25c FINNAN HAI)DII5, iK-r lb.......... I6c HADDIE I ' l L l E V H . per lb.......... I«c physical examination of high school girls, recently conduct^ discloseii an alarming six ty iductea aiscioseo an aiarmmg pejwtitligso'qf mirwr 8IiinaI,_ l̂egr̂n̂Ji ......*j*.. .. anmwAlnct - ™ A vERTriiAm' JEFFERIES' ..... Go vernipenfc.Iiji«ifiot®«i«lhî Turkeys - Geese - Docks r .QilckeBs HAMS -!- lamb -:• BEEF W)BK -j. VEAl COLDMEATOQFAI-LBm«)S-:.DBUCATESSEN PHONE W ^T S and foot deformities, according to -a report in the New York Times. The examination was conducted by Dr. Charles D. Napier, chief of staff of the House 01 St. Giles the Cripple, of Brooklyn, who jjointed out that early care and correction of. spindT defect.s would prevent serious trouble in - later life. "Children between the ages of 10 aiid 12 esj)ecially should be exam ined,D r,- Napier pointed Wishing all our customers and friends A PROSPEROUS NEW YEAR WEST VANCOUVER tOMBER CO. l id : •A » ' ■ -FOR REAL SATISFACTION ,HI- ............ IPC out, "for when children reach iti T'i-ru tf 1 V' I.......... .... correct their condition."HI J I l .iJ_R„by Creek......2 IbM. 45c '"' * ' ' ■ Phone West 115 1497 Marine Drivi» ft* "vi .This is an old story to the " ™ "" ..... .............---- .-- ; .... ........ .. _ Chiropractor, and one with KT/\nm«tv «..Y.v« .." which he is thoroughly familiar. NOIU HLAND P'ltOUC f,.t j j siu'pentine added to the K® well that countless A SUCCESS geiu.ral gaiety wUh thd r T ------ , ijH.Mfc Î'hp fhu. HviiiM'i l^yiRff the foundation for Pile Northlaruk Frolic, held in o.sitv (*x(*rciHe(i by al \lonors to" "̂*'"**̂ through poorposture^ the Hollyburn Pavilion on Dec- Uni .'dfa , s to improper exercises and bad C L A S S I F I E D A D S ' fieda are payable etrictly in advance. Remember ClasBlfiede In the Weat Van Newa get immediate results FOR SALE -- Several uHcfuI house- hold articles. Apply West 676L, . ,i4.. f'J" y ;i.. '■■/.. ■ -f iv-"I » III , t I ' I , f F 'C a great huccosh. ' In spite of the tions a.s tlu* . se >f h vh^ameut: T h acx h ib u 'K an c : li« h p" a long and CM by Miss Molly Edwards and and ^ncliviilliaV c ^ u i r « " hei AsHodaleH provided a source fu-m the saying that "Tb^rtM's a genuine entertainment, while line eomrnnnitv spirit in West such novelties as snowballs, con- Vaiifrouver " ^ -- ' *' ' ' ' PIANO FOR RENT- ' Perfect condition. -For six months. Phone West 37. FOR SALE -- Singing Canaries $2.50 each. Pearce, 260 19th Street. WANTED -- One furnished and one unfurnished 4-room cottage near ferry. Phone West 340 or West 148 OUR STOCK - Of Xmas Gift Chocolatos, C ffde Arable- * .•; "̂ i V f 5̂ 1 ^u „ J, j ■ . . , * j k 1'^;; happy life. But certainly the Chiroprac tor cannot agree with Dr. Napier when he states that it is* "too Jate" ̂ to coweet abnormal spinal conditions in mature years. No doubt it is true that medical and surgical skill can do little in X . J. ARCHER LIMITED -- Is your home insured? If not, ■why not see Us for your requirements. Agents for RELIABLE COMPANIES. In quiries invited. f 'OR R ^ T TO RELIABLE TENANT --Modern bungalow, centrally local. I'yj'ner*:; gdod garden. N̂ evvŝ ^̂ ' Apply Box ,49, WWest Van LLOYD'S WOOL and KNITTING SHOP, 2446 Marine. Free instruc tions. m a r c e l s h o p _ New Thermina, ° A? "®set, 85c; Finger Wave WMt c v n u i c a n . uo nine in ------------------------------------------ --.. .............. = --- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -------------------------------------------------_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ -- such ^ s e s , but the Chiropractor GIVE WEBB'S a trial for your next. RADIO REPAIRS -- 'promnt Pffiri has to his credit too many shoe repairs. 2463 Marine Drive. . ent service. Tubes teat^. All wo7<if' . ■ ' guaranteed. Tom Brown, West 266R has t o his credit too many thousands of successful treat- 7 ~ ~ Tom Brown, West 266R mehts to doubt the efficacy of been converted ~ -------------- - adult spinal adju.stments. He to Chiropractic. But it mjust be knows what ha.>i been done, what rejnembered that Chiropractic is "'Sts- " d re-borngTionerana-wha^^^^ -relatovelyrarneWTrofessipn. I ts -----Tfith fpd done. A maiorihv Af hia r»otio«fo existence IS measured in decade.s-------- ------ e west 55. ThiH advertlBomenl is not published or displayed bv the Linunr ) Hoard or by Urn OoTOrnnumt ofVrftirt ColSmbim But of Qoin*se' in conditions o f -- Neyertheless,. Chiro- long stend in^im e and patience Pvactic has made and is making may be necessary to effect a amazing strides among the more <^omplete recovery.* , modern and enlightened. Its The Chiropractor is sometimes converts each year may be asked why, in the face of his m ^sured in tens of thousands. accomplishments i® Chiropractor looks for- toe overwhelming evidence ® to the day when periodical in his behalf, the whole "world ®̂ *̂"toations by competent :r=rr====:k-- -̂--___ ChirODractorS will Or,I .' ' U- / ^^ri^l ®»at- . l?tĥ ?"FerS "̂***P, re- _ w e s t 37 and truck will collect ■i?n" MU' S' Ill, l)j*iii Chiropractors will be accepted as a matter of routine in all schools and public institutions. This is not a fanciful dream, but a rap idly .approaching reality. Cor rective Chiropractic adjustments in early adolescence will lay the foundation for a healthy and ag- gi'essive citizenry in years to come an asset too precious to be measured in money. GORDON ROBSON B a^ater -- SoUcitor WEST VANOOUVEB-- Office No. 1447, Marine Drive. to 12. VANCOUVER O FFIC E- ^ Phn^ Haatinga S t W. iPhone, Seymour 4199. 2 to 5. IfH f kl m I \ ll'l ■ lif >!? Capilano's Second C ^ar Brings You The Perfect Brew "Y'know, r metaphoricalStuff, I wonder what exactly this writer means by 'gems of thought'?" . ^ ^ ^-*1' ®®"i®toing like that . pendant you're always promising to buy me GEO. HAY Notary Pnblie R®*l,.^tate & Insurance (Established 1912) LC*«s.*v'i> - - - lof It* - *Tcir-imt*Mif|n»v To «,p* xelth l*«Uti2 o«er, more *nd Bum ImwlB*, foroioaUas «iul taatalUtloB of • ..*** vh«o •'Q ip iw . . T ***»•'• RIMC CA%ka isavR̂NaM ' , CAMLANO BREm.S=B CO„ UMIIED Yaneouvw, B. C, Wishing Our Clients and Frifends A HAPPY NEW YEAR Form No. 13. (Section 39i) I l a n d a c t Notice of Intention to Apply to In tho M Land. . ^ l i t of '^ s t"vancoS?L^B" c^°^ -pin iP^ission to the following desqribed 1405 Marine Drive Fnone_West'21-^or-Seymour 1260 Evenings West 204X ■ .On Draught and at C o r a m m m t l i q u o r S ta r r s beer ' odvartl^mant la not published or dM oyad by flia 11, 0 7 ^ 1,01 Boorf „ b . ,h --------- purchase „ lands:-- - C f S ^ P P * - - 0- East for a^istlnoe 35.2r" « f 2?8 V North ■ S c 4 So" t f S "« a £ '̂ & * ra«k ?o'"tS,Vo?"r*"" Wah hakey kolthammbr, Datod. Doombor M st. We Wish A> Very Happy New Year " A A. to all our PaiMns -s. t ^ t , '■ and Friends REmi McNeil's at 1462 Marine ^ iv e West 528 Pirompt Di^very ' f , I liSiS