vjmmm Phone West 449 Phone WMt 44 : 4 -,' î iLh il; t. 4 i l ' l i m 'I'fv-1 i i.ri. m il|||5 5-i-.M-" M: i l i A?'Kv:.r 111';Sts l |i ' i r I ■gi !!■ iMi- O O p D - l H O f C W - T O ~ E ^ T - Friday, Saturday, Monday - Dec, 2 I*j, 2 2 nd, 24tfa C K ffX iM lM O STABS Of^MCBRT AND DANCE ■■ .:f.0.. .£f. Itotiln Hood HAFID OATH ^«rf« V»(k»K« m « » • '» '* « , I Ifc. J « r . 4X€Hmhil tin * .......... .................... ig^ lied A WJiiio TOMATO JUfCB lied A Whlto OOl.OrSN COBn "* *** Fancy (|ualjly ................. . tin ISe lied A WhUc i W s Tender, Hlcre 3 ...............2 fJiu 29c V ,n K K S HF̂ NH Nabob Whole Ilaby \ ....... ........ tin I9e BTHAWfJKimy ja m Oh Boy! IV» Heal Jam, 82 ox, lor 28e COIiN HEKF -- Ilovrll Fineat Quality „...; .,...:.,...i,,..Un lOc ALL IlIiAN, KelloggV ^ Large Farkel .......................... ifte CltANHEliliy SAUCK, 12 o*. tin 19c lied A White CANDY Chriatinaa M ixed ....... lb, 16c CliKAMH, JKLhlKS, CHOCOLATES Mixed ..................................... lb. 25c CliAUMIiAT, Columbia, '/| lb. tin 22c IM A While TOMATO CATSUP 12 ox......................................... Ifii; MIXED NUTS ....................... per Ik. l ie iMeati Phone West 370 tJiiddi* the auspiwa of Ruth iAnig^«i*.mA., m , m , th#-̂ Suiuihlns Brigade from CKWX will pu t on a concert in the .OrjUHte, JHjili;.Priday.„ December 2i8th, a t 8 p.m. O m e and meet Algy, Lena, Vi; the Chief, Pro* fenaoTr the Torrid IVio, Wooden Horses, Ticketa are on sale by the z n e n ^ re of Ruth Lodge. With Pete Cowan's Old Time » » w t k a bA HAPPV CHRISTMAS AND JEHFERIES' SO Government Inspected Only € 6 0 8 0 111' ■ ^ H A M S L A M B B E E F P O K E VEAl* COLD M E A 'l^ O F A L L K I N D S D E L IC A T O S S E N i>noNR wsHanr* « ii-Jn ' TUIIKEV8, Crade A Selected, lb, 28c 7 to 15 Iba. aEFJiK. Crade A, 12 to 14 Iba. lb. 22c DUCKS. Crude A ................ ........Ib. 28c CHICKKN, Grade A, Ib.....25c to 28c FOItK SAUSAGE MEAT, per Ib. 15c SWIF'I' H SIDE BACON, >/t Ib. pkt......................................... 23c SW IFTS imOOKFIELD SAUSAGE per Ib ........................................... . 23c MON'l KIiBY CHEESE. , XniaK Wrapped .................. l.each 20c GOLDEN MEADOW B iriT E K , Ib 24c A Keul 'rreal, MINCED SU FI' ................ per Ib. 16c old time in«8ic"and with. Roy Wishing all our customers and friendsCasey of CKWX as Master of CeremonleSp al lare assured a real good time. Y . W . C. T . U. CHRISTMAS Every Bird Ih guaranteed the Fineat obtainable. XmiiN Iteef Pork, Lamb and Veal. Fineat Quality far a Happier iheistmas The regular monthly meeting o f .the Y.W.C.T.C. was held last Tuesday a t the home of Miss Maude Smith, 1459 Gordon Ave. Mrs. Faulkner asked questions on the two proceeding temper ance lessons, which were follow ed very carefully by the girls. There are two sides, and the losing side gives the winning side a banquet. The next temp erance lesson was given by Miss Beatrice Short. The Superin tendent and the President are planning a surprise meeting for the girls next month. WEST VANCOUVER LUMBER c a LTD. ' -------iKOn REAL SATISFACTION - ____ I'honc West H5 1497 Marine Drive C L A S S I F I E D A D S The rate for ClaaRlfled Advertlaementa is 2 cente per word 26 centa. Except in the coae of ihoee hairing regular accounte"*aH fleds are payable atrictly in adranee. * *■ dassi* Remember Claasifleda in the Weat Van Newa get immediate reaults. FOR BALE -- Male Wire-haired Ter- ricr Pup. Phone West 59L3. 5 1 / / ■ :f in wood 4 Y e a r s i n q e r s ^ W I N E The Distinction "Couldn't the doctor give you something to stop your husband talking.in his sleep?" \ I didn't want that. I wanted something to make him talk more distinctly." FOB SALE -- New Toys; Bureaus $2.50 to $3.75, Wheelbarrows $1.75: Cribs 75c, $J,25; Tea Wagons $2.50. Scott, 12*13 Duchess, West 203R, ^ "̂ ®<x»i«helves, Small Tables, Log Boxes, Pot Stands, Cedar Chests, etc. Ready or to order _ from G. Glass. 1093 Marine. F()R SALE--Heintzman ^ Co. Piano in , good condition* $25,00, wicker baby, buggy; new tires $5.00. Mrs. C. H. Johnston, 27th and Nelson. ADVERTISER HAS CASH for small 5k!?® W est Vancouver, East of 25th. W rite storing particulars to Box 11, W est Van. News. FOR SALE --- Child's large size Tri cycle, first class condition. Phone West 81. -. . SLINQER'S SLINGER'S LOGAN GRAPE 4 0 oz. 75c. 40 oz. 85c. A bottle of Sllnger's Wine makes an ox- , - cellont Christmas Gift. i3rvo.Sllngor8,at,yo»r own Christmas table ELECTRICAL MECHANICAL REPAIRS Eiricient ( SCRVICE 1" ' ' -r NICHI BERT-KERLEY 2836 Marine West 53R2 HANDY ANN SH O PPE-f444 Marine Drive. Games, Toys, Christmas Cards, Chinaware, Hardware, etc. . City Prices. We Wish all our Patrons - A Merry Christmas ' ^DR -- Blcyclertin A l condi- .tion Bargain at $17.00. Phone West 4 jL ty • FOR ^ALE -- Singing .Canaries $2.50 • each. Pearce. 250 19th Street. This advortlBoment is not published or displayt'd by the Liqu-or Control --------------._B oa i'd-or-.by-iho-Govornment- of-Hntishd^Iurabia'.-- '"':-- -̂---- * WEST VAN Sheet Metal Works 0 Phone West 39 Furnace and Range Repairs, Sawdust Burners FOR XMAS FOR SALE Give a g ift that will last, beautiful Singling Canaries, cheap. Ward, 13th and Havwnnii* CAKES, PIES, HOME- MADE'^MINCEMEAT, Etc; -*Phone Mrs. MacAulay, West 408R. XMAS .CAKES and PUDDINGS -- ---Home-made--bread" Tuesdays" and' Fridays. ^Dainty Cake Shoppe, Phone W est 514. H U N T E R 'S C O F F E E S H O P -- C h ris t- mas pinner $1.00 per plate; Child ren under 14, 76c; by resei-vatioh only. W est 610. . . W E S T V A N m o t o r s J 151 Marine Drive " (BILL GROUT) ■ W est 268 THE SHELL STATION At this time would like to wish our many IViends and Patrons A IMrrrii (!̂ l;rtsttnaB anh A Happy Nciu ^car ■ Wc-thank.you all for your support durm8-n.his year of 1934. GIVE WEBB'S a trial for your next shoe repai^.- 2463 Marine Drive. , -SEE OURjSTOCK .==-Of"Xmas Gift- - Chocolates, from 25c t o $2.50. All new stock. Amble- side Tea Rooms. f l sk f o r . . . C f lP I L f lN OI f i 9 9 pR O M tho gtort CapUano Beer-has huill Us roputertioa on Quality. . . a richer brew, exactly aged In the wood. That reputation will be maintained by rigid adherence to o policy which <riroady- hew won such enlhusioatic public reception lor tfala good Boer. CAPlUmO BEER is always oycril- ablo--eimply aek lor "Co^lono." "0#M» (Quality and One Brand" W ishing you a ll the Compliments of the Season H U N T E R 'S H O M E B A K E R Y - C o m e and see our Xmas Display--Plum Puddings per pound, 25c; Christ- Cakes, per pound, 40c and 60c 2423 Marine Drive. W est 610. f E N T T O R E L I A B L E TENANT -- Modern bungalow, centrally locat- burner, good garden. Kent $25. Apply Box 49, West Van News. WANTED One furnished and one " unfurnished 4-room cottage near ^erry. Phone West 340 or W est 143 MA.RCEL SHOP -- New Thermique f P ^ ^ u n e n t ; no danger. Mar-- ^-AL Eeseri 35c; Finger Wave, W e s t m ™ C. J. ARCHER LIMITED ---- Is your home insured? If not, why not see 1 . Agents for RELIABLE COMPANIES: In quiries invited. r e p a i r s -- Prompt, effici ent service. T^bes tested. All work guaranteed. Tom Brown, West 266R K. W. Savory H h o p ® • and KNITTINGbnU P, 2446..Marine. Free instruc tions. f b r n i s h e d a n d u n f u r n i s h e d Houses to Rent. Houses,-lots, and acreage for sale. John Lawson, i /th and Marine. Phone West 55. 1443 Marine Drive Atnbleside Phone West 340 Eveniiigs, West 143 C. J. Uverington p i o n e e r b ^ b e r Expert Work 14th and Marine Phone West 135 CHRISTMAS GIFTS yim Wide range at right .prices, ^ i l e t Seto, Tobaccos, Stationery Kodaks, Chocolates. FRIDAY & SATURDAY SPECIALS VANCOUVER, Itf A C H I N-E- oUUP - - Repairs Spray Pumps,TT ~ ~ - •'vcnau.o opray rump Household articles. 1449 Marine. RADIO R ^ J U B S _ W est Van. Ra4io 1473 60c Dodd's Kidney Pills.. 440 75c Pure Russian V 16 oz! 39c TnoUi Paste 25c & 42c 25c Writing ̂ ad .and__ 15c pkgT^iivelopes, both.... 25c Regular . 70c value, Jasmine . Shaving Cream and Tal cum '............................... PA DOG REMEDIES r KarswQt^ Ffrench, P.D. & Co., Elkays, Glovers, Rales, Ballards REXftlL DRD(i STORE CAFllANO BBEWlNa COMPANY liNlTED -̂ VaDeottVMr B> Gi " 5 " ' ^"e Drive ' west 528 Prompt Delivery best mat- Wth a t Foa'., j? '̂̂ ® ® *^^SO aATIO N re- ^ clothing. Phone _^ West -37 and -truck will collect. GORDON ROBSON Barrister -- Solicitor W E S T V A N C d U V E R -- 9®®® 1447, Marine Drive Phone Weat 403.. 10 to 12.' V A N C O U V E R O F F I C E -- " Suite 501; 610 Haatings St. W. Hhone, Seymour 4199. 2 to 5. WEST BAY l ib r a r y 3398 Marine Drive . S o p » : l̂ appy Olbristmas fiatt All. ------ or displayed by the Liquor Bocttd Government oi British Cfeluml̂ a GBd. HAY Notary, Ĵ toblic Rea] Estate &>-lii8iirance (Estoblished 1912) West 37 XMAS RADIO SALE Liberri T K X K ° c e 't r ? J S ? S ld Radio F O R S T 'S -- 1586 MARINE DRIVE ----- North 525 S8 S Wishing Our Clients and Friends A HAPPY ^ A S . 1405 Marine Drive Phone West 21 or Seymour 1260 Evenings Wekt"204X