', / One of the maijti features of DEATH OF the Home Gas 0<«icert hour, on , CAPT. DAVID BAIRD WINDOWS d o o r s SHINGLES LATH VENEERS ROOHNG building p a p e r A . C d m p f e e e Service 8RICK, CEMENT D LE UME SAND :>mpo8ition K A N S AND SPEaFICATIONS Drtwfi up iiK l «ai> mates given Free.' Astbury's Builders' Supplies 16th and MfMflne Drive * Phone West 199 Sajr It W ith FLOWERS WE DELIVER PROMPTLY AND CAREFULLY W E ST V A N F L O R IS T 18th and Marine Drive ' ' th ree compositions by th a t ver- The death occurred a t his satile Vancouver actor, Emerton residence "C o r r ib r a e 8088 Mar- Courtv who is a resident of West ine Drive, on Tuesday, December VancouveK Ernest Colton will 18th, c f Captain Itevid Baird, s in r the first "Breather My aged 76, who has been a resident Song." The second is an >*er- of West Vancouver fo r the past mezzo entitled "Cul de Sac" ; tiio two years. • third is "Silly Little D ^ , " Funeral will be held on Friday, which Isobel McEwen will sing. December 21st, a t 1 ;30 p.m. fi'om * • * St. Stephen's Church, to Capil- Mrs. F . X. H*odgson was the ano View Cemetery, Rev. E. Mi contralto soloist last Sunday a t Searles officiating, assisted by the Messiah concert put on by Rev. P. A. Ramsey. Harron the North Vancouver Choral So- Bros. & Williamson of North ciety in the Lonsdale Theatre. Vancouver, are in charge of the She wii lalso be contralto soloist funeral arrangements. in the Bach Choir p e r f o r m a n c e ---------------------- of the same oratorio a t the LEGION W. A, Strand Theatre „ next Sunday ̂ s-- afternoon. * The annual election o f officers * f * of the W.A. to the Canadian for your Xmas Gifts City l*ric«8 (lem m ill's D n is S tore Th« Stom uf Bervle*. 1686 Marine Drive West 37 or Weat 607̂ Emergency Phone Weat 8S1 (After 10 p.m.) W est 305 Bufrard Laundry Ltd. LAUNDRY SERVICEFOR d e p e n d a b l e DAVE ANDERSON, West Vancouver Representative Phones---West 691L or North 1310 SANTA CLAUS FUNt) (I I GET THE XMAS SPIRIT IN OLD-FASHIONED WAY Hear W e s t Vancouver 's, best after^Ghurch Concert -in Hollyburn Theatre, SUNDAY, 9 p.m. - Silver Collection. i! I f !! !! I % Mrs. John Hartc, 1559 Esqui- Legion Post 60, took place a t the malt Avenue, entertained a t her December' regular meeting last home oh the evening of the 18th. Monday, the 17th. The occasion was her birthday. Mrs. Green was again elected Among those who enjoyed the as president by acclamation; evening was Mrs. John Lawson also Mrs. P a rtin ^o n 1st vice who h^^sufficiently recovered president; Mrs. Rivers, 2nd vice from ^ recent illness £b visit, president; Mrs. Sharman, seci'o- AlsoTTOsent were Mrs. E. Hill, tary and Mrs. T. Turner, treas- Mr. nd Mr^. William Smith, Misls urer; Mrs. Howdle, hospital sick; G. Lawson and Mr. and Mrs. J. Mrs. Butt, local sick; Mrs. D. T. W att and Mr. John Lawson. Graham, entertainm ent; Mrs. * ♦ * <?Littleford, membership; Mrs. The ferries will maintain an Childs, press correspondent, hourly service on Xmas Day, There was a good attendance, and a half-hourly service oln Excellent reports were submit- Boxing Day. For full particulars ted for the year's work. Mrs. II. please see schedule in this issue. • Thwaites was enrolled as a new Buses meet all boats. member. A fter the meeting tea " - * ♦ * . was served. Miss Lulu Ray entertained a t ..Jbridge and tea Friday afternoon in honor of Miss Pat' Davidson. The invited guests were: Mrs. W. A. Davidson. Mrs. Arnold Stratton's BAKERY CHRISTMAS CAKES Plain or Iced Scotch Bun & Short Bread Xmas Puddings Mince Pies Made a t 1468 Marine Drive Phone West 27 CHURCHES OP CHRIST, SCIENTIST "IS THE UNIVERSE,, IN-^ Garthome, Mrs. K.'A. Ray, the CLUDING MAN, EVOLVED BY r DR. E, GALLANT REGISTERED CHIROPRACTOR 2 4 4 4 MARINE DRIVE DUNDARAVE Wishes his patients and friends a Merry Xmas and a Happy, and Pros^erqus 1935 W City Office 712 Robson Street I ■| ?*■II II ii Misses H attie Young, Jean ATOMIC FORCE?" will be the Hutchison, .Margaret. Seablponi, subject of the Lesson - Sermon -Je a n Jlay,JM uriel_and_Drusilla__in_alLCiiurches-oi.Chrlst,_Scientr.: Dawson, E thel Roberts, Mildred ist, on Sunday, and Jean Lettner, Evelyn Col- The Golden Text i s : "Lo, He S ^ . 8790 Sey. 8800 L ft........................... pitts, Kay Shai5)e, Doris Con- th a t form eth the mountains, and ectle. createth 'the wind; and declareth ♦ ♦ * unto nran what is His thought, H; P. TEAROE'S th a t m aketh the morning dark- FATHER PASSES ness, and treadeth upon the high places of the earth. The Lord, Hollyburn Theatre FRIDAY and SATURDAY Doccinbor 2 l8 t ond 22nd .TAMES CAGNEY PAT O'BRIEN 'Here Comes The N avy' WEDNESDAY, Decombor 20th EDDIE CANTOR *' W HOOPEE '* SPECjiAL MATINEE, 2:004).m. ildren 10c; Adults 20c. THURSDAY, Dec. 27th ROBERT MON̂ rGOMERY LEWIS STONE **The M vsiery oi M rr . X " ill boV^oscc■ The theatre will boV^osed on Xmas Eve, and on Xinaa Day, _ Afternoon and Evening'.? " i- Mrs. Jutson for joy "IVe been jumping for joy a ll morning," Mrs. Joitson told a neighbor. "W e'v e ,had our-telephone put in a g a in .. "What a pleasure it is to be able to call our friends and to have ̂ - fT them call us. . . Word has just been received The God of hosts, is His name." by H. P. Tearoe, of Tearoe.& Son, (Amos 4; 13). 1474 Marine Drive, of the death Among the citations which last, month of his fa ther a t his comprise the Lesson - Sermon home, Langley House, Dorking, will be the following from the England, in his 74th year. The , "And it shall come to deceased, James Tearoe, J.P., pass, th a t before they call, I will M.i.C.E., M.I.M.E., was late e x -' -answ er; and while they are yet ecutive engineer to the Queens- speaking, I will hear." (Isaiah land Government, late secretary . 65 : 24). Philip C Chapman General Insurance Agent Fire, Automobile, Burglary, Accident end SicknesB, etc. 2557 King's Ave. Phone W. 42Y8 lof Globe Lodge, 21 and Percy Lodge No. 198, and besides his son here, is- survived by his wife, one daughter a t Dorking, and one sop in New Z ^land .' Funeral services were held a t Dorking Parish Church, in ter ment being"-ihade in Dorking (Ssemetery. DEATH OF MRS A. P . MAXWELL The'Lfisson - Sermon also in-- eludes the following passage from the Christian Science tex t book, "Science and Health with Key to the Scriptures" by Mary Baker E ddy : "Man is, and for ever has been, God's reflection. - God is infinite, therefore ever present, and-there is nq other, power nor presence. Hence the spirituality of the universe is the only fact of creation.". TO ALL A llappg fflifrfatmaa VERNON FEED STORE A. C. BEARLB Phone West 0 Fertilizers' of All Kinds Wood, Coal, Builders' Supplies "And what a relief to know th a t I can telephone to the store instead of making the trip myself when the weather is bad. "llien , too, the telephone is important from a prot^ tion standpoint. In case o f fire or sudden illness, a telephone call m ay be the means of sa^^ng life or property." ' ■ . Mrs. Emma Maxwell, aged 61, wife of A. P. Maxwell, died early Saturday morning a t her home, 1563 Duchess Avenue. A native >6f Perth, the deceased had lived here for more than th irty years, and is survived by her husband, one brother, A. A. Buffman, and one sister, Mrs. W. G. McLach- lan, both of Vancouver, and two sisters and two brothers in P e rth ., Funeral services were held a t 2 p.m. Monday in . N orth Van couver, Rev. F. H, Wilkinson, M.A., D.D., officiating, and in term ent was made in Capilano*^ View Cemetery, Wishing Our Friends and Patrons a Very Happy Xmas, thanking then rfo r their patronage th is year, and asking for a continuance of .same in 1935. f __ "Experience Insures Satisfaction" BROWN &: MUNTON PHONE WEST 366 4- COMING EVENTS L. O. B. A. No. 703 CONCERT atid DANCE 8 p.m. -- 9:30 p.m. By SUNSHINE BRIGADE CKWX CONCERT PARTY ORANGE HALL FRIDAY, DECEMBER 28th, a t 8 P.M. Adults, 35c; Children 15c, Pete Cowan's Orchestra B. C. T E L E P H O N E C O M PA N Y * * . V* ' Li ■'r ' 1 _ Mr. and Mra. R. M. Si Rye ex-.. " Dr. _Lang arrived, here today pect to move in to th e ir new Xandc-will occupy Dr. Stainsby s home a t 20th S treet Gordon residence, starting practice a t Avenue early in January. once. Phone W est 82. January 14th in Orange Hall, "Seeing England (10 reels of beautiful scenery and inter est),. auspices St. Stephen's Men's d u b . , \ January 14th and 15th--^^-Dun- darave Junior' D ram atic Soci- et3̂'s Play in Hollyburn TTiea- t r e . . ' - FRED. JONES - BICYCLE STORE 1457 Marine Driv4 '(N ext to W est Van Motors) New and Second-hand Bicycles, Tricycles, Scooters also iRepaird. standard Prices. Experienced. P H O N E W E S T 4 7 2 V " C? H K I r' l i l f l '."i f . '* H'J i ii x ivi I • Ii.' t TAiV 4 .* - P ' C fi~. ('» 1' . 1 > *, \ i li' 1 -it " I, I i ! il'i- 1 'fr ; -11̂" V . ' i J , :'h ' •J*. 3U, l l ' V . i 1 tfi *■} m,, # , / I'ii* l! ' I :n■' r I 'L J t I . . ■ [ i i .n .-Vi'i >■' ■■s.i* I i; ̂ ' t it U ■;i; y f. ' £'# h ' ** 1 ' *' i j m I V j - t 4 . /pi h % s ■ ' ' \ M ( , ; ' % P ' . f i ' ' '* r ' ' Si ̂ ̂*1 ^ i *•. r 9* T J 4- - , m u ^ i t A i l ̂i' i ^ ' U-i -■% -i '> f* '■ ■ ■'*'< 'll ■= X i' i yT - , , tJ / f VS' '̂lw* 1 t F App.hsjJ #1" Hs. * -V '̂vtd "J.