1 i p i i i | f e i i i i i t e ^ ■»■■ r Pbooe V f e B t m >1 #s> Ph«Hl« WMt m ' f I » ,j, i ' f̂ t • ||l |■ft'-■.?'•• ■> ̂ f^: t,i-« P I 4 ■' f t#; - ̂ I# - ill : 'S:i i 'ft' # , Mk WiWii I ' i i P -:̂ m I 2-DAY Pre-Holiday FOOD SALE Friday and-Saturday - Dec. 14th and 15th A V m a n ja m --N«ljob. n oc j«r 2&c ! COKNFLAKEH--Ketlo«g'«. 2 p^U l$e R«d & White SOUl»»--Vegetable or C'lam Chowder ............... 2 tinM 15c HUOAU--Ii. r . tiranulMted, » iba. 43c With (IrtKery Order. FA8TKY PLOUIC -- AuMtralian 5 lb. bag IHe SKKIIKO KAIKIN8 ...........2 llw. 25e HKEDLK8H JtAIBINS Aumiralian ................. .....2 IIm. 25c CLfItUANTS, Iterieaned CUT MIXKO l»KKU. " Meats PhoniD,,W e8t 370 MlNCKi) HUK'r................. per lb, I5c FltlMK Kills OF KKBFe per lb. 14c FOT KOASr OF HKEF, |»«r lb ... 12c FOUK HIIOUl.OKH UOASTS, lb. 15c FOWI., per lb ..................... 20c KOASTINt; CmCK'KN, per lb.... 27c 2 iba. 26c j HAODIK FIIXKTS, per lb.......... 16c I FINNAN IIADOIK; per lb............ 15c KIFI'KKH, per lb. ...............2 Iba. 25c i i l isSSiPSJiA mm t /■; t 7-' KubiiuMni'M................. i/i lb. pkt. 12c GUACK ClIBKKIKS ........... »/i lb. lOc , mikv i/Afi/A-r rM r ii> \ » it orAl.MONli FASTK »/i lb. pkt. 25c MJNChMKAJ. (McColla) .. .2 lb«. 25c OATHS - I W . Hulk .....3 IbH. 20c ! FBANUT HiriTEK ...... . 2 lb«. 25c Ked & White EXTRACTS -- ■ •; | -- ........... r - - - -- •l.e««a, -VanJlla'vr-,v; v '2 ca;'bottle'ISC'I'^ Our TurkeyH will be on band Tueaday of next 'week. All IlirdN wHl beHIIF.I.I.EO AI.MONOH....... '// lb. 20c illty I 2 Iba. 25c ' MINCEMliAT -- CcmhI Qua SFFXIAL EAKI.V. C.KAI>K A, OKOBK B. T. Mlllman, 1420 Argyle Avcinuo, han rrvtvtal into u houses at 1800'Bollevue Avc*nu(i. N, iIolKat<* has moved from Vancouver into a house at 1420 Ari?yl<; Avenue. f or a merry Christmas C »)E M m N D E N C E To tiio CitimiM w i m r v m m m t ...^ May 1 a t thia time call the at- "̂ "tentioa of all ciUzenH to the ap- -|ieai-for'tlio-4V«ltare Christmas Cheer Fund. The need thi.s year Is as great as ever, and we do not wish a single home in the Com- nnmity to be without the materi al necessities for a Happy Christmas. This will ̂only be made possible by the generoui? response of every citizen. Will each one do his utmost to .sup port the various efforts tx.*iiig made to raise the necessary funds? You will enjoy your own Christmas festivities all the more if you have the knowledge that - you have helped. m ake. others happy. Yours truly, R A. RAMSEY, Chairman West Vancouver Welfare Association. Efforts being made: Dec. 14th--Dance in Pavilion. Dec. 19th--Concert in High School. Dee. 23rd--Sacred Concert in Theatre. Dec. 16th--^Football Match. Dec. 21st-24th--Carol Singers Jefferies Government liiiqpected Otdy 1 store at HollybumrirexrTheaffe PHONE WEST 3 JIM* and a ll ■ BUILDING MATERIALS ^EST VANCOUVER LUMBER QO. LTD. LUNBER -FOR UliAL SATISFACTION Phone West 115 1497 Marine Driye C L A S S IF IE D A D S The rate for Claasified AdvertisemenUi Is 2 cents per word, tninimuin 25 centa. Except in the case of those having regular accounts, all clasai- 0eda are payable strictly in advance. Remember Claaaifleds in the West Van Newa get immediate results. CORRESPONDENCE To the Editof^, -- West Van News. ' . Dear S ir:--As a regular trav eller by boat to the city, T would CRAZY WATER CRYSTALS reduced FOR SALE--2 Child's Bureaux, $2.50 and $3.75; Tea Wagon $2.50; Cribs 75c and $1.26; Wheelbarrows $1.75. Scott, 1243 Duchess, Phone W est 203R.__________ , ' ' LOST -- A t W est Lake Camp or on tra il down, one boot and skate. Phone W est 54R. - T his advcrthjoj'nent is-not published or displaj'̂ ed by the. Liquor C ontrol Hoard or by the Ooverninent of British Columbia. XM AS RADIO SALE West 37 Many Barpins to choose fromr-----------^ Liberal Trade-in Allowance on Your Old Radio. . FORST'S ̂ X586 MARINE DRIVE North 525 like, through the medium of your worthy paper, to express my appreciation of the splendid service rendered by both manag er and crews of the fqrries and buse.s, especially during the recent period of fog. It is only in weather^ such as we haye been experiencing dur- . ing thei last few days, that we realize the strain and -responsi bility resting on the shoulders bf yhese men. . I t is a credit to the "Municipal "TranspOirtataoff^Sys^te^^ schedule is being maintained at such a high standard of effici ency. Thanking yoU}for the privilege' of space in youT p p e r , I am Yours Sincerely, CHAS. T. BALDWIN. to $1.25. Phone agent W est 622X. F ree delivery. $5.50 WEEKLY -- Room and ^ r d in W est End home. Suit one or two business girls. Phone Mrs. «Gleed. Sey. 8002L.. FOR SALE -- 1934 $50 Philco Radio; good as new, $30.00. Apply Box 10, W est Van News. XMAS CAKES and PUDDINGS -- •--Homermade bread - Tuesdays and Fridays. Dairity Cake Shoppe, Phone W est 514. H U N TER 'S C O F F E E SHOP--Christ- m as D inner $1,00 p e r p la te ; Child re n , under 14, 75c; by reservation only. W est 610. ,LOST -- Blue P ocket Book contain ing sum o f money o n . Thurijday, D ecem ber 6th, betw een 2800 Block Bellevue, P a rk Lane and 3300 Block ' MariAe Drive. F inder Rewarded. Telephone W est 159R8. S E E OUR STOCK -- O f J^mas Gift C igars, C igarettes , Chocolates, from 25c to $2.50. AH new stock. Afiible. . side Tea Rooms. FO R REN T TO R E L IA B L E TENANT -- Modern bungalow , cen trally locat-* ed; saw dust burner, good garden. R ent $ ^ . A pply Box 49, W est Van News. M A R C E L 'S H O P -- N ew Thermique steam perm anen t; no danger. Mar- cel; 50c; R eset, 35c; F in g e r Wave, 50c. Above R oyal Bank. Phone . W est 304. " , ;iSi> Mr. G ovey.^^^o has been W ANTED spending the summer and fall a t Eagle Harbor, has ,moved back to Vancouver. FOR RENT---Furnished C ottage, near ^ r r y and bus. Phone W est 220L. ' H U N TER 'S HOME BAKERY-U^ome and see our Xm as D isplay--Plum Puddings per pound,* 25c; C hrist- 2423 M arine Drive. W est 610. m as Cakes, p e r pound, 40c an d 60c e n t service. Tubes tested . All work guaranteed . Tom Brown, W est 266R1: FU RN ISH ED AND UNFURNISHED Houses to Rent. Hojisea; and acreage »fo r sale. ;Jo 17th and M arine. P h one W est 55. A C H I N E bHOP -- R epairs V SprAy^ ̂ llousehbld articles, RADIO REPAIRS --ri- West Van. Radio P e ttig rew ), W est 108, ,1473 Marine. ^ H O E R EPA IRS ̂ wprkmahship̂ ^̂ ̂14th a t F e rry . , TH E w e l f a r e A s s t ^ a discarded c lo th in g .P h o n e _________ W est 37 and tru ck will collect. . W O d lr~ n n d KNITTING HANDY ANN SH O PPE; 2444 Mar- SHOP, 2446 M arine. F ree instruc- 7" Toys, C hristm as Cards, Tags, ^ ......... ■Statipnei^y, ^ Hardware, etc,- - » ^ ? One furnished and one unfurnished 4-room co ttag e near fe rry . Phone W est 340 o r ^ e s t 143 t h e : g a b l e s , w e s t b a y -- steam heated furnished suite, electrically fitted, 320.00. Phone W est 318R3. C, J. a r c h e r l i m i t e d -- Is your ̂ home insured? I f not, why n o t see Us fo r your requirem ents. A gents fo r RELIA BLE COM PANIES. In quiries invited. " • C. J. Overington PIONEER BARBER Expert Work 14th and Marine * Phone Wes_t_135 A^AriLANO B««r mu«t be.good. That' ■c«ounta for iu ev(-r.{ncr*uins popularity. To oop« vith InaUtont doipand from all part* of th« Prorinco for this (ood heor, ntoro and -snoito' capital outlay has been mado for ad ditional hrswinit, fermenting and storage spaee..Thla neeewltatod tho ****tt̂ l*Uon of a huge stvond cellar, where **Captlanô * ag«« for months In grsst wooden easUe under the meet exacting eonditlona of r^eanllneea and reftlgerstion. ThI. new cellart com pleted months ago, now hringa to the l^iwming puhUo, the ultlmaie brew, by bottle and draught, with the added amranee of unfailing response to all who. asV Jot ITjiplIano'*. O A PIL ^O BRSŴNG CO.,J.lMlTED "Vsneoom, B.iS. ~ ' e l e c t r i c a l MECHANICAL R EPA IRS Efficient f SERVICE P ? o m p r - 1 ° " " " ' ' NT BERT KERLEY 2836 M arine W est 53R2 G E a HAY For Snaps in Real Estate Notary Public Real Estate & Insurance (E stab lished 1912) _ , : 1405 -Marine Drive ' Phone West 21 or Seymour 1260 Evenings West 204X This advertisi&ment is not pnljUslied oYdispl^y^^d by the Oquor {Control Board or by the Government CHRISTMAS SPECIALS 40c Pepperm int P a ttie s ........ 28c Groi^smith's English G ift Sets ...........35c ^to $4.50 X m as Boxed S tationery , 35c to $1.50 Xm as Steals, Tags, Tinsel, etc. Xmas W rapped Cigars, C igar e tte s and ^Neilson's F resh Chocolates. FRIDAY & SATURDAY ^ SPECIALS ...........69c $1.00 Shaving B r u s h ......69c $lj00 v^lue--2 tubes l i g a t e s Tooth P aste and a 50c Tooth Brush -- all fo r................ 49c 2 ^ l a y e r 's A spirin -------- [ I 9c 50c Jergen 's Lotion ............ 45c M A L L DRDG STORE Marine Drive Wes t 528 GORDON ROBSON Barrister ;-- Solicitor WEST VANCOUVER--, Office No. 1447, lUbrine Drive Phone West 403. 10 to 12. VANCOUVER OFFICE--' Suite 601: 510 Hastings S t W. Phone, Seymonr 4199. 2 to 6. VERNON FEED iSiTpRE A: a SBARLE Phone West 9 Fertilizers o f AU Kinds Woodg Coaly Builder^ S n ip e s ii ̂ ' i « a '■ £ '/S t /