^ '■ ' 4 fk If ! ?* r)vms wwmt wjm m m m a m w m " R«v. BUn* Writht. Mini«t«r 11:1$ «.ni«» 7:1$ pML BundMy Scliool and Bibl« CUum ; ..... . Str«»f«rt A VltfUmi W«lcom«» Confidentiallg to Married Men / Kvcry dny w«"c6m«i in cootiurt with th(* fadit'M of thic commun> ity. They all toll u» the iftme • Mtory, "'If only, my husbatid would icivo me a Permanent Wttve for ChriNtmae." VVhttt could bo more appro> priato than to "Give Beauty." ,Our waves are of the best qual>' ity and you may call in for our Gift Cortincate in a Xmas envelope for $3,1)6 or $6.00. Gwendolyn Beauty Shoppe ~ 1616 Marine Drive HOLLYBUM HALL 14lJk A Dnrteaa. FfflDAY, Dec. Iltli, at 7:36 pja. l^antern Service "||)«niel the P ^ I mNI*' ""'" "'ip eak e r" rk n SUNDAY, Dec. 16Ui, at 10 a.n. Sunday School and Younsr Men's Bible Class SUNDAY EVENING at 7:30 '"fwo Men, Two Vrayora and Their Mesaafo" MK. ALEXANDER SIMPSON TUESDAY EVENING at 8:00 Prayer and Bible Study II welcome to all services.All rrrr- UNITED CHURCH Hll)i» Wright, Minifiter For appointmtmta PHONE WEST 117 CHRISTMAS t'ards and Gifla for MOl'HIfiK, rATHER, SISTER and BROI'llEK Yardley A Potter and Moore • (iCMNla IVrfumery Seta and Chocolatea ANBLESIDE PHARHACY W. L. KER, Prop 1401 Marine Drive Phone West 828 FREE Db LiVERV ScTVieu.t ft.H usual next Sabbath a t 11:15 a.ni. and 7:16 p.m. Sunday School at 10 a.m. .Trail ItangcT Groupff, T u e ^ a t 7:30 p.m. Prayer Meeting, Wednesday, 8 p.m. Choir iTacUcc, Thursday at 8ip.m. Mission Hand, Thursday a t 4 p.m, C.C.I.'r., Friday at 6:30 p.m. While Gift Sundliy. December 23rd. Come to church. WBSTVAHCOUVEB e» ^ O n is $ w Science Society CBD|tCB EDIFICE TfiiiffmaJi.' IleUybara' Thia Society is a Branch of The MotiMr Church „ The FIret Church of Christ, Seiouotlst, in Boston, lAntipfhusetti SnBdajr Service: 11:60 a.m. Sunday, December 16, 1934 Subject: "CIOD TliB I'KESEKVER OF MA^" Sunday School at 10:00 a.m. Testimony Meetini; Wednesday at 8:15 p.m. The public is cordially in« vited to attend our services and meeUnas........ ............. S A F IW A rS P hilip C, C hapm an General Inaurance Agent , Fire, Automobile^ Ilurflary, Accident nnd Sickneaa, etc. 2667 King's Aye. Phone W. 41Y8 • i' -- D R . G. D. H . S E A L E D.D.8 ., L.D.8 . ■ 'V ' ' DENTIST Hay Block, t"4th end Marino Dr,i .' Olllco ifoura 9 to 6 p.m. '̂ Evenlnga by appointment Rhone West 72 , The iinal meeting of the year of the Women's Association of the UniUMl Church was held on Tuesday, December 11th, with the pre.sident, Mrs. A. M. O'Don nell in the chair. Following the devotional exercisoH reports of oiFicers and conveners were pre sented. The bazaar recently held was reported as having been a complete success. The election of officers for the ensuing year resulted as follows: Honorary presidents Mrs. Archibald, Mrs. D. Ritchie, Mrs. W.fT. Rush, Mrs. Hillis W right; president, Mrs. A. M. O'Donnell; first vice-president, Mrs. JW. Blair; second vice-president, Mrs. P. Wait; treasurer, Mrs. McCall HAinriST C lIUIiCH Paator: Rev. H. 1*. Humphreya, Ueaidence: 1848 Haywood Ave, Phone West Z.'iZK, Sunday Services H a.m. and 7M6 p.m, Sunday School, 10:00 a.m. We preach a Crucified, Crowned, Coming, and Glorified Saviour. If you are not regularly at tending claewhere, come and worship with us. ' Prices Mective FRIDAY * SATURDAY, Dfift. t4 * 16. SMYRNA MAT FIGS ............. *...................................... --• 2 Iba. 18c CALIFORNIA SOFT SHELL VFALNUia.-.........^...................lb. 20c SOFf SHELL AI.IVIONDS , • ■ - --. ̂ - --.... ]j| Sc BRAZILS -- Urge, washed ............ ..................................... -- lb. 15c FILBERTS ........................................ ................................... '™ H>. 13c VALENCIA SHELI.ED ALMONDS.................................. ...J4i Ib. 18c XMAS BRIi.UANT CANDIF.S ..................................... ........ lb. I5c XMAS ntKA.M CANDIES ...................... ........- ...................... ..lb. I5ĉ AYLMER CATSUP -- small bottle...................... .................each I3c ROYAL erfV WHITE CORN -- No. 2 tin....... ...............2 for 17c * ATOES --7-- Aylmer, No. 1 ,.2 for 18c KING BEACH STRAWBERilY JAM--Pectin, 4 lb. tin....each 39c ROBIN HOOD OATS -- Non-premium .... ..................... . .̂..pkg. 15c SUNLIGHT SOAP -- (l.iinit 2 carton's) .................. „.......each 14c GOLD b a n d w in e s ............... . ........................... .........bottle 39c Wv r®terv# Ih® flsfit to limit i|t<®iitltl®®, SAPfillVĴ Y STORES LIMITJpO BAPTIST CHURCH Pastor: Rev. H. ,P. Humphreys Sunday, December 161H'̂ 10:00 a.m.--Sunday School and- Adult Bible Class. 11:00 a.m.--^Morning Worship. Topic: "The Source of Life." Anthem, "God So Loved the World,"• (Stainer) . 7:15 p.m.--Evening Worship. Topic: "The Battle of Life." Song Service at com- DISTRIBUTION Mrs. W. Hawkes; Dorcas supt., ^Mrs. Forsyth; "Living Message" secretary, Mrs. Glass; education al secretary, Mrs. F. Parkes; Extra Cent a Day secretary, Mrs. Hookham; United Thank Offering, Mrs. Barker; represen tative to Diocesan Board, Mrs. Purchase and. Mrs. Hampson; alternates, Mrs. Eatock and Mrs. Evans; press correspondent, , Mrs. Hamilton Sm ith; social ser vice, Mrs. W. I. P a vies. WITHOUT WASTE Are You Looking for-- Ti» TOY SHOP It's at 1706 Marinei Drive If you have any toys, bookŝ dolls, etc., that will give happi ness, bring them along. Auspices of Girl Guide Com mittee, Duncan Lawson Chapter I.O.D.E. E. GALLANT CHIROPRACTOR 2444A Marine Drive EveningH by appointment. Phono Sey. 8700 or Scy. 8800L City Onicoi 712 Robson St. iiiarwirriaMa/u' Ambleside Sheet M e t a l L. SPECK. Proprietor W OrKS c ,.., , . . mencemeiit. S titt; recording secretary, Mrs. ; Monday. 8 D.m. -- B.Y.P;U. Gt korfpotTrorrcspOTdmr^e^^^^^ ,■ th lf^ w ill be the" laiF tary, Mrs. R. MaeVean; press Young People's meeting coTOspondent, Mrs.^J. H, Mon- . of the year 1934, so all cneir; pianist. Miss F ram eco n - young people are asked to veriens of committees -- social j^e present aeryice, Mrs. G. Baldwin; tea, Wednesday. 6 :45 p jn . -- Child- M"®- ' • ren's Hour. Lantern Slides ^C ;_T hor*30 ii4 jyelfare^M rs------------Alkchildren-welcome.-- - - F. Merrick. 8 :00 p.m.--^I^rayer Service. A vote of thanks was passed Thursday, 8:00 p.m. -- Choir voicing appreciation of the kind- Practice, ness of the local and city pross Friday, .7:00 p.m. -- C.G.LT. in publishing the notices and ~ ̂ - reports of the vaidous «w:tivities^_^^_^^^,pgpjjgj^,gqg^ 'itector:;":.-'̂ ;:r'-;V' Rev. F. A. Ramsey, L.S.T. Third W EST V A N C O U V ER C H (0R A L SO CIETY C O N C E R T . • -f-- : (ilhougahti ̂ earg nf iitiisti:̂ in W est Vancouver United Church __MQnday,_Decemher _1.7-th,i at 8:15 p.m. Ill^ A d m i s s i o n T ic k e t 3 5 c . 1 also fd"Mrs. A. C. Bruce, Bert Chisholm and Frank Beamish for making posters. It was de- . cided to change time of opening December I6th, 1934 2:15 p.m. Sunday in Advent. At the conclusion of the business tea wa«;""'served by Mrs. G. A. Dean, Mrs. E. C. Denton and Mrs. R. Froud. KalabUahvd on North Shore 20 Y«ara. -> - (Tjatiy A ssistan t) HARROW BROS. & WILLIAMSON IFuneral B irretnrs North Vancouver Parlors 122 West Sixth Street Phone North 134 ' Vancouver Parjors 55 Tenth Avenue .East Phone Fair, 134 ST. ANTHONY^S CATHOLIC CHURCH 23rd & Inglewood Ave. P riest in Charge. Rev. W. J . Millay, Residence: 2323 Inglewood^Ave, Residence Phone West 240R .. Sunday Services Low Mass -- 8:45 a.m. ' High Mass and Sermon -i-- 10:45 Catechism and Bible Class--8:00 Vespers and Benediction--7:30 Weekrda y 8:00 a.m.--̂ Holy Communion. 10 & 11:15 a .m -^u n d ay School 11 s'lS a.nii--Matins and Sermon 7:15 p.m:--Evensong and Ser- mph. Thursday' 7:30 p.m.--Interces sion Service. Auxiliary School: 11th & Ingle wood 10:00 a.m. -- Sunday School. St. Francis-in-the-Woods; Caulfeild Sunday, 3:00 p.m. --- Evensong and Sermon. Wednesday, 2:30 p.m. -- Ingle wood W.A. A m a z i n g E L E C T R I C E Y E te lls w h en y o u need m ore light TUB W e s t V a n N e w s Pobliahed Every Thursday Mass, daily Fridays; 8 a.fn. 0 The annual election of officers for the W.A. took place last as^folldwa:- Tiii it tbt Sight Mttir that wilt mtasurt light and ullytu hvto mrnbjnm tutdfyr any task Benediction, Rosarj% Confes s io n s-- 7:30. Mr. Molecey of Winnipeg, has treasurer, Mrs. Hamnson'^cor. taken a house a t 1848 Bellevue I'esponding secretary, Mrs/Brod- .erxek^ junior superintendent, Hon. president, Mrs. F. A. Ramsey; president (re-elected by acclamation), Mrs. Ford; vice-president, l ^ s . Eatock; re- eordirtg secretary, Mrs. 'lyier; Fubllaher F, F. LOVEGROVE Phone West 363 Buaixieui. and Editorial Office: 17Ut and Marine Drive (Next to Hollyburn P.O.) Phone W est 363 Mail Addrese: P* O.̂ Box 61, Rollybora, B.C, Avenue. Nortli Vancouver Office: 123 Lonsdale-Ave. 11.00 a srear by carrier: $2.00 a year by mail. W est Vancouver School Baud in Inglewood Auditorium VV EPITO AY, Dec. 1 9 th . at S p m . Silver. CoHcciion for Sania Claus Fund P h o n e = f o n i m B E ~ S u n ; e y *'^y'0 |^R own eyes can't tell you when they ' bei ng strained. But you can £iad out i f you Me getting enough Rght by ; the light from your lamps . . . Just phone Seymour 5151 and say, -*'I want you to "measure my lights." ' Our lighting expert will J>rihg out the new saenufic Sight Meter. Held under a lamp, __its -«̂ Pttic eyemeasures the lights acairatdy 3S a riiermometer measures heat. . . and, most imp t̂ant, it tells how mudi is needed. Use tto free service to prefect ybur~frunily's eye sight . . . call Seymour 5 1 5 1 today.. be tt er LIOHT * BETTER SI6HT c RA m