titmm *M»t#»«illl>!̂ ^ A* % \ "jH. V I ^ P8w •!(#.-<■ . . / : n > - I + *'•■ »W#**)m a p ^ e r 1 ' . i-̂n ots». •■V' ■« f»jw?i'F)t'tr̂'̂v >?» 1 Cirmlathg in ̂ D iaria o f Wca Vamcuva-AmUaidc, H rifyium , W^aon, Dundaravc ■'»•»■'" ■ Q/Pra, P art. Q ,H //iiU ,m y ,a m E a. \'oI. IX HOI,LyBURN P.O., WEST VANCOUVER. B.C., THURSDAY. DECEMBER J3th. 1934 No. 33 THE FERRIES SANTA CLAUS FUND lieccntly Greater Vancouver has been visited by one of her foray periods, in tWs caw thp densest in her history. At .such times ftll officials on I&nd nnd S6ft ftctivelv emmofed in tran.sportatiM' ar;e'u^^^^ strain,; and none more- so than our ferry captains and crews. I t requires a cool head ad .seamanship of a high order tp "go i t bind'* all day or all night long in a fo«». depending \yholly. on set courses and echoe.s to awoid collision or going ashqre. Yet with the ex ception of Salt-uiday evening, when first a vessel obstructing the (lock entrance and la ter a very strong ebb tide caused such a delay as to result in a reduced Service, the boats carried on a.s usual. . „ ' This ^ a k s very h i^ Iy for our ferry itiiffs; and it is to ' be hoped th a t each and all who travel th a t way appreciate their .splendid work. . NORTHLAND FROLIC THE WAITS I The Santa Clau.s committee felt very encouraged a t the whole-hearted" response to the first big event when* Mrs. Nor- For those who have never ex perienced the th rill of dancing in an icicle cave surrounded by frosty evergreens, there is a special trea t in store a t the1YIJII1 TVr#*T i>a/4 %v»TiAvi/:k/') opt*Cllil LJ?0<lt ' 111 810^6 l»v vliGman McLeod repoited Tuesday "Northland Frolic" in the Holiy. th a t between seventy and eighty tables of Bridge had been played during Bridgp week. On Saturday afternoon a t Ambleside N orth Shore United and W est Vancouver Rangers will stage a game, hoping that bum Pavilion on December 14th in aid of 'the W est Vancouver Santa Claus Fund. Miss Molly Edwards and her dancing school ai^ planning several novelty dance numbers, one of which is to be a celebrated Exhibition. i-u wv u ceiuux'Mieu Cixniuiuun every kick of the liig ball will Waltz. Refreshments, Ipovelties If towards and entertainmlent are just three . 11h* "Wait.s" party who will sing Xhuis carets on Friday evening, December 21st, plan to conform to the following time table as closely us possible; 7:00 p.m. a t 1089 15th S treet; 7 ;20 p.ni. a t 1991 Inglewood; 7 :40 p.ni. at 2885 Haywood; 8:00 p.m. a t 2958 Park L'iifib r " " 8:20 p.m. a t Reeve Lcyland's, 2848 Bellevue Avenue; 8:40 p.m. a t 8056 Procter A ve.; 9:00 p.m. a t 81st and F raser; 9:20 a t Radclilfe Avenue; 9:40 at West Bay P.O.; CHORAL SOCIETY CONCERT the $500 ^imed a t by the com- of the f ^ r tu m ^ h ic h loloo p m *at Z Mc6oiTin>emtittee. Reeve Lev and w t __ uc m i . M cbonins, The West Vancouver phom i Society : ^ e giving their first concert o^the season a t 8:15 p.m. 'next 'Monday, Decem ber 17th, in th e West Vancouver United Church, the various numbers illustrating 2000 years of music. The following is the program: O Canadft .. EARLY CHRISTIAN^ERIOD 300-1200 A D CHANT IN THE GREGORIAN M O i)E -"Lament» 1'jNGLISH ROt/NDr--"Sumer is icumiaa in*" MINNESONGS--(a) "Broken Faith'*....... .̂......... Prince Witzlav (b) "A Lave Song?' ..................Prince Witzlav MR. AUBREY A. CLARKE (With string accompaniment) runpTTc »T RipA ISSA N C B PERIOD 1200-1500 A.D. CHORUS--"Incarnatus" ................. r:..f.:...;....Josquin DePrea LADIES VOICES--"Gloria in excelcisV......... Dufay (With trumpet accompaniment) ' Trumpet; Mr. Bob McCarthev CHORUS--"Ave Maria" ..................... ............................. Arkadelt fUDOR MADRIGAL P l^ iO D isOO-ioOO'ArD -- - INSTRUMENTAL-(a) "Lively D a i;e ^ C ..-^ .. . . .S r y ^ MADRIGALS-(a) "The Silver S w a n f ( Dances in a flowery ivale^f • Ppstn -- £LIZABBTHAN-SONGS=^---------------------------------------------------------- (b) There IS a gardenin' her face"....... Tbos. Campian (c) Carol, "Jesous Ahatonhia".:..arr. by Healey Wulan MISS ,JOAN DURBIN West B ay; 10:20 p.ml. a t Mr. II. Wood's, Ciiulfeild. Thi.s revival of a good old cus-, tom i.s in .aid lof the West Van- epuvor Santa Claus Fund; and the generosity of the public isi n^ttee. Re«ve Ley land will stitu te a re a l" F ro lic ., Lendinff kick off a t 2 :30. their patronage are Mrs. Julia An "After. Church" Concert Henshaw, Mrs. H. S. Wood, Mrs. in the Hollyburn Theati'e is be- Harold Brown and Mrs. J. B. ing arranged by Mr. J. U. Holt Leyland. Mrs. W. B. Small, who for Sunday,' December 23rd a t is general convener, is being aŝ " 9 o'clock., The stage will have, sisted by Miss Betty Mackehzie, K ^.un.Lv .......... the appearance of an after Miss Sybil Chapman, Mrs. R. A.," 1,,-ged for this good am r worthv Church gathering ip any home Thompson, Miss Joan Dorches- caiKso All nrocccds will go to a t Christm as time, The program ter, Misp Ruth Blair, Mrs. B ." S e Fund. which is of the firrt order will Trafford, Miss Josie"Leyland and Li.stcn for the motor hornn « h proceed with delightful inform- Miss Jean Watson, and Blair th e p a r tv a rr iv e s in v o u rn e ig h - ality, the audience joining in the Clerk as M aster of (Ceremonies, borhood Hoot! Turn off fhe carols. The Young Ladies! Choir No tickets will be on sale, but m iio and enlov the carok recently formed _^y Miss "Joan admission of 86c will be collected neighbors and^friends If the a t the door. weather is fine the singers will bers, the Melic Male Quartette ; w ill also appear.! Well-known soloists who wilLTbe on the pro- • graih are Mrs. F. X. Hodgson, Miss Ivy Miles, -J. Lowdon and th a t promising young elocution- be augmented by some of the RECREATIONAL'CENTRE members of the West Vancouver ----------------HERE-- ------- --------- Orchestral-Society. ist> - Angus; Young. "The West " C.7 - the provincial Through !. Eisenhardt, direc- „__ .......... ................. . te r of physical education for B.- houses in t he immediate neig h - . After each short program, one of the group will, call a t the ,. - Y^ncouver;. Oychesto is also adding its quota" to an a delightful program. (With string accompaniment) r-irnpu a t p. , POST RENAISSANCE PERIOD 1600-13Q0 A.D. LH U R R A L E^"JfrSu Jo y o f M an's Desiring'.'..,...........;.. BaCh insteumenta£ ® "" - - , ' ( a ) "Gavotte" . ] , • ^ (b) "Sarabande" ' [ Three'French Dandes......l...Lully (c) . "Gibel" j SONG--"P astorale" .............................. Verricini r.unpTTo » A GOWN MACLEAN......... . ' " 7 ~ Finale to Oratoria "Messiah" ■■ ' (W ith Organ, and S tr in g accom panim ent) RACQ onrr, / s PERIOD, 1800-1930 A.D. BASS SOLO-- (a) "T w iligh t F an c ies" ............... ....... ,...-......J)elius- » (b) "The sleep th a t flits on baby's eye" C arpen ter SCHOOLS TO HELP SANTA CLAUS FUND government have offered to establish ,a re creational centre Here, And thfeir offer has been accepted. This will not cost the taxpayer one bofhood. Please have a dona tion ready for the Santa Claus Fund. As much territory will be covered as possible on ""Friday ~MR.; A. J. ADDY -INSTRUMENTAL^^ , ' /L\ Dance" From Charterhouse > , Suite....Vaughan Williams '■"'tWith Organ and String accompaniment) God Save the'King L. 0. L. No. 2990 J-.' LEGION NOTES 'H re^ast general meeting of the local branch wias held a t 8 The above lodge will meet in regular session on Tuesday n e r t at 8 p.m. sharp in the ■ Orange ~ . Hall. The members of N orth Friday last, in fhe Legioir Vancouver L.O.L. No. 1840, will -Memorial Hall, w ith President pay an official visit on th is 6c- H. Walker, in the chair. tiSual business _ New members recently enroll- installia- ed are Comrades: Angus Mc Leod, T. Standing, and H. The W est Vancouver Schools Band with the co-operation of all the schools in West. Vancouver "Vare putting on a grand concert in Inglewood Auditorium a t 8 p.m. ̂ Wednesday,: December 19., There will be two "performances, one in the afternoon for the school children and one in the evening for adults. The Band ' has been under the direction "of Mr. Dellamont for a year now and can^ promise a really fine performance. The Junior Band formed during the present year will also be heard in a few num>- bers as well as individual mem bers of ;the Band. cent, a s the instructors are paid night (December 21st), but if and equipment will be supplied "shut-ins" or^others desirous of free by, the government, while hearing; the Xmas musiq,. are the Inglewood gymnasium is be- overlooked, a telephone call to ing loaned free of charge by the West. 868 will possibly enable school board. There will be "W aits" to arrange another pro- classes for all mten over 16 years of age on Monday, Wednesday and Saturday evenings in Ingle wood gymnasium, where gym gram. and tion of officers will take place for which the Wor. County Mas- will, be present, ; beeirinvited -to c o n - ; uct this im portant' ceremony. are asked to take "^eeting, i. sand ? ^o rd attendance is anticipated ireshments will 4r Thwaites. ^------^Pension C heque for -- ' Christmas" The branch is in receipt of in form ation to the effect th a t dis ability pension cheques for the DICKENS BOOK CLUB ,. -- . ' , ,v - The West Vano^^^ nastic exercises, tumbling, ball Bo(^ Club prese games, wrestling, etc., from the works of the master̂ ^̂ ô .will be faughLb^^ Friday, December 7th. Pespite son and M. Hallmark, the two the very dense fog prevailing "instructors appo in t^ by Vic- there was a numerous and' ap- toria. Miss Molhe Edwards has . .preciative audience. The ex-, been appointed to take the. cerpts were from "L ittle Pof- womens classes,"" which m eet r it" and "Martin Chuzzlewit." Monday Wednesday in The following took part: Mes- Ambleside Hall. These classes dames Burbridge, dlark, Hardy, will take calisthenic dancing, Hamilton - Smiith, Wiltshire and particular in terest will be 8'Ames, tumbling, ete., and Are Yates; Eve 'Hamilton - Smith, inging and playing of David I® Jpyee Burbridge And Joan Spar- Robert Wilson, pupils of K ^^ifra tion can be made row; Messrs. B. Hayes, F. Parks, a t the. first meetings, tha t for K. Price and W. G. ^Wiltshire women next Monday a t Amble- They were assisted by Mrs. side Hall. ,and for men in Ingle- Lovegrove, vocalist, and Norman wood Gymnasiuni Wednesday , Sewell a t the piano, evening, January- 2nd. As the classes are free of ! charge, a very large attendance , is hoped for. _ ^u line Johnson School. David, although only eight years old, raised $60.00 last week by. his singing over the radio for __the Province Santa Claus Fund. Let us show him tha t'w e appreciate him as much at home. The Glee Club-of- the Inglewood Junior- High School w ill. sing several Christmas carols. ̂ . - A silver collection w ill ' be SANTA CLAUS FUND fiift ] will be te r v ^ intne lower hall. c*̂ ,***„.y x̂x̂ xi«̂ xx ..XXV. taken a t the door a n d ^ e entire, month of Eteceml^r, 1934, will proceeds given to the We;______ est; Van- be issued, and in the mails f o r . couver Santa Claus' Fund. Turn WEST VAN, LIBERALS elect OFFICERS FOR 1935 . DieCember 20th, instead , of the out^and support your schools in ; last day of December as in form- this endeavor, and a t th e same ,er years. ~ time help put our S an ta Glaus letter of in terest to all Fund over the top. "G ^ a t W ar" pensioners ^ The following, donations have "rrh ------- ------------been received at-H eadqujrtfirsf: The committee in charge con-, Previously acknowledged $12.00 sists of Chairman W. N. Me- Municipal Council........... 25.00 Donald fo r the school board, Canadian Legion, Councillor, Fiddes for the Coun- West VancouvW 5 00 cil; Mrs. Selwood for the P.-T. Naomi Chapter, O.E.'s.'lV 5.00 A .; and W. D. Kirk for the A t West Van News teachers, w ith power to add to Mrs. Harold Brown $5 00 their number. ______________ LITERARY SOCIETY and 19̂ *: • IT.. erans Allowance" will be read a t linn, Frpsident, Wil- ̂ the next general meeting, Dec- Lyon MacKenzie King'; - ember 21st. The annual election gon. Vice Presidents, Hon T B of'efficers will also be held, --^ttullo A. E. Munn,. M.P., and --------------- ------ WEST VAN NEWS EDl'TORSIOK It- A t the last regular ^monthly meeting of the Duncan Lawson Chapter, I.O.D.E., Mrs. Forster K*C*; President^ ^ckenzie Matheson; Vic6 Pres-r r y IVrO irxC S* Mrs. A. Treasurer, i Mrs7 John Wv Secretary, W. Kis- E S o c i a l Convene^ Mrs. RUGBY Saturday*^ Games -- Barbarians A vsi' Varsity-B,- B ;£*baJ^s B V8. Varsity^A, Memorial Park.. Owing to the sudden ill-, ness of Capt. F. P . LoveJ grove, editor of The News, the task of getting out this issue has devolved on others. We tru s t q u j ^ r ^ - "efs will, ' theYefore," excuse any mistakes or omissions. ' The next meeting, which will announced a "Brownie Tea" and be held th is evening a t the usual" "Flying Up" ceremony would time and place, will be addressed be held in the United Church by-iEben N. Harvie of Vancou- * l^ I I Thursday, December 20th, ver, on the subject of "Punch a t 4 p.m. and Mrs. Chapman re- A rtists," ,and will be illustrated ported on the Toy Shop sponsor- with lantern slides of the car- ed by the. Girl Guide Committee, toons of Keene, Tenniel, Du. The Xmas Dance for the Maiirier, and others who se^ed, ilunior and Younger Set so suc- pn fhe staff of "Punch" a t vari- cessful last year, is to be re= J. McIntyre and Mrs. K. B. Forster^are the cson- venej*s with the same committee. ous times. All who a fe " inter-' ested in the subject are welcome to be present. fY SS00, t i is s a I '.'j | | ! f in " ': 3 I [■V V i'- 'M m fi i '■"■'Kr' i'L 1\41 ;I T M' , 1% i,. f'li ,([(;; P I P . :'l I*' ■ " iTl t 'A -b" i' "--x"! ' I- W.'- r- I I V.-; ' Y w -I is 4* 6, S"' , a - B f L*■ • >4%" 4 ',, M . iri ■>>' i >1 s'- " i 7„ . . ̂in ,■ '■i- ' , f ' .'■•i f,ll> , ' i; P i Y l.- \ 1 I 'T < i* ' i ̂"'A? V-iA ■ „ ' i a a ' ' S ' W 1 J*"m % - j - L̂f I £ * I ' .A . i -! ■̂ "4; r " , !* > f '<1 ' . 7 ., ■1> - ,- v'i ■1 J ' rJ:#®-"*