Pboov West 4M f b m i W ^ t U h I ' I « .................... , :heid'III tilt'-li^ioii Hall last FH- '̂ ;:,'<iay,,, wm$ iivdliclcled^success both socially. A sut* Week-End Specialf--Fri.& Sat. Dec. 7th 1 8th S! whtê â r̂ Sction of ex-______ _ _ 1 ........... ....... ;... . : „ __________ peiiMM win be used to pay the iJQieiMWS df unemployed dele- ASSN. I I 'f ;i PINBAFPLK-FniiJaMM ^ M m m lU r**»**rtir, - Miff *•*** Tall Tftts 9 t Wn^nrry all branda. FORK 41 BBAN8 .............. J for 18# Nabob •-- IS o*. tin. 1KINELK88 CHICK BN -- Nabob 7 o*. Tin .................... ......... ■...,î »..v 28o Red & White 8IIR1MPS Wet or Dry .................Fancy Tin l i e FRUNB8 -- Nabob, Good.alae ........... .............. *...2 lb#. 16c' DATES -- New Crop »«•»««»»«*«< l lb a . lOe RAISINS * - Auatrallan Snltana# ..... .................;.....T" lbar"21«"' CUHRANTS -- Auatrallan Rcdeaned ........................... 2 Ibi. 25e Red & White SPICES Aaaorted ................. .........2 Tina 16c •Red A White RAKING CHOCOLA'm 10 ox. Bauarea ...i/j Ih. Packet 19c CAKE F U )U R ~ Fairy Light COMB HONEY New Seaaon'a................. ....... each 20c APPIxKS -- Meintoah or Wagner Fancy Quality ...................6 IIm. 26e #?5v m ii m■ .. Mftiti ■ Phone^West S70 CORNED BRISKET OF BEEF m U B to December 7th. The prize winners were as loJ- JEFFER IES ' Govemmial '1 k 0 ' 1 store at PHONE WEST 3 atre 'ii- ■-1 '4"" lows; Lucky ticket, Mr. Cooper; Lucky draw, Mrs. Grisedale; Ihmeleaa lie Whist, L^ies* first, Mrs. Boshi- e r : L a d le* ' co n so la tio n , I t a . Bloxham; G en tlem en 's first, Mr. Caudwell; Gentlemen's consola- FINFsS'r ONTARIO CHEESE, lb. 19e HERV0 8 CHEF-SB ....Vt lb, pkt. 16c 1.E<;K ok l a m b , top nuallty, lb. 22c IfltlMB RIBS OF BEEF, lb........... 14c POT ROASTS froni Prime Beef from .................... ............... lb. 10c FINNAN IIADDIE .......... ..per lb. I6c HADDIK KILLirrS ............ per lb. 16c KIPPERS ........................ 2 Iba. for 25c M fCOLI/S.MINCBM EAT, 2 II« . 2 5 c .. „ ^ ' , * , r*hniV PK AN ur B iriTE R .........2 Iba. 25c Kedey p r e s id id in the chair IKIILING FOWL ...............per lb. 20c d u f ih g the election. The Past t IP P residenn* Mark Phillips, the 1'l.n'l.llH SAUSAOK ....^r lb. 18c dglggntcg to the Executive of Council tion, Mr. Slater. Several omi.*̂ si<Vis were made in the report of the senior an- niial election |of offic^Ts and com mittees on November 22nd. Bert LUMBERand allB U IL D IN GMATERIALS WEST .LTD. Phone Wc.st J15 ■FOU HEAL SATISFACTION .4407 Marine Drive All Fincat Quality ORAN'dVsH Kxtro Large, do*. 39c Kurikiat, Navela RATEPAYERS' ASSOCIATION RUGBY DANCE is Mrs. Mary Johnston and the Publicity Committee consists of Mrs. Mary Johnston and Mr. ; Cojok. The Association is indebt ed to the following local merch ants who so kindly donated siun- CLASSIFIED ADS The rate for ClaasiOed AdTcctlaemcnta is 2 cent# per word, minimum 25 cents. Except in the case of Uioae having regular aifcounta, all classi fieds are payable strictly In a d r u c ^ ,r a * .11 * Remember Clasaifieda in the W est Van Now# get Immediate resulU. A t the meeting of the West Vancouver Riatepi|iyerB Associa tion hold on November 22nd, fimu-o hold iMKf Thiirsdav towards prizes and re- GIVE WEBB'S a trial for your nextI he dance held la s t inursday whist drive shoo repairs. 2403 Marine Drive. evening .under the auspices of and dance; Lion's Gate Grocery, W ANTED FOR NEEDY FAMILY - H eating stove. Phono West 303. the followinir resolutlonH wprii Ajixiliary to the Bar- Ambleside Tea Rooms, W. Tay FOR RENT--Furnished Cottage, near fer/y and bus. Phone West 220L.' ted to the Council. 1. Resolved th a t the Council be requested to negotiate with municipal bondholders for a suti* stantial reduction in fjsinterest rate, whereby a great liv in g be olTc*cted which will emible the Municipality to maintain the happy and successful affair, the patronesses being . Mesdames Robson, Blair, Hampton and Mc Millan. The hall was tastefully vdecomled , the team colors of white an,tl„;|>lack predominating. - ' During the supper toasts were necessary services ^without the proposed "To the K in^^alao the increase of taxation, 2. Resolved tha t-the Council be requested to ̂consider the passing, of a by-faw to extend the redemption period on all lands sold a t tax sale la s t Sep- "Duke and Duqhess of Kent," whose marriage was celebrated that day. There'were a number of Vancouver and North Van couver guests present. The Store, McNeil's Rexall Dnig* Store, Mrs. Grigor, Mrs. Ross's Bake Shop, Greenwood's Groc ery, Breiok's Dry Goods, Grif fiths Quality Market, Gemmill's Drug' Store, Snider's Grocery, Freeman's Grocery, Dundarave Meat Market, Handy Ann Shop py, Hunter's Coffee sTidppe, Al- l i r t 's Grocery, Ambleside Meat Market, Granger's Grocery, Smith's Red & White Store. BALLROOM, Tap and Acrobatic, Ballet, National, Modern, German, Old Time and-^BodywDuilding class es. iMen and women.. Class and private. Phono Molly Edwards, West 436R1. '7' ■ ...■ SEE OUR STOCK -- Of Xmas Gift Cigars, C igarettes, Chocolates, from 25c to . $2^60. AH new stock, Amble side Tea Rooms. FOR SALE -- 1934 $50.00 Radio, good as new, $30.00 Philco WANTED -- One furnished and one unfurnished 4-room cottage hear ferry. Phone Weflt 340 or West 143 FOR RENT TO RELIABLE TENANT -- Modern bungalow, centrally locat ed; sawdust burner, good garden. Rent $26. Apply Box 49, West Van News. , Bassin^te and Stand, low commode chair,Jlhild's coat, 3 FOR SALE years old, like new;, pair ballet sHp- pers, size 7. Phone West 518L. IVflhCEL SHOP -r- New Thcrmlque steam permanent; no danger. Mar cel. 50c; Reset, 35c; Finger Wav?, 50c. Above Royal Bank. ' Phon̂ I W est 304. THE WAITS Those who took paLt in "The cushion that was raffled was tember from one to two yearsV W.-Atwood. Mrs. Wood- , with a 60 per cent discount, off ward, wife of the team; presi- Merne England Pai-ody" a t the the penalty and Mnterpst to per- the winning numbeT. . opening social this fa ll' of the soiiB" r e d e e m l T i o t t r e i r -- Mr7"WaadwaTd7"th% pTesideiit^of~"~West-Vancouver-Ghoral Society- Thls will be. in ^ n o with many ^he Barbarians, in a fe'wr well have organized a "Waits" party other municipalities in the Prov-"-:^'hosen remarks, pijiid tribute to and will sing carols for the bene- J. G: Oswald who 18 responsible fit^of the S ^ t a Claus Fund o,n FOR SALE -- High Grade Heater, willr exchange for wood or coal. 2114 Fulton, after 6. THE GABLES, WEST BAY -- Steam heated furnished l̂uite, electrically fitted. 320.00. Phone W est 318R8.. RADIO REPAIRS Prompt, efficl*' ent service. Tubes tested. All worb guaranteed. Tom Brown, West 2661̂ ....................................................... .5 ince. RANGERS* AUXILIARY fi. lle.solved .that the Council fuf putting West.Vancouver on Friday evening, 21st December, bo requested to (xinsider any fhe map as far as rugby ifi West Vancouver. If any who ratepayer who is delinquent in cerned, and to J. Sinclair, who is are^ick will kindly notify them, his taxes for a periotl of two or untiring in his efforts with the they will sing outside their three yoiu's ami is eligible for team, giving of his time and ex- homes, work on municipal roads, should perience in the making of "real be given a few days' work each luggers" in West Vancouver.. month a t 'a standard wage, and Compliments were also paid the --------- that money so earned be credited new. auxilim*y for its splendid . A t a meeting of the Girls' contribution to the sport. Hon- Auxiliary to the West Vancou- 1/ these measures are adopted orary members of the auxiliary ver RangorV football club held by the Council, it will not deprive are.. Hon. President, Mrs. R. on 'Tuesday night, it was decided any municipal emploj^ee of his Wood^vard; Hon. 1st Vice, Mrs. , that a dance should be held for work, or increa.se the cai;^ G. D. Elgan; Hon. 2nd Vice, Mrs.' the benefit-of thevteam bir Pri- penditure of the Municipality ̂ . . . . rm COME AND SEE -- Our. Chriatmas display. Order your cajees and pudl- ding now. Hunter's Home Bakery, 2423 Marine"'Drive7 W est 610. FURNISHED AND UNFURNISHED Houses to Rent. Houses, lots, and for sale;acreage for sale. John Xawson, I7th and Marine, Phone Wesĵ 55. FOR SALE -- Side table $2; book shelf, $3; Fireside Log Boxj $7; Cedar Chest, $ i2, unpainted. Also to order, call and inspect a t 1093 Marine and 11th. WEST VANCOUVER M A C H I N E SHOP:„:-- Repairs Spray Pumps, Household articles. 1449 Marine.' RADIO REPAIRS -- West Van.:Radlo Service (J; L. Pettigrew ), West 108, 1473 Marine.' C. J. ARCHER LIMITED -- Is your home insured ? I f not, why not see us for your requirements. Agents for RELIABLE COMPANIES. In quiries invited. SHOE REPAIRS -- Get the best mat erial and workmanship at Fox's, 14th at Ferry. HANDY ANN SHOPPE, 2444 Mar- me--^ Toys, Chrislimas Cards, Tags, Seals, Stationeijy,, Gifts, Notions, Hardware, etc. HEADQUARTERS for All Popular Brands o f Cigarettes and Tobaccos; also Fishing Gadgits for locM wat ers. Ambleside Tea Rooms. owing to tho fact that thc> un paid Utx money is a frozen asset. J. R. Mitchell. Mrs, Stainsby has let her house, 1944 Marine, to I>i\ J. SCOTTISH COUNTRY DANCE SOCIETY and the teami. day, December 21st, a t the pmnge Hall. Tickets will be ob tainable from members o f-the LLOYD'S WOOL and SHOP, 2446 Marine tions. ITTING instruc- THB W ELFARE ASSOCIATION «• Quires discarded clothing. Fhone Wekt 37 and truck will collect. W n*. T........ ' r r " The Scottish Counti-y Dance inff n S o f S o c i e t y met in the Legion Hall n f ̂ Satui-day, December 8th, Mr.^ r . otainsoy'^^ will aiTive here * . December 20th to .commence practice. * * * Gilbert Lee has left for Eng- hmd t>n account of the serious Illness of his father. and Mrs. Bingham, Mr. and Ml'S. Fiddes, and Mr. Stark of the Vancouver branch were at the last meeting which was both enjoyable and instructive. There is room for a few more menir bers ' / / • Canadian Legion, Weat Vancouver ^ MILITARY WHIST and DANCE in the Legion Hall, at 8 p.m. THURSDAY, DEC. 6. Good Prizes ADMISSION 25c • Refreshments FRIDAY & SATURDAY Specials ./5 Kruscheh Salts.,...,........ 69c 1.00 Hot Water Bottle........ 79c 1.00 Nujol ............... 79c .50 Milko Magnesia Tooth Paste .................. 39c .25 Bayer's Aspirin............ I9c ... Î is<'<̂ rine......25c, 49c & 89c Pad .............. I8c .16 Envelopes, l in e n ........... . xOc .25 Sanitary Pads .............. 19© Mi-31 Shaving Cream.. 25c Save with Safety at your REXRURlIfi: STORE McNeil's at 1402 Marine Drive Phone: West 528 Prompt Delivery C. J. Overington PIONEER BARBER Expert Work _14th and Marine Phone West 135 PRINTING •-- For. all kinds oH printing phone West Van . News, West 3 6 3 .- ELECTRICAL MECHANICAL , REPAIRS Efficient f SERVICE Sompt** ̂ j DAY.or NIGHT BERT KERLEY -2836 Marine West"53R2 GEO. HAT F o r Snaps in R e a l E state Notary Public Real E state & Insurance (EstaBlished 1912) 1405 Marine Drive Phone W est 21 or Seymour 1260 Evenings W est 204X WEST VANCOUVER LIBERAL ASSN. TUESDAY, DEC. Uth* in Dutidarave Hall, aienm. Jack Anderson of Sherman, h a s .. purchased; the Rodgers Ranch a t 29th and Roseberry Avenue. C. C. F. HARD-TIME DANCE ORANGE HALL P • • WpNESDAY. DEC. 1 2 . AT 9 P.M. P n ^ Refreshments, Good Music Admission 35cenb XMAS RADIO SALE Many Bargains to diioose from, Lioerai Trade-in Allowance on Your Old Radb. GORDON ROBSON Barrister ~ Solicitor WEST VANCOUVERr- Office No. 1447, Marine Drive Phone W est 403. 10 to 12. VANCOUVER OFFICE-- ' _ Suite SOlt^Slp Hastings S t W. Phone, Seyinonr 4199. 2 to 6. d is a b l e d VETERANS' ASSOCIATION. 1921 W est Vancouver Branch ELECTION OF OFFICERS, at 1443 Marine Drive ^ VERNON FEED STORE A. a SBARLB Phone Weat 9 ' ,..#7 f '-- „ ^ Fertilu&eni of All Kinds Of̂ - « W E D N ^ D A Y , DECEMBER 1 2 th at 8-00 PM Stnetiy non-politicaJ and works only fo^beffafir ". L. . 9^ cenent of dissbled veterans. :WfMd,GeaL BnUders - Sopplios.