'..:«.;v";r;-.,- your ow n to , K -«» , ' J 1. and Personal WINDO\yS doors SHINGLES LATH VENEERS ROOFING building PAPER =A ^C b(B ^|^Jyt e , Biiilders^ Service SRICK, CEMENT m e UME SAND PUNS AND SPEOFiCATtONS Draiwm up «iid cstt', matts given Frtt. Astbury's Builders' Supplies 16th and Marine Drive . Phone West 199 ^"rlnar tho Iw i wool r h S ? and i t is now poftfi&te to akl from Si! ®S?̂ to Hoilyburn Ĵ! Mount. There was skating on } u ^ Sunday.Victoria Monday to be the con- • ♦ # ^ performance Mrs. Victor Blanchflower who I?nl^S'?'l^^Svf*^ '" *'aa *>^n spending the summerUnited Churoh. England left Southampton on Saturday by the SS* Ausonla for The fem es last month carried New York. 62»202 passengers, being an inJ V . .......... Prescriptions Are a valued part of our hual- iu'8s. Wo are well equiiH>od to handlo them to your complete Kutiafaction. Gemmyrs Dni{ Store crease over the total /o r the cor- SCHOLARSHIP Burrard Laundry Ltd. L A t l N l i R Y " S E R Y I C E ' responding month of last year of 1,302. ■ . Mr, and Mrs. Sid Jamieson and family have moved from 1219 Duchess Avenue into a house a t 1303 Clyde Avenue, e * IN MEMORY OF IAN BROWN The Store of Sorvleo. / 1S86 Marine Drive Woat 37 or West 607 Emergency Phone West 321 (After 10 p.m.) ... UtJPENDABLB Last Monday, the general as sembly of students and teachers held in the Auditorium of the Inglewood Junior High School gratefully accepted the Scholar- DAVE ANDERSON, West Vancouver Representative Phones--West 691L or North 1310 , HOLLYBURN g if t s h o p B.C. 'Ladyship" and "Monarch" See o u r Windows WOOLS Time to Mail Exclusive Novelties , . Overseas Join Our Lil^rary, 2 5 c to D ecem ber 3 1 s t PH O N E 6 0 1 BARGAIN COUNTER INSIDE 1678 Marine Drive Next to Gran will's Delicatessen ̂B u /a t home and eliminate poverty The seats on. the ^ t e r deck of No. 5 ferry have been re arranged to give greater accom- .modation. CHURCHES OP CHRIST, SCIENTIST "GOD THE^ ONLY CAUSE AND CREATOR" will be th e ......L..W, Fo7t,„of, E a s t BeaeJh, haa.- by M r. ,«Lnd tomato vines in his garden some S tuart Brown and family of 2966 of which are flowering and htive Maidne Drive as a Memiorial to fru it on them. This speaks tbeir son Ian, whose tragic pass- very well for our climate. as the result of an accident ♦ ♦ * so stirred the Municipality. The ^ Minor damage was done to Scholmship is named a fte r Ian Amibleside P ier last Friday as a ""<1 take the_form of r a an- result of the heavy seas raised *" e" h. The pnnei- . by. the gale which blew through- *"4 , ®ta« of the schw l will out the dav - select the successful, pupil each ♦ * year. Trustees for the bonds Dr Prank E Dorchest.pr PQRR apiwinted by the " u^honm"iS;^ frLbSonr'IcKsup^^^ NCT^York and braw he^*i.frt,." **'e "kief object of the bereavhd cago and L n ^ S ^ o i™ l.S^' '>'® " e^o^y o f their Wm in its S S ^ a ^ d of «*>"" " >>« I'aUo'^ed in this oi^o?^iq?4 " '"y- it is for all time and The doctor has' written "manv ^e u ^ fu l and .acceptable health and body building articles p ^ itio n to lh a ? o f I ^ ^ which have appe^ed in Canadi- tha W m Tn«« an newspapers and American 1985; a s ^ c i l l p r i4 " s a ? a i£ S I Stratton's BAKERY CHRISTMAS CAKES Plain or Seed Scotch' Bun & Short Bread Xnins Puddings Mince Pics Made a t 1468 Marine Drive Phono West 27 Hoilyburn Theatre FRIDAY ond SATURDAY Dccembor 7th and 8th ■ STAN LAUREL and OLIVER HARDY m Pack Up Your Troubles also Ton Minutes with tho Dionne Quintuplets Ato You Looking for- Ti» toy sh o p It's at 1706 Marine Drive If you have any toysV> booksJ dollsi etc., I that will g ive happi ness, bring them .along. V . : Auspices of Girl Guidl^ Com mittee, Duncan Lawson Chapter LOrD.E. K. W. Savory 14143 Marine Drive ̂ \ Ambleside Phone West 340 Evenings, West 143 . . . . . . . ' Listings Wanted subject-of the Lesson - Sermon 1935; a special prize is availabh in all Churches of Christy Sci- consisting of two exquisite ster entict, on Sunday. ' ̂ ^ X r ^ W t e r h S ^ * ling mcdSlions and two sums of The Golden Text is : "T h e . W J^e $15.00 each in cash. A boy in: Lord is the tru e God, He is the ** ® " girl o f the liv in g^ .,G i^ ,.-.and :.-an_everlastm g----r^ ^ - J The^ king. . . He hath made the earth the recipients and it is hoped by>^His powers-He hath establish- "that the presentation may take ed the w ld - b y H is wisdom, and place a t the ^aduation cere- hath .stretched out the heavens . P"®^awon. ̂ mony a t th a t time.. Briefly, the by His discretion." (Jeremiah qualifications are as follows: (1) 10: 10, 12). _ . C. T. p . Ndson, fa th e r of Mrs. Athletic ability; (2) Citizen;' Among, th e Icitations which Saunders, 11th Street, p a s s ^ ship; (3) Cheerful demeanour; B-way in h is 58th year on Wed- (4) Academic standing. I t may neamy, .28th uILnio.. He.resided lie mptioed t h a t ; the successful a t v^pilano. Funeral services student heed not necessanly fb were held a t 3 p.m^ Saturday th e most brilliant a t his s tu d fe .from H a m n Bros. & Wiman^ in school, although i t is. part oft son s parlors in North Vancou- - the requirements th a t the ŝ ̂ yer. Key. H. P. B arre tt official .dent should-be attentive: to his ^ f f '.aud mternmnt^^:^ studies as ŵ eli as qualifying in' Capilano View O m etery . his general deportment, manners * * * , and sportsnianship. A fter 1935,- L ittle 8-year-old Davie Wilson the scholarship will be limited to QOOK, "(Science ana xiemtu'"wiLn whose singing ra i^ d $60 last boys only who. have attended the K e y t o t h e Scriptures" by Mary Saturday n ight in Uncle-Billy Inglewood School through B aU ri E ddy: "The real juris- Hassell's radio auction, the high- grades 7, 8, and 9, and i t will be diction of the world is in Mind,'" est of any artist, is a resident of awarded as a part of the gradu- ' West Bay. r ation exercises each year. * * ' * Mr. Mitchell in receiving the ̂ Oolohel Albert Whyte of ̂Scholarship outlined the propos- Cypress Park, has le ft for a trip ' ^al in his usual able mariner to to the Pacific States. . the staff and children. Trustee . * * * Tom Russell on behalf of the 1 Mr. and a,Mrs. Boden have Schc^l Board accepted the Schol- moved from the Foster house a t ^Fid his remarks to the | 26th and Bellevue Avenpe^ into PriPils were most kindly and ap- ; a house a t 24th and fla3rwood propriate to the occasion. Mr. > Mo n d a y and Tu e s d a y December 10th and 11th NORMA SHEARER and ROBERT MONTGOMERY in " R I P T I D E ^ W EDNESDAY THURSDAY GUY KIBBEE HUGH HERBERT ALINE McMAHON comprise the Lesson - Sermon is the following from the Bible: "For the invisible things of Him from the creation of the world, are clearly seen, being under- rtood by the things th a t are ihade^" even His etehial power . and (Godhead." (Romans 1: 20). ' TTie Lesson - Sermon also in- ' eludes the following passage ' from the Christian Science text- *b.ook, "Science and Health';;^tH in 'The Merry Frinks' alHo 'Murder at the Vanities' PRE-XMAS SI»ECIAL Two admissioniH for 35c before 7:30 on Mondays and ■ Tuesdays -- ̂ Two for 25c before 8:00 on Wednesdays and'Thurs days. controlling every effect and recognizing all "causation as vested in divine Mind." OLD DANCES Ambleside Sheet Metal ' - L SPECK. Proprietor W O r f c S The series of Qld 'Time Dances - given by the Legion W.A. under the_ convenership of Mrs. Frank Rivers, which has been so popu lar, jwill owing to the approach ing 'C hrirtm as activities be dis continued until some time in the New Year. . Avenue. ; Son: "I had a big supper last . nighti and dreamed I was inlar- ried.*^ F ather:^"Well, J hope i t will be a lesson to you." ' FRED. JONES - BICYCLE STOBB 1457 Marine I^ ive (N ext to W est Van Motors) New and SecoMd-hand Bicycles, Tricycles, ,Scd.()ters Etc.i also Repairs^ - ' Prices. . _Experienced. ̂ - ' P H O N E -W EST 4 T 2 Y Mr. and" Mrs. G,. Sharp, who have been residing a t W est Bay, have moved into a suite in the Hoilyburn Block, 15th »and Mar ine Drive. . . , * * Mrs. (jreorge Gardner of Cres cent, a former resident of the municipality, spent J:he past week end with Mrs. D. McMillan* of 20th Street. W ^tt representing the family, conveyed the thanks of Mr, and Mrs. Brown and fam/ily for the CONCRETE JOB^ Phone W est 84 Yofl can't go wrong if TEAROE & SON Do Your Cement Vyork M SID B W A L K S, I DRIVEWAYS FLAGSTONES Anything in Concrete L a rg e or Small. 1474 Marine Drive "How could you let th a t young thoughtful expressions of sym- Frenchman kiss you ?" pathy which had been shown by "Well, he asked me in French, the schools in which Ian had and I wanted t o show him I been a piipil. understood." HOLLYBURN HALL NORTHLAND FROLIC in aid of the WEST VANCOUVER SANTA CLAUS FU N D s: HOLLYBURN PAVILION Entertainm ent, Novelties, Refreshments. FRIDAY, ' -Dec. 14th DeCbclau 0 to li.liO Admission, 35 cents M|S» fim>ER Has taken ovCT NORMANDS GROCERY, 1409 Marine Drive A full llnesOf Groceries, Ice Cream, Fruits Soft Drinks. Tohitrens. Etc. Bible study. There will be the tisual Young People's Lantern Service to-' m orrow (Friday) a t .7:30 p.m. in Hoilyburn Hall. On Sunday, 9th , December, a t 10 a.m. Sunday School and^Young Men^s Bible Class, a]m a t the Sunday even ing service a t 7 :39 o'clock John W a l l ^ will give < a n address, taking as his subject "The Pro phet's Proclamatictti." Tuesday evemngnat"8^'cIock prayer and A^combination Bridge Lamp and Wool Winder INVENTED. AND MADE BY WEST .VANCOUVER EX-SERVICE MEN IN W EST VANCOUVER AT 117 14th STREET (14th and Fe^ry Dock).' .. . , f 3^95 C om plete Callrand-be conviri^d"and s u p p o it^ m e Industry. Patent applied ^or. • V*-' s" 1 4' ' If't'i11* 't t* , f'jWiVoj :i - ' 'ff: 'J t , ,i ' "I'Hl!' h i K.. '*f ' "I 'V',W'; ,! 1,1 I, ' I 'Lrf 1 ̂ 'I- / *, i/r . f r q A ; r ■ As'"' ,4' 1;*' y>L : , J • V i ^ 1 - y- 1 Vi : j I i - ■- \. A 'V; M l \ i / w 'f. . ■ A ' 'V. stf, ' . . . " '■ ' , < i v • - % i k ' Vj- t ./ .j i I I I . « f 1 . " I ^ i -- 4̂. H r j J ' " l l .-"'I? I'ijTJtt