'f' 1 ( / M||) "TP"- «f •-*<■ ^ j-fc > wtmti fjkM VMViwiftwow&i Mm, m m Wtim* MWMif: V MmSatf 8«wir|cM 1 1 ^ 1 jjjjg j- , Sunday Sdbool and BflUl# C3aa« |0 ajatu Stranf^ff |c, Vfaitani Walconia, Confidentiallff to Married Men I Every day we come In ccmtact with th4 iadiea of Ibia ccmimiuio They all tell ua the aama '*Jf only my huatuind a Permanaai '"f' ' f '-m" "1 f l ity, elorv, would (rive me Wave for uhrUtroaa/* What could be more appro priate than to "Give Beauty/* Our wave* are of the beat qual ity and you may call In for our Gfft Certificate In. a Amaa envelope for $3.06 or $6.00. Gwendolyn Beauty Shoppe 1816 Marine Drive >H O K i # E B t 117 xynh mUi lltli M FKIDAV, Dee. ftb, at 70$ p.m. Y<i4piir People*a Lantern Service scKDAyri>5^'"ii*i»" a r r i "a 3 ir Sunday School and Younir Men'a Slide Class SUNDAY BVBNING at 70$ An Addreaa by MU. JOHN WALLACE "The l*rophet*a Proclamation." TUESDAY EVENING at 8:00 Prayer and Bible Study All welcome to all aervicea. C H R IS T M A S Cards and Gifts for MOTHElt. FATIIEIL 8JBTBR and liK tm iBU Yardiey & Potter and Moore Goods Perfumery Seta and Chocdlatea AMBLESIDE PHARMACY W. L. KER, Prop 1401 Marine Drive Phono West 928 FREE DELIVERY Philip C. Chapman General Inauronce Agent Fire, Automobile ̂ Burflary^ Accident and Siclmeaiii etc. 1887 King*a Are. Phone W. 41Y8 DR. G. D. H. SEALE D.P.B.,'JUD.& -DEMTiaT- Hay Blocks 14th and Marino Dr. J^fflce Houra>to 6 p;m, . Evenings by appointment. Phone Weat 72 UNITE:D CHURCH Jlilllg WHght, Minister Next Sabbath the m inister will (Kcupy the pulpit and preach. In the evening Rev. Alvin Mc- Koy, H-A., a former minister of West. Vancouver Church, will re visit the congregation and will preach, 01(1 friends of Mr McKay will tak<-' this opportunity of renew ing their friendship and extend ing a warm welcome. The minister will meet the new communicants' class next Sabbath morning a t "10 a.m. a t the same time as Sunday School. The Senior Young People will meet immediately following the evening service. Tuesday at 7 :30 p.m.--The Trail Ranger Group. Wednesday, 8 :00 p.m. -- Prayer Meeting. Thursday, 8:00 p.m. Choir Practice. Thursday, 4:00 p.m. -- Mission Band. Friday, 7:00 p.m..--C.G.I.T. While Gift Sunday, on December V 2;ird. - The bazaar held by the Wom en's Association proved ed success in every respect. In ;,,:;lW ^ fA K C O U V E R O u itl^ lienee ........ 'mil illT i|'i |'^ ii i i 'I i |i i r iVi)|ifiir |iff | f f i ' j | j | | i i |f i[i i f ̂ ^ h k ^ >-v <Society CRUBCH EDIFICE HuUfbiirf., . Tbbi SoeUrty in a Branch of 7b# Mother Church t i l# F lw t Oiurch of Chriat, Sdontitt, in Boston, Msumachusetta Mmd»y fi«rric«: 11:80 «.». Sunday, Deccinl>er 9, 1934 Subjw t: **GOD THE ONLY CAUSE AND CREATOR" Sunday School at 10:00 a.m. Toatimony Meeting Wednesday at 8:16 p.m. The public is cordially in vited to attend our services and meetingfl. BAl^TISl CHURCH Paator; Rev, II, 1*. Humphreys, Residence:- 131.'i Haywood Ave, Phone West 262R. .Sunday Services -- 11 a.m. and . 7:15 p.m. Sunday School, 10:00 a.m. We preach a C/iuified, Crowncsl, Coming, and Glorified Saviour. If, you are not regularly at tending elsewhere, come and worship with u». ST. ANTHONY'S CATHOLIC CHURCH 28rd & Inglewood Ave. P riest in Charge. Rev. W. J. Millay, Residence: 2323 Inglewood Ave. Residence Phone West 240R. E. GALLANT CHIROPRACTOR 244'IA Marine Drive Evenings by appointment. Phono Soy. 8790 or Soy. 3800L City Oirico; 712 Robson St. Sunday Services i Low. Mas ̂ ^ High H ass alid Sermon -- 10:45 Catechism and Bible Class--3 :00 Vespers and Benediction--7 :30 t;u MuucvHB 111 uv«i:y rtJBpeci,. aii Services the tea room tables were grouped ~ ° around an a rtistically decorated . ______ _______ fireplace. In charge of the tea I^neaictiOM. Rosary, Confes- arrangements were Mrs. D. Me- slons 7:30, Millan, convenor, Mrs. A. Men- ~ ------------ zios, Mrs. A. R. Peaepek, Mrs. A. BAPTIST CHURCH J. Addy, Mrs. R. MaeVean, Mrs. P astor;. Rev. H. P. Humphreys P. Wait, Mrs. W. Partridge, WEST VAN Sheet Metal Works Phone Weat 39 » Furnace anil Range Repairs. Sawdust Burnera =Mrs. G. Gardner of Crescent, Mrs. J. M. Wilson, and-Mrs. Mc Arthur. Those who tended other stalls were: fancy work, Mrs, E. Lauder, Mrs. Hillis W right, Mrs. W. Blair; novelties, Mrs. A. D. Chisholm, Mrs. R. Howieson, Mrs, Norman H arris; Welfare, Mrs. W, F. Merrick and Mrs. W. C, 'Thompson; Aprons, Mrs. J. Davis and Mrs, A. Garthom e; Home Cooking, Mrs. J. T. W att Sunday, December 9th 10:00 a.m.--Sunday School and Adult Bible Class. --Morning Worship. ^ Pastor will preach. Topic: "Great Business." Anthem. _ ; 7:15 p.m.--Evening Worship. Topic: "Good Tidings." Song Service a t com- mencemeniti • A cordial invitation to all. and Mrs. G. D. E lgar; Christ- Monday,.8 p.ml -- B.Y.P.U. Wednesday, 6:45 p.m, ~ Child- Philip ; Cai^y, Misses Louise . ren's Hour. Lantern Slides THE W est . Van N ew s Publiahed Every Thumday F. p, C. H'eathcote, Arch deacon of Vancouver. Tuesday, 8:15 p.m. -- C] Committee Hoeting. n ?* 2935 Harine Church Drive, has had a w ater color ac- cepted for the Christmas Exhi- Pubilaher-- F. P. LOVEGROVR . Phone West 363 Basia«n and Editorial Offica: 17tii and Marine Drlve\ to Holly burn P .0 ,) ^ _?l>®»® _W^t 363____ ' MaU Addreaa: P. 0; Box 61, HoHybum, B.C, North Vancouver Office: 123 Lonsdale Ave. wd7^ri)iSer4th <if December 16th a t the Van-„ at* couver A rt Gallery. 9j45 a.m.---Matins and Sermon m ,.o ■niesday, 10:16 a.m, -- Gorpor- hafS>vlH ate Communion for W.A, Vancouver. followed by election of of ficers 12:80. hF<y CrWWvIvII QI OI* ^ ® E and luncheon a t o a y i t W ith F Ib w e rS W .C T .U . 9LOO « year by earrier: |2;00'a y e m ' by mail. The Young Women's Branch o f the W.G.T.U. wiU he held a t the home of Miss Maud Smith, 1459 .Gordon Avenue, on Tues day, the llth ,^a t 8 p.m. Christmas wo wiU have a Cyclamen, F lo w er m g Cherry, etc. ^ . h o l l y V r e a t h s , m is t l e t o e VAN. FLORIST Ibth & Marine _ W est 305 Prices Effective FRIDAY' A SATURDAY, DfC,'7t|h fvid stb. HIGHWAY f l o u r -- 24 lb. aack ...................___________ each 73c SAIR DATES ............. - Iba. 12c AUSTRALIAN .SEEDLESS RAISINS ................________ 2 Ibit 25c LAVER FIGS -- H i" < n»wn .......!................ ........ ;.....................p,. 15^ MINCI5MEAT -- bulk, Argood ...................................................2 Ibo. 25c HAKING POWDER -- 12 p*. tin, E ggo............... .............. ...each 19c CRESCENT SHORI'ENING .„ ......................,f............................. 15. jqc GOLDEN HANTAM COR.N 3 A ylm er, No. Z tin........... ,...2 for 19c TOMATOES^-- Aylmer. No. 2 aq. tin............................... :......2 for 15c TOMATO & VEGUrAHLE SOUP, -- Aylmer, 6 o*. tin,........... 5c i»ORE & BEANS -- Libby's, No. 2 eq. U n .......................... .2 for 13c COFFEE -- Mam-i-Murn, Ib. Un....;;...........................:.:.:.;.;...„each 35c SOAP -- Pearl W h ite ................................ ....................... ............... bar Zc. SOAP -- Culay ...... ........................... ............................................bar 6c LAMPS -- Edison Mazda, 25-40-60 w a t t ................................. each 25c , W* rea«rv« the right to limit quantitl**. ' SAFEWAY STORES'OM ltgb ' ' ' DISTRIBUTION WITHOUT WASTE WEST VANCOUVER DICKENS BOOK CLUB will present sketches from "LITTLE DORRHT" and "MARTIN CHUZZLBWIT" on FRIDAY, DECEMBER 7th, a t 8:00 P.M .,,at ST. STEPHEN'S ■ HALL -A musical program will also be rendered. Under the auspices of the W. A. Silver Collection. Corporation of the District of West Vancouver Court of Revision of Voters' List, 1935 NOTICE is hereby given th a t a .Court of Revision of the Voters' List will sit at^the Municipal Hall, 17th and^Esquimalt, _5i^li® LoLW estJ^ncpuvej^ of December, 1934, a t 10 o'clock in the forenoon, for the pur pose of correcting and revising the Voters' List for the year ' 1935 and to determine any application to strike out the name of any person, which has been improperly placed thereon, or Ab place on such list the name of any person tTmoronerlv omitted therefrom. j Hated^at the Municipal Hall, W this - 21st day of November, 1934. _ , . WM. HERRIN, Municipal Clerk. r ♦ ;; \ - . Ratabllahodi <m North Shoref 26 Years. (I<ady Asnintant) HARttON BROS. & WILLIAMSON i^unerai Bimtora° • . p North Vancouver Parlors Music, Mias Frame. 8 :00 p .m .-P rayer Servick The December meeting will be Thursdnv s-oo nu - "held next .Tuesday, the 11th, P-m. -- Choir when elections for the ensuing Friday 7-00 nm p p t t year will take place. A full at- C.G.I.T. tendance .a requested. RAINFAr.T. R R rn p n • ST. STEPHEN'S CHURCH Ave., November, 1934 Rev F A iLm sev L S T nionth, 11.93 inches,____J:^m8ey, Jj .&.a. which wr.s qr> per cent crea trr_____________________. - idLs West Sixth Street' Phone North 13*1 Vancouver Parlors 55 Tenth Avenue East Phone Fair. 134 I^cem ber 9th, 1934 Second than for the same month last i Sunday in Advent. - year. 1? :?? * Wettest day, 1.83 inches. 11.15a,m .--Matins and Sermon Days with over an* inch of 7 :15 p.m.--Evensong and Ser- rain, 8 . , I Y o u c a n b u rn a 6 0 w a t t |a m p b a c k a n d f ro n t fo r ifo u r h o u rs e v e ry n ig h t a t th e lo w c o s t o f T® ^ J I S H COLUMBIA ELECTRIC RAILWAY CO.