'i A"* ̂ fit'll J » i I A -- ■ j a i w ™ ' 'll rti> ' ■! { »w--, 1141 »# *"|■ ' ^ ' -. - f .<] \ iM» « » n J ,■> Circulating in the t>istrict o f West Vancouver--Ambleside, Holly hum, WesU>n, Dundarave $1.00 per ye«- Cypress Park, ~Caulfeild, Whytecliff, Etc. 6c per copy at newsaUnda. Vol. IX HOLLYBURN P.O., WEST VANCOUVER, B.C., THURSDAY, DECEMBER 6th. 1934 No. 32 TOP SHOP DISABLED VETS ♦'1921" I'ho "Toy Shop" under the aus, CC3 of the Girl Guide Com- mlUce of the Duncan Dawson fTfloter, I.O.D.E., is open for ûsi'nos.s and is striving to w L lect enough toys, boofes, dolls, 't to ensure th a t every child in West Vancouver is r e in ^ b e r - S tliis Xmas. The Jiublic can tavc a share in th is joy-giving in two ways; , First by bringing old or new tovs to tbe receiving depot a t 1706 Marine Drive; Secondly, by buying a Toy Shop Raffle tickets which are be inff sold 0̂ defray expenses and create a fund to purchase neces sary repairing m aterid and ney toys wjiere necessary. T^is includes 1, an electric waffle iron; 2, a turkey o r order; 3, a pair embroidered towels; 4, a hamper; 5, a permanent wave, Gwendolyn Beauty Shoppe; b, pyrex baking dish; 7, a ham per; 8, collection of rock plants; 9, an embroidered tea cloth.; 10, Xmas cake; 11, brass cigar box; 12, a dressed doll; 13, boudoir doll lamp; 14, a shampoo and marcei (Mrs. King') * The drawing will take place Saturdky, December 22nd. Tickets can be purchased from any member of the I.O.D.E., a t the Gwendolyn Beauty Shoppe,, Gemmill's Drug- Store, or Santa Claus Headquarters in' J. Law- ^sonVoffice;--------------- ^ A meeting of the above As sociation was held a t 1443 Mar ine Drive with Colonel K. W. Savory in the chair. President Ede and Secretary and Adjust ment Officer Iverson of the Van couver Branch spoke, also the Secretary of the . North Vancou- • ver Branch, and members of that Association, a hearty vote of thanks being-4iccorded to them. The main problem was the dis abled veteran, and the Associa tion was non-political. A meeting to elept officers for the local branch will be held a t 1443 Marine Drive a t 8 p.m. Monday, 12th December. McNEIL'S DRUG STORE OPENS McNeil's Rexall Drug Store is now open for business a t 1402 Marine Drive. Mr. McNeil is an experienced druggist and solicits the patronage of the West Van couver public. BOWLERS HOLD ANNUAL PRIZE OWING SOCIAL UNITED FOOTBALL »CLUB Last Saturday, December 1st, United won a hard fought game in the second round of the Con Jones Cup defeating K night Road Mercha;nts by the-score of- 3 to 2. The goal getters were Davie, Morgan and Smythe. ^ Nejrt Saturday's game m th North Shore Juniors has 'been cancelled. \ The reputation of t h e , lawn bowling club for arranging at tractive entertainm ents was kept up last week in the Legion Hall, when about 160 people gathered for the annual presentation of prizes. Opening with bridge*and -whist-a-varied-program-followed,- a fte r which the impressive dis- play-of,. Clips-^and trophies-w as explained and commented upon by President Jack Banks prior to asking Mrs. J. B. Leyland to present them to the winners. Supper folliowed and dancing in t erspersed by^accep tablemumbers by Miss Harrison.^ RANGERS LOSE CUP In what proved a very extort ing game, despite the score. Rangers went down to defeat' in their game Saturday against. Sapperton; In losing this g^me the boys also lose the Qon. Jones- Cup which they won last year. During'the first half the local boys played well and* were one down at the end of the half..,. In the second half th e Sapperton boys put on a burst of speed and scored three goals. These two: teams play again next Sat urday at Ambleside Park. Game starts at 2 :30 sharp. "'v 4 DICKENS BOOK c £ u B Don't forget the four sketches each froriti "Little D orritt" and "Martin Chuzzlewit" to be pre sented under the auspices of St. Stephen's W. A. a t 8 p.m. tomor row in St. Stephen's Parish Hkll. Proceeds for church expenses. Silver collection. The following are taking p a r t : Mr. and Mr.s. W. G. Wiltshire, .Mrs. HamiltPn- Smith, Bernard Hayes, Mrs. J._ D. Hardy, Mrs.}W. R. Clark, F . Parkes, K. Price, Mrs. C.,Biir- b y id te j^ s s Joan Sparroiy, Miss Ev^Hamiltoi^Smith, M rs^yates and Joyce B urbndga 7 " Tnyo local radio owners werie fined yesterday by M agistrate Robson fo r not having radio licenses. We have been asked by -' the Department to make th is an- . nouncement, as t he Government is now making a careful check- up. 'I - , € . C. F. NOTES . A goo^^^attendance was ob served a t the debate staged in the Headquarters last Tuesday between the West Vancouver and North Vancouver Clubs on the resolution "That a Policy of G^radualism is Incapable of In stitu ting the program of the C. C.F." The West Vancouver Club in taking the affirmative gave* a very g o o d account of themselves although no vote was taken. ; A former West Vancouver res ident, H arry deed , was the speaker a t the meeting held on December 4th, and his subject, "Dangers Ahead" caught the interest of his audience as evid enced by the number and type of questipns asked. ^ "The^meeting forwarded reso lutions to the Government sup porting the demands of the Un employed for better conditions.- . Another Whist Drive , is bo be held a t the Headquarters on Sat- urd&y> D6C6iTil36r 8th, Srt 8 c 15 p.mi. No admission fee. Next Tuesday, the regular mieeting will be held in the Legion Hall. Mr. Grant McNeil, Federal candidate, will be the, speaker, and Mrs. R. P. Steeves, M.L.A., will occupy the chair. . This meeting should arouse interest as being the first m ^ ^ ing addressed by Grant McNeil as Federal candidate. : The Hard Times' Dance to be fheld in the Orange IJall on W ^ - nesday, December 12th, p rom i^ es to be a very enjoyaWe affair, and prizes are offered for ladips ,. and gentlemen's m ost original hard times costumes and also the ladies and gentlemen s mosb humorous costumes. Ad mission as per advertisemmit in th is issue. ' , SANTA CLAUS DANCE LEGION WHIST AND DANCE RUGBY In the usual whirl of Christ- Don't forget the fifth of the West VancoyVor Burbariana mas cannot 'help dances to be held a t 8 p.m. they defeated the Mounlies 9-0 pause and think that even in this i^onight in the Legion HaR* in a league fixture last Saturday. day of organized philanthropy, Bring your friends and be in on Vaughan, W att and Mason scor- supplying the bare necessities of the grand aggregate as well as cd the ties, none of which wei'e life, there are still the little the evening prizes. Cards, re- converted. The boys phiyed a wifii ftiAir Qimnin fnith . frcshm ehts and, dancing,.^1, for gonxl game throughout and^were children with then simple faith i gg th a t there IS a Santa Claus. stated last wqek, the Mathews and Mason were-effee-', The dance Committee of the cllange in the schedule was made l ive among the forwards, while Santa Claus Fund, under the so as not to conflict with the D'Fasum and Atwood showed to convenership of Mrs. W. B. Welfare Santa Claus Fund Dance ail vantage in the backficld. 1 his « 11 j • j. r. and to give them a clear week, coming Saturday the club is Small, are endeavoring -to pre- --------------------- fielding two team^, the first play- serve th is true spirit of Christ- LEGION NOTES ing Marpolo a t Hcaihor Park, mas and to ensure such, are ex- ___ ^ s e c o n d tackling'the Rowing pending every effort to niake general meeting of Club at Memorial. the "Northland Frolic" in the local branch will be held a t --------------------- Hollyburn Pavilion on Friday, g p g^arp, Friddy, December DEATH OF C. W. CHURCH December 14th, an unlimited 7th, in the Legion Memmdal -churiea Wilson Church wua success. Hall. Members a re requested to found Sunday morning drowned ' Asked to lend their patronage tu rn out in full, as nominations ĵ jg ^ouse at to the dance are: Mrs. Julia Hen- for the annual'^election of offic- oRUi and Lawson Avenue, hav- ,shaw, Mrs. J. B. Leyland and ers, for the coming year will appai-ently slipped off a Mrs. Harold Bro^n. take place. For the informatiwi j,'^o the water.' Ho who may have been ab- qq a widower, WEST VANCOUVER CHORAL .sent a t the last meeting, i t is is'survived b y 'two daugh- CONCERT, DEC. 17th fu rther pointed out, th a t nomin- ̂L. Reynolds, -U 7 6 ---- ^ ations open and close positively Diichess Avenue, and Mrs. Mot- "Twio Thousand^ Years, of a t the next meeting. tishaw of Vancouver. Funeral Music" *is the tftle'^of the first r^nTnYm services took place a t 2 p.m. to- concert of the sekson to be given AS THE XMAS SPIRIT MOyES Harron Bpos. & William- by the West Vaiicouver Choral THE CASH COMES IN gon's chapel in North Vancouver, Society in the United Church, --------- - Rev. P. A. Ramsey officiating,. West Vancouver, on Decem'ber "A volunteer is worth two interment was m'adp in the 17th, a t 8:15 p.m. 4̂ Returned Soldiers Plot, North Musicians loc^ly and in Van- This is 'th e spirit under, which Vancouver Cemetery. couver are showing more than ' the. Santa Claus Fund-Js being ----------------r;-- ~U 8ual--interest-iin--the_--special„c.QnducfedlJn_.JWest_VancpuveiL____SANXA_CLAUS^GAME------- ' music to be presented upon this this year. A part from sponsor- On Decemb'qi' 15th a t 2:30 the - oceasiicm. .The.bdg^.of manager in g a. fe w b if events, the .commij^ V ancou^r Rangers will m ent of the United Church .have tee will rely on the spirit p-f play an exhibit|on game in West kindly co-operated in allowing Christmas to open the purse Vancouver for \the Santa Claus the u ^ of the Church owing to strings. Even before Headquar- Fund. M a n k ^ v Thompson has the nature of the music and to ters had opened up,, a kindly again consented to bring his the fact th a t the full beauty of thought for the- other fellow team, p t^ N o r th Shore United, som'e of-the- sacred- numbers-cah " prompted _an._ _anonymqus_ donor, over, fo r . the opposition. These be better appreciated when rend, to slip a $10 bill to a comfhittee two teams- played last year for ered to the accompaniment of menuber. The response to the the same cause and the local the organ which for th is special Telephone Bridge week has been team was beaten 2 to 1. I t was a occasion will be in the able hands enormous. There is still time for good game for a good cause, so of Frederick Chubb, F.R.C.O., a few more tables^to b e played, keep this date in mind and make Mus Bac. organist of Christ Just one table in a home helps gome one happy at Xmas by Church Cathedral, Vaiicouver.. tremendously. Mrs. Norman Me- bringing' your friends to the T h e choir will Mso be acoomp. I^od or Mrs. Lestock Reid will ̂ game. - • J w n lio ifndpr the be Very happy to receive a phone. --------------------- W. Mks M^^ The names of all players, P.-T. A. NEWS l i t ™ who^has arransred theac- addition to the high and low The next regular meeting of a f^ sn L ^ ^ ^ scores, must be sent in for the T h e West Vancouver P.-T. A. compamment og ' special.prize drawing. Just ta k e -w ill be held ,in the Inglewood whk^^ a Peep in the B, C. Electric win- Auditorium a t 2:30 p.m., Tues- „ the dow for there they are on dis- day, December, 11th, when the ̂ P^ay. Prizes will be drawn for speaker will be Miss M argaret evolution f J ^ a s ic from the be- Northland Frolic on Fri- Kerr, Assistant Professor, Dept, gining of the Christian e r ^ December 14, in the Holly- nf Nursing, U.B.C. The title of To our modern ears* and mind bum Pavilion. her address is not known but the eariy ̂ m^ may appear Donations of toys and cash will be something of interest to strange yet the e^ m p les chosen the parents of young children. have a beautiful si^^^ John Lawson's office. An event . A short business meeting will delight the ear and prove inter- which more will appear follow immediately after the ad- esting and instmctive. planned-f-or-Sun*^-dress.-- ------- --------------------------- To the Chnstian Church m ust .,^day, December 23, after Church. --------------------- . ,bê given much of the credit for .. __ _________ ̂ SANTA CLAUS FUND WONDER LAMP MADE HERB , The following donation havb ony as we now know i t ana ______ been received a t--Headquarters: therefore a ^ The Wonder Lamp,'a conibin: . .......; -..... gram will ation bridge lamp and adjustable A. H. Albin /........................ 2.00 ure. In^add ti n vocal wool winder, is now being made w a tt and orchestral numbers, vocal i 4fW st-rpot ri4 th and W. C. T. U. d < ii) W uieful and The W est Vancouver will be re n to ed o rn ^ ien ta l household article, in- U. ^will hold the ir regular tocL ean , " 'f® vented and made in-West Van- A T V / Aubrey A. Clarke ra d A. J. w e s t Vancouver ex- M™. H. Hibberd, 576 X6th St. Addy. - service men, sells for $3.95 com- ®*i ^ u r s d a y December 13th a t • ' Admission will be by pre^ plete. I t is understood a patent 2:15 p.m. grams which can w obteined gg„̂ -g jj^s been applied ' ^ f r o m members of the Society and Ferry No. 5 , leaving Amble- will be on sale for 35c. R esidents-are invited to call a t 11 p.m. Tuesday, ran "-------- -------- -- a t the shop and see the lamps fTOund in the fog^ ju s t east of LIBERAL ASSOCIATION being m ^ e . Any who purchase ® ^ _ -- one will be buying a very accept- The annual meeting of the 4. able Christmas present, and a t a t 1.30 a.m. with the rising tide. West Vancouver Liberal Associ- the same time will be supporting p p damage being done. __. ^*" TTrn"'̂ e s t o v * D ^ ^ r ^ ' . COMING EVENTS a i% p.m., to elect officerg and^ Mrs. Hilda Lloyd had her left f^ a y ,-D e c e m b e r ^ t h L.O. d e a l with other im portant m at- hand badly crushed la s t'week in t e m . l d l members are urged to the w ringer, of her washing f " !" hine_Brig^e_ <rf CKWX, attend. - machine. * in tne urange nan, A ® "i.V'-' 1'̂ I 'I ' ■; ̂P "i 'I'i (• ( ».t t* K 'T' ■ T i :!!■ 'Ui. I '-itf f " '} 1, i >. .'M-l '■■■"lit w'.'i V' I V-K'l.' ;■ -A ,rv f 0 P %-i: ' » i sC 'i . \ ̂ -V % i 1 'yS ' ' ̂ I "7 "s m