.<V' ̂ ̂ \ "44S j m > m 4 ii n-l- H ̂ h " ', -u »r ! -.■ Uf" S' "»-Tmsswn<->«W9-"5W^w»r' T ' I S 1-|V 5 > /• > 'V . |1 ,. , |- 5 Its|| ,„| 11' ' ̂ '-ww Special! Friday & S a t , A n ;. 31st > S ept 1st I 4^* W l H't U' t 1 r | iif { f '-i \k n ■If -■'-fi-r- M i I 'Si i ' i r M': m-̂>1' ̂rlT' I ' p : i ' - '- u m t^ ^ im im b a p m o n , M j e a t i Phone W est 370 !4 Ilk ti» l*UFFKD WHEAT,------ : ptukH ISe Tluit Ilalleiotip Br«akf«Mt € * n ^ SWIFTS SILVEB LEAF I.AHO, I lb. Cartiw ........ I lf HIKIMKEO MU8TABI), » «s. Jar I9« C'rouM A BlackwalFa MEAT I'ASTR Hadlttiid'a,.. ila ISp Red A Wbit« TEA, Oranf^ Fakoa I lb. parkapfa 48d H«d S WhUa 8FINACH, Fre« from frit, larfe fifo. tin ......... l$c Red A Wbitc SFACaiETri with Tontatora and Cheeaa, X lb. Uii. ^ 'fgpm 1f||d| TOMATOE8, larfa No. afaa COHN FLAKES, Kalloff'a, 2 pktn 22e I'OT ROASTS from Prim# Besrf, lb 12c Rill ROASTe, from prime beef, lb 14k:Hin iru svv irrs lard, lb. 18e F IJm :iiE IF 8 81^^^^ HAM, ......................... per Ib. 60c W m t Van MMr*. B m t ask leava to pro test the wnlWendly conduct of certain partial, who came into ■ « i r W W ^ O iiH t i r w > ^ te m p o r - - ary absence and cut down two line youns cedar trees--evident- ly for the purpose of making an arch &r pergola out of them. I myself wfRild like to build arch es and pergolas but prefer to see the trees standing and grow ing in their own fine setting. It Is most unfair that strangers should be allowofl to tre.spass upon my grounds and help them- Jefferies' I Im I v. ..... ' - . 1 Store at PHONE WEST, 3 sftsSiiS II? the be.;t they can find. IIKKF 8AL8ACB................ Ib. 12c West Vancouver has, so far, en- t.ivvAw iiAiAtirv lu AA. joyed a good reputation for itsFl.NNAN IIADUIB...................Ib. 16c , ----- ------ ROAST PORK witb Driwrinf, Ib. 6 ^ freed o m fro m such acts of van- I.AMII -- VEAL ~ d a lism . I t would surely be a Ibiilins Fowl and Roaating Chicken, social tragedy if we were to tol erate the ureaenrp nf louts who A C.srUALIAN SEEDLESS RAIHINS . . ............ 2 Iba. 21c MAt^ARONI, ready cu t........2 Iba. 16c OXFORD GROUP erate the presence of louts who apparently cannot distinguish between other people's property and their own. s«StelM ® ac 267G Haywood Ave. Our price* are as low &$ any obtainable in Vancouver and the North Shore. Phone us for Q uotations oii Y our Requirem ents \^EST VANCOUVER LUMBER CO. LTD. ------- F oil KJ5AL SATISFACTION Phone West 115 Res. P h o n e: W . J , TumbuU» W est 368L------------------- .................. ... I ' • ' **■ tm a/id for business men. A t 3 p.m; -------- gjj educational ses- ------------------- Quite a number West Van- hIoh and a t 8:16 a geperal dis- Joseph Martin (>f Vancouver, couver people are taking In the cus.sion oh the "Challenge of has moved into a house at 2932 Oxford Group houseparty jyhfch Youth." Saturday evening the Marine Drive. i The rote for Classlfled AdvcrtlMmenta Is 2 cents per word, minimum 25 cents. Except in the case of tboae haring regular ifccounts, all cltssi. fleds are payable strictly In adrsnee. , ■, ; r -- Remember Classifleds in the W«at Van News get Immediaib results. Is in progress a t Kingsley School Holution of the world's problems th Vancoi.... .. " ̂ .......................... . • • *North Vancouver, ending Satur* will ho olTered and discussed, day evening. Reservations were Attractive DUNDARAVE AUCTION received from a wide r ^ lu a of HASKET BALL MEETING points, Portland, Seattle, Kel- ______ ■ owna, Victoria, Galliano and The Vandals Basketball'CluB Ncw-Weatminstor sending their- ,vil| hold a meeting in the Perfy contingents,. 1 Kooms on 'JTiesday, September Tonight,* Thursday, the sub- dth, at 8 p.m. for election of ject .(llscusscd will be "Solving,, oiricors and to discuss business Canada's , froblems." Friday at-^ for the season 1934-1935. 11:15 iLm. There will bo section- players and others inter- ^ WEDNESDAY, s al meeting^, for children, young osted are cordially invited to at- Son mon and wbmen, married women- tend. " ^ TO,, KENT -- FurniHhed'or Unfurn ished 3 room cottage. Phone West 159112. _______ • WANTED -- One fumlBhcd and one 'unfurni.shed 4-room eottage near _ferry. 'Phone West 310 or West 148 RADIO REPAIRS -- Prompt, effld. ent service, O^bes tested. All work guaranteed. Tom Brown, West 266B LABOR DAY RRY SCHEDULE^ H alf Hour Service '6. From Ambleside - 6 a.m. to 11.30 p.m. From City > 6,.30 a.m. to 12 midnight BUSES MEET ALL BOATS Spoont AQUAffT instructed by Mr.s. L. M. Hatton and for convenience of .sale, I will sell ot the Auction Room, 2402 Marine Drive on WEDNESDAY, SEPT. 5, 1934, . j).m., her collecr . „ -_ ......... , -jlcctro Plate, Cut Glass,I China, Furniture, etc, as fol lows: • 2 George IV La(ile.s; 1 pj , IV Sugar Toi ' Cellars, 1 pr. fWilliaiui 1 silver cakeV knife, 1 silver bon bon di.sh, 1 siivAr Birks spoon, 1 Mahogany day clod vLi-Grimwados fruit di.sh, 1 StafFoVdt "shire fru it dish, 1 Koyal Crown cheese dish, 1 old Dalton plaque, 1 Chinese jewel box, 1 E. P. pepper box, 2 Royal * Rluhich, jugs, French hand-painted vase, cut glass salt cruet, brass smok e rs " set, ol3"~SheflTeld compote, "old" pressed glass butter di.sh, 2 Wedge- wood candy.dishes, brass Chine.ses in- cence burner, brass Chinese bowl, French .spray, Roman tobacco jar, BurmantofF tobacco jar, Japanese folding card box,'Dalton biscuit carri- • er, 1 pr. woollen damask portiers, centre mirror .stand, antique tea caddy early Victorian banner screen, 2 'Stein jugs, solid leather collar box, solid leather tic and cuff box, the Deserted Village bi' C^ldsmith, electro plated chaffing dish, egg boiler (Geggs), cop per alcohol llagon, E. P. butter dish, .bon-bon_dish,-'4oaf sugar rack, cake- dish, sugar and cream, bath room fixing, G bundles of books, book i*ack, - Table lamp and shade, inlaid mahog any tea tray, sewing stand, marma- la^e - jar, - cake stand, candle FOR RENT -- Modern Cottage, furn ished, on beach near ferry. Phope West 678L. . ' ^ P S T T O t e Sealyham terrier, last week in West Vancouver. Answers & RewarilPhone West 115. CHILDREN'S GUEST HOME--Sixth and Marine; telephone for service or accommodation; West 104Y1. Salle Wrist Watch at Ambleside,or Hollybum. Value as keepsake. Phone West 305. PRONE MRS. MACAULAY for Doughmits, fresh daily arid order, week-g^nd pies, etc." Phone West 408J lari rool tiorl FURNISHED AND UNFURNISHED Houses to-Rent. Houses, lots, and acreage for sale. John Lawson. 17th and Marine, Phone West 56. ENT--6 months or longer, veil furnished home; 4 bed- elightful convenient. lo«i- furnace; two fireplaces, $50 per month. References required. Box 44, West Van News. HUNTER'S for Home-made Bread Pies and Cakes, 2423 Marine Drive! Phone West 610. YOUTH WANTED }i RADIO REPAIRS -- West Van. Radio L.. Pettigrew), West 108, 1473 Marine. _____ ______^__ To work ,|oja golf course and learn green-kdei)- ing; wages $25.00 per month. Ap- ~ply~to~Professional'"at~GleneagleS" Golf Course. SHOE REPAIRS -- Get the best mat* e r i^ and workmanship at Pox's, :--^14th-atrPerry:---- :--;---------------- HANDY ANN SHOPPE, Dundarave, --School Supplies, Wool, Notions, etc. City prices. Your patronage invited. WEST BAY LIBRARY - Subscrip tion 50c month. Visitors 2 weeks for 26^ English Magazines now on sale. Wool, Stationery. Gifts, etc. GENERAL AUTO REPAIRS, Black- smithing. We repair anything at all. Res. Phone West 515L. FOR RENT--- Modern 3 room furn ished cottage, West Bay; reason able. Phone W est'.318R2. ®®-A11QUARTERS fo r All Popular' Brands of Cigarettes and Tobaccos; also Fishing Gadgits for local wat-' ers. Amble§ide Tea Rooms. TTOTICET LAWN MOWERS SHARPENED with special machine; all makes. Wes Vancouver Machine Shop, 1449 Marine Drive,------ ^ .stick.s, alarm dock, brass jardinier, 6 dinner knives, 2 doz. tea and dessei't spoons, 5 Sheffield table spoons, 2 salad spoons, % doz, tumblers, 2 sandwich trays and plates, floor pol isher, copper coal scuttle, copper kettle and' vase, copper trays and jug, Thor electric ironor and clothes nresiser 1436 Marine Drive, W est Vancouver; B.C., ___________Dated August -15th, -1934,- Mr. W. G. Daniel wishes to give notice that he has ̂ severed -his connec tion with the business known as i Broderick and Daniel, "Photographers," 1436 Marine Drive West Vancouver " W. G. DANIEL. THE WELFARE ASSOCIATION re quires discarded clothing. Phone .'West^iAndiL^truckJwilLcollect, g iv e WEBB'S a tria l for your next! shoe repairs. 2463 Marine Drive. PRINTpfG --• For all kinds of i printing phone West Van News, West 363. one o n 4 W glgCTRlE SERUICE B Jf Milk, bhaf: universal and mosk nourishing food/CO^ 9c to I Ic a V original cost $98,60, neariy new), m . • • ̂ . . . . Torrington electric sweeper, 1 refrig- I n e m in is te r CElled a t the , - V "orator, 1 full size punch ball, 1 grass Jones' hom e on Sunday a fte r- kittle Willie answeredoak sideboard, 3 6 oak table, mahog- fbp LpH any rocking chair, white enamel swing .«p_ " i, ^ mirror, baby crib and mattress, drop , ^ nOme, he announc- vsido cot and mattress, bedsteads and W ent over tO th e golf springs, flower and tub stands, camp c lub ." , spring mattreas Und , a quantity T he mini^ter'<l hm w Ojl good, too numorou, to a n f w i l i r h a s t l n ^ T o ^ GEO. HAT For Snaps in Real Estate Notary Public Real Estate & Insurance Terms ,Ci«h. wh, he ain 't gonna play any J. S. BENNETT, Auctioneer, not on Sunday. He just ; 142 East 17th S t , North Vancouver «^ver for a few highballs " ̂ Phones: North 893R; West 65 and a little stud poker." : vEstabJished 1912) 1405 ̂Marine Drive ' Phone W est 21 or SeymourT260 Evenings West 204X | Quari;,. . an inadequate reterî i; say tn< n NCVCR WIMT UP- ' mmmmmBIKHIte le farmer!^ w i^ some jujtificaUon. Yet electric service^ available 2U hours a day> for lighting^ cooking, heating, cooling, cleaning and providing music^ costs the average Vancouver home only 6.ic a day. BUI It HAS (omeoowh:o l UMBIA ELECTRIC FLAIL WAY CO. LTD. GORDON ROBSON Barrister -- Solicitor WEST VANCGUVER-rr -- Office-jNo. 1447r6larine'Drive- Phone West 403. 10 to 12. VANCOUVER OFFICE-- Suite 601: 610 Hastings St. W. Phone, Seymow 4199. 2 to 5. VERNON FEEi) STORE A- C. SEARLE Phone West 9 Fertilizers of All Kinds Eagle Harbour Wood, Coal, ^B b ilde i^ iH iipp lifis * ft#;