1934. , ..... SpiilW i»fm ' • - w ' '■ ........................ iwlu'wSw".ti'I'i GEMftllLI* . ^ P p K B will be conducted a< 1586 M arlti^ D rive between the B.C. W e will a i^ p r ^ t t e '^ < i r 'C on€^ ■ .. •rm f' PI and . ! . , * ■ » - j ^ V . ^ » J A ~ '* <- •! tI ^,4. « ,. X <*•*»»>»»*• There, will lii a j - ................. ..V.*., matinee IW Ife Oemnilll's i ♦1̂ • • l 8t a t 1 6 8 6 ^ M h t^ Drli twsen tb a B. B u r r a r d , - ^ L ia 'i i i l i i^ f t^ ^ for . V . A i t l i i i n i i i i t V ^ i s i r i f t 'iE r i 'i^ ii*I) F1 'KN DABLE J I ^ w J ^ |lk% <.IP^hll» ▼ slydBi DAVE A N D lfikSO ^I, West Vancotlve): Representative Phones--West 691L or North: 1810-rr Mr.^and Mrs. E. I. Lane and and the P i| family ^ d Mm . Ritchie, 3068 They Marine Drive, have moved into i^onage , , . a house a t 2Srd and Haywood move to the ir new m m n " ] Avenue* which will also be th e H dlybum ♦ • Public Library* An adver^se- R. J . A. McGuiness, who has relative to th is appears in been staying" a t Alpine l o d ^ , issue. Garibaldi Park, has returned to ♦ the Clachan. . Mr. and Mrs. D. Savage, 612 • • * 16th Street, left on Tuesday over Stratton 's BAKERY RvwytMng of th e Best in ' c m m & P A B im imiv*» >rt V \ i«<'« Wedding C ihas made a t W68 Mwrlnt D r iv , Phone W aii 87 Hollyburn Theatre The ferries will Rive a half foil Alta" 'a t e v l n e ^ 'S ^ k t ^ w hourly service m I.abor Day. „"!S' "* FRIDAY and SATURDAY Auff. Slat and Sopt. lat. MRS. C H A R LE S B U R B R ID G E Teaser of Piano and Theory S t u d e n t s prepared for Examinations of Associated Board, London, Eng. and the Torento Conservatory of Music if desired. 100 per cent, successes a t June examinations. s Re-Opens T u esd ay , Sep tem b er 4 th . STUDIO--2309 M arine Drive P h o n e W est 88X MRS. E. FERGUSSON, e t .c l . Re-Opens Studios September 3rd. 219 Empire Building, 603 Hastings Street, and ,, ,.; Over Hollyburn Post Office (Fridays) Elocution, Dramlitic, A rt, Singing,, French Class. ' ■ 100% Successes Trinity College Exams Mary Pickford Scholarship; Championship Cup and .Gold Medals B. C. Musical Festival. * i Phone Seymour 8627 * or W est 378L The Brst boat from here will Calgary^ ^ ^ leave a t 6 a.m« and the last a t t aiuw kko 1*4*1. a 4««A4. 11:30 p.m. The first boat will io s ta r t from the city dock a t 6:30 }?, J ! ln ii im a.m .,nhe .last pulling out a t 12 midnight. meet all beats. L ^ a f l l f hoi?re' Ife^JS S t the ww «v * u " lfi^bt there, re turning to his Mrs. W. D. Watson, 1328 Gor- home on Monday morning. He don Avenue, is spending a few states he never felt better in his days with.M r. and Mrs. I. Wells life. ' Crawford a t their summer home ' * ♦ * a t Selma Park. Professor and Mrs. Aiidison ♦ * * and family, who have been pc- The Misses Doris Cleathero copying a house on 81st S treet and Dorothy Gillham of. the this summer, left today to re- West Vancouver Tennis Club; turn to Toronto. i playing in the G.V.A.A. Tennis - ♦ ♦ * - Tournament lastS a tu rday after- M rs. E . X . JHowdle,:. 2046 Es- noon, succeeded in capturing the quimalt Avenue, has left fo r a Ladies' Doubles finals by defeat- few weeks' trip to Saskatoon, ing Miss Williamson and Mrs. stopping .off a t Banif. Kiltz of th e -Fairmont Tennis ♦ ♦ ♦ Club, the score , being 6-8, 6-8, Mr. Brock of Bassano, Alber- 7-5. ' ̂ ta, is a guest a t the Clachan. CLARK GABLB CLAUDBITB COLBBRT **lt Happened One N ight f* MONDAY and TUESDAY, Sept. 3rd and 4th W. C. FIELDS ALLISON SKIPWORTII 'You're Telliag Me' also ... Zane Grey'a The Last Roundup Cartoon -- Nows SPECIAL M A T IN E E - Monday a t 2:00 o'clock WEDNESDAY & THURSDAY Sopt. 6th and 6th Advice to th e Lovelorn and Where Sinners Meet M n . R K N I G H T - B O D G E Teacher of Violin, Piano and Theory Les.sori.s will be resumed on September>10th a t her Studio; 1832 Duchess Avenue. - ' ' . ■ Students' prepared for 'B. U* 'FeStiVaiir the'-Associated ■ Board, London College of Music and Toronto Conservatory of Music .Examin- ations. ■ ' - ' ■ '. • • ' ' ' Fifteen successes .in the recent June Exams I, gaining Distinction - and Honors., - , v - . . ' TERMS ON APPLICATION. West 624R. V - The Vancouver press recently Miss Schetky of Vancouver, is commented on some sweet peas occupying a cottage « t W est in a garden in Vancouver whicli Bay. - had attained the remarkable * * ♦ height of e igh t feet. Mr. Jessop, Mr. and Mrs. Rex Anthony, Duchess Avenue, has in his gar- who have been spending the den sweet peas, all of which are summer in the Interior, have re- nine feet. ; , _ turned to "The Gables," West * ♦ ♦ . ' Bay. ' Mrs,' I. M. McLean and Miss * * * -OlatMcLean,-2l20-Bellevue - Ave- -- Mr--and-Mrs^ --Turney,- Eagle Harbor Picnic Grounds, Tennis Courts, Bathing, Boating,, Fishing, Tea-rooms, Sandy Beaches, Cottages for rent ♦ MRS, C L A R A W ILSO N and M ISS HILL>A W ILSON, a .t .c .m . PIANO AND Successes at English and Canadian. Examinations and B. C. Festivals. ■nue, left on Saturday for a holi- Radcliffe Avenue, are moving day Up. the coast. . ̂ into the Ritchie house a t 3068 ' ♦, ♦ Marine Drive. Miss Donalda Walker of Yahk, « « . * * * . B.C., is the guest of Miss Barr , 5 ' Smith and Miss Margar- bara Allwork, 17th and Bellevue Smith, 16th and Pulton Ave., Avenue. spending a month a t Hillier's " * ♦ ' Crossing near Qualicum. R. M. S. Rye of Coquitlam, is * ' having a new house built a t 20th Mr, and Mrs. H. G. Dickson, and Gordon Avenue.' . - who have been the guests of the .___ * * 1 ..................................... latter^s parents, Mr. and_Mrs^._ TVIiss Jean Watson, 1328 Gor-^~Wt". Herrin, 1387 Haywood Ave- FOR RADIO SALES - SERVICE See FORST'S LTD. G. M. GEMMILL North 625 West 87 RECITAtS-ANB-CLASSES- don Avenue, spent, the week end nue, are leaving this week to re- a t Selma Park. turn to Yahk, B. C. ----- Ambleside S h e e t Metal L. SPECK, . - Proprietor W O r K S STUDIOS: 2367 Marine Driv^. West Vancouver, and a t 836 West^JL3th.Avenue, Vancouver. ' ' ^ Phone West 689X E. W. Savory 1443 Marine Drive Ambleside Phone West 340 . Evenings, West 143, J listings Waiteff Real Estate } I* " {\ ^ -al '1. Ian Hamilton, who^'has been M is? Marjory Crawford spent: away in the Interior, has return- the week-end with h e r parents ed to his home a t 2i93 Argyle a t their summer home at Selma Avenue., Park. ̂ ♦ ♦ 0* . - , ' ih * 4> ---------- ----------------- -̂----- - Mrs, McArthur is back a t her Miss M. Whyte of Winnipeg, ; home in Sherm an-after a holi-. is the guest of Mrs. Victor Od- M a r c e l S l l O D day visit-to Seattle. , lum a t h e r summer home at . , . ' . '* * *■ " Garrow Bay. Mr. and Mrs. Martin and fam- ily of Vancouver, haye moved Glen McCulloch who recently into a house a t 2932 Marine rev ived an injury to his arm in Drive. - ' " ^ ^nick accident while hauling I * * ♦ ' lugs a t Ruskin, is spending a few I. T. Meglaughlin of th e B. C. î i® l»ome, 1275 Gordon Electric Co. here, is back in h is Avenue. .Philip C. Chapman General Insurance Agent Fire, Automobile^ Burglary, . Accident and Sickness, etc. 2667 King's Ave. Phone W. 42Y8 Now in NEW QUARTERS ABOVE ROYAL-BANK 17th and Marine Sherman Store OPENING SPECIAL ' . MBS. KING offe,r. a Permanent Wave Special for $3.00 office following a week's vaca tion. * * * fs>'1 for AUGUST ONLY. m-i- ■ Last Monday evening Gordon Stemson, 2636 Marine-Dr.,^gave . a very enjoyable p a r tj , a t the ' Better Facilities Tea Cup Inn in celebration of '^^ry-Gonvenience his 21st birthday. The, evening ^ 0 4 dancing,:^upper be- P H o n e v v e s t verandah. The guests were: the I to se s Barbara and Pixie Reid, Jacqueline" Thet- X L 3900 - Marine Drive Bertha J. Campbell P h on e W est 243X3 -w THE DAINTY C A K t SHOPPE Home-made C akes and Pastries SATURDAYJjPECIAL-J^m; Turnovers. 2 d o z . 25c MRS, A, STEWART# Prop. I620,MArin6 Drive Phone W est 614 A llthebeaches;and ra so r ts in fo^a, Vera JohneoX;'.-Dorothy West, VanMuver-were visiteAby . a„<| Margaret Smjth,. Frances can n in g over 3,400 passengers, Messrs.' A rthur Edwards; Ken- ̂ ---------------,,, neth Ldpatecki, Jim - Brown, . ' Rodney Poisson, M ich^lrSavory, ̂ : George,W att, Harold 'Astbury, r FuSter .Young, Bill Lang, Mr., and Mrs. A. A. Gilfa^t of "■'I • - V--. ■ ALSp COLD p i N OF ANY COUNTRY Padfic' , , :K Refining Ce. 600 -TikHty:,3588r:A IPiinHllPtiniTiniUHimmuiitniiiiiiiiiiiiiini.... » > > «r ̂ > Calgary, are the gue^ts^oY M rs' ̂ Gilbert's parents,-M r,; and-Mrs. W. Herrin; 1387 Hajnvociii 'Ave- r '--jiuer ' ♦/•'A' , - " * t ' < 'y I,,-"I > ' K '< }■ .* * Mr. and Mrs. Green, 13th and Pulton Avenue, have le ft fo r Winnipeg. ' ! 4-1 T h e B r i t i s h G o l u m b i a Opens its West Vancouver Dancing Btudio in the HOLLYBURN PAVILION on SATURDAY, Sept. I, from 9 to 12:3^ a.m. Adults and CJiUdr '̂a Classes Ballet, Tap, Interpretative "and B̂allroom. Mistress, of the Dance, MISS BREl^DA RAVEN,. under the personal ___' _________ supervision of Miss June Roper. _ _ -fiPECIAL CHILDlSEN'S.COJBBlNiTiONjcLASS, tocledfag Dancing - ' . . . 'and Staging.: , T I . . ̂ ' - • - - . > - - ' f . 'Lw . ,-i ■' *, « ------_ 1- ,, „ ^ V---- ----- VANCOUVER STUDIO; The Tnttatall, Bldg., V ai^uver. Sey, 8238 ' ' ' V i'} , .. . " ■ ." - . . . h t ,, mmSSm n--; - .,4 5 > i 1 * ....L- ItiSSP ' .'1 I- I \ •* 'N'h ^ " • ' ̂ t ̂ I ' rf .1 * , »*' ti'-1'": /i * ' V>1 , f" 'juPtC".i 'F S iPl 7 1 w 1 'M, 'til, ■ -iiPTvwrrri.,, ■. 1 r*'M ' ^ v i i b r r t . - ( 4 r a ■: ̂ m i■If;. -irtf ' ' it' ■ ^ 5- ' S Hi' ' I" <- .-f' jk. - 71,. I I ", ' ■ *!,{'■ I *1 ' ' i ' - * ' iI 4 f i r V '"I ' ' i ■' 'I T ' f p i Ts-'. - h "{ I p ~--w~Z£~L ,, r%; •'i>V * i' O'»- I- i l i l i