West Van. News (West Vancouver), 30 Aug 1934, p. 2

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I .'. s.. > S ' i ^ I >.t..4 f s ' •I i ? ^ ' | j « '- f/t < / *4.5̂̂ ' ;f| ■*Slfv/ H "jI'jI .! V̂lr ", ;-'»i ■'"»• ,5 IW W ?4H mVITIP ------- --- ^ m 0 t» liilJit WHySKr JWIBUBt f «4-̂ l̂. W 4J n m •BundMy School «nd Bib1« ChuN 10 ; JlrtM iri^C IkW m M ^ Vi '•* ' a ' Permanent Curb 20c each 'M 'tT " f\f n IP your Ptnntiitiit^, .. la f rowing out, a faw curia hi the atralght anda will maka ft Ilka now. .. I"/ vr.".' § T . S I T W n E I ^ C M p M t t Bev. E A. S ep tem b er 2m i --* l i t t S iw * i>" a f tk , 8 : 0 0 a.ra*«-M^p Cbtttaiaiiteii. >̂ 10 & 11:15 a:tn/-*aiWdAp idbool IS -a Sermon. 15 p.m.«--Evoiwong and S«p* moil; Freaehen Eev. Robert CotmeU, MlIoA. Auxiliary Sunday Selinnb n th & luglewodd Sunday School. 10 a.m* St. Francla-iii-liia-Wootto, CaulfelM Sunday, 3 p.'m. -- Evensong Sc Sermon. , I'he Choir will reassemble for regular choir practices on* Wed­ nesday,.September 6th. t* ■ iCOUVEB , Scieace lIliriCE lait, IJuUjrbura tWa Sadotr la a Branch of * " .*hi«»tlltr Church Th# Pfrat CSburch of Christ, l^ i t ll l l ,* it) Botton, Baeiaefigaatti ^..JM sf^iSiK fiea: IIJO aoa. Sunday* September 2, 1034 Subject; '̂ CHRIST JESUS" S t o r e N o . 3 1 , ' l 4 1 4 M a r i n e '■vvMÎ KSI Banday School at 10:00 a.m. Taatimony Meeting Wednesday at 8:16 p.m* Gwendolyn Beauty Shoppe 1046 iiarliw Drlf# For appbintmanta PIfONB WEST 117 WK DELIVER Arctic Ice Cceain In Bulk and Bricks Vanilla, Neapolitan and Oharry Biona order and timo required * Wist 323 ANBLESIDE PBARNACY W. L, KEB. Prop 1401 Marina Orlra Phone Weet 328 FREE DELIVERY UAPTIST CHURCH PiiHlor: Rev, H. P. Humphreys Sunday, Sept: 2nd. 9:45 a.m.--Sunday School. J0;00 a.m-- Adult Bible Class. •'11:00 a.m.-^Momlng Worship. J'astor will preach. Topic: "Our Certificate." ■ Anthem. The Ordinance of the Lord's Supper will be ob­ served at tne close of the morning service. 7:15 p.m.--Evening Worship, Topic: "The Best Dona­ tion." .Song service a t commence- ,'IJient, . - - -- ............... A cordial Invitation to all. Wednesday, 8 p.m. -- Midweek l)rayer service: Thursday, 8 p.m. -- Choir prac­ tice. Tha imWic i» cordially In* vlted to attand our services and maatingi. DEATH OP MISS ALICE KILBY Miss Alice Kilby of Oaulfcild passed away on Wednesday, 22nd instant, in (bo Vancouver General Hospital. The deceased, who was aged 55, leaves to mourn her loss two sisters, the Misses Jean and Florence Kilby of Caulfeiid. Funeral .services were held a t 2 p.m. last Friday in the Vancouver Ci'cmatorium, Mountain View Cemetery, the officiating clergyman being Rev. Dr. E. D. McLaren., PRICES EFFECTIVE FRIDAY TOMATOES -- Aylinar, No. 8J4 tbt«...,..,.,.ro..w»»rt»»...«w.Mw«..aAch TOMATO JUICE -- Aylroar, lOH wu tin <llmit 23c SHRIMPS -- Dutthw, dry TUNA FISH -- Birk», Kolid white mast* N a 1/4 thi...:....ewh 10c CORNED BEEF -- Libby's, 18 ««. tht..,...;------- ......-- for 17c b a k in g p o w d e r -- Blue Ribbon* 12 <w. tla..,.^--------- eoch 19c TEA -- Blue Ribbon .............. ....................... lb. 42c COFFEE -- Nalwb Ib. 35c COCOA -- F ry s, 1/J Ih. . . . . . . 19c ROGERS' GOLDEN SYRUl* -- No. 2 tin.-- ......... ,;Oach 15c CLASSIC CLEANSER -- (Limit 3) ..... ................5c SOAP ~ P. & G. (Liniil 9) .............................. .....................9 25c SOAP -- PnlmoHve .... REfiAL SALT SHAKER TOILErr TISSUE -- Westminster 4.for 25c W« r«*erv«i th« riflit io limit qu«ntltl«s. SAF£WAY OrORES LIMITED DISTRIBUTION WI THOUT WASTE BOWLING CLUB NOTES DR. G. D. H. SEALE D.D.S., L.D.S. DENTIST Hay Block, 14th and Marine Dr. Office Hours 0 to 6 p.m; Evtninga by appointment. Phone West 72 UNITED CHURCH Rev. Hillis Wright ,Minister. 10:00 E. GALLANT, D.C., CHIROPRACTOR 2444 Merino Drive, Dundarave, 7 p.m; to 8 p.m., Mondaye, Wed- n' ' . . . . . . H ouko nesdays and PridayiiC: D visits by appointment. Kesldonco; 2308 Marine Drive; Phono Wokt 346L. Vancouver Office: 712 Robson _______ Seymour 8700 Bringing with them the mag- niOcent $500 Howe Cup West Vancouvier bowlers returned to their- home green on Saturday, Victors in the last big open tour­ nament bri the louder mainland. To Jimmie- Go)vm. and his rink 7 T~ « ̂ ». 1 Df the brothers Ben ,and J. C. Kloepfer and led by Ed Black, Bible Class. gQgg credit for winning the first trophy captured by the West Vancouver Club, ...................... .Naturally the local club was ST. ANTHONY»S CATHOLIC elated a t the success of its rep- CHURCH - resentatives, moi'e especially as 23rd & Inglewood Ave. __Uie winning of the cup definitely Priest in Charge, • stamped VVest Vancouver as a Rev. W, J. Millay, club to .be respected in toiirna- Residence: 2823 Inglewood Avei ment play in Vancouver. At the BARBEREM MDSIEM KRIDERfillRIU Rc'Opehing '•September 4th.; ' * PIA N O - RHYTHM ^ B L O C K BU ILD IN G DRA WING - DRA MA TICS Children learn .Indirectly, without strain, through music, stories, pictures, games in natural atmosphere. 2881 Bellevue Ave., A ltam bnt P h o n e W est 75Y3 11:15 7:15 a.m.- p.m.- -Morning Service. -Evening Service. Residence Phone W^est 240R C. J. Overiayton PIONEER BARBER Expert Work -.r Idth and Marine Phono West 135 - Sunday Services Low Mass -- 8:45 a.m. High Mass and Sermon -- 10:45 Catechism and Bible Class--8:00 Vespers and Benediction--7:80 Wwk-day Services Mass, daily -- 8 a.m, 4 ^ id ay s; presentation of prizes the muni­ cipality got a lot of compliment­ ary publicity, praises of its new green were sung-and of the type of bowlers which it was produc­ ing. The winning rink had a win­ ning sui-plus of 30 in the Wed­ nesday section which-.stood up ^ramar dM>ontessori School 2078 Gordon Avenue Kindergarten, Rhythm, Singing -- -->■ mŵ ^ a n d - F o l h - D t a n c i n g -- . . , Fall Term starts September 4th. Principal-Miss M. Crickmay ̂ Phone West 244 R -- -- _.^__J;hr-Ough -̂tl)e---following:^at-ur Benediction, Rosary, Confea- day's play. For a^.few moments 'S io h s -- 7 :8 0 . EBteblish^ on North Shore 20 Years. (Lady , AsaiaUnt) HARRON BROS. & WILLIAMSON IFuiieral Bimtors North Vancouver Parlors 122 West Sixth Street Phone North 184 Vancouver Parlofs 65 Tenth Avenue East Phone Fair. 134 a t looked as if K erris^ le miglif beat them-. A t the last head -W . Lynd, K.C., and his were-27 ahead and-were wife of Estevan, Sask., have another five shots with been occupying "The. Red Gables" on West Park Lane for this one ball was the past month and are delight- many. Jt curled in for ' ........................ shot, leaving them in second S t. P a tr ic ia School Established 1926 " Kindergarten to Matriculation Af Eldcutidh Gymnasium - A n Dancing FALL TERM OPENS SEPTEMBER Bth Transportation for small children. ̂ ' P R IN C IP A L - MISS J. D U R B IN ̂ - - ■ I - - ____ ' , , ♦ MURRAY AND MACAULAY AT HAMILTONed with the climate and scenery t e S t o M B" t Weft- Vancouver gave "T ."" thefr home in L te v L . evidence of their-ability ^ » with the Partridff'<*-riTilr-nnTvmvio--- f̂amilies--to--hear-from FVm--Enva At the time of going to press to msm with the- Partridge~rink'compris-"--^^amilies-to-hear from the^boys Mral B. E. Angerman and iL {" d 5®"'*®' ^ Wrisberg and as to what happened to them at daughters, ate i e X g on S p r i l w itfa " rs. MaeAulay show- f i a & K S a f e ̂clSb ^ o d a good chahi^ ;4>f̂ Colvin and Co.'s score but a big heafl was "stolen" from them m addition a burned end should-have b e e n ~ t^ a 5ted, but Slogan L<»t. All 'Lost A beggar, clutched at the sleeve of ̂ looking passer-by. J! ®®nts,- sir, fdr a cup of cof­fee?" he whined. other turned and surveyed him. I - Why shouId„Irgive*you 5 cents?" ■ he asked.. '̂What brought you to this naseemlr plight?." A terrible- catastrophe, sir," the beggar replied,- "Two years ago I, like you, enjoyed'-business prosperity. 1 worked industriously. On the wall ington and Mrs. A rthur Graham of Vancouver. ♦ ♦ ♦ Doan and Mrs. William Tier of of---Manitobaj v7n N ew s m . - h e ..V a n ^ y ew s--gasvsrAvenue. no patents ed us a letter from Alex written before Saturday saying he had - -----v/n made a e rp a f rn n of » desk was my motto:-^Thinkd ^ e a t ru n at a tw ilig h t Constructively, Act Decisively.'Wealth meet on Wednesday and enclos- ' ing a cut of himself in the Ham­ ilton Spectator in which he was described as one' of Canada's mos^-promising boy athletes. poured niy way. . And then--and then--" ."And .then , l*4y threw away mymottol" Publiohed Hvery Thumday Publisher' F , P . L O V E G R O V E Phone West 363 BnilneM and Editorial Offico 17th and Marino Drive (Next to Hollybum P. 0 .) Ph^ne. West 363 Mall A'ddresa: P. G. Box 61. Hollyhom, B.C i-Fl. * * * 8i'^>dged Colvin the honor, nr ^ *he skip to do it. Mr. and Mrs, E. L. Wasson On Satm-rinv *,i«k u and daughter, Barbara, paid a will have short w tu ra v isit to J f e . Was- son*8 parents, Mr, and Mrs. M. rented hv" th i 0 , Keifh Itoad, this P ro ~ r ti« saying the shots used were dif- to what were, in use here, and he also sent us a post card saying he would do his best. WKT VAN. Sheet Metal Works ' Phohe.̂ 39 Furnace aind_ Range Repairs, Sawdust Rurners in '€&lfo^nia^^th Mr. W^on^s pai^ntSv They^took off Thursv North VaneouNrer Office: M e .128 tionsdafe Ave. $3.00 a year11.00 n year by carrier;V m ail day from Sea-Islands airport on the ir returirffight to then* home __in;-O arcrbssitirx-^^^ _______ _ - Miss Mary O'Donnell has ac­ c e p t a pbedHon as teacher of the N ortff b ridge liake School in ^ e Cariboo. She will be leav- up her duties there tern, each othei's. rink meeting the Mrs. Forbes' Tea Room Foot of Oxley Stree^ West Bay Sea-Front C R ^M , SOFT DRINKS, T ^ S , TOBACCOS. GAND'T Sand Pile BOATS FHONE. FOR h ire WiS&08L2~ w e s t v a n H5I Marine Drive ' (BILL G R O U f) • V , . W est 268 iqW IN G AND .WRECKER S E R V itt Brake Service ; V ̂ ___ ' you,pattiiig j t^ re oU in your ■'f A <rrfX iSi? ■- <