West Van. News (West Vancouver), 30 Aug 1934, p. 1

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' t ; '"<'>*<-j ' * ■■ ■* ' 'Y'it': ;s!P*«wa*llt« Circulating in the District o f West Vancoumr^Ambleside, Holfybum. Wissian, Dundarave $1,00 p©r '..̂ ,v'»ip4ff" «*̂ ' , Cypress F a r h a m l f e i l d , Whytecliff, M t i l ' *» - ■' < >-ri*M,î >.' Sc per copy i t newesttncls* Vol. V A N C O U V E R . B .C ., T H O R S D A Y , A U G U lff^ O t^ ^ . 1^34 No. 18 SUPPORT THE WELFARE ]>l$fV£ KEEN COMPETITION EXPECTED IN HIKING m aratho n race Judging by the list of entries SCHOOL ARRANGEMENTS BAND CONCERT comir^ in for the Hiking Mkra- than Race to be held on Septem­ ber 3rd ,from,Ambleside Park, to W est Lake Ski Camp and Hikers' Lodge, situated on Hql- lybulm Ridge, the race will be well.contested. The public will be afforded the The West Vancouver Welfare Drive Committee will very shortly be organizing to; conduct a drive throughout the muni- doalitv, as they did last year, and in this'tsonnection we should like to call attention of; all our readers to a le tte r from .their chairman, Major Harold Brown, on th is subject,, which appears /s ̂ understood th a t th e sarrfe procedure and the same methods will be used to secure a $5,000 tru s t fund to be ad­ ministered by three trustees, th a t being the amount raised last fall. The object will be the sanle, namely, to obviate the _________ ____________ _ necessity for one whole y ^ r of appealing.to the public from opportunity .o f seeing som e'of time to time by way of concerts, dances, etc., for the money Vancouvers finest athletes in necessary to carry on the work of the W est Vancouver Welfare * -- Assocfatjon. During th a t period ho/authorized social events will be given by organizations, the proceeds of which will be turned over for local welfare work. As before teams of volun­ tary workers will be chosen,' who will v isit every resident to solicit subscriptions or pledges, in which connection it should be said that much time and effort will be saved if those who are willing to^'renew the ir subscriptions kindly notify one of the Drive Committee of the fact. Moreover, it is hoped tha t those giving to the Vancouver Community Chest remember that nothing comes to the W est Vancouver needy from this School days will soon be hero The concert given on Amble- again, the opening d a y ; jg in g aido Beach last Sunday by the " next '̂ e sday , September 4th* VVest Vancouver Schools Band on Beginners ng êd 6 on or before ̂ their return from camp was very September 16th will be received much enjoyed ' by the large ̂ a s usual a t Hollybum and Paul- crowd assembled on the Beach, ihe Johnson schools as announc- Under the baton of Henry Slat­ ed below. At these hours Dr. ter, M.S.M.,\late bandmaster of Nash will be in attendance to ex- the Seaforth Highlanders of amineline new pupils, w ith the.help Canada, the boys played a most of the new school nurse, Miss interesting program, showing Margaret Hardy. Miss Hardy is the benefit of the constant prac- what will prove to be one of the a registered nurse and a B.Sc. tices they have held a t camp. ' in nursing and will carry on the ' Nu most gruelling contests of stam- ver held in source* 4 4.'r- ■ 4 ^ ' We ere sure th a t everybody will agree with Major Brown's statement th a t Welfare needs th is year will not be , any less, for, while, trade returns indicate an improvement in business, it is quite certain th a t no such improvement has been noted in GreaterrVancouver. ^ It should never be forgotten th a t malnutrition produces epidemics of diseases, which m ay be ju s t as deadly to the strong and healthy as to the undernourished and those lack­ ing food. " ~ There are those amongst us who through no fault of their own will, both for themselves and the ir children, need the assistance of the local W elfareAssociation th is next -^elve months. On their behalf, we tru s t th a t the response to the Welfare Drive C am pai^ will be a t least as generous as was . the case last year. , ■ , . ina ever held in Western Canada five milek of mountain trail from ̂ sea .level to a height of , 2,800 feet, each contestant' carrying a' pack, Among the „ latest entrants foi' the race are Stewart Morrison, well-known in the speed skating world; Gus Johnson, hailing from Noiway and one of the best ̂cross-country ' skiers in Vancouver; ' George \ (Scotty) .Finlayison, Police insepetor for, Hoijyburn Ridge; William C. Muir, ; recognized as one of the good work started by Nurse El- MRS.' KNIOHT-HODQE TO " toades X. XI, and-XU will , RESUME TEACHING enroll in ^ e Bouth wing of Hoi- Mrk. P, Knight-Hodge, teach- lybum. ^ e _play-gi^unds_ west or of violin, piano and theory,will f "l >'os«mo teaching afte r the sum-ingB will be exclusively for ele- ine,- r e c e s r S h e ^ T s s g m entary pupils. Sanitary ar- nimiinaam entary pupils. S anita^ ,, bx- Duchess Avenue, on Septempber rangements have been bi^ught 10th. Students are'prepared for up to requirements, and recesses the B. C. Musical Festival, the .. will, be timed to avoid cofitket Associated Board, London Col- between older and younger chil- Music and Toronto Con- fastest boys ever seen hiking. Among the latest in "B" Class ST.-PATRXCIA SCHOOt there will be Margaret Gale; - winner xif-the-Stanlesr Park Mar^r' athon Race, \ Daisy Bourdon, Secretary! of the Hollyburn Pa­ cific Ski Club, is likely to p i # ^ ^ a hot contestant for first prize in the same elass. There will also be keen compe­ tition in the - A" Class, boys an,d ^ r ls , age 8 to 14 years. V Y J VTT r»Ani Knight-Hodge's pupils fifteen successes in the rec- - T ^ J ? examinations, gaining - distincl^ion_and. honors.._Terms.. This comparatively on application.' Parents and group will complete^ th a , high others interested are requested school course by special arrange- phone West 624R. ment in the same bullying,, , I t is estimated that" 140 atu- The new premises fo r the Kindergarten and. Prim ary De­ partment of St. Patricia School F M R S rG L A R A -W T L S O N An d ' women over 40, Arne 'Kaldal and 4 Joseph Robert Abraham will Mrs. Clara Wilson and MiSs likely set a keen pace. deitB-will = in th e le S io r " RS- ®;^ERJ?USSON ____ high , section and 340 in junior . TO RE-OPEN STUDIOS high, the average class efiroll- - ̂ _____ ______ ment numbering 85. Mrs. E: Fergusson, F.T.C.L., ;:^ol,d-medalliat,--will~-ie-open--her studios, 3rd SepF.", after the kiim- Hilda Wilson, A.T.C.M., have re- are now ready and will be opened sumed teaching for the fall tem i on September 4th, on which date all prospective pupils are requested to report. Miss-Dur- bin wishes to-announce th a t the kindergartW is open for inspec­ tion and visitors will be wel- a t their studios a t 2367 Marine Drive and a t 836 W est 13th Avenue, Vancouver. Subjects taken up are piano and theory. Their pupils have won successes Ron Brewis, manager of the West Lake Ski ■ Camp ,reports th a t a crew of men are putting the trail in excellent shape for the contest. , The race will be started by Reeve J. B. Leyland a t 10:45 come. a t the English and Canadian Ex- .gharp from the Ambleside Park, aminations and the B. C. Music- ' Wfist Vancouver: al ^Festivals. 'C lasses are field, E ntry forms for the race"mayThe senior school in which , , . . . . . ----- ............ ........-- ____ -__ courses are offered up to Junior recitals given. Any inter- fog obtained, a t the following phone West 88X. Matriculation opens on Septem- ©sted are requested to kindly places:, ber 6th. :The staff ~aims::at~giv-~]^one--W est 689X for fu rther Len Williams, Jones Tent j& Ing the pupils individual atten- particulars, tion, thus ensuring th a t the MRS. CHAS. BURBRIDGE TO RESUME TEACHING . mer holidays at 219 Empire Bldg Mrs. Charles Burbridge will and/ over the Hollyburn Post s ta rt teaching on Sept. 4th after Office (Fridays). S u bj' e c t s the summer recess in piano and taught include elocution, dra- theory a t her studio, 2309 Mar- niatic art, singing and French, ine Drive. Students prepared 100% successes Trinity College for the examinations of the As- Exams, Mary Pickford Scholar- sociated Board, London, Eng- ship, championship cup and gold land, and the Toronto Conserva- medals a t B. G.- Musical Festival, tory of Music, if desired; 100% Her pupils , are eligible to enter jsnccessp-d a t June examinations, fo^ the Mary Pickford Scholar- For further information please ship, which gives them one •work will be of a very high standard. ' , Boys are accommodated up to the age of nine. CORRESPONDENCE To the Editor, West Van News. The following incident a t the Regatta deservess to jie publish^^ ed. • B. C. SCHOOL OF THE THEATRE " , The B. C. ISchooUof the Thea­ tre will open its W est Vancou­ ver Dancing Studio, in the "Holly­ burn Pavilion from 9 to 12:30 Saturday, September 1st, Adults Awning, Ltd., Ski and Sport Shop, Ambleside Tea. Rooms, Christie's Ltd. Shoe Shop, West Lake Ski Camp. YOUNG-PEOPLE'S DANCE A Youngs People's Dance to year's free tuition "with Mrs. Fergusson and an introduction to the Mary Pickford- Studios in Hollywood. For fu rther in-̂ wind up the holiday season will formation please phone Seymour be given'by the Black Diamond 8627 or West 378L. , Two, of the'small competitors ̂j Tad's Race were overlook­ ed and did-not get a chance to race. The'Council a t th e ir last meet­ ing passed .4he following resolu­ tion "That a record be inscribed in the minutes of the sincere re- ahd children's cfasses^riii ballet, g re t of the council a t the pass- tap, interpretation and ballroom, ing on 9th August of the late ' Mistress of the dajtice -- Miss Ex-Reeve Robert . Cecil Procter Brenda Raven under the person- and that a letter of condolence al supervision of MisS, Jane be forwarded to Mrs. Procter Roper. Also a special children's and family, expressing the coun- cbmbination class including oil's deeji sympathy in the loss dancing and, singing, they have sustained." Orchestra in the Orange Hall to morro'W r(Friday), in aid of the Protestant O r^anage a t New Westminster, d an c in g from 9 till-1, Come and enjoy a good VINSON MEMORIAL CHALLENGE CUP A handsome challenge cup was night's dancing to the music of purchased by a committee of the' this p o p u to orchestra. Adm i^. W est Vancouver Swimming Club Sion including refreshments, 25 cents. and the editor of this paper from W. Sagar, 1522 Marine Mrs. J. L; Davidson entertain- Drive, and was allocated to the . . . VI I V 1 . -- . . . n w A v v o n o vro«>/1 .v 1 n ^ v n a > crvvM w v m m rwed informally a t luncheon on Tuesday a t her summer home a t Gaulfeild; V 'Hearing. of"thm r disappoint- , ment Reeve l^ylahd and the Re- ̂ Committee arranged an-" Other race later in the program, - the Reeve himself- donating an extra prize. The sympathetic kindness and encouragement shown to these, he smallest of our child swim­ mers, on an already full program deserves the warmest praise. - Yours t r u l y , ' A PARENT. , d u n d a r a v e ./RUCTION J- S. Bennett will hold an auc -' won sale at 2462~Marine Drive ■ f L30 p.m. next Wednesday,' ^Ptember 5th. A cplleetibn of \ plate and ' verilS^ T^articulark in ad- . vertisemenl in th is issue. - / ' ' open 200 yards ladies' swimming , relay, being won by the Crystal Swimming Club of Seattle,at the recent gala. I t will be on dis­ play in Mr. Sagaris window for a few days and will then be sent to the Crystal Swimming CIubT N ext year it will be "a llocate" permanently to one of the> swim­ m ing or diving events closed to .W est Vancouver competitors. • We wish to thank all those who by their d ^ a tio n s made it possible for thdAnewiory of the \ late Ex-Reeve V r Y . Vinson to be thus perpetuated, and would beg, in closing the list, to ack­ nowledge the followihg subscrip- tions: Already acknowledged..... $12.25 K. A. R ay .................. 1.00 F riend ..................i.......... 1.00 : George J. S m ith ............... 1.00 C* B. Greenwood ........................60 ' Colin M acL ean.........................50 Friend .................... 1.00 f':' f,' -If, r "I I Swi J ^ ^ » 1 * f • |;'f '♦V' T l>. r*rii>A ■; I H i'M .V T f» K l ' i; I'- ■'■J- 5 V , 4- V K ■ U ' f m 1- I I fl I S e a S c e n e iii West Vancouver S i t S i M W i i i i V\f' By cheque io Win