' t ; '"<'>*<-j ' * ■■ ■* ' 'Y'it': ;s!P*«wa*llt« Circulating in the District o f West Vancoumr^Ambleside, Holfybum. Wissian, Dundarave $1,00 p©r '..̂ ,v'»ip4ff" «*̂ ' , Cypress F a r h a m l f e i l d , Whytecliff, M t i l ' *» - ■' < >-ri*M,î >.' Sc per copy i t newesttncls* Vol. V A N C O U V E R . B .C ., T H O R S D A Y , A U G U lff^ O t^ ^ . 1^34 No. 18 SUPPORT THE WELFARE ]>l$fV£ KEEN COMPETITION EXPECTED IN HIKING m aratho n race Judging by the list of entries SCHOOL ARRANGEMENTS BAND CONCERT comir^ in for the Hiking Mkra- than Race to be held on Septem ber 3rd ,from,Ambleside Park, to W est Lake Ski Camp and Hikers' Lodge, situated on Hql- lybulm Ridge, the race will be well.contested. The public will be afforded the The West Vancouver Welfare Drive Committee will very shortly be organizing to; conduct a drive throughout the muni- doalitv, as they did last year, and in this'tsonnection we should like to call attention of; all our readers to a le tte r from .their chairman, Major Harold Brown, on th is subject,, which appears /s ̂ understood th a t th e sarrfe procedure and the same methods will be used to secure a $5,000 tru s t fund to be ad ministered by three trustees, th a t being the amount raised last fall. The object will be the sanle, namely, to obviate the _________ ____________ _ necessity for one whole y ^ r of appealing.to the public from opportunity .o f seeing som e'of time to time by way of concerts, dances, etc., for the money Vancouvers finest athletes in necessary to carry on the work of the W est Vancouver Welfare * -- Assocfatjon. During th a t period ho/authorized social events will be given by organizations, the proceeds of which will be turned over for local welfare work. As before teams of volun tary workers will be chosen,' who will v isit every resident to solicit subscriptions or pledges, in which connection it should be said that much time and effort will be saved if those who are willing to^'renew the ir subscriptions kindly notify one of the Drive Committee of the fact. Moreover, it is hoped tha t those giving to the Vancouver Community Chest remember that nothing comes to the W est Vancouver needy from this School days will soon be hero The concert given on Amble- again, the opening d a y ; jg in g aido Beach last Sunday by the " next '̂ e sday , September 4th* VVest Vancouver Schools Band on Beginners ng êd 6 on or before ̂ their return from camp was very September 16th will be received much enjoyed ' by the large ̂ a s usual a t Hollybum and Paul- crowd assembled on the Beach, ihe Johnson schools as announc- Under the baton of Henry Slat ed below. At these hours Dr. ter, M.S.M.,\late bandmaster of Nash will be in attendance to ex- the Seaforth Highlanders of amineline new pupils, w ith the.help Canada, the boys played a most of the new school nurse, Miss interesting program, showing Margaret Hardy. Miss Hardy is the benefit of the constant prac- what will prove to be one of the a registered nurse and a B.Sc. tices they have held a t camp. ' in nursing and will carry on the ' Nu most gruelling contests of stam- ver held in source* 4 4.'r- ■ 4 ^ ' We ere sure th a t everybody will agree with Major Brown's statement th a t Welfare needs th is year will not be , any less, for, while, trade returns indicate an improvement in business, it is quite certain th a t no such improvement has been noted in GreaterrVancouver. ^ It should never be forgotten th a t malnutrition produces epidemics of diseases, which m ay be ju s t as deadly to the strong and healthy as to the undernourished and those lack ing food. " ~ There are those amongst us who through no fault of their own will, both for themselves and the ir children, need the assistance of the local W elfareAssociation th is next -^elve months. On their behalf, we tru s t th a t the response to the Welfare Drive C am pai^ will be a t least as generous as was . the case last year. , ■ , . ina ever held in Western Canada five milek of mountain trail from ̂ sea .level to a height of , 2,800 feet, each contestant' carrying a' pack, Among the „ latest entrants foi' the race are Stewart Morrison, well-known in the speed skating world; Gus Johnson, hailing from Noiway and one of the best ̂cross-country ' skiers in Vancouver; ' George \ (Scotty) .Finlayison, Police insepetor for, Hoijyburn Ridge; William C. Muir, ; recognized as one of the good work started by Nurse El- MRS.' KNIOHT-HODQE TO " toades X. XI, and-XU will , RESUME TEACHING enroll in ^ e Bouth wing of Hoi- Mrk. P, Knight-Hodge, teach- lybum. ^ e _play-gi^unds_ west or of violin, piano and theory,will f "l >'os«mo teaching afte r the sum-ingB will be exclusively for ele- ine,- r e c e s r S h e ^ T s s g m entary pupils. Sanitary ar- nimiinaam entary pupils. S anita^ ,, bx- Duchess Avenue, on Septempber rangements have been bi^ught 10th. Students are'prepared for up to requirements, and recesses the B. C. Musical Festival, the .. will, be timed to avoid cofitket Associated Board, London Col- between older and younger chil- Music and Toronto Con- fastest boys ever seen hiking. Among the latest in "B" Class ST.-PATRXCIA SCHOOt there will be Margaret Gale; - winner xif-the-Stanlesr Park Mar^r' athon Race, \ Daisy Bourdon, Secretary! of the Hollyburn Pa cific Ski Club, is likely to p i # ^ ^ a hot contestant for first prize in the same elass. There will also be keen compe tition in the - A" Class, boys an,d ^ r ls , age 8 to 14 years. V Y J VTT r»Ani Knight-Hodge's pupils fifteen successes in the rec- - T ^ J ? examinations, gaining - distincl^ion_and. honors.._Terms.. This comparatively on application.' Parents and group will complete^ th a , high others interested are requested school course by special arrange- phone West 624R. ment in the same bullying,, , I t is estimated that" 140 atu- The new premises fo r the Kindergarten and. Prim ary De partment of St. Patricia School F M R S rG L A R A -W T L S O N An d ' women over 40, Arne 'Kaldal and 4 Joseph Robert Abraham will Mrs. Clara Wilson and MiSs likely set a keen pace. deitB-will = in th e le S io r " RS- ®;^ERJ?USSON ____ high , section and 340 in junior . TO RE-OPEN STUDIOS high, the average class efiroll- - ̂ _____ ______ ment numbering 85. Mrs. E: Fergusson, F.T.C.L., ;:^ol,d-medalliat,--will~-ie-open--her studios, 3rd SepF.", after the kiim- Hilda Wilson, A.T.C.M., have re- are now ready and will be opened sumed teaching for the fall tem i on September 4th, on which date all prospective pupils are requested to report. Miss-Dur- bin wishes to-announce th a t the kindergartW is open for inspec tion and visitors will be wel- a t their studios a t 2367 Marine Drive and a t 836 W est 13th Avenue, Vancouver. Subjects taken up are piano and theory. Their pupils have won successes Ron Brewis, manager of the West Lake Ski ■ Camp ,reports th a t a crew of men are putting the trail in excellent shape for the contest. , The race will be started by Reeve J. B. Leyland a t 10:45 come. a t the English and Canadian Ex- .gharp from the Ambleside Park, aminations and the B. C. Music- ' Wfist Vancouver: al ^Festivals. 'C lasses are field, E ntry forms for the race"mayThe senior school in which , , . . . . . ----- ............ ........-- ____ -__ courses are offered up to Junior recitals given. Any inter- fog obtained, a t the following phone West 88X. Matriculation opens on Septem- ©sted are requested to kindly places:, ber 6th. :The staff ~aims::at~giv-~]^one--W est 689X for fu rther Len Williams, Jones Tent j& Ing the pupils individual atten- particulars, tion, thus ensuring th a t the MRS. CHAS. BURBRIDGE TO RESUME TEACHING . mer holidays at 219 Empire Bldg Mrs. Charles Burbridge will and/ over the Hollyburn Post s ta rt teaching on Sept. 4th after Office (Fridays). S u bj' e c t s the summer recess in piano and taught include elocution, dra- theory a t her studio, 2309 Mar- niatic art, singing and French, ine Drive. Students prepared 100% successes Trinity College for the examinations of the As- Exams, Mary Pickford Scholar- sociated Board, London, Eng- ship, championship cup and gold land, and the Toronto Conserva- medals a t B. G.- Musical Festival, tory of Music, if desired; 100% Her pupils , are eligible to enter jsnccessp-d a t June examinations, fo^ the Mary Pickford Scholar- For further information please ship, which gives them one •work will be of a very high standard. ' , Boys are accommodated up to the age of nine. CORRESPONDENCE To the Editor, West Van News. The following incident a t the Regatta deservess to jie publish^^ ed. • B. C. SCHOOL OF THE THEATRE " , The B. C. ISchooUof the Thea tre will open its W est Vancou ver Dancing Studio, in the "Holly burn Pavilion from 9 to 12:30 Saturday, September 1st, Adults Awning, Ltd., Ski and Sport Shop, Ambleside Tea. Rooms, Christie's Ltd. Shoe Shop, West Lake Ski Camp. YOUNG-PEOPLE'S DANCE A Youngs People's Dance to year's free tuition "with Mrs. Fergusson and an introduction to the Mary Pickford- Studios in Hollywood. For fu rther in-̂ wind up the holiday season will formation please phone Seymour be given'by the Black Diamond 8627 or West 378L. , Two, of the'small competitors ̂j Tad's Race were overlook ed and did-not get a chance to race. The'Council a t th e ir last meet ing passed .4he following resolu tion "That a record be inscribed in the minutes of the sincere re- ahd children's cfasses^riii ballet, g re t of the council a t the pass- tap, interpretation and ballroom, ing on 9th August of the late ' Mistress of the dajtice -- Miss Ex-Reeve Robert . Cecil Procter Brenda Raven under the person- and that a letter of condolence al supervision of MisS, Jane be forwarded to Mrs. Procter Roper. Also a special children's and family, expressing the coun- cbmbination class including oil's deeji sympathy in the loss dancing and, singing, they have sustained." Orchestra in the Orange Hall to morro'W r(Friday), in aid of the Protestant O r^anage a t New Westminster, d an c in g from 9 till-1, Come and enjoy a good VINSON MEMORIAL CHALLENGE CUP A handsome challenge cup was night's dancing to the music of purchased by a committee of the' this p o p u to orchestra. Adm i^. W est Vancouver Swimming Club Sion including refreshments, 25 cents. and the editor of this paper from W. Sagar, 1522 Marine Mrs. J. L; Davidson entertain- Drive, and was allocated to the . . . VI I V 1 . -- . . . n w A v v o n o vro«>/1 .v 1 n ^ v n a > crvvM w v m m rwed informally a t luncheon on Tuesday a t her summer home a t Gaulfeild; V 'Hearing. of"thm r disappoint- , ment Reeve l^ylahd and the Re- ̂ Committee arranged an-" Other race later in the program, - the Reeve himself- donating an extra prize. The sympathetic kindness and encouragement shown to these, he smallest of our child swim mers, on an already full program deserves the warmest praise. - Yours t r u l y , ' A PARENT. , d u n d a r a v e ./RUCTION J- S. Bennett will hold an auc -' won sale at 2462~Marine Drive ■ f L30 p.m. next Wednesday,' ^Ptember 5th. A cplleetibn of \ plate and ' verilS^ T^articulark in ad- . vertisemenl in th is issue. - / ' ' open 200 yards ladies' swimming , relay, being won by the Crystal Swimming Club of Seattle,at the recent gala. I t will be on dis play in Mr. Sagaris window for a few days and will then be sent to the Crystal Swimming CIubT N ext year it will be "a llocate" permanently to one of the> swim m ing or diving events closed to .W est Vancouver competitors. • We wish to thank all those who by their d ^ a tio n s made it possible for thdAnewiory of the \ late Ex-Reeve V r Y . Vinson to be thus perpetuated, and would beg, in closing the list, to ack nowledge the followihg subscrip- tions: Already acknowledged..... $12.25 K. A. R ay .................. 1.00 F riend ..................i.......... 1.00 : George J. S m ith ............... 1.00 C* B. Greenwood ........................60 ' Colin M acL ean.........................50 Friend .................... 1.00 f':' f,' -If, r "I I Swi J ^ ^ » 1 * f • |;'f '♦V' T l>. r*rii>A ■; I H i'M .V T f» K l ' i; I'- ■'■J- 5 V , 4- V K ■ U ' f m 1- I I fl I S e a S c e n e iii West Vancouver S i t S i M W i i i i V\f' By cheque io Win