West Van. News (West Vancouver), 23 Aug 1934, p. 4

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Fbona WMt 4«f **• *%'-. Pbotw WMt 4A KN6UBU BVGBY s p c a rR a iy & SM.; f o r tJ» ^lH|»oM of o w n « to f on Engiisfe j|$iigby Club in West held in the L i^on Hail on Tues­ day, August 28th, at 8 p.m. HBU l*WH JAM -- N M Purf Pmi Md sag«r* BimimM i 8TKAWHEK»Y JAM i - Nnr Fadt AMrAUACjUH--T#iuI«t Tlp« um d i 'utUogii IS fMK. tin 1S« lird A Wbifa l*BANUT BUTTBE 13 ox, jar fie (iKAPKNUT FLAKES, per f»kg. l ie HIKKS FINF,AFFLK- 8lk«l ........... ............ J Um m C itb m ............................. I'lfn a 27c K IP P P M B D SNACKS...........4 Uac 28c DATKS-CIraii, Bright Stock 2 i U I8c Bed A While BAKING FOWDBB 12 o* tin ............................. ;...... 19c KBAKT CANADIAN and VKLVKBTA CHBBSB-Flain or Fimentu ...................Fi lb. pkg. 16c GINGBK SNAPS ....j..... 6 doxen 15c l y f g, f f S lP i iW PhottB W«st 370 an active part in the game as a ' latl^ y e r repute and latterly as a^aupporttr. , , To prospect! i'e players ci good 1 store at HoUyhura, next Theatre PHONE WEST 3 CORN HKKF iMor tb. I2c LKG OF LAMB.............-.,.aer lb. 24c SIIOULDEK OF LAMB, p w Ibw 14c LAMB KIB ROAST. brc«»t on per Ib. 18c CO'ITAGE ROLLS ...........per Ib. 28C I'ICMC HAM ...................per Ib. 14c FIN.NAN ilAODIK............per Ib. 15c POT ROAST BBKF............ per Ib. 12c Rill ROAST BBBF. per Ib.......... 14c mJ'ri'KR. Fineat Alberta, 2 Iba. 45c SWIhTS SILVER LEAF LARD f Ib. rartona ...................... 2 for 26c j>hyslque, willing to train regu- keep fit and display'the iala of true ' both oh and off thi essentials of true .sportsmanship nd off th<; playing Held, a cordial Invitation )« e.ytended. FORK AND BEANS--Nabob: In Tomato Sauce, 18 ox. tlna, 2 for 15c SI NKIST ORANGES. .. 19c, 29c,.89c With the wealth of material available and capable coaching already assured, there is no reason why We.-i Vancouver should not, in as short a space of time emulate the example of her sister municipality on the North Shore and become also a power in the game, r F urther information may be had from Jack Watt,,West 141. Our prices are as low as any obtainable in Vancouver and the North Shore. Phone us for Quotations on Your Requirements WEST VANCOUVER LUMBER CO. LTD. J --- L koK BATisFACTION ------ Phone West 115 Res. Phone; W. J. TumbiiU, West 368L I V .='1 .1 *4 til im' '\VIJ '. i ' > / 1 /'"i f- ^ ^ " ; ' ̂ 1 4 i;'i i i'> V li :■ ....du i - An interesting event took place lust Sunday afternoon in St. Stephen's Church, when Rev. F. A. Ramsey baptised Mr, and Mrs. William Grout's infant son, "Raymond Leslie," there being four generations.of Mrs. Grout's family present, nam ely; the great grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. W. It. Yates; the grand­ parents, Mf. and Mm, J. S. Yates; Mr. arid Mrs. William Grout and her little son. A fter­ wards a photograph was taken of Mi-s. Grout arid her child, W, R. Yates and J. S. Yates, repre­ senting the four generations, BAND CANtl* NOTES The boys are well and having a wonderful time a t the camp. 'They are practising hard for the contest at the Vancouver Exhi­ bition. Mr, Henry Slatter, M.S. M., formerly bandmaster of the 72nd Seaforth Highlanders, is in charge of the band now and has been putting the boys through their paces twice a day. Mr. ..and Mrs. J. S.. Purchase and Douglas Purchase, who have been spending a holiday on Vancouver island, have return­ ed to their home a t 2Cth and Lonsdale Avenue. I,EGION NOTES The last general meeting of the local branch was held in the lx*gion Memorial Hall, Friday, August 17th, with President H. Waiker, in the chair. . Members who are in posses­ sion .of "Unemployment Report P'orifs" are requested-to-fill in .^anle, and hand them in to the .seci-etary as early as possible. Next executive meeting a t 8 p.m„ Monday, August 27th, 19.34. C.C.F. CLUB The regular m(*eling of the West Vancouver C.C.F. Club will ?be held a t Headquarters on Tuesday, August * 28th, at 8 p.m. The speaker of the even­ ing -- Frank McKenzie -- will take for his subject "The C.C.F. and Youth." As this meeting will be held immediately before two Provincial , C.C.F. conferr ences, important business will come up and it is urgent that there should be the largest pos­ sible attendance of members.' C L A S S I F I E D A D S The rate for Classifled AdverttsemenU is 2 cents psr word, miaimnrn 25 cents. Except in the case of those hsvinf regular accounts, all cloul. fleds are payable-strictly in sdTancs.HR"li PiV-'*v-- Remember Classifieds in the West Von News get Immediate results. FOR SALE -- Circulatfnir Heater, used six- months. Cheap for cash. Phone West 37. ' ______ SPIRELLA CORSBTIERE West 487L. Phone WANTED -- Girl or woman for light housework. Phone West 366R. FOR RENT --- Furnished mf)dern cot­ tage, available 15th September; good location, rent reasonable. Phone West 51R. _________ F ufw iS H B D AND UNFURNISHED •" Houses to Rent. Houses, lots, ani acreage for sale. John Lawson 17th and Marine, Phone West 55. ' a .' WEST VANCOUVER MUNICIPAL FERRIES EXCURSION to Keat's Island by Ferry No. 6 SATURDAY, AUG. 25th Leave Amblesidc at 2 p.m. FAP^^S'"Adults. 50c. return Children under 12 years. 25c. -Get-your-tlekots early^from-the-p^rrydOfnee-as only 160-can be. issued: WEST VANCOUVER , UNITED F. C. A meeting of the above Club was held in the Ferry Board Room on Monday evening last to discuss entering a team in one of the Leagues for 1934-35, also to elect officers for the sea­ son. J. S tatk was again elected manager. The team and man­ agement wish-,tq take this oppor­ tunity of expressing their ap­ preciation to K. A. R a / for his generous donation of oranges Jfor_alLgamesLpl^y-edllasi-season,- TO GIVE AWAY - Phone West 23X2. Persian kitten. HUNTER'S f b r 'rnme-made Bread. Pies and Cakes. 2423 Marine Drive. Phone W est 610. ' ^ TO RENT -- Furnished or Unfurn­ ished 3 room cottage. Phone West 159R2. RADIO REPAIRS -- West Van. Radio Pettigrew), West 108, ■ 1473 Marine. ^ TO RENT -- Unfurnished modem bungalow; 4 Tooms; 17th Street. ~" "PhT6fie1Vest~347L;î SHOE REPAIRS -- Get the best mat* erial and workmanship at Pox's, 14th a t Ferry. LOST -- Canary; vicinity 16th St. Phone West 279L. \yANTED -- Two paying guests; quiet home. Write B o x '10, West Van News. WEST BAY LIBRARY - Subscrip, tion 50c month: Visitors 2 weeks for 25c. English Magazines now on . sale. Wool, Stationery, Gifts, etc, HEADQUARTERS for AH Popular Brands of Cigarettes and Tobaccos; also to all the loyal supporters of the club in past years. It is hoped to field a strong aggrega­ tion again this coming season in the Junior Alliance League.-The following enthusiasts have con­ sented to'actfjJIonorary Presi-. dent, J." M. Larnie; Hon. ^\^e- WANTED -- Paying . guests, two ■ adults; near beach. Phone West __ 301Y.................. ......_______________ also Pishing Gadgits for local wa't ers. Ambleside Tea Rooms. WANTED -- One furnished and one unfurnished 4-room cottage near ferry. Phone West 340 or West 143 -LAWN'MOWERS'SHARPENEiriHtr special machine| : all makes. West Vancouver Machine Shop, 1441 Marine Drive. _ FOR RENT-- Modem Cottage, furn­ ished, on beach near ferry. . Phone West 678L. THE W ELFARE ASSOCIATION re- quires discarded clothing. Phone West 37 and truck will collect. Presidents, F. W. Squires and R. W. Pj^nth For registration forms for players and trials for prOspec- Jlvfi_playei's_phQne-^J;-:-^ark, ■CHILDRENIS-GUEST HOME--Sixth and Marine; telephone for service or accommodation; West 104Y1. FOR RENT -- Suite, hot water heat­ ed, furnished or unfurnished, Holly- burn Block. Phone West 655R. b a n d y - ANN SHOPPE. Dundarare. Wools; Notions; D.M.Ci; Cards; Toys; Stationery; Hardware; Nails, •________ - \ V West 126Y. GIVE WEBB'S a trial for yolir next, shoe,^repairs. 2463 Marine Drive. | FOREST FIRES BASEBALL Wes t Vaneouver"̂ uni6rs^play-" ed their fourth game with V.A; C.. Tuesday night. This game was called in the last inning with one V.A.C. man out and West Vancouver leading 10-9, no one being on base. The game will be played over again next week.' The series now stands V.A.C. 2 and West Vancouver 1. f o r , RENT -- W aterfront house, modem, electric stove, furnace. - Phone West 655R. PRINTING -- For all kinds of printing phone West Van _ _ News, _WestJ63._________ Attractive Dundarare Auction Sale dam age everybody profit nobody Moderate care with m atches, smoking materials7~camp fires, brush hufning fires and mechanical equipm ent would elimin­ ate more than 50 per cetit. of our forest- fire occurrence. Do not start a fire w ith o u t a perm it Be sure your fire |s dead out before you leave it. WEST LAKE HIKING MARATHON . The West L»ake Hiking Mara­ thon, to be started by Reeve Ley land at 10:45 a.m. Labor Day-from Ambleside Park, will finish at the West Ltke Ski Camp, There will be three clas­ ses; class A for boys and girls "jfrom 8 to 14, ~ ^ a s s ^ /o r men and w'omen from 14 to 40, and closs C for mqi and women over 40. Valuable prizes will be given for each race, also one for the oldest and youngest to reach the camp. There is no entry fee, but entries must be in by 5 p.m. A u ^ s t 31st. Entry forms can be had at the Amblesfile Tea Rooms or the West Lake Ski Camp, Preliminary Notice September 5, 1934, 1:30 p.m. Instructed by owner; I will sell a t the Auction Rooms, 2462 Marine Drive, Wesf'Vancouver, a collection of Antiques, Silver, Electro Plated, and Copper Goods, together with r uiTiiture. Full particulars in next week's paper. , J. S. BENNETT, Auctioneer1\* A n t^ tree tV Tir " Vancouver, Phone North 893R W ^t Vancouver, Phone West 55 4.U- pieces can.be taken in this, Sale by letting the Auctioneer know before Wednesday, August 29th. GEO. HAY For Snaps in Real Estate Notary PubHc.. Real Estate & Insurance (Esjteblished 1912) 1405 Marine Drive Phone West 21 or Seymour 1260 Eveningd; West '204X _,_.TJiere k - 2iow--good-trout-fish- mg at West Bay, also anglers have had good luck wdth flound­ ers near a sand bank located just outside the bay. GORDON ROBSON B arrister -- Solicitor WEST VANCOUVER-- ----- Office-No. 1447i-Marine^DMe Phone W est 403. 10 to 12. VANCOUVER O F F IC E - ^ Suite 601: 510 Hastings S t W. 'Phone, Seymour. 4199. 2 to 6.. A- fire alarm^was turned in ̂S ®®*"€where in the vicinity of West Bay.on Sunday evening. The fee brigade turned out, but found It was a false alarm. WEST BAY STORE 3398 M»rine M ve (Next to West Bay tib rary) B. J. BURFIEl® MH K ®' b r e a d a n d c a k e s , „ MILK, BUTTER AND EGGS, FR U IT A N D VEGETABLES, o . . P ^ ^ R T ^ E S , T O B A C C O ,° ^ c a E A M , CANDIES Quality and Satisfaction, Service with a Smile, Your Patronage Solicited Miss Gonnie Page, who has been spending the summer in the Interior^ has returned to her home a t 24th and Bellevue Ave­nue. . .exve- OPRN TK J INGLEWOOD HIGH SCHOOL . A t .- 31SL froa. 2 to 4 ■fteaday, September 4th, from 10 a jo . to '4 ^ JJndCT auspices o f Dun^EL^3SEsonJ3i^ter,-I,dDJ:^