West Van. News (West Vancouver), 23 Aug 1934, p. 3

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m is m &Wi i®8® *1 \ O n and * s .... gem m iix*$ i>Eiij0 9T01UE: , jll"ljg-'corrdacc^'i i r t 4 8 6 ^ « ^ between the B.C. Electric Omce and the Piggly Wiggly Store. We will appreciate your con tinued patronage. Si s I'VteltttMB ' ' ' . 1 .■•"•■•■■'■'Local and' Personal'-'-Ai; vExmamoN............ -IAime 2tSf SL ' ' rfISS s the d a in t y C M ! SiMffPE Home-made G ak^ and Paatrles SATURDAY SPECIAL--Cinnamon Rolls, 2doz. 25c STKWART, Prop. 1520 Marine Drive Phone Weat 614MBS. A. Mr. and Mrs. IV. Hawkes quitlam, is visiting her sister, " week* w'-̂ Sfrar̂ Petewh* 2285<-'*CkadtMS*Awi^ ir McCulloch, 1275 Gordon Keith Block, 16th and Marine Avenue, who is working a t Bus- they spent nine weeks. The truck in which he was riding w ater of the lake contains a skidded down a bank aJmost into n u m ^ r of chemical salts in sus- the Fraser River and then turn- pension, and Mr, Keith benciited ed "'upside down, Glen i^ e iv ^ ^ jojsjderably from bathing in it. an injury to his arm, w hich neo- While there President Roosevelt essitated a few stitches, but was W.OOO Jn Prices given nway Around the World Crulso Value'ffcOOO Hudaon 8ada»~-Elght D# Luxe Kudio Equipped. or' ..-- .- Hound Top to. Chicago World'a Fair via California - Kew York Value |1,500 Cash T r ip \ ■> f m i i Round Trip World Serlea BaaetNiU Uamea' ^ Value 1600 Caah. 50 Awards--Each valued |10 ca»h ' ^ ^ l , V ♦,'l i i ' i ■k Only holders of Special Privilet Tickets are eligible to pai'tic ipa^ Burrard Laundry Ltd. LAUNDRY SERVICEFORokfenhable DAVE ANDERSON, West Vancouver Kepre.sentative Phones--West 691L or North, 1310 arrived to take the cure for a few days. W. Gentleman of the munici­ pal hall staff is on his annual vacation. • .'.,1 The hewett auctioneers buys furniture p h o n e n o r t h 8 0 P r. G., .D, 3eale, dentist, from noWi on will be in a t t^ d - able to go back to work, driver escaped uniniured^ ;* • * , Miss Ola iMcl>an, who has been visiting in i Vancouver for the past few weeks, has re tum - ed to her home a t 2120 Bellevue The dogwood trees are said to 'Avenue, be blooming for the second time * ♦ ♦ ' this season,^ which according to,. , .Lyman.,,ToneA-^2nd,.and-Mar-- the Indians is a sign of a late ine Drive, is confined to his bed ^ali* with an attack of pneumonia. . ~ -- -- ------ ipa.« in Ihcso awards. Got your tlcicuta early from local atoroB, street salosmon, or direct from Advance SaloB Hoadquartors, 636 Q eor^a % 'co«vor, B.C. or Kxliibitlon HeadquartorB, Exhi­ bition Grounds, Vi rx:' 'ancouvor. a t t h e g a t e DO NOT PARTICIPATE. *rv«t itvwi v«t w«i uc ui avi.viiu- Mrs. C. Grady, 1895a Bellevue Mr. and JVIrs. Anderson, 'woh ^ • n *o* « i • v ance a t his W est Vancouver of- Avenue, returned on Saturday have been up coast, have return- tOnflUfi 1 flClilC tXfllDltlOII S1*ECIAL PRIVILEGE TICKETS 3 for $1.00. ' llHclr'tlrkof 'ir'if6bd""l:oi' "'onci' ii'd- mlBsion to tho grounds and two tickets good for one admission to K;p««dBtnnd any day during tho Exhibition. 1, Eagle Harbor Picnic Grounds, Teimis Courts, Bathing, Boating, Fishing, ' Tea-rooms, Sandy Beaches, Cottages for rent , lice in the Hay Block from 9 a.m. until 6 p.m. every day. Evenings by appointment. Miss' Neame, -who has been occupying, a house a t-1075 Duch­ ess Avenue during the summer, has returned to Vancouver. Quite a number of Badminton enthusiasts have recently enjoy­ ed their favorite game on R. P. from a short' visit to Seattle. ed to their home a t 1044 Esqui- ♦ * * m alt'Avenue. I. T. Meglaughlin, manager of ^ ̂ * * * ' ' th e B. C. Electric Company's . Mrs., Harkin, who has been store here, is taking the remain- ap^d ing the summer at^Whyte- der of his vacation this week. ' ^ ■ Miss Jean Watson • of the municipal hall staff,, has return­ ed to duty following her annual* vacation. « * 4< D. Crockett has returned from Ambleside L SPECK. Proprietor Sheet Metal Works Blower's double and single court on the grounds of his residence Galiano Island and is staying a t a t 1788 Fulton Avenue. Any the Clachan. ^ h o -w ish to play~will"be "wel--- ■ * come. cliff, returned today to Vancou­ ver. ♦ ♦ * Mr. and Mrs. Wilson Hand- ford and daughter Joan, of In- nisfail, Alberta, are the guests of Mrs. Handford's parents, Mr. and Mrs. George Bryan, 612 16th Street. Mrs. |=fhiIipJ0iiGliapfflaii= General Insurance Agent ' Fire, Automobile, Burglary, Accident and Sickness, etc; v 2557 King's AVe. Phone W. 42YSj; CONCRETE JOBS jPhone W est 84 You can't go wrong if TEAROE & SON --i-^-Db_YouiCCement Work Humphreys of__N or^ Mr. and Mrs. Lilly and family Tivnn Vniiov . nv/» ciimmoririor ^ 6 Hay Block, 14th and Marine Drive. Stratton's BAKERY Everything of the Best " in CAKES & PASTRIES, Christening, Birthday and Wedding Cakes made at 1468 Marine Drive Phone West 27 I,. f '. . t.. f . " U i'Ilf* %X k .1 »i o f Lynn Valley, are summering a t W est Bay. ,4! * iK -r Mr. and Mrs., Harry Walker of Chilliwack, B. C., are staying a t th e Clachan.. Fred Gillies of Vancouver, aged about 34, was instantly killed last Saturday afternoon while working on the land of the SIDEWALKS, DRIVEWAYS FLAGSTONJ^S Anything in Concrete Large or Small. , - 1474 Marine Drive iT heirM JB B B H Z to iB rm arS l-o lsciS ^^ ?lm'n Tmiiafflii Alhorfn nvAv ^hen the ^feam shovel, whichBlair of Innisfail, Alberta, are B.teaixi siiovei, wnicn viQit-inb- n TiiaiV ^33 assisting to adjust, sud-visiting their father, M, O. Blair, down- a bank and crushed him. I t is understood Sherman Store 1443 Marine Drive Ambleside 3900 Marine Drive -Berthar J-Gampbell 17th and. Bellevue Avenue. ♦ ♦ ♦ , Captain D. 0 . Lunn and Eng­ ineer R. W. Pyne of the ferry staff, are on their annual vaca­ tion. , " J . R. Allan of West Bay, has returned from a trip of several th a t the time-keeper; Archie Robertson, was-also knocked un­ conscious. At the inquest held a t 2 p.m. Tuesday, in the funeral parlors of- Harroh Bros. & Wil­ liamson, North Vancouver, a verdict was returned o f . acci­ dental death. The deceased is Phone West 243X3 " Phone=WMt 340 'Evenings7~West"143 Listings Wanted Real Estate« Finance Insurance --FOR RADIO- S A L E S - S E R V IC E See - ^ E dR S t'S RADIO ; G. M. GEMMILL North 525 West 37 --survived by^is-m other-and four Gulf Islands in his new bndge- brothers, all residing in Coquit- deck cruiser, which showed herr lain, self to^be an excellent sea boat, ^ ' * * ♦ * W ith him on7the" trip-w ere B iir '^Qeorgfe " Knowles, 559 14th § 5 ^ - ' --Street,--returned - on- Tuesday Cliff and Lee Hatfield;'s ♦ ♦ ♦ V E R N O N FEED S T O R E A. C, SEARLE Phone W est I Fertilizers of All Kinds Wood, Coal, . Builders' Supplies M arcel Shop Now in NEW QUARTERS ABOVE ROYAL BANK' 17th and Marine Mrs. J. Gavin Johnrton, Mrs. ' A. Walker and Mrs; Docherty, ' all of Vancouver ,are guests a t the Clachan.♦ ♦ ♦ . ■ Sergeant Freemantle, known throughout the whole^ Canadian Corps as "Rattlesnake Pete," arrived a t his home here last - Saturday from a visit to the east. While there he attended from a two weeks' visit with his grandm other in Victoria. OPENING SPECIAL "<^RS^^ING offers a Pigrnim ent W ave SpeciaikJTor $3 .00 for one month only. Better Facilities Every Convenience Phone West 304 IN ANY q u a n t i t y , q u a l i t y o r ! f o r m ALSO GOU) COIN OP ANY COUNTRY . Pacffic (bid S h e i^ 4 RefiniDg Co. Robson Street > , j : . Trinity 3588 FERRY EXCURSION TO KEAT'S ISLAND The West Vancouver Municip­ al Ferries are running!a cheap excursion by F erry No.' 6 to K eat's Island next Saturday, 25th instant. The boat will leave Ambleside a t 2 p . i r i . The fare for adults is 50 cents re- the 'Crea't Veterans' Reunion in tu rn and for children up to 12 Toronto, a t which were-present years of age 25 cierits. I t is re. -many thousand' returned men. quested th a t any intending to He-stated th a t Toronto, of which make the trip, get their tickets he was formerly a resident, early, as onlyyone hunderd and seemed to be quite active, while fifty c^iUiertssued. These tic- in Winnipeg things appeared to kets may be obtained from the hp v p rv aiiiet - - fe r ry office. About three hoursoe very quiet. ^ allowed on _the/island, A very delightful* and success-, where tea and coffee will be sup­ ful garden party and frolic was piied free by th^e committee in held last Wednesday, 15th inst- charge of the West V pcouver ant, in the grounds of Mr. and, Schwls Band, , who will return Mrs. George Newman, in aid of on the boat from the ir ten days St. Stephen'̂ Inglewood'Sunday camp. School. The guests were delight­ fully entertained by Mr;. W. Hill and Miss V. Gartner, more ppu- uarly known as "Lord Algy & Vi,' 'of CKWX. Also . Miss K. * Pollock and Master lUlph; Chat- urn, very clever pupils, of B^s. Hollybiirn Theatre FRIDAY and SATURDAY August 24th and 25th "ESKIMO (Acted entirely- by a tribe of Eskimos) '::Xh I i ' t ' t > ; ' " / '- ' MIs , I I t I ' '̂11 .. MONDAY and TUESDAY, August 27th and 28th MARIE DRESSLER and WALLACE BEERY În.'. DINNER AT EIGHT WEDNESDAY & THURSDAY August 29th;_and 80th LANNY ROSS in <5 M eloily in Spring also '̂ Meet the BaroIl^^ fi' !; t -I', ? V ri- ^ ! ' 'J *'«. J, I IXi.% !•» W ■ '.. J" ;(*£>. IW fijMi i'-t. <' Mrs. Forbes' Tea Room Foot of. Oxley Street West Bay Sea Front ICE CREAM, SOFT DRINKS, TEAS, TOBACCOS, CANDY Playgrounds, Sand Pile BOATS PHONE. FOR HIRE West 6ft8L2 -wkm • ' k Vi' , ̂i. 5" BOOK EXCHANGE The Duncan Lawson Chapter, I.O.D.B., are conducting a Book Exchange a t Inglewood , School ____ ________ _ on Thursday and Friday, August rE . F e r^ sso n , 'F.T.C.L.,, recited. 30th and 31st,'from 2 p.m. to 4 arid were in ,splendid form. One p.m. wppV pom- . of the most 'pleasing sigh ts w as the meeting of so many , "Old Timers." Messrs. Childs and Lowes supplied the rousing music fo r the evening frolic which was held under' prettily colored lighting on the lawns. and during th e 'week com­ mencing Tuesday, September 4th, from 10 a.m. to 4 ]p.m, "The children jare'asked to bring in all ■.their scliool books, if in good condition, which they do not need. New tex t books may also , be ordered^ □ WILL YQy SEE ? □ T H E- 2 p. m. 8 P* m. □ iR '/: i a : N ■ E T T S " A U G . 2 4 - 2 5 X730 Marine Dr. El . fI 'J !£■ riFV- ? I -:c: ' - ii"; jX i 'i X >' ; . ' f ' I-' t L N. .P. Kearns has moved into a house a t 1310 A r ^ I e Avenue. X i i w i I?