West Van. News (West Vancouver), 23 Aug 1934, p. 2

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I \, t' I ' *#«ri :my4$ ( i;:' T iar FWÎ ■ I?!?!-- i f l ^ r - lo ̂ ' m r̂MW-y- « * • f i l l - ly i ̂ ■ ' r' ^' i ■'Sil t I or '̂V-S s> v'f ? h S ks •< • k . I s > ■. raSTVAK VttmOCKttJBCB *SV milk «V'«4 .ii.̂ U il5 B M .t 7 tl$ jp4M._ Suoday School and Bihla QMHt 10 a«fn, Btranxvra A Vialtora Wakawa. H O L L n i n t t HWIWKWfH ifa I <afia4»k» rfu«T«WV- Htitih«awl-liNlaBaaa SUNDAY, A m tm $ m fO a.wiv' »i«»dtoy"SWhi)«(d'iw^ - Vottnr Mm% MU§ 43km SUNDAY B v m m a m tm , aOSI'Bi. ADDRESS Mft JOHN REID o# Motharwcth SeaitaaHi Subjact: . ■:" ̂ *a*S*tê ' RSfr-̂ if iaai 'EjamyaitaaMaŜ ' ""•'s nc isruEdi isw p sm , rcy^DAY, AVG, 28, at 6 p.m. Prayar and BlMa, Btedy. ■i**" UNITED CHURCH Rev, HilHs Wright ,Minister. W« have a complete line of Hummer Coametica, Call and aee the new ahadea In our Waterproof Powdera and Koujfea. Gwendolyn Beauty Shoppe ItM H . r i u DtiT. For aPPointmenta PHONE WEST 117 1 0 ; 0 0 a.m.--Sunday School and Bible Class. 11:15 a.m.--Morning Service. 7:15 |j,m.--Evening Service, The morning service at 11:15 will have as guest preacher a former minister in the person of Rev. Dr. Henry of Victoria, who i t o w S m ic o u v e b Sc t tH C t anHOB'-EDIFICB ^ 2#tli aMl E iiid ia if!. HtdlybarB """Thif"-|RNel»f^^ Branch of » T it HM«r Church Tlia W im % .C km th of Chrkt, Selanthit, in Boitoo,Ihb aa A <M ai aaEkkB ai A ̂ A ai iy*laiirki: lUSO a.i». Sunday, August 26, 1934, Subject: * ^ M I N I ) ' * Sunday School at 10:00 a.m. Testimony Maotlnir Wednesday a t 8:111 p.m. The public la cordially in> vited to attend our services and meetingi. S to re N o. 31 1414 M a i k e ' ■ '■ 31S .... . *wv. J7 1 . Jivuiy Ui Viuwnn. wiio BAPTIST CHURCH will take as his subject "Religion Pastor: Rev. H, P. Humphreys and Immortality." The preacher . PRICES EFFECTIVE FRIDAY AND SATURDAY, AUCUST R4|h and 25th TOMATO JUICE Aylmer, New pack, anall tiiu.....„,.«.^Bch 5c CATSUP -- Aylmer, 12 os. Iiottle.......... for 25c WHITE TUNA -- King Fancy, No. H tin.----------- --- ..... each I5c PINEAPPLE CUBES -- Birka fe t 27c SLICED PINEAPPLE ~ Birka •2 for 25c PUKE PLUM JA5I--Fraser Valley 4 Ih. t i n * . . . . 2 5 c Saturday only (Limit 3) MIRACLE WHIP -- 8'/: or. jar..... .............................. ...........each 17c JELLY POWDERS -- Max i mum ............................................................... .....8 for 10c COFFEE -- Max-i-imim................................. ::............ ....1.__ lb. 85c (;KAPENUT f l a k e s ........ ...................... ..... .................... pk*. 9c PEANUT BUITER -- Squirrel, built..................... ...............Ib. lOc SUGAR -- with 50c purclinse of g r ^ r i e s ....................... 5Hlba, 23c (Saturday only) JUMBO CARBOUC SOAP . .... ........... .......................... 3 ^ r lOc CALAY SOAP ............................................ ............... ............. bar 5c evening service will be Rev. N. W. V^itm ore, B.A a t Oh Re . Plndier Creek, Alberta. of We have pleasure in announc« ing that wo have inulalled T H E M A R IO N ETTE C ir c u l a t in g L ib r a r y ^ 0 Books are changed once S'P. ANTHONY'S CATHOLIC CHURCH 23rd & Inglewood Ave. Priest in Charge. ■ Rev. W. J. Millay, Residence : 2323 Inglewood Ave. Residence Phone West 240R. a month. Memberahfp Feet 60c per month. Sunday Se^lces Low Mass -- 8 :45 a.m. High Mass and Sermon ~ 1 0 :45 9:46 a,m;--Sunday School. 1 0 : 0 0 a.m.--Adult Bible Class. 11:00 a.m.--Morning Worship. Pastor will preach. 7:16^ p.m.--Evening Word:4f)>.._/ Pastor will preach. C Wednesday, 8 p.m. Mid\week Prayer Service. Thursday, Augu.st 30th, Nt̂ lie choir wiil assemble at 8 p.m. for their first rehearsal of the sea­ son. All members are asked t' 'be present; * 'W« reterv* tb t right to limit quontltlM. SAFEWAY STOKES UMITED D I S T RI BU T I O N WITHOUT WASTE AHBLESIDE PHAKNACY I CatechtoYnd^Bi^^^ OXFORD GROUl0 .̂ W. L. KEIl, Prop 1401 Marine Drive Phone Went 328 FREE. DELIVERY Vespers and Benediction Week-day Services Mass, daily -- 8 a.m, Fridays: ■f I' -7:30 HOUSE PARTY "'*4 . ^T hose unable" to .spend the ^^w hole. period a t the Oxford „ / Gi Rev. and Mrs. N. W. Whit­ more and their two daughters, of Pincher Creek, Alberta, have been occupying . the United Church manse on Gordon Ave­ nue during August. Mr; Whit­ more has been supplying the ^puIpit of West Vancouver Unit­ ed Church while Rev. Hillis Wright, accompanied by Mrs; Wright and Hillis Jr. has been CHURCHES-OP CHRIST, SCIENTIST DR. G. D, H. S E A L E D.D.8., L.D.S. DENTIST Hay Block, 14tii and Marlpe Dr, Olilca Iloora 8 to 0 p.m. Evaningfl by appointment. Phona Woat 72 Benediction, Rosary, Confess Group North Shore House Party sions -- 7:30. to be held a t Kingsley School ------ ---------------------------- : . frimi-Auguat_29th-to Seplember ST. STEPHEN'S CHURCH ' 1 st, and who plan to attend some Rector: sessions should get in, 4ouch Rev. F. A. Ramsey, L.S.T. Tom Lightly re transpor- 13th Sunday tation* Each day will be full of interest and a joyous time is J5. _OAO.ANT. D.Ci CHIROFRACTOR 2444 Marino Drive, Dundarare, 7 p.m, to 8 p.m., Mondays, Wed- noBdlnya and FrJdaya, Houao viaitH by' appointment. Residonco; 2308 Marino Drive: Phono West S40L. Vancouver Office: 712 Robaoii Scjt>mour 8700 August 26th after Trinity. interest and a joy............. 8 : 0 0 a.m.--Holy Communion. Anticipated. A strong team will 10 & 11:15 a .m .-^unday School residence with other visit- 1 1 :J5 a.m.---Matins & Sermon. speakers, and a daily record 7:15 p.m.--Evensong and Ser- be published, which will in- ------- monr-(Oxford-Group"Ser:^ or the next TiceT with witness t^m . day^TRiuse reserYafions should C. J. Overiagton PIONEER BARBER lijxpert Work " "^■14tlrand'^Marihe^^ Phono West 136 Fellowship half hour a ft­ er Service. SI. Froncis-in-the-Woods, Caulfeild Sunday, 9:45 a.m.--Holy Com­ munion. . The SunVlay School fall ses­ sions are beinlf arranged. Chil­ dren who have been away or those thinking of joining are asked to . come this Sunday or the-nesetr---------- -̂-------------------- be madethrough Mrs. Howard, 60 Lonsdale Avenue, North Van­ couver. Local groupers will be glad to give other information. "MIND" is the sulyoct of the Lesson - Sermon .which will be read in all Churches: of Christ, Sciehtist, b n S The Golden TextCw "Who hath known the mind of the ..w e... ............ wo vw wwo K.WWW counsellor. For of Him, and spending the month in exchange ̂ through Him, and to Him, are at his former charge in Pincher dll th ings: to whom be glory for Creek. -* ever." (BomanB 11: 84,36). ------------------------------------------ Among the citations which comprise the Lesson - Sermon is the following from^: t^^ Bible: "Be not this world: , but be by the renewing !t)f^your hiind, that ye may prove what is that good, arid acc^tab le , and per­ fect, will of God." (Romans 1 2 : - 2 ).. --T he--Lesson-Sermon-also-in-- cludes"" the' following passage CARD OP THANKS Mrs. A. MacAulay, 1618 Esquimalt Av«nue, wishes to express her heartfelt thanks to all those who by their donations made it possible for her. son Alexander, to go to Hamilton, . and'also to Reeve Leyland, the IVest Van News, and others who helped in the collection of ~~tĥ ~ funds." ~'T_ CARD OF THANKS Mrs. J. C. McDougall of Cal­ gary, and Mrs.- Mathieson of -Capilano, were entertained on Monday by the Misses Steven­ son, 25th and Bellevue Avenue. Mr. and Mrs. E. J. Murray, 25th and Ottawa Avenue, wish to- convey their most sincere thanks to each and every donor ■ to the fund through which their son Jim was able to go to Hamilton, as well as to Reeve Leyland, the West Van News and any-who assisted in collect­ ing money for the fund. Mrs. E. Sparham of Vancou- vcr. h y taken a hpu8 e_at 1215 T ly d e 'A v en u e r~ zl:;--*11-- Eitabliahcd on North Shore 20 Yeare. (I^dy Aaalatnnt) IIARRON BROS. & WILLIAMSON l^iiiieral Birectors North Vancouver Parlors 1 2 2 West Sixth Street Phone North 134 Vancouver ParlonjK Mrs. Sam' Vicker and children, who have been spending the past month at the Blue Di'agon _Inn,--Horseshoe--Bay,--have-f€-- -turned-toHthe-tity^ from the Christiaii Science text­ book, "Science'^ arid Health with Key to the Scriptures" by Mary Baker Eddy : "A knowledge of the Science of' being develops the latent abilities and possibil­ ities of man. I t extends the at­ mosphere of- thought, giving mortals accesri to broader and higher realms; I t raises the thinker into his native a ir of in- -sighirandT)erspicacity'."; 'p r l^ 8 )"~ BIRBEKEIK MD9CU KWDmAirmi Rc-Opening September 4ih. B U I L D I N G D R A W I N G . D R A M A tiC S ChUdren learn indirectly, without strain, through music, Bto'ries, - pictures, games and natural^tmoaphere. 2S81 Bellevue Ave., Altamont Phone West 75Y3 THREE POUNDS OF BUTTER - 9 0 ^ 55 Tenth Avenue East -----Phone-FaiivlS 4 Ym - mm mm i V THE West Van News Publltkeil Every Thursday i l i i . s. Fttbllaher F. F , LOVEGROVE Phone West 333 Btttinem and Editorial Office: 17th and Marine Drive (Next to Hollybum P. 0 .) Phemo West 363 Malt Addreaa: P. 0. Box 61, RoUybttm, RC -^t'^tnar (̂ ])(tontessori School ' * 2078 Gordon Avenue Kindergarten, Rhythm, Singing and Folk Dancing Fall Term atarts September 4th "■ P r in d p a t-M m m : Crickmay ̂ Phone W m 2 4 4 R : n ■ I r c i I S I \ fu f . E C F H ■ k v i l ̂ A WE 1 1 } : i 1 £K i r N orth Vancouver Office; 123 Lonsdale Ave. 11.00 a year by carrier; 13.00 a ym r b y " " Established 1926 Kindergarten to Matriculation Elocution - IT NCVCR WTHT UP- M usic - Gymnasium . Dancing M U TERM OPENS SEPTEMBER 6th : ^«o»P«-tAUon for small children. P R I N C I P A L » M IS S L D U R B IN IttSYirUlM ttn tp tiKYtsmm An average family in Vancouver pays about two-thirds as .much for electricity as it does for butter. Just another comparison to show what a trifling amount.isi paid for the ever-present convenience of electric service for lightlngi/ ̂ cooking, heating, cppiirig, washing, cleaning and radio. Y -* iu ~ .s u. , , '^ u. h» » h, . . h»:oi.umbia electric railway co : ltd. lifS liili 1 ' < fi-'.. ........................ "/Z Sift mm is'ft; 'li "•eVV ,l ?T . 'r 'ft- ftM -C ' '