m m im9 *̂1 m w « t ,y i P*c 'V ̂ ; **■ ', * ■"*■' r SVIMMI l »jfte' ■ T ' * 100 B # if i^ |B«iti"ti"0<j0 ""*"*""1181 18UI. ( ,rr •mrnf. «■« ' ,i' at iil^ h t « i' n ir lH ^ V ie w 'llii^ :,C ta ib ' Ra,v Nioolls and hia ̂ Orchestra Free Timidspoctation from, AmblesidaioPUCTilMlli to Bonce and return as far as West Bay *A| . ♦ n̂M.Xs4j ■ iA'rfWV*~ r * - " *, 'it vS'HS. 'MS I a i ' ■' " ... t f M ■ a iO E O ilt llO N A son was bom Saturday e¥«- GemmilFs Drmr Stcsro itiu oe -'»inir"at-th«-l<N>rth' General Homital to Mr. and Mrs. u t at lB86^ ,M«rine ^ W. E. M a % t m Fulton Ave. tJJrT $5 ,000 i n Vrour /'aluft •w a y ipw- f 4<SPrv>»w-w 4- ̂ t V! ■i ̂n ̂ Ht-A mm • * and the Pi Mr. and Mrs*£ , C. Morris and They ask fo .,„ .. _____ _ ^ dauaht^, SlatBtreet, are movw nonage of the imbUo w lii i w yttJTc m uv ronage oi ine imoito wnaii they mg to Vancouver, where they move to their new location in ejjpect to reside in future. 0^ $ « K Store.I...... )w location which will also be the HoUyl)| Around tho Wortd Crulio HudMn^^SlL^ D« Luxo Public Mn and Mm. H. Kingston and ment r^ ti^ iT o this api ^ughter, who have motorjd An adi in i«*rw*K,î (■'/* u > Burrard La\indry Ltd V A E T M S 'M l'ty 'Cli|||iijnken^JLiinh Obr Jm MMMm Ja 9ISiflab:,-af nw»<BiFORDFFBNUA-BLK I ((■ 1*1 DAVE A N D ER SO N , West Vancouver Representative^ Phones--West 691L pr North 1310 here from Buffalo, N.Y., are vis iting Mr. and Mrs. A. Stephen son, 12th and Duchess Avenue. Mrs. Kingston, is a sister of Mrs. Stevenson. *< «r, 4t this, issuer: . V t '•♦f <•. Radio Iktuipped. or Round Trip to Chteago Worid*s Pair via California - Now York VrIuo 11,600 Caah. Round Trip World Sorlea Baioball Games Value $800 Cash. 60 Awards--Each valued $10 cash ■ '1 ̂ *' ̂ ; .1 Only holders of Mrs. Peter Giovando and her son Lawrence of Vancouver, am Udai Tickets aro oltjdhlo to partictpa^ irour ticket Spending a holiday with Miss 0. Dowal, 1866 Clyde1866 Clyde Avenue, a • ♦ in these awards. Get your tlckota early from local stores, streA salesmen, or direct from Advanoo Sales Hcadouartera, 5S5_QflorgIa ............. Vs A son was born last Sundaj D. J. Crockett, who has been staying at the Clachan, is spend- liano Is- Bruce Hamilton; 2193 Argyle NEW T B ^ TO returned from ' naay morning to Mr. and Mrs. \v. __ _________________ , Rae, 14th and Duchess Avenue, ing a vacation < on Galiano In the North Vancouver General land. Hospital ̂j ̂ ̂ i$i i$i ̂ I ̂ ̂ i Mr. and Mrs. G. Bulkley of and Mrs. A. Cromar "Dreamy Nook," 26th and Belle St., W., Vnncouver. B.O. "or Kxhibitlon Headquarters, 1 bltlon Grounds, Vancouver. 1)0 NOT PARTICIPATE. Mr, Avenue, has Knight Inlet. WEST VAN Sbeet Metal Works Phone West 39 Furnace and Range Repairs, Sawdust JBujrMrs......... .. mcrTTXTrhnrk snd family, 2130 Argyle vue Avenue, have left THUNDER CANYON Avenue, have returned from a weeks'holiday In Portland, Ore- TiiT n u. " '.,1, > motor, trip'up. the Cariboo. gon, with their daughter and J?®^®8er of the * e ♦ son-in-law, who have been their West Lake Ski Cami^ has open- President L, C. Reid and Dr. guests here. „. ed up a trail from West Gordon Vance, life saving in- * ♦ * on structor of the West Vancouver Mrs. E. J. Body has moved SPECIAL PRIVILEGE TICKETS 3 for $1.00. ISach ticket is'good for one ad mission to the grounds and two tickots good for one admission to grandstand any day during the Exhibition. Canada PacifiG Exhibition Stratton'a BAKERY HEWETT a u c t i o n e e r s ; " BUYS FURNITURE PH O N E N O R T H 8 9 ' Gany< v.̂ k...*...- ..^erfaUiat i t f mouths K is reached ming Gala last week, where * .♦ * W the new trail from the West President Eeld acted as judge Mrs. L. C. Reid and family of Lake Ski Camp., . of 'the,B. C. Diving Champion- "The Gables," West Bay, left on ships and Dr. Vance judged the Tuesday to spend a short hdli- B.XhsMile -C ham pionships..day^^^^^ T he trtphies to be competed --̂ r:Tiex1rSaturdaY^t"thePaciilc and" famfly7T.844 Argyle TAW Coast International Outdoor nue, returned bn Monday ey E agle Picnic Grounds, Tennis Courts, Bathing, Boating, Fishing, ■ Tea-rooms, Sandy Beaches,. • Cottages for r e n t . AUGUST SALE Many Bargains to choose from îSftLE5._$20J)p_jjp__ MANTEL SETS $29.50 up FO R ST'S R A D I0 G . M. GEMMILL - W est 87; - 1402'Marine Drive ! Everything of the Best in CAKES & PASTRIEp, Christening, Birthday Wedding Cakes ̂ -madeatr Sheet Alefal L. SPECK. Proprietor Works Philip C. Chapman General Insurance Agent Fire, Automobile,̂ Burglo^,' Accident and Sickness, , etei.. ~ 2557 King's AVo. Phone W. 42Y8 - Now in NEW QUARTERS -- ABOVE-ROYAL-BANK- ~ ;17th"and"Mariner V--' MarceLShop Swimming Championships at ipg from a two weeks' holiday Duhdaraye. Pieir 'are on display at Victoria and Qualicum Beach, in the windows of Gemmill's.-!/ ̂ * ♦ .* D rugstore. ^ Miss Sheila Powell, 25th and * * * Lawson Avenue, has returned 1468 Marine Drive Phone West 27 1": .V 1;.: V. Nightingale, a former pion- from a short visit with friends eer resident but now of Lillooet, in the city, bringing with her was in West .Vancouver this .Miss Betty Brown of Vancouver, week. ' ' who will be her guest for a----- ----------------------------- ---- ---- ^---- -------------- I rr :M IMrs. CX 'JrSf€w*Ertr"1346 Gor- OPENING SPECIAL MRS. KING offers a Perm anent W ave Special fo r $3;00 don Avenue, has'moved to Van- Mrs. J. ,H. Smith and daugh- couver and will, " leave next ter Valerie, 992 20th Street,_arji?_ month-for Scotland.,- ̂ rived home on Monday after a . " ♦ stay of one week in Banfield Adjutant I^rgaret Stratton with Mr. and Mrs. E. C. Bolin, of the Salvation Army, who has going there from Qualicum been spending her annual vaca- Beach.- tion with her parents, Mr. and for one month only. ; Better Facilities Every Convenience P h o n e W est'304 Mrs. J. M. Stratton,' 1468 Mar- DELEGATION GOES ____ _ ine Drive, left last w ^ k to take TO VICTORIA over her new duties in Regina, . --------- . to which city she has been As a result of .the joint meet- transferred from Calgaryi - ing of the councir and the un- IW .S av o iy 1443 Marine Drive < Ambleside Phone West 340 Evenings, West 1'43 y,..e♦ ^ . Real Estate Finance ahd Mrs. Forbes' Tca Room Foot of Oxley Stneet W est Bay Sea F r ra t ICE CREAM, SOFT DRINKS, TOGAS, TOBACCOS, CANDY Playgrounds,' Sand Pile BOATS PHONE. V FOR H IR E : „ W est 698L2 * # ŝc - employed a joint delegati^ left --~The"South~Vancouver~Brahch ~for--VictoriaTuesdays-evening to ■ of the Canadian Legion held a discuss relief- matters with the picnic on Wednesday; o f last government. The delegation week at ■" Ambleside Park and was made up of Reeve'Ley Beach. Mayor Lj> D. Taylojr of Councillor R. Fiddes, Mrs. R. P* Vancouver was preserit'and pre- Steeves, M.L.A. elect, and Grant sented the prizes. MacNeil. * 0 .'■♦j-' , .. ' Mr. and Mrs. 8Pred Vass of Montreal, are the guests of Dr. COUNCIL NOTES K ew Beach B a tin g , l^ating. Fishing Summer ̂ Cottages Marine Dr. West Vancouver MineraLSRrmg on the property ; Sherman Store 3900 Marine Drive Bertha J. Cambb ÎI ' P h o n e W est 243X3 SPi8.8- VERNON F E E D 8 . 68' A C. SBABLB Phone W est 9 Fertilizer of All Kinds t '<> Wood, Coal, Builders' Supplies and, Mrs. W. H. Vass, Radcliffe Wm; Matheson et al presented ' Avenue, having motored here a petition to the council re con-. from that city. Mr. Vass is "a dition of Keith Road between^ brother of Dr. Vass. 11th and 3rd Streets. They , were : -.*■-* advised that owing to lack of Mr., and Mrs. - Bob Bell, 17th funds the council regretted that, yandEsquimalt Avenue, left, here n o tin g further could be done- on Saturday to spend a holiday on Keith Road at present, but 8 at Lillooet. . that their request would be home * ♦ ♦ . in. mind and, should it not be. The Salvation Army held & found possible to do anything " big picnic yesterday, at Amble- more this year, a .recommenda- side Park. ' " tion would be made to the in- , * ♦ , coming council that the improve- Mrs. C. Grady, 1895a Bellevue ment already begun be extended Avenue, is spending a few days at the first opportunity, this week visiting in Seattle. HoHybura Thisatre FRIDAY and SATURDAY August 17th and 18th EDDIE CANTOR ------- ---------- Itr-- -- ------ "Roman Scandals'̂ _ajsp._ Underneath the B^o^dway Moon " MONDAY and TUESDAY, August 20th and 21st ELIZABETH BERGNER and DOUGLAS F ^B B A N K S in CATHERINE THE GREAT also " The CHINA SHOP " WEDNESDAY & THURSDAY August 22nd and 28rd SIR GUY STANDING i in 'Tbje Double Door' also Laughing a t Life." I - 1: ■ 8 ' . p i ' ̂f I ' ̂ i : f J ̂ i ' TEAROE & SON I f ? Concrete Contractors Cement Floors Garden Walks Lily Pools Gravel and Cement I l f in i's 1474 Phone Marine Drive West 84 : J m M ■* ; 1 4 : w ' .8 7r ' 1 ' -4' ' m jf q u a n t it y , q u a l it t y o r f o r m PadHc W S o il^ l Refoing Co. l iliit ty 3688600. Mrs. Brock and family of Bassano, Alta., and . Miss Amy Wilson of Edmonton, are stay ing at the Clachan, . ♦ !♦ ' Mr. and. Mrsi Hardy and family, 10th and^Mathers Ave nue, have moved to Ocean Falls. J. R. Allan of West Bay; wijth 'Bill Grout and Ted. Grey;, has gone for a few days' cruise, in his fine new bridgerdeck cruiser which'he recently bufit at West* Bay, and which was launched last week. - i. Mr, and Mrs, Tom Hamilton, 1296 Duchess Avenue/, received news of the death of Mr. Hamil-^ to^ s yo,ungest sitster Scot, la n d ..•I J ̂ A , M O V I N G .. . On and after September 1st, GEMMILL'S DRUG STORE virill be conducted at 1586 Marine Drive between the B.C. Electric Office and ̂ e Piggly Wiggly Store. ■ Wo will appreciate your continued patronage. *-7*--. 4 4 ,1 ? f 'i' ■Viff i ' 3 ' ' V t >',£ 'i i ' i Unemployed Picnic SSwR August 17 Boat leaves F e i^ Wharf at 9.80 and 11.80 a.m. ̂ Bus at.lO a.ni. TBA^ CbFEEB, SUGAR A«a>r i0 E CREAM SUPPLIED BOATING------- FISHING- -SWIMMING- -DANCING RIUURN FARE 25c. - Tickets at whaif Friday 9 a.m. or phone West 68E2 ....... mmMin 5if̂ ...F JS f' -m - '4'^ u; ' f >1 * f />' r ' m y i'V