w m m m ' litis lum# Till pm* SitfiSty School and Bihla C3aat |( Vlilitnni WtrihMNBli* BttJiday Sdio^ and Um*» BiU« Oaiw, X J ;y: If'¥1" ^ o r Q a l a ^ a y s H Aft im m la f Una nl tfiAmiiSl rltijrloi rolli, ift an Idial mod# lor th« Bporta woman --* aS worry when you em erge from tbo wavoi, J m t ran tba eomti through your hair and you aro roady for the BagaUa Dflttco. 10 a rm. young siiN »A T ^ w w f»irH "*fat; odiPEi^ s m n c M to hi tahan Sy MIt X K K McLABKH of Yimimv$r Subject c ^FmittdMtkum of the Faltli** UNITED CHURCH Kov, Hiliis Wright ,Minigter. Gwendolyn Beauty Shoppe IMS Marina Drhra For apnointnanta FHONB WEST 117 10:00 a.m.--Sunday School and Sibie Claaa. ir i f ) a.m,~Morning Service. 7:jr> p.m.--Evening Service. ~ StrangerH and visitors wel come. CmftOl KUIFICE 'Hotlyhims m ttila Baeiiiy' « Branch of Tha Mother Church t h t Ffrat Church of Christ, idantiitr in Boston, , | |lg ||c h u t« tts Saadtf Eartke; U:80 ••*«* S u n d A y , Attgu.><t 19, 19G4 Subject: , "SO U U *' Sunday School at 10:00 a.m. Testimony Meeting Wednesday , . ,a t 8 :ie p.m. 'Store ̂ No;'~31t PRICES EFFECTIVE FRIDAV AND SATURDAY, A U iS m I7 th and igth FItAHER VALLEY b T R A W W ^ fjA M L '^ ll^ ^ tin each .................. ORANGE MARMALADE -- -Aylawry^titaae .g la ^ "|ne. RED ARROW CUEAM CRACKERS •each 23e Phg. i$t ••*•«•**•* ***<***•«*»•«< w M H N w *e*< r##i The public u cordially in vited to attend 0»r aervicoB and meetings. Wo have pleasure in announc ing that we havo InitaUad s t : a n t h o n y ŝ c a t h o l ic CHURCH 23rd & Inglewood Ave. Priest in Charge. THE MARIONETTE C ir c u l a t i n g l i b r a r y The Books aro changed once rge. Rev. W. J. Millay, Rosidmicc; 2323 Inglewood Ave.igie JD'.sideiice Phone west 240R. a month. Membership Fc«; 80e per numtli ANBLESM PHARlMCY W. L. KBB, Prop 1401 Marine Drive Phone W«si 328 FREE DELIVERY Sunday Services. Low Muss -- 8;46 a.m. High Mass and Sermon -- 10:45 Catechism and. Bible Class--3:00 Vespers and Benediction--7:30 Week-day Services daily •-- 8 a.m. * ' Fridays: ̂ Benediction, Rosary, Confes sions -- 7:30, Engagement Mr. and Mrs. S. J'ritchard, 869 East 18th Street, Vancouver, an nounce the engagement of their elder daughter, Marjorie, to Mr. Thomas F. Tuniei-, eldest son of .Mr. and Mrs. T. B. Turner of West Vancouver. 3'he wedding will take place on Thursday, September ^ th . COFFEE -- Nabob ........ TEA -- MaX'i*n>um PEAS'-- Aylmer, Sieve 5, N**!* 3 tiftu. TOMATO or VEGEl'ABLE 8 0 U P -- Aylmer.____ _____ SARDINES -- King Oscar KIPPERED SNACKS -- CCC ....................... ___________ CORNED BEEF - Jjhby's, N o , I tin.....;..;......____*.....«...each 9c CATSUP -- Aylmer, 12 oz. bottle........................... 1............. 25c DATES -- Golden Suir .....^ ................................. ............ JUNKM' POWDER or {FAIBLETS ________ ___________ pkg. 9c each 3c lb. 35c --!»'lb. 42c 8 for 25c .2 for I3c each 10c each 4e SOAi» -- P. & G. TOILET TISSUE -- Sable . *4 *• > • •• •> 4 • •• 8 rolls 25e W« reserve Uie right to lliuit quuiUti«g. DISTRIBUTION SAFEWAY STORES LIMITED gftorgL WITHOUT WASTE Bell ■-- (leggies A pretty wedding was solem nized at 8 p.m. Friday. August 10th, in the . West Vancouver United Church, when Phyllis CHURCHES OF CHRIST, SCIENTIST DEATH DP R. C. PROCTER It -li- 4. ...■ ■ ■ '*i i D R : G. D . H , S E A L E D,p.S„ L.D.8 , DENTIST Hay Block, 14th and Marine Dr. Office Houra 9 to 6 p.m. Evening* by appointment. Phone. Weat 72. ST. STEPHEN'S CHURCH -Rector:- .............. Rev. F. A. -Ramsey, L.S.T. A GALLANT, D.C. CHUtOPRACTim 2444 Marino Drive, Dundaraye, 7 p.m. t o 8 p.m., Mondaya, Wed- newlaya and Fridays. -House--visits--by -appolntmentr Residences 2308 Marine-Drive; Phono West 346L. Vancouver Officoi 712 Robson Seymour 8790_____ _ 8:00 a.m.--Holy Communion. . 10 & 11:15 a.m.--Sund^ School 11:15 a.m.--Matins & ^rmon. 7:15 p.pi.--Evensong and Ser mon. "SOUL" is the subject of passed? Lesson - Se^ on which will be A"!Vay 66th ̂ . , , . aJJ Churches of Christ, 'y^ar after a" long illness. The' Harriet Susan, only daughter of Scientist, on Sunday, August 19. deceased was one of the pionwr Mr. and Mrs. K. B, Bell, 1231 The Golden Text is: "Cause rpairionfa nf Woaf ̂ ^ Marine, West Vancouver, be- me to hear Thy loving-kindness Ĵ .®®/«ents of W est. Vancouver, cameithe brideof Mr. John Mur- in the morning; for in Thee dp "Ving Here up to a few years ray Geggie, younger son of Mr. i trust: cause me to know the ago, when he mdved to Vanwu- way wherein I shouldLwallL;: for L always took a great int*' I lift up my soul unto Thee/' (Psalms 143: 8). Among the citations' which comprise the LesSon - Sermon is the following- from the Bible: and Mts. J. R.' Geggie, 2596 8th Avenue, Vancouver, Rev. N. W: Whitmore officiated:;-------- ---- Given in marriage by her father, the bride looked charm ing in an ankle length shell pink gown of heavy silk crepe with white accessories and carried a efest "in :~the:^municipality, of which he was reeve in 1923, and in the latter, part of his resid ence in the municipality was police commissioner. For many l l r b o u q u e t S b S l i^ses and lilyt of-the-valley. Her maid of hon- gntion will be welcome. --^SL-FranciB-in-tlie-Woods,- ----------------CauIfeUd-- ------ valley B Mis who wore a becoming frock.of saved thee."' (Luke'18: 41, 42). the city, later becoming. B. C. | ..8reĵ _̂ajgd__whitê ĥ̂ ̂ ___ jrheLLea&on_=_Sermon-also-in-__manager-forAJohnlF.--Mahon,-a/ m th_m a® ing acce8S0ne's.-her--eludes--the--following--passage--British-capifaIist.-r^The-deceasedr corsage being o^sweet peas and from the Christian Science text- is survived by., his wife, two to k , "Scienceoand Health, with sons, Frederick M. and Peter,! -Key-to-dJie-Scriptures"; by Mary and one - daughter, SusanTTif Baker Eddy: "Sight, hearing, resident in Vancouver. The! all the spiritual senses of man, funeral services in Vancouver are eternal. They cannot be lost. : last Saturday "were attended by Their reality and immortality I^eve Leyland and all the sui l̂ are in Spirit and understanding, viving ex-reeves besides otheff not in matter,--hence their per- local residents. Interment was manence." (p. 486). made in Ocean View Cemeteiy.: . S . "M eX ra" o f \ ^ " o n ^ ^ c e Y w t h r f a i t h 'h S h ^ h o n r s p '& S iir F p r b it o "What wilt thou that I shall do years an officer of the British unto thee ? And he said,' Lord, Mercantile Marine, he gave up that I may receive my sight, the sea,. and became a partne And Jesus said unto him. Re- in the pioneez:̂ financial house c BAPTIST CHURCH Pastort Bevr-H;^Huinphreyfl -- O phelia roses. The. groom was s^upported by b̂-is brother, Mr. C. J. Overiagton PIONEER BARBER Export Work 14th and Marine Phono West 13^ --------- Receiving the, guests at the 9:45 a.m.--Sunday School. reception held at the home of 10.00 a.m*--^Adult Bible Class. the bride's parents was Mrs. Ri. 11:00 a.m.--^Morning Worship.. Bellrwho cliose black chiffon for Preacher: Rev. H, Harris her gown, and Mrs. J. R. Geggie 7:15 p.m.-- Â band of-students in a chiffon and lace dress of from the Vancouver Bible midnight blue, both wearing cor- School .will conduct the sage bouquets of ophelia roses ̂ si Funeral Designs Weddingancl" Presentation Bouquets expertly made. " " West V a n F l o r is t 18th A Murine Phone West 305 service. Wednesday, 8 "p.m. -- Mid-week >r^er service Iqd by Mr. ' JEL-Holdcroftr-- .-------f k- Getobtlsheit on North Shore 20 Yearn. (Lady Aaaintoitt) HARRON BROS. & WILLIAMSON ' jFunerai Ulrrctors Engagemfni M t, and Mrs. Robt. William son, 1796 East 41st Avenue, an nounce the engagement of their eldest daughter Barbara Bain, to Mr. Frank E» Colpitta, eldest son and sweet peas. The rooms were beautifully decorated with a profusion of garden, fiowers-and the bridal table was centred with a large three-tier wedding Cake. Among the guests were: Mr. and Mrs. J. R. Geggie, Mr. and Mrs. Leckie, Mr. and Mrs. H. Woolstone, Mr. and , Mrs. N. Jessiman, Mr. and Mrs. Rt Wt^ of MDr. and Mrs. F. P, Colpitts, 1288 Fulton Avenue, West Van- North Vancouver Parlors^ 122 West Sixth Street Phone North 184 Vancouver Parlors 55 Tenth Aveniio East Phone Fair. 184 couver. The wedding will take place late in September at the h b ^ of the bride-elect's par ents.; . BASEBALL Froud, Mr. and Mrs. R, B. Bell, Mrs. M. Allwork, Mrs. L. Bart lett, Mrs. J. McMillan, Mrs. L. Reynolds, Mrs.. Lester-Taylor; the Misses R. Hill, P. Neale, N. Searle, C. Thomas, G. Hodge, G. Creelman, B. AUwork, M. Bar- nott, L. Walls, E. Baird, N. Mc^ W est , Vancouver Juniors took ^ * ^I'^chin; and Messrs, the third game from V.A.C. by U' H. ^Thompson K. a"score of 5-4. This makes the L. Patey. series total tw o for V.A.C. and one > for West Vancouver. The and W. Impitt, and Ah'S. Geggie are mot- SALLE A QUALITY W A S H E R You caniBmaiiiiwiwi THE by scores of 8-0 and 44 . The ganze.was close all the beginning r r CfAs r £ S B 2V S o f th e seviepth being 44 . w S locals ,lost the first two games oring south for their honeymoon K------ -------- - » and on their return will reside Check these points of'ouathv' anywhere near «s price Vancouver. ° . . •t^ual the quality of the new La Salle i i^ h e r e in Miss Mackay of Fort Langley, who has been the guest of Mr. PehiiAsd Brary Xhaeaday b r i e ! * ? ^ ' PnUfslier F. Fa L0VE6R0VE Phone West S$3 BuriiuM and BdUorial Offica; ITtli and Marinn DHtu. (Noxt to BoUyburn P. 0.) Pheme West 363 Malt Addreaa: ̂ _ P* O. Box 61, Bollrirarn, RC. . The next game will be played inth^eity* ' ^ Ntvlii Vancouver Office; 123 Xioxisdale Ave, friends for a ihotor trip in the south as far as Mexico. DAINTY SHOPPE H om e m ade Cakes and P istr ie s S i^ ia l for Friday and Saturday SaasaaeJtoUs - ; 35c a dozen Proprietress 1S20 JM r̂inc-Drive Pheme West 514 1. Large fanaiy^size tub,...self dialning Z.^Armco rust.proofsteeL - r 3. ^1-porcelaIn enamel finish 4. Ihre^vane agitator 5. Pow&fnl shielded m otor 6. Oversize roU wringer with bat release \ APPUAKICE STQRfiS it: - ■> BIA ELECTRIC RAILWAY CO. ............