West Van. News (West Vancouver), 9 Aug 1934, p. 3

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-' -;!••. ' , „ .,} , v-,' -1 ' : h * -- ..- i_. . ' ■■ m m unm i M*ewew» Mil wilawwiMii iM iwitlMlMiWiiiii wiMMiwWli Burr , ,%.r msT' . DKi'ENUABLE DAVE ANDE ,PE03 HBpresentfttive stwii'•>»vr T* -<r r « ^ ' - Dr. eimL 4. »lWt .\., , • ' .,< iiiiiiiiiiBîiiiMWiliilpiWIWii ■'U';?Pi ? WEDNESDAY, AUIL 1 5 ^ kt 9 .3 <) a.mv~A.wS#W :f}, FREE TEA, SUGAR AND CREAM 'V ik K ^ s ': ,? ! Q o .' " ,, HMillMl E. A,."'H|e ton, 2193 A j ^ k Avenue. ' '"' i f * B, R o b e r ^ of Va<ncauver, has moved Into a huose a t 1175 Ducheas Avenue.■ ^ t 4 Hi* h* Mr. and Mr«. E. L, Wasson and daug^hter, arrived last Thursday in Vancouver from Carcross, B.. C., by aeroplahe, o f ' A son was l^ m "'̂ '8 1 l | 'i< l ly pital to Mr. and Blw,^ J a ^ £«1- more, - <neo' IW e- Haywood Avenue. f ■■ W i- ̂ ̂̂ » 4 Mr. and Mrs. E iuott Yfmmix and daughter, have wlsUrhed to their home .in '^ y M ty '̂ idfter spending the month of Id ly at West Bay. A daughter was bom on^lst Mrs. Wasson with her daughter instant to Mr. and Mrs. H. A. condng over here to spend a few Atkinson, 1876 Marine Drive, at days with her:>arents, Mr. and St. Paul's Hospital, We are many ww waB® O IB ER Y ■ lf*V . " VliMBlNHIMnkaVA ̂ HAVE YOU TRIED ITT Geffliniirs Dins Store Thf Store of Strftee. 1403 Marine Drift ' W««t 87 or Weet 607 Em«rf«nejr Phone Weer 811 (After 10 p.m.) WMMhiMl Mis . M, O. JonesJ- 13th and Clyde Avenue* She will later Miss Campbell,. 2485 West Vancouver Amateur Swimming Club i i r - r - r - i i r -- 1 ^ Pacific Coast SWIMMING Outdoor i at Dundarave Pier, 2 p.m. ^ tu rd a y , August 18th. Adults, 35c; Children ynder 14 years, 10c. 100 Reserved Seats a t 60c . O PP IC IA L^REG A T TA B A N C E at night at Harbor-View Bance Club New Cotton Pickers ' Free TransportaQon from. Ambleside Orchestra to Dance arid re tu raas-fa r as West Bay join her husband in Seattle, Marine Drive, left last Thursday where he is having his aeroplane for Elnora, Alta., on a Visit to re-cngined. Little Miss Wasson her parents. She expects to be is probabljr pne of the most "air^ away until some time in\Sep- conscious" children in the World, tember. having in h e r few short years . * ̂ ^ .of life travelled over 5,000 miles- Mr. and Mrs. Grant of̂ w by aeroplane. ' Lonsdale are staying At M ill,v W e s t 'B a y .'■ tv a v .ii- f Mrs. C. B* Messinger and ♦ ♦ * , daughters o f the Holly burn Mr. and Mijs. R. P ^ of Block, 16th and Marine Drive. Vancouver, a^e occupying ^ have returned from a holiday in sMte a t the FVjrtunê ^̂ fVictoria.":v.;.':;^o"4. * * *. Miss Winnie Brealiey has _______ Captain and Mrs. A. S. Law- turned to her duties at, the .M r. W. B. Hodges, Miss Irene , municipal hall following Her an- , -H()dges and-Mjiss Green have re- ®"o into a house at 1346 Gordon nual vacation, ̂ ̂ , , , S t e ^ s p e S ^ t h ? ^ ' Mr. and Mrs. H. h ; Mackin- Inlv in W eqf^anronvpr ̂ ~ Mr. and Mrs. CIement and4wo tosh have moved from Vancou- duiy in .vyest Vancouver. children .^f Portland, Oregon, ver into a house a t .2407 Hay- . . j, , , , are the guests of Mrs. Clement's wood Avenue. Mrs. Augerman and daughter .parents, ..Mr..,arid Mrs. G. Bulk- ♦. * ♦ - , are spending the, month of Aug- "Dreamy Nook," 26th and . Miss Marjorie Crawford is ust in W est Vancouver. Marine Drive. They expect to spending a week's vacation a t . ̂ be here for a week. her summer home a t Selma A Naval Christening of inter- , .* , Park, est to W est Vancouver residents Captain H. I,-Vince, manager™. „ . took place on Sunday afternoon - of the W est Vancouver Ferries, ■ Mr. Edmundson is building a at C hrist Church Cathedral, Vic- with Mrs. Vince and their son, house a t Hoseshoe Bay. toria> when the infant son of has, returned fro m ' spending., a * * ♦ Mr. and Mrs. Owen R. C. Clover holiday, a t Cultus Lake. Mr, and Mrs. Blackstocjk and was baptized Victor Owen John. * '* * daughter of Medicine H at, are -^The.-god-parents were Mr. H. J.-.,-- Captoiu ,C. A. McDonald of guests a t the Clachan. Bennett and Mr. E. Blackburn Burnaby,^ is having a new home . ' * ♦ Hf ♦ ""df^r H rM .^.~N 6rfolk; "and*' "Mrs;--built-at- 26th - and- Ottawa-Ave------A^lm-Hope of-TyldesleyT-Sas-- , J. Koche of. Edmonton, A lt^ ,' nue. ̂ r-- katchewan, is building a~house . V", HEWETT a u c t i o n e e r s . BUYS FURNITURE p h o n e n o r t h 8 9 \ Harbor Picnic Grounds, Tennis Courts, Bathing, Boating, Fishing, Tea-rooms, Sandy Beaches, v';; Cottages for rent Amblesidê S h e e t ; i v m a i L. SPECK. Proprietor W OrJKS Stratton 's BAKERY Everything of the Best in CAKES & PASTRIES, Christening, Birthday and Wedding Cakes made at 1468 Marine Drive ̂ Phone West 27 Hollyburn T k a tr e FRIDAY and SATURDAY August 10th and 11th W. C. FIELDS In "SIX OF A KIND". 1*. .......... . .• also . " LOOK FOR THE SILVER LINING** MONDAY and TUESDAY, August 13th and 14th NIGHT FLIGHT with HELEN HAYES WEDNESDAY & THURSDAY ____ August_ll>th_and_10th,__ '__ .sister of Mr. Clover. ^The Very Rev. Dean Quainton oificiated. .. ,Mr. and Mrs. W. .Foster of London, Engliand, have pur- at 17th and Haywood Avenue. ♦ ♦ ♦ Mrs. W. 'E. Standeven and Philip C. Chapmai General Insurance Agent Fire, Automobile, Burglary, . Accident and Sickness, ' 2557 King's Ave. Phone W. 42Y3 G.C.F. AlEETlKG chased the T h o m so ^ ro p e rty at family of Vancouver are spend-- Fulton Averiup^rmidr-have-taken possession. ing the summer a t "The Gables," West Bay."■ ,1, ♦" <« d e a t h t a k e s A HOLIDAY** _with ̂ FREDERICK MARCH "tirC. C. FrHeadquarters-- 17th and Marine Miss Jean -W atson of the IVlr. and Mrs. "G. V. Cole are Thursday, Aug. 16tjhi 8 p.m. Spcakcrr-MRS. GRACE MclNNIS . v XW.Savdiy 1443 Marine Drive Ambleside, Phone West 340 Evenings, West 143 Listings Wanted Real Estate Finance and ilrs ̂Eorbes'Tea-Room ̂ Foot of Oxley Street W est Bay Sea Front . IC E CREAM, SOFT DRINKS, TEAS, TOBACCOS, CANDY Playgrounds; Sand Pile BOATS PHONE. FOR HIRE ' W est 698L2 municipal hall staff, • is on her having a house built a t the cor annual vacation, w hich^she is ner of 23rd.and Mathers Ave- spehding a t Selma P ark .^ nue. Mr. and Mrs. Gifford, who Mrs. Littleford, 1336 Duchess have been spending a m onth's Avenue, has left for a short - holiday-at_2282 iHayw-Ood- Ave=__holiday^ .with_, Jaer_ _husband_ a t hue, have returhedi :to North Menzies Bay, {where he is work- Vancouver. . ^ ing. Ex-Reeve S. Gisby and Dick Miss Freda, Garthorne is holi- Hutcheson won...the Wee McKay daying in Oakland, California, challenge trophv fo r . the open » ♦ ♦ TEAROE & SON Concrete. Contractors. Cement Floors Garden Walks ---Lilyu-Pools- ___ ; Gravel and Cement 1474 Phone Marine Drive West 84 K ew Beach ; Bathing, l^ating, Fishing Summer C®ttag®s . _ . Marine Dr. W est Vancouver doubles in the recent B.'C. Lawn A large blue heron has dis- Bowliing Tournament. There covered an easier way of fish- were -128 entries. , " ing than standing in the rivers ' * * "* and creeks and catching any fish E: N. Pemberton of Vancou- that happen to swim,_by within ver, has moved into a house a t range of his behTc. ! ^ h a s been this week taking the gold fish2219 Bellevue Avenue. * * ♦ from the garden ponds of resi-, C. J . Overington PIONEER BARBER Expert Work 14th and Marine Phone West 135 Mineral Spring on the property Sherman Store 3900 Marine Drive, .o"-':,,-..; Bertha J. (Campbell ̂ Phone West 243X3 VERNON FEED STORE fA. C.'s^EARLB Phone West 9 Fertilizers of AU K inds Wood, Coal, Builders* Supplies V. Blanchflower is having a dents living on the upper levels new home built a t .the com er of a t D'undarave and has been too' ;26th and, Ottawa,Avenue, , , successful for the pocketbooks ' ^ . of the owners, some of his catch Captain and Mrs. Wm.,Thom- being worth $5 a head, son, 13th and Fulton Avenue, ♦ ♦ * f left here last' Sunday for th e . Mr. and Mrs. Lockhart moved Shetland_. Islands, - where they_..Jpday into,a house a t 2282 Hay-, , expect to reside in future. wood A v ^u e . Mrs. J.' McMilldn, assisted by Mr. and Mrs. A. Cromar Bruce ■ Miss Gladys Creelman, was and family, ,2130 Argyle Avenue, . _ hostess' a t a delightful shower are spending a holiday motoring... ..qceuj^Tng a suite a t the Fortune ip her home on TTiiirsday even- in the Okanagan, ing in honor of Mrs. W. .Wedley ----------------------- AUGUST SALE Many Bargains to choose from V CONSOLES $20.00»up MANTEL SETS $29.50 up FORST'S RADIO G. M. GEMMILL - West 37 1402 Marine Drive M rs^ Hatton of Kamloops, is Cup Inn. W e B u y G O L D ̂ ̂ anV' ' ' „ ' QUANTITY, p U A L n y "OR FORM FaciBc Geld 8 RefininS-Co. 600 Robson S tre e t. \ ' ' t r in i ty 3588 formerly Miss Marian McMillan. The table, decorated in pink and white w ith ' pink gladioli made an attractive centre. Dur­ ing the evening th e 'b rid e w as the recipient o f-m an y useful g ifts presented iii a., decorated pink and white basket/- ̂ " The invited guests w ere: M rs. Wedley, Mrs. E. .^ M illa n , Mrs. F. . Hunter, Mrs.. H / Crans, the " Misses N. Hannah, . Kathlegn Edwards, Mary Currie,. FJvelyne Black, Irene McCrum, Jaay -Trottr-A lm a Lloyd> .G race-M e-. Millan, Gladys Creelman and Mrs. J. McMillam. - / / , Great Bargains inSale o f F u riiitiire s '* / X AMBLESIDE HOME FURNISHING CO. -1 5 8 6 Narine Drive (next Jb-C. IQ eto fc)' Inspection Invited 'BIG F A M I L Y R A R ITY " y r a i s t " FRIDAY, AUGUST iWifc OjBlANGB HALL Cards; 8 to 10; Dancing; 9 to v . '■ „ .Ref^hm entto - - HolIybHrn -Daneci .Masters' Orchestra--------------------- , Cash Prizes . / Admi ssi on 25c. J 19* d 4V.'-" <:fe. m! fe- w -̂>U- Wi «34 'i r "L- 1 ■ S' % 4 vi'm ' "• T . I i l l ' V' * (* ">* y 11* f'f > I I „ 1 k I ' ft H% n M ' f {ft f I d ' f 'i J '1 >1 ' j ' i'̂ t -■'■J -.-li * •>:;i '< > r « - ' f s > Cf'- / ' i s iX i f , % .MB ' ' yE-H ',A : f l 's I I l l . y L *̂ li ' r1 1 ? s jfin ̂\ f I ; .A, '* 1 N4 ' ^ tc'̂C f ■* , % f t i 'in pM j - " '[ i f ; * li' * f% B m "■ 'k '*'1- 4.' s> . I P