JlilS m.m„ 7tlB pml Sunday Sehnui and Siidf C liiajiji' ^ S tra n ftr i A Vliltnm W< I 3 l H d U Y n U R p ^ IdUt aii4 • 'H iiN fiJv n 'O g W Sunday Scbnol a t 10 HiNDAV m m m & « t t m ' ' SiTMlEitiir .HH. W. W. RSiPa «# VucMivar ;inStinrANCOUVEB -CbriitiiB' Science Society CBVmm KD IFiCK lm»U. HnUybnra . ... ............... ^ An Irnifiitar llo* of a i^ m id . riniflet roll*. f i an 4d««1 mod* for tb« »|>ort» wonuift --» no worry wh«« you emeroe from th« wave*. Ju tt run th« oomb through your hair and yon are ready for the Regatta ~ Dance, " GARDEN SERVICE HLNDAY, Attf. 12111, a t 9 at 2818 Bellevue Avenue. -- w<>«ther permitUng. Speaker. MU. W. W. REID, of Vaaeoover T b it Sodety i» a Branch of Tbo Mother Church Tha F iw t Church of Christ. SeiontiatU in Boston, Maaaachusetts SundAy. Auiru«t 12, 1934, Sundar iorvice: 1 1 :8 0 a.m.'* Subject: ' w g p n u T " UNITED CHURCH Gwendolyn Beauty Shoppe tM Mariae Drive For appointmenta FIIONB WEST 117 l(i*v. HHlIa Wright ,Minister. I Sunday School at 10:00 a.m. Testimony Me<<tin*r Wednesday ' at 8:is p.m. 10:00 tt.m.--Sunday School and Bible Class. 11:15 u.rn.--Morning Service. 7:15 p.ni.--Evening Service. . Strangers ,and visitors wel*- (.'ornc, ̂ ' 'V.... . (The public is cordially ■ in vited to attend our services and meetinga. StorD No*'31f 1414- W -W est S13 PRICES E ffE a iV E FRIDRy AMD M TU R M Y . A U ^ M d l i f t t o m a t o e s -- Aylmer, Nfc Sy , tin-- .--.emeh Scf ■dn 4' ̂ */r ' Prescriptions Comphundfd S'J'. ANTHONY'S CATHOLIC CHURCH 23rd & Inglewood Ave. Mr. Rlchmomi of Vancouver, is having a hou:<c erected at Gth and Keith Road. J. Haydn Voung and Alan McIntyre have gone to Qyesnel Lake for a week's vacation. 7T;NA -- Friar Flaked, No. 1/2 tin.----------------- ...............2 for 25c cKAfaMKAT - Crest. No. 2«c SALMON -- Redman Sockaye, No. 1 Dn.....-----.............__each 23c FINEAITLE -- Singapore SUce^ 3̂ 0* 2 for 13c TOMATO K F ircm ir -- Hdna, large bottle....:..................each l8c EMritKSS JAMS -- All varietlea, 4 lb.,tin.,.«....____...___.each 42c JBLl.O -- package KRAFTS MIRACl.Iii WIIII 814i oa. Jer..,.........^.....,........each 17c SHREDDED WHKA7 -- (Saturday only) limit 8....:....... .each 9c PASTRY FLOUR -- Fetherllte, 7db. bag---------- ...^...........each 19c HIGHWAY COFFEE lb. 23c SOAP -- P. & G. (iiniif 9 bara) • •*aM*«**>*#«4 «*•«»*•« for 25c SOAP ■-- Jumbo Carbolic 8 for 10c DOG FOOD Dr. Hallurd'a, No. 1 tin..................... ......... 2 for 25c W« re»erv« Ih* rlrht to limit quaatltJ**. SAFEWAY STORES LIMITED Mr. snd Mrs, J. II, Smith, ^id DISTRIBUTIONPriest in Charge. Ilev. W. J. Millay, Jte.sidenee: 2323 Inglewood Ave. >,.JilViv%'QoTnTi/s^ lic'sidence Phone West 240B. , T A .h rund family, -------- -̂--------------------------- ? S f l s s i i ; . , d n l! r o y a l b l a c k k n ig h t s WITHOUT WASTE Sunday Services Low Mass -- 8i45 a.m. High Mass and Sermon -- 10:45 ('atecliism and Bible Class--3:00 Vespers and Benediction-r-7 ;30 Week-day Services Mus.s, daily -- 8 â m." ^ Fridays:! 1393 20th Stret't, and Ted night after ANBLESIDE PHARNACY Benediction, Rosary, Confes sions'-- 7:30. W. L: KER, Prop 1401 Marine Drive Phone W ost 323 FREE DELIVERY ST. STEPHEN'S CHURCH Rev. F. A. Ramsey, L.S.T. field arrived homo Sunday from Qualicum .Beach . spending a holiday ov over two weeks there. __Mr8,-W4lliams, Mlh and Duch ess Avenue, brought into the of fice this week a double-headed yellow daisy grown in her gar den. Both blooms had grown out of the top of the stalk so close to each other as to force TO COMMEMORATE RELIEF OF DERRY DUNDARAVB - HOLLYBURN SWIM While the sea was smooth, a D R . G. D. fL S E A L E ( D.D.S., L.D.8. ̂ DENTIST llay Block, 14th and Marino Dr. Ofl8eo-Hour«-9 to B-p^mr JSvanlngo by^ippointment.^ Phono Wost 72 The Royal Black KnightSpOfi; highy incdmmp;^ filled with Ireland will hold their anrtuaLcJoldiWateiidC^ celebration on August l l th / a t : a sunlessy^y^^rbv^^ Bowen Island, to com m em q^e : the "Relief of Derry." took part in the annual Holly. , Boa^s leave Union Dock a t 9 burn-Dundkmye Swim last Sun- a.m. and 2̂ p.m... ̂ d4Y £r:afi^ There Will be sports of all started from Hollybum promgt-i ........... .... ............ ........ kinds for members and friends, ly a t 3:30: eaclv Woom into a sideways pos- young»and old, including races, titoriSj isiXr bqj^ ition.^ tug of war, horseshoe pitching, Ieading;;W;idt:a::^^ All . . * ♦ ♦ etc'. The annual Softball game were, howdver,,-quickly slowed Among a number of teas given between Star of the West and down by having to buck the cold in honor of Mr.s. C. J. Stewart Vancouver Preceptories is'^look- tide, and i t was a long time l^-. Matins & Sernion. who is leaving shortly for Scot- ed forward to with keen riv- fore any managed to reach Wes-' ■Evensong and her- that given by Mrs. W. airy. Several of the local Sir ton. From there it was a real H. Mason; 1488 FultoTL.AYmJ^i--^Knights will take part in the struggle to-get arbimd the point,I on Monday. Tea was poured^y celebration and they invite their ; and finally, all. except two were I M m f j . R .' Sinclair, Invited friends tor:be-present \rtlh them cbm i^ledS^jgiye^ up̂ ^-- i n 15 a.m . 7 :15 p.m . mon. St. Francis-in-ihe-Woods, Caulfeild ............ ................. . ...... ................. ..............^.......... ................................ .. garden-party--wilLhe-Jield-_-gy^jata--included-Mrs--Forrester7'̂ on-this-bccasionv~Ticke^ts-can-be-^Anderson^nd-BonnibeLBarbouri *S?5'~"~M^®~Cr^teveUson7"MTs^^ had"by~phoning~West-35r : who~fonght^hrough"and a GALLANT. D.C., CHIROPRACTOR 2444 Marine Drive, Dundarave, 7 p.m. to 8 p.m., Alondaya, Wcji- iK'sdayB and Fridays. UouBC visits by appointment. Residence; 2308 Marino Drive; Phono West 840L. Vancouver Office; 712 Robson. Seymour 8790 ________ -Gaulfeild, on Wednesday, Aug ust 15th, from 3 to 6 p.m. $ale of - Home-cooking and Candy, Fish Pond and other attractions in aid_ of__St. Fi^ancis Women's Guild. .Estnbliahed on North Shore _____ _2P_ Years,_________ . (Lndy Aaaistant) HARRON BROS. Sc WILLIAMSON funeral Birectors North Vancouver Parlors 122 West Sixth S tree r Phone North 184 Vancouver Parlors 6 5 'Tenth Avenue East Phone Fair, 184 BAPTIST CHURCH « Pastor: Rev. H. P. Humphreys Sunday, August 12th, 1934. 9 :45 a.m,--^Sunday School., 10:00.a,m.--Adult Bible Class. , 11:00 a.m.--^Morning Worship. Preacher: Rev. H. Harris - - of South Hill. Y :15 p.m Mrs. A. Hibbard, Mrs. D, Ander son, Mrs. E. Bell, Mrs. T. Hamil ton. ' - Another tea was also given by M rs.^ . Barnett,--Marine Driv^ ~~on---®esday afternoon. Those present- included Mii*s. McFad- yen, Mrs. (h'llies, Mrs. T. HamiL "fiiially' SOFTBALL reached "Dundarave Pier in the order named. .The fom er's time was 1 hour 30 m inutes; the lat- series with Freeman's Flashes on Tuesday, nighty' August 7th, whens a t the first 6f t^ ton) Miss Je.ssie McFadyen, Miss inning and with the score tied Jean Miller (Toronto), and Miss Freeman's Flashes dlisputed a Ward. „ , ; decision of the; Umpires re-, * *Y * - ' fused to continue play. . Mrs. F. C. Rush, Inglewood " T^ ended with three Avenue, was hosfess at a tea wins for Fortune Cqp Inn, two ^ givehtin hpnqrroTZfQTlFreqma^ Stewart, who is leav- tied game, thus niakipg Fortune next month for Scotland. Fortune Cup Inn was awarded ter-comihg-in-^bout^O-minutes the final game of the playotT--later.-Both-girls were the recipi- „„ ents of well; deserved applause from the Vancouver Bible School avill conduct the service. Wednesday, .8 p.m. -- Mid-week prayer service ledJ by Mr. : J. :6. Holdcroft. Mr, and Mrs. Borrovvman and pi_ Vancouver, are, stay^ ing a t the Red Mill, West Bay CHURCHES. OF CHRIST, SCIENTIST "SPIRIT" is the subiect of the Lesson - Sermon which will be „ read in all Churches of O hnst, Scientist, on Sunday, August 12« The Golden Text is: This is mg l"he rooms were-tastefully-dec orated with masses of gladioli in pastel shades. . The tea table which was covered with a hand some hand-made lace cloth, wa's centred with a silver bowl of gladioli and white heather. Pre siding at the tea urns were Mrs. Duncfyi. McDonald and Mrs. Thos. Hamilton, the serviteurs being Mrs. D. McDonald of West Bay, and Miss Freda Rush. A feature of the entertainment Avas_the__presentation to Mlrs. Cup Inn local champions. from the erowd assembled on the pier to see the finish. President L.- C. Reid of the Swimming Club presented Peggy Anderson.] with th e ' Fraser. Challenge Trophy oh her arrival. i As none of*the boys made the distance, it w ill'be necessary to have--thatJaection/ of _the?_race_: repeated a t a later date for the J. T. W att Challenge" Trophy. u n to ^ r - Stewart of a beautiful travelling ubbabel, saying, Not by might rug. This Avas brought in by Mrs. G. Spftfrow, 2860 Marine «orD y power, hut by mv spirit, Master Ian McDonald, small ' Driye, is, holidaying at Salt saith the Lord of hosts." (Zech- nephew of the hostess, enclosed Spring Island, anah 4, 6 \. •*------ . m.* Among the citatioris which : " ----- ---------- comprise the Lesson - Sermon is THB the following^" from the Bible: ('• KY ® Spirit, and they that r V e S t Van N e w s Avorshlp mm must ivorship mm ..................... in n n irif anri in fr iifh /.TnL« .ii. ff, PabHaher * F, P. LOVEGRpVE * Phone West 368 Diitlfiiwf Mid fiditorlia Offiw; I7Ui aad Marine Drive (N ext to HoUybarn P.O .) Phone West 863 M ail Addnern: P, O. Box 61* Roliybam, A c in a miniatiireimlmg^ and decora Mrs. A. D. Chisholm. The invited guests m re Mrs. D. J. Stewart, Mrs. Thos, Hamilton; Mrs. Duncan McDonald, Mrs. J. Fraser, Mrs. A. D. Chisholm, Mrs. D. „ McDonald of West Bay, Mrs E TOe I^ a o n - Sem on also in- Bell, Mrs. J, Bell. Mrs. W. Mc^ , F" J « Mrs. Barnett, Mrs Going away ? Call in advance / ■ •' by ;• P .U b h « l B « t , T h u rtd ., = Make your holiday arrangements by long-distance telephone. In one telephone conversation,' yOu can ask questions,, receive replies, and,,'.if ypu vvish, make reservations. - "4^ created all in and of Himself, . b o w l in g CLUB NEWS Theie is itoMinsr m S pm t out of In a friendly match here last whichT m atter could be made. Saterday 5 & k s from the Bible declares, vritC PoSrGre.v" d S e d ' t h e S s AEon or by 118 points to 82. Wmd of God»~ w ^ ao t anythiiur Next Snfnndj»v fitavtA -i»;n i--North Vancouver Office: ^28 Lonsdale Ave. n o t ^ y t h i i ^ Next Saturday there will be Interclub mLtch the. only a u b s ^ c e , ' the mvis- of thp season, when 6 rinks from IblelimJ indivisible infinite God." Burnaby will he here to meet the West Vancouver Club, A telephone cal! now mayvprcvent ' disappointment later.. . * - IT ̂ d'i r :m m „ ̂ r.̂ xL\ * K. .. 1*.™ „