M W I ■ y-v-i II f J \ I ' J , - . . . . _ r jPf'f.:% ' ---------; , ----------------------------- ----------- - ' * ,"<r' ̂*»«"■»»««<(-•»,■ -» rjwr-f^ '■**"*> -.-<|.«.n«* *" ' i»ww' * 5̂ t '.̂ ̂ !■ J*" V n,V, w,v, .-v'̂'•W*a*w»̂sniaefr4'«»«̂ i\ «« hi#Sê ^ t . a. «Ĥ »it..̂..®n* Circulating in the District o f West Vancouvet-Ambleside, Hdllyhum.Wesion, Dundarave ( s > * J 1 ,»- • 4 M >~«o ̂ V*** - f ^ i , J. wnm M û0Um ̂ m m m m * im. ^ mm m ^ ^ __l. *. " ** *-̂ * »t ' m "** $1.00 per year. ' I . . ' *̂.h '<w"î ' 'set •': Ptfr/, Caulfeild.Whyteciiff, Etc ̂ M /k? : > ' 5c per copy a t newsstands. Vol. IX . 1___ _ HOU.YBURN P.Q., WEST VANCOUVER. B.C.. THURSDAY, A U G U St^th. 1934 No. 15 second a n n u m , p a c if ic c o a s t INTEattNATIONAL SWIMMING-CHAMPIONSHIPS The Second Annual' Pacific Coast International Outdoor Swimming Championships under the auspices of the West Vancouver Amateur Swimming Club will take place a t 2 p.m. Saturday, 18th August, a t Dundaraye P ie r . , The officials of the club have been working very hard on the arrangements for .some time, and i t is certain th a t some of the best swim- mcr.s and divers on the American Continent will be seen in the open events. Invitations and entry forms have been sent to Seattle, Portland, San Francisco; Kelowna, W hite Rock, Cres cent Beach and Victoria. The program of events is as follows: I OPEN EVENTS , 1. Men's 300 Yds. Medley Relay 2. L a d ie s ' 800 Yds. Medley Relay. , 3. Men's 100 Yds. Free Style 4. Ladies' 100 Yds, F ree Style. - ' 5. Men's 300 Yds. Free Style. 6. Ladies' 300 Yds. Free Style. " 7. Men's 3 Metre Board Diving. 8. Men's 400 Yds. Relay, ■ > 9 . , Ladies' 200 Yds; Relay. .................. - CLOSED TO WEST VANCOUVER Bovs under 14 years--50 yds. F ree S ty le; Ross Tate Trophy. Girls under 14 years--50 yds."Free"^StyleTColr Savory Trophy Boys under 16 y ea rs^5 0 Yds. Free Stle; Gisby Trophy. Men -- 100 Yds. Free Style; B^P.O.E. Trophy. Girls under 16~years^'50 yds. Free'S ty le ; J."B. ̂Leylaihd 'Trophy Ladies -- 50 yds. Free Style; Morgan Trophy. Boys, under 12 years--.25 yds. Free S ty le; L. Taylor Trophy. Girls, under 12 years--25 yds. Free Style; Gordon Gray *rrophy Boys under 15 year--Diving-, 1 Metre B oard; RobsOn Trophy. Gii ŝ under 15 years--Diving, 1 M etre-Board; G. Clay Trophy . Boys under 14 years of age. E ast of 22nd St. vs. W est of 22nd Street -- 100 yds! R elay; P.-T. A. Trophy. Girls under 14 years of fage, E ast of 22nd S treet vs. West of 22nd Street--100 yds. Relay; P.-T. A; Trophy. Boys and Girls Tads Race -r~ 25 yards. ̂ • Ladies Diving --„3 M etre;, W est Vancouver. _̂____ ^ Boys under 10 yearsV-25 yds. Free Style. -Girls=unden-10-years--25iy-ds::FreerSt3dei=i=:-v n : ^ r_ziz:jz= : ! Entries can' be obtained frdiSr'aAd m ust belreturiied' to Secretary Murray Watson, 1328 f e d o n Avenue, West Van couver, B.C., not later'tljan 15th Aiigust, 1934. REGATTA DANCE _1 The Official Regatta.Dance will be held in the evening a t .i-piarbor View Dance Club (1 mile west of Second N a^ow s Bridge), commencing a t 9 p.m. Free transportation will be provided by buses leaving Ambleside W harf a t 8 :30 p.m. and returning to West Bay a fte r the dance. The new Cotton Pick ers Orchestra7~aT yery~up-to-date dance' band,' will supply the music and - in addition a number of good novelty dances will be put on by the Cabaret-Entertainers, including Hula dancers, crooners and Carioca dancers. /Admission,- including free --transportation-to and from-fhe daneer^O centisr-- ----------- L.O.L. PICNIC HELD AT EAGLE HARBOR WEST VANCOUVER L.O.L. No. 2990 " T be regular meeting of the above lodge was held last Tues day im the Orange Hall. The re- poi^is- of the special County The local Orange Lodge-.held its annual picnic a t Eagle H ar bor accompanied by the mem- , ̂ _ bers of Ruth Lodge and friends, meeting arid picnic were received On arriving a t t h e ! fo u n d s 3,nd appreciated by the ^mem bers. , Arrangerpents are under way by the entertainm ent com m ittee to celebrate the Ninth Anniversary' of the lodge in arriving the sports were got under ;vyay, which included races of all kinds for young and old; several nov elty races being introduced on the program. A horseshoe pitch-, September. ing contest was indulged in ,by " ^ ^ „ members of the lodge... A t 5:00 C.C.F. MEETING ' p.m, lunch was seiwed a fte r ' ' - -- ~ which m ost , of „ those present ' The S.' P . of............. wov, v«. „ ,___ -- _ G.) and G.G.F. took to the water and swimming Club have now established head races were held. T^e beach fire quarters a t 17th and M m ne was much enjoyed _ by- the Drive (next ̂to the B.C. Tele swimmers and w ith all gathered phone Co.) where meetings will pound singing community songs be.Vheld. brought a happy day to a close; , A C.C.F. meeting will be held the cars leaving the grounds a - , ' in 'these headquarters a t 8 p.m. bout 9 p.m. ' Thursday, August 16th, when .The members of the L.O.L.;. the speaker vvill be Mrs. Grace I wish to voice their appreciation Mclnriis. to the Worthy Mistress and members of Ruth Lodge, also, lb EXCURSION J O all those who helped to make tbe ^ KEATTS.- ISLAND day such a pleasant success, in- - -------- f" . - ' T he annual ,excursion to Keat's Island ' w ith th e West T 1. ** success, in-, eluding Mr. Smith, the populao: propnetor of the Eagle-Harbor Resort. / Vancouver School Band will take 'p lace on Wednesday,, A u ^ s t :1 5 th ; No. 6 ferry leaving A m bl^ --------- - - ::%ide dock a t 9 :30 a.m. As usual, Weather permitting, a garden te ^ sugar, and, cream J® service will be h^ld a t 3:00 pmi. provided. Owing to the limited g a r d e n SERVICiB next Sunday, A i l^ s t rl2th, on capacity of the F e i ^ , only 150 the lawn _at 2818JBellevue-Ave-- tickets will be_spld this year andyear gue ThespeakeV w iirbeW fW . . th W rm a y be p u rc h as^ .fro m «eid, of Vancouver. . any member of the band. WEST VANCOUVER ' LEGION NOTES JIM MURRAY, HORTICULTURAL ASSN. . --------- ANI) A MACAULAY ' A Parlor Show;;ill bo held to- tho' ' ' l w a l l f X w a s T e 'd ' •'<>" HAMILTON night, (Thursday), August 9th, day, August 3rd, in the Lekion r„ , 7 -- T . in the Orange Hall, when Memorial Hall, with President J ^ e have ' dahlias, gladioli, annuals and H. Walker in the chair. endeavored to stir up public int- border flowers/will be shown. Merilbers who have been iab- - erest in the desirability of , pend- ExhibHors can enter any or sent through'jsickness, unem- ing Jim Murray to the ̂High all of the following:.dahlias, five ployment, or siich like, sinco Schools Athletic in HnmP. collarette, five pompons, flve cac- July, 1983 are urged to get in , . . . , . • . tus, five peony, five any other touch with the branch secretary ' \ , with him has since been variety. . in order to see th a t th e ir nalmes *̂S"'Pcmted the name of Alec Three spikes gladioli in each are still on the roll. MucAuhiy, who also did very of the following shades; red, Next general meeting Friday, well in , the preliminary B. C. pu^Ie , salmon, pink, or any August 17th. (juhlifying testa, held a few T h r ^ T a s e t of annuals ono . ' " L 'veeks/aKo in New Westminster. ' v e r i e t T t r a vase O n e'vase «»y 8" l>-verieiy 1 0 , a vase, yne vase tended as had-been expected scrintiona for th J funda ncccs- hardy border cut flowers, not al. due to the heaw rain However c l / lu- neces-readv mentioned There will nkn /u® u neavy rain, nowever, am-y this purpose, and have reaay mencionea. inerew i iaiso those who were present had an alreadv received one aubscrln- be a musical program. All are enjoyable evening playing housie tion and the promise of others ^ cordially welcome. .housie and listening the p r / Si™" t t n S s b ^ n d tid e d A large d e » n of the un- UNEMPLOYED P I C N I C w i t h which <»TTinlovpd etfpnded pnimpii ---------- . . Will be found below a letter from m ^t?nff la rt Mo^^^ Unemployed -^Picriic-^l;to~ Reeve Leyland. The subscription demand an T ^rease^ i^ th^^ Harbor will take plric^-bn already received by us has been of i^ w o rk 17th, NoA 6 turned into the Municipal Hall, ^ ^ ^ c o iin c il flltrpd Ambleside Pier but any desiring to do scl can T co m m itw ^«t 10 a.m.. reaching Eagle still leave money with rfe, if em X^Gd be bor a t 11 a.m! and arriving'bOme they so wish, when it will be them a t a sneem^^^^ water, tea, sugar, taken to, the Hall and receipt of cream, ice cream, milk, canmes, same acknowledged by the auth- discussed. , thei? bSfkets accorffngly. "̂ e n • and boys should bring the ir fish- MRS. STEEVES_- ,»,kxTTA A vo mg"" tackle, as . there will- ̂ be Office of the-Reeve,- ..... - iy '- all--rtake--b^hing--~fiyaitsr--^le^----- J^?estJlfancoiuv-er,--B.-C.- Mrs. R. P ̂ S teev^ , MX.A. swimming and diving facilities . -- -- elect, will be a t the-C.C.F. Head- being excellent. As accommo- ' August 8th, 1984. quarters every Monday from 2 dation is limited to 200, the first The Editor, -to 6 p.m., when she will be boat will carry only unemployed West Van News, pleased to take up with any who families. A second boat will be West Vancouver, B. C. .wish to call any- m atters in the arranged for leaving a t 11:30 «.oAn lo constituency in which they are a.m. if there is a sufficient de- atpfl^enn w l l f c ,» L i « „n.^' interested: .m a n d .> r tickets a t 26c return ± 1 ^ aT w as eve/ann^^^^^^ - I .O .D .E . ■ ; "$ 3 i r ™ t % K f r n A a " w ^ ^ " ' o f A Z e W ^ h r C a n : - ; ^ e Duncan Lawson Chapter, f w ^ ; , | i v e d o & l U T " ^ ^ ^ I.O.D.E., are entertaining the Further iriforma+ioD re second ri^id m HamiR^• natients of ShaiiffhnesqvMilitarv , ^ u^ther intormation re secona In our midst we. hrive two fine, patients oi anaugnnessyiviiiitary j^^d by calling clean vounir lads who have madeHospital to a cruisd on Tuesday, w est 1 youiib laus wno nave maae -Airgust 14th~Ferrv No -6ieaves-- - ̂ --------------------- ------------a -name for-them selyes-m -ath- t h e W v w L ^ ^ ' -------------- =-- letic fields-A lec MacAulay and 1 o'S In d ail r n S r ^ a?e VINSON MEMORIAL . Jim Murray. Their ' achievc- r e h u S to attend CHALLENGE CUP ments are known to all of usrequestea to atiena. __ _̂_ who are interested in good sport, m r FAMITY PARTY ^ Several more subscriptions and a t every athletic competi- m ix STARXI have come in during the last few; tion they have brought g rea t Tnat a roTYiinfior of th a t Rio- ^ays fo r the purchasG of E Vih- to themselves and their Ffi^Jilt P ifrtT W hkt son Memorial Challenge Cup as . Municipality. If our civic pride St the will be seen by reference to the is worth anything it behooves mw Friday August ^̂ ®t of donors'published below.- us to s ^ that these young men. ^ S r v J t f S eflu he^ miidA hv A Suitable cup can be obtained are sent to Hamilton, flying,the « a f i F o r "J?drnfl r <̂>r a reasonable sum ,. and we colors x>t West Vancouver. If t k i w a d y L H s e S * ^ fn «hallLe pleased to receive fur- s p c c e to l they w ill-go-to the tMa iqfne advertisement in subscriptions as soon as Empire School Games which will tnis issue. possible in order th a t the. cup be held m Australia in Novem- QATF n F 'FTTRNITTTRF m ay^be purchased and turned ber, and tbe AustfaliarTGovern- ; OF T U K N II URE Swimming Club., m ent will pay all their expenses The Ambleside Home Furnish- We beg to acknowledge re- time they leave Van- ings, 1586 Marine Drive (next ceipt i)f the following subschip- ̂ jt to the B. C. Electric store) are tions: i necessa^ for holding a sale of furniture. J!.T. W a t t ........................... » .5 0 , their re turn expenses to H a ^ Great bargains can be" obfcairied David Morgan ...................- -50 ' ton m ust be collected in less than in furniture and crockery. An Ed Black T. : ......... ...............' -50 one week, anfi already several of invitation is extended to the J. D uckw orth ........ ...................50 P«.hhc spirited citizens have general public to call and in- W. C. Thompson,....................... 50 subsenbed. May I appeaFto all ?pect the stock. , Councillor Gartborne .............50. those, who can do so to try and ^ ̂ -------------:------ Reeve J. B. Leyland............ LOO encourage these young athletes, , COMING EVENTS C. F McQuite 25 th e ^ j e f f d e ^ ^ e it. loof T T-Rntledire . 2 6 throughout Canada as its most Young ®̂®P}® ® n „ h Vance^ .............. 2.00 progressive^M unicipality-- Let day of 2 ^ / ^ / S o n ..................... 50 us now show th a t we do the ptente'^te bd C a ^ . & Ketfie " " ..... . 2.00. rig h t th ing by our young people, nonneement nf«kv . .50 ^nd I am ̂ sure th a t if we help held on Wednesday, August ,• . ^ ............ 1.............. them they will not fail us. 22nd. - -w A ri YRITRTM HALL Please make your subscription r r F r f ifR ̂ ̂ HULLitfUKJN to th is fund as soon as possible A meeting of the a C .F . Club ■ Sunday &hool will bd h e l £ ^ t o t a U m S '^ u i t te \n"ha*nd will be held a t 8 p.m. next Tries- usual a t 10 a.m. next. Sunday, ^ t a i am ount ^ on nana day, August 14th, in the Legiiori. 12 th instent, in Hollyburn Hall. ^nan Tuesday, August Hall. The Speaker o f the even- There will be a Gc^pel Service. .« Yonrfl flineerelv / ing will be A. M. Stephen, who a t 7 :3(k o'clock Sunday ev^ in g , , Yours sin^rely , will take as-h is subject, / 'i§ie^-whenuthe-speaker will be W. W. . ,J. B . ^ L E Y L ^ ------ . C .C .F , Convention in Winnipeg." Reid, of Vancouver. , . . ̂ Keeve. . V ; , i . , S. ̂ I - » Ir 1 ., ........ ........ . ...... ■ • M 4 * ̂ ?s f' . . . I« ! <! I,' ; A li I \ I '1 ,'4 f 1 f H " w ,■ ."'I ■i' r I f iR 1 f. L'V A ' X ̂ 1"A) A 1 . ' i / , / ' J L ^ ^ r ' fi;./ i V y;. . rAf i.' V i IV t '" i Mi I , • > i" 1'. I 1 ' . Ml- V ,{ '■ A l r M t ' *. i*"f 'I t vV-AW' . L Si*' w , 1. '.%W"y I* - ' I. i f-f;s ■! ' - A i-<Y;V ̂ i f - X r m ¥ •d -V - # 1 v . i « " 4 f M i f - I ̂ - .. i s: " f- h £ , ' ' ' « i * I- ?'**'■*■ ' ^ f 1 > T • «s V1V; i »• *•r . liA