West Van. News (West Vancouver), 2 Aug 1934, p. 4

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i l lI* V U ft H- tt Week-eadSpecidb Friday & Sat, Aag. 3 - 4 M ca tf M/llfffilfmiiiift̂ ^ fiom- l i i i ^ t f lii the i«^nt Juiriir Matllcttlstion Exajiiliia- t lo n i fts' c tn d fa fite s from W e « i^W iFO T rSt'hodl: ̂ JEFFERIES'S | 1 lent In^ieeted Only II ' ilH»K0flKII WIiSAT -- 109% Wfcola WlM«t.... ......iriri. 1#< COI.I/MBIA Af*mCOm H m w Padi ' m . t ii^ a t tin •.......... I l f HOVfCIL ^ R N IIBSF HiAliIttir flfitr ..............1 titti t ie ll«d Sk m i u ORANOB PEKOB TBA AHairalian BKEDlj^M H . UtMf...... .................... ........ SIf Rad A White PILCH A RUB 1 Ib. tin ...................................... lOe illu« A White GOLDBN CORK T in ................ ........ ......... ........... . 12c UEVILLKII MBATH................tin «c Nalwli APRICOT JAM Naw BaaiMMi'a Pack.......4 Ib. tin 42c Red A White TOMATO JUICE No. I Tall T in .................. 2 CIna l&c Nabob SMALL MACKEREL In Tomato Bauce ...........tin 18c Nal>ob KIPPEREU BNACKB ■ 4 Tina .......................................... 2®c Red Arrow FIG RARB Frcah from the Oven.......,..lb. ISe Prebble, O oro tl^ IJoshi^, Rich­ ard L ^ te r , Harry Phone W est 370 S W irrH RACK RACON In the nieca ... .... .... ...par ib* 8#c s w i r r s LARD .................. 2 Iba. 25c LA M il........................ LEt CO'I FLEI___________________________ WEINERS .......................... ..... Ib, 19e FINNAN liAUUIB ............... Ib. 16c PO î ROAST from PRIME BHEF Ib. . .................................. I2e CRi:.S( ENT BIIORTBNING, 2 Iba. 21c VEAL, LAMB. PORK, BEEP Fln<N»t (Quality a r a jLaniMcr, a ia u ^ l^ n i ie t t , Margaret Wriaberg, 'Hioms Grieve, jLaurenoe Lefeaux, Mar­ jorie Paton, Margaret Toynbee, Kathleen aodfpum .' In addition the folJowing stu­ dents made a very commendable In g :" " " a t HoU,cbBXB..*wxt PHONE WEST 3 *rr rpr MurrayVi ORANOB MARMALADE 4 lit, tin LEITIICE CELERY COOKING 42c Large Ileada ........... 4c .......................... bunch 6e APPLES...........9 Iba. 26c PREV EN T FO REST FIRES B.C. FORESTS a r e .a source of great R evenue to th e Province. B.C. FORESTS provide em ploym ent d irectly _______ ________ and Indirectly fora large propor­ tion of th e population of th e Province. but" each had a single subject below 40 and will only have to write - single supplements, in order to complete ihcir standing. Irene Shirlaw and Frank Dow­ ney were each granted two sup- glementals. Two .>̂ tudents, Mary radshaw arid Eileen Body, did not fAil in any subject but the aggregate marks were only slightly below the GO per cent, general average. As a result these two students will only have to write three subjects to corriplete their full .standing. Lenna Simpson, who is a can­ didate for Normal Entrance in 1936, was successful in all her subjects which she wrote this year. Her name will not appear until she completes her addition­ al subjects next year. At the, June Examinations for Matriculation this year a num­ ber of Grade-XI students were given an opportunity to write upon certain subjects- This will .permit these-students to , con­ centrate on the other subjects of LUMBER Our price# are ai fow a$ any obtainable in Vancouver and 'ihc Ncm̂ Shorer Phone us for Q uotations on Y our R equirem ents WEST VANCOUVER LUMBER CO. LTD. -FOii HEAL SATISFACTION i»hone West 115 Res. phone: W. J . Turnbull, West 368L C L A SSIFIE D ADS The rate for Claasified AdvertlMmente la 2 canto, par word, mlnimuin 25 cento. Except in the caM of tbaaa haTlng ragular aceountoL all clasai- Oeda ara payable strictly in advMca. . 1 Ramambar Classifieds in the Want Van Nawa gat fmmadlata raaulta. GET YOUR HOME-MADE BREAD, Pies and Cakes at Hunter's, 2428 Marine Drive, Phone West CIO. SPIRELLA CORSETliBRE -- Phone W est 487L. HANDY ANN SHOPPE, DundaraVe. Wools; Notions; D.M.C.; Cards;, Toys; Stationery; Hardware; Nails, etc. . ■■ '-i' j' . RADIO REPAIRS -- West Van. Radio Service (J. L.,Pettigrew), West 108 1473 Marine. - THE WELFARE ASSOCIATION re­ quires discarded" clothing. ~ Phone West 37. and truck will collect. WEBB'S SHOE REPAIRS. WEAR -BEST- SHOE REPAIRS Get the best mat- erial and workmanship a t Pox's 14th-at-Perry.-:_________ - SHOE -- Dundaravpr B.C, FORESTS provide a sanctuary for th e wild life of th e Province, uciivittu; uii uiu iHiicx u x ----- : ■ the Matriculation requirements LAWN MOWERS SHARPENED with ... special machine; all makes. West Vancouver Machine Shop, 1449 FOUND -- ̂ Umbrella near West Bay viaduct. Owner can have same by paying for this advertisement. Phone West 151X2. " B.C, FORESTS provide a natural playground for B ritish C olum bians and visiting tourists* VlUien FOREST FIRES dccUr or to elect additional courses; The students were John Beaty (2), David Brown (3), Dorothy Dickinson (3), Betty Elliott (2), Fred, Masterman (2), Charles- Miles (3),oJim Murray (2) and Francis Smith (3). The figures represent the number of sub­ jects which were written and passedi Marine Drive. FOii.SALE -- Piano, Singer Electric ji Wwing Machine, Furniture, etc. House for Rent, 2291 Marine Drive, comfortable. West 329X. WEST BAY LIBRARY -- ! Subscrip, tion 60c month. Visitors! 2 weeks for 25c. English Magazines now on sale. Wool, Stationery, Gifts, etc. the lots Is yours* ̂ StudjSnts of last year's Mat-i. riculation=class"inAV:estsV'ancou-~ EXCHANGE-- Snappy 4-room Bung­ alow with sunroom in Dunbar; for one in West Vancouver. Phone West 696L1. FOR RENT -- 1136 Jefferson Ave. 6 ^-rooms, full plumbing,, Apply Trimble. Phone W est 165L2. $9.00' per month. JF0.RlSAiiB_==_6iie_-trayeLiwjeed-8uit- HEADQUARTERS for All Popular :Brands-of Cigarettes-and Tobaccos; also Fishing Gadgits for local wat- ers. Ambleside Tea Rooms. ^ Be careful with Fire in the Woods B. G. Forest Servlee ,v4tt are noted ip the pass lists for Senior Matriculation in the city sch^ls. John Kendrick had the distinction of passing with honors _ from, John_ Oliver-High- School. Philip Farmer and Ruth Postlethwaite were successful candidates at King Edward High School. "(silk):$B.00; One"printed crepe dress" (business), $5.00 -- both size 86.̂ Phone West 391Y. ' "" W A N ^D Paying guests, lovely modern ̂ homer Room -with double -- bed; would, suit convalescent; very reasonable. Phone West 218L. PRINTING -- For aU kinds of -- printing phone West Van News, West 363. - FOR RENT--- At Altamont; very de-; cirable modern; house, four bed-̂ rooms, near bus; $35 a month on lease. Phone West 196R1. FURNISHED AND UNFURNISHED Houses to Rent. ! Houses, lots, and - .acreage for' sale. John Lawson, 17th and Marine, Phone West 65. sh o w er I H R i f P O D N D S JO F JB U IT E Il^ ------------7 0 4 - 9 0 4 --------- ■ ■■ •:XT "-- ■■ .... A delightful .shower was given last Friday night by the B. C. WEST -VAN. TAKES JUNIOR HARDBALL TITLE GEO. H A Y • I A rfi. 'A V i J i . ELECrRIC S E R V I C E FOfK A WEEK 41 ̂ ■ t : An overage fomily in Vancouver pays about two-thirds as much for electricity as M does for butter. Just another comparison to show what a trifling amount is paid for the ever-present convenience of electric service for lighting ̂ cooking; heating^ cooling; washing; cleaning \ radio* ^®̂ *̂ P̂ o"̂ h3"fl̂ here irilionor of Tuesday night at'Mahon Park " Phyllis Bell, whose wed- West Vancouver took-Lynn Val- T ^|ng~tal^ place this month. into camp by 14 to 9, which, Mrs. A./-Thonias, 2748 Marine coupled with their 6 to 5 victory Drive, kindly loaned her home at Ambleside Park last Thu5fs- ' tor the occasion. The staff pre- <iay gave them the league cham- sented Miss Bell with a beauti- pionship and the right' to enter lul coffee table, and the novel the Lower "-.Mainland playoffs. Idea was followed of hiding the West Van. were leading 6 to 5 , many other gifts for the bride- when Weymss, who had been f̂ ®̂ t to find. The serving of a pitching good ball, hit a wild buttet supper concluded a very streak and walked six batters happy evening. Among those which with ani error and a hit present were; Miss Phyllis Bell, loft the locals on the short end Miu McMillan, Mrs. Thomas, of a 9 to 6 score. Mrs. W. Bell Mra. R. Bell, Mrs. . When the first two men up ^^P2ies, Mrs. the seventh struck out it i^ynolds, looked like a third game was go- 9 "̂ llwork, to be necessary, but Kefr F^lfji^ ^'s-t^avage, Mrs. F. thei third - man up, hit - a long Ellis, Mrs. F. Munn and the double, Harper followed with a Misses M. Somerville,'. . Gwen _ _screaming_triple to left field, the For Siiaps^n Real Estate -Notary.Pablic- Real Estate & Insurance (Established 1912) 1405 Maru^ Drive Phone W est 2Lor Seymour 1260 Evenings West 204X GORDON ROBSOli Baririater Solicitor WEST VANOflUVER-- Office No. 1447, Marine Drive Phone W est 403. 10 to 12. VANCOUVER O P E IC E - 3uite 501: 510 Hastings St. W. Phone, Seymour 4199. 2 to 5. AUCTION SALE Under instructions from Mr. F. J. Patterson, , 1487- Gordon Avenue, I seven batters . hit safely will sell by Public Auction the residue oearie, Hfil, C. Thomas, G. and when the dust had cleared Household Goods on Creelman 1]. Taylor, E. Thomas! ^ T r m R I C I A SCHOOL Government Examination Results. West yan had the game stowed away 14 - 9. , They will next' play V.A.C.. Lity champions, dates to be an­ nounced later. Fr id a y ,- 3rd August; a t 2:30 p.m. comprising--Ghesterfield-- and--Easy- . Chair, two Occasional Chairs, Walnut Dining Table and six -Dining Chairs, three Dressers, .Chest of Drawers, ^ re e Beds (complete), Gateleg Table, Bedroom Chairs, . CedaxT'Chest, Ex- ^Engagement - D- ^ o tt of Chilliwack, announces the engagement of ------- ; vvtiuuxng w ill take > ' > " Vancouver bowlers early in September. Phone West f 93R. 7 shote - i l T by a r t i r a V K , "! o x r a t f k tension Clot, Wicker .Chairs, Phono- ̂ ^ ap h , "Seamstress" . Sewing Machin^ Walnut Tvvin. Beds;. Md . • Carpet, two Kitchen,.' ,Chairs,^ two Kitchen Ent?^ ̂~~~ 71.1%. JK1 77 P ^ ^ a r a Good, <»«i«>unces the emracpniPiif nf *-«pnen.. junairs,^ two aiwuw*ferSrfe& 'Sffii? • " ' ROBERT FIRBKS Anciimiem: uacro. -- WKiapn tO ShOW " Next ^turday rive West Point ̂ o f I d v S w "The idea the locals in a leagu^xture. the camera!" Mrs. Climber: "Well, that's tmb.» Phone. W ert 39 Furnace; and' "Rarii^ Repairs, SawduBtlluriiers \ -