i l lI* V U ft H- tt Week-eadSpecidb Friday & Sat, Aag. 3 - 4 M ca tf M/llfffilfmiiiift̂ ^ fiom- l i i i ^ t f lii the i«^nt Juiriir Matllcttlstion Exajiiliia- t lo n i fts' c tn d fa fite s from W e « i^W iFO T rSt'hodl: ̂ JEFFERIES'S | 1 lent In^ieeted Only II ' ilH»K0flKII WIiSAT -- 109% Wfcola WlM«t.... ......iriri. 1#< COI.I/MBIA Af*mCOm H m w Padi ' m . t ii^ a t tin •.......... I l f HOVfCIL ^ R N IIBSF HiAliIttir flfitr ..............1 titti t ie ll«d Sk m i u ORANOB PEKOB TBA AHairalian BKEDlj^M H . UtMf...... .................... ........ SIf Rad A White PILCH A RUB 1 Ib. tin ...................................... lOe illu« A White GOLDBN CORK T in ................ ........ ......... ........... . 12c UEVILLKII MBATH................tin «c Nalwli APRICOT JAM Naw BaaiMMi'a Pack.......4 Ib. tin 42c Red A White TOMATO JUICE No. I Tall T in .................. 2 CIna l&c Nabob SMALL MACKEREL In Tomato Bauce ...........tin 18c Nal>ob KIPPEREU BNACKB ■ 4 Tina .......................................... 2®c Red Arrow FIG RARB Frcah from the Oven.......,..lb. ISe Prebble, O oro tl^ IJoshi^, Rich ard L ^ te r , Harry Phone W est 370 S W irrH RACK RACON In the nieca ... .... .... ...par ib* 8#c s w i r r s LARD .................. 2 Iba. 25c LA M il........................ LEt CO'I FLEI___________________________ WEINERS .......................... ..... Ib, 19e FINNAN liAUUIB ............... Ib. 16c PO î ROAST from PRIME BHEF Ib. . .................................. I2e CRi:.S( ENT BIIORTBNING, 2 Iba. 21c VEAL, LAMB. PORK, BEEP Fln<N»t (Quality a r a jLaniMcr, a ia u ^ l^ n i ie t t , Margaret Wriaberg, 'Hioms Grieve, jLaurenoe Lefeaux, Mar jorie Paton, Margaret Toynbee, Kathleen aodfpum .' In addition the folJowing stu dents made a very commendable In g :" " " a t HoU,cbBXB..*wxt PHONE WEST 3 *rr rpr MurrayVi ORANOB MARMALADE 4 lit, tin LEITIICE CELERY COOKING 42c Large Ileada ........... 4c .......................... bunch 6e APPLES...........9 Iba. 26c PREV EN T FO REST FIRES B.C. FORESTS a r e .a source of great R evenue to th e Province. B.C. FORESTS provide em ploym ent d irectly _______ ________ and Indirectly fora large propor tion of th e population of th e Province. but" each had a single subject below 40 and will only have to write - single supplements, in order to complete ihcir standing. Irene Shirlaw and Frank Dow ney were each granted two sup- glementals. Two .>̂ tudents, Mary radshaw arid Eileen Body, did not fAil in any subject but the aggregate marks were only slightly below the GO per cent, general average. As a result these two students will only have to write three subjects to corriplete their full .standing. Lenna Simpson, who is a can didate for Normal Entrance in 1936, was successful in all her subjects which she wrote this year. Her name will not appear until she completes her addition al subjects next year. At the, June Examinations for Matriculation this year a num ber of Grade-XI students were given an opportunity to write upon certain subjects- This will .permit these-students to , con centrate on the other subjects of LUMBER Our price# are ai fow a$ any obtainable in Vancouver and 'ihc Ncm̂ Shorer Phone us for Q uotations on Y our R equirem ents WEST VANCOUVER LUMBER CO. LTD. -FOii HEAL SATISFACTION i»hone West 115 Res. phone: W. J . Turnbull, West 368L C L A SSIFIE D ADS The rate for Claasified AdvertlMmente la 2 canto, par word, mlnimuin 25 cento. Except in the caM of tbaaa haTlng ragular aceountoL all clasai- Oeda ara payable strictly in advMca. . 1 Ramambar Classifieds in the Want Van Nawa gat fmmadlata raaulta. GET YOUR HOME-MADE BREAD, Pies and Cakes at Hunter's, 2428 Marine Drive, Phone West CIO. SPIRELLA CORSETliBRE -- Phone W est 487L. HANDY ANN SHOPPE, DundaraVe. Wools; Notions; D.M.C.; Cards;, Toys; Stationery; Hardware; Nails, etc. . ■■ '-i' j' . RADIO REPAIRS -- West Van. Radio Service (J. L.,Pettigrew), West 108 1473 Marine. - THE WELFARE ASSOCIATION re quires discarded" clothing. ~ Phone West 37. and truck will collect. WEBB'S SHOE REPAIRS. WEAR -BEST- SHOE REPAIRS Get the best mat- erial and workmanship a t Pox's 14th-at-Perry.-:_________ - SHOE -- Dundaravpr B.C, FORESTS provide a sanctuary for th e wild life of th e Province, uciivittu; uii uiu iHiicx u x ----- : ■ the Matriculation requirements LAWN MOWERS SHARPENED with ... special machine; all makes. West Vancouver Machine Shop, 1449 FOUND -- ̂ Umbrella near West Bay viaduct. Owner can have same by paying for this advertisement. Phone West 151X2. " B.C, FORESTS provide a natural playground for B ritish C olum bians and visiting tourists* VlUien FOREST FIRES dccUr or to elect additional courses; The students were John Beaty (2), David Brown (3), Dorothy Dickinson (3), Betty Elliott (2), Fred, Masterman (2), Charles- Miles (3),oJim Murray (2) and Francis Smith (3). The figures represent the number of sub jects which were written and passedi Marine Drive. FOii.SALE -- Piano, Singer Electric ji Wwing Machine, Furniture, etc. House for Rent, 2291 Marine Drive, comfortable. West 329X. WEST BAY LIBRARY -- ! Subscrip, tion 60c month. Visitors! 2 weeks for 25c. English Magazines now on sale. Wool, Stationery, Gifts, etc. the lots Is yours* ̂ StudjSnts of last year's Mat-i. riculation=class"inAV:estsV'ancou-~ EXCHANGE-- Snappy 4-room Bung alow with sunroom in Dunbar; for one in West Vancouver. Phone West 696L1. FOR RENT -- 1136 Jefferson Ave. 6 ^-rooms, full plumbing,, Apply Trimble. Phone W est 165L2. $9.00' per month. JF0.RlSAiiB_==_6iie_-trayeLiwjeed-8uit- HEADQUARTERS for All Popular :Brands-of Cigarettes-and Tobaccos; also Fishing Gadgits for local wat- ers. Ambleside Tea Rooms. ^ Be careful with Fire in the Woods B. G. Forest Servlee ,v4tt are noted ip the pass lists for Senior Matriculation in the city sch^ls. John Kendrick had the distinction of passing with honors _ from, John_ Oliver-High- School. Philip Farmer and Ruth Postlethwaite were successful candidates at King Edward High School. "(silk):$B.00; One"printed crepe dress" (business), $5.00 -- both size 86.̂ Phone West 391Y. ' "" W A N ^D Paying guests, lovely modern ̂ homer Room -with double -- bed; would, suit convalescent; very reasonable. Phone West 218L. PRINTING -- For aU kinds of -- printing phone West Van News, West 363. - FOR RENT--- At Altamont; very de-; cirable modern; house, four bed-̂ rooms, near bus; $35 a month on lease. Phone West 196R1. FURNISHED AND UNFURNISHED Houses to Rent. ! Houses, lots, and - .acreage for' sale. John Lawson, 17th and Marine, Phone West 65. sh o w er I H R i f P O D N D S JO F JB U IT E Il^ ------------7 0 4 - 9 0 4 --------- ■ ■■ •:XT "-- ■■ .... A delightful .shower was given last Friday night by the B. C. WEST -VAN. TAKES JUNIOR HARDBALL TITLE GEO. H A Y • I A rfi. 'A V i J i . ELECrRIC S E R V I C E FOfK A WEEK 41 ̂ ■ t : An overage fomily in Vancouver pays about two-thirds as much for electricity as M does for butter. Just another comparison to show what a trifling amount is paid for the ever-present convenience of electric service for lighting ̂ cooking; heating^ cooling; washing; cleaning \ radio* ^®̂ *̂ P̂ o"̂ h3"fl̂ here irilionor of Tuesday night at'Mahon Park " Phyllis Bell, whose wed- West Vancouver took-Lynn Val- T ^|ng~tal^ place this month. into camp by 14 to 9, which, Mrs. A./-Thonias, 2748 Marine coupled with their 6 to 5 victory Drive, kindly loaned her home at Ambleside Park last Thu5fs- ' tor the occasion. The staff pre- <iay gave them the league cham- sented Miss Bell with a beauti- pionship and the right' to enter lul coffee table, and the novel the Lower "-.Mainland playoffs. Idea was followed of hiding the West Van. were leading 6 to 5 , many other gifts for the bride- when Weymss, who had been f̂ ®̂ t to find. The serving of a pitching good ball, hit a wild buttet supper concluded a very streak and walked six batters happy evening. Among those which with ani error and a hit present were; Miss Phyllis Bell, loft the locals on the short end Miu McMillan, Mrs. Thomas, of a 9 to 6 score. Mrs. W. Bell Mra. R. Bell, Mrs. . When the first two men up ^^P2ies, Mrs. the seventh struck out it i^ynolds, looked like a third game was go- 9 "̂ llwork, to be necessary, but Kefr F^lfji^ ^'s-t^avage, Mrs. F. thei third - man up, hit - a long Ellis, Mrs. F. Munn and the double, Harper followed with a Misses M. Somerville,'. . Gwen _ _screaming_triple to left field, the For Siiaps^n Real Estate -Notary.Pablic- Real Estate & Insurance (Established 1912) 1405 Maru^ Drive Phone W est 2Lor Seymour 1260 Evenings West 204X GORDON ROBSOli Baririater Solicitor WEST VANOflUVER-- Office No. 1447, Marine Drive Phone W est 403. 10 to 12. VANCOUVER O P E IC E - 3uite 501: 510 Hastings St. W. Phone, Seymour 4199. 2 to 5. AUCTION SALE Under instructions from Mr. F. J. Patterson, , 1487- Gordon Avenue, I seven batters . hit safely will sell by Public Auction the residue oearie, Hfil, C. Thomas, G. and when the dust had cleared Household Goods on Creelman 1]. Taylor, E. Thomas! ^ T r m R I C I A SCHOOL Government Examination Results. West yan had the game stowed away 14 - 9. , They will next' play V.A.C.. Lity champions, dates to be an nounced later. Fr id a y ,- 3rd August; a t 2:30 p.m. comprising--Ghesterfield-- and--Easy- . Chair, two Occasional Chairs, Walnut Dining Table and six -Dining Chairs, three Dressers, .Chest of Drawers, ^ re e Beds (complete), Gateleg Table, Bedroom Chairs, . CedaxT'Chest, Ex- ^Engagement - D- ^ o tt of Chilliwack, announces the engagement of ------- ; vvtiuuxng w ill take > ' > " Vancouver bowlers early in September. Phone West f 93R. 7 shote - i l T by a r t i r a V K , "! o x r a t f k tension Clot, Wicker .Chairs, Phono- ̂ ^ ap h , "Seamstress" . Sewing Machin^ Walnut Tvvin. Beds;. Md . • Carpet, two Kitchen,.' ,Chairs,^ two Kitchen Ent?^ ̂~~~ 71.1%. JK1 77 P ^ ^ a r a Good, <»«i«>unces the emracpniPiif nf *-«pnen.. junairs,^ two aiwuw*ferSrfe& 'Sffii? • " ' ROBERT FIRBKS Anciimiem: uacro. -- WKiapn tO ShOW " Next ^turday rive West Point ̂ o f I d v S w "The idea the locals in a leagu^xture. the camera!" Mrs. Climber: "Well, that's tmb.» Phone. W ert 39 Furnace; and' "Rarii^ Repairs, SawduBtlluriiers \ -