West Van. News (West Vancouver), 2 Aug 1934, p. 3

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mm ^AN -•fH?K. D A V E ANDERSON ..pbcm ifM M ^^:w-•**«(*« vj « S m ntattve -- -- .... Local and ...... ........ ......... >̂~ " mwf' "??r X >«MW . , 't h«Wi|MI|M\fr PBWfPIPSW" #31 'r«»««5¥j»f3««*»«»̂-«l«M West Vancouver Ai»«l«nr 8wl»untla«r a » bff VA7W . i< m , ̂ j '"■"i t jcr«*i)» .■m*. Pacific Coast In lem atiw ialD atdoor SWIMMING ,it Dundarave Pier* 2 pjn. Satunli^*. Adults, 35c; GhildrIren under 14 yioatB, 10c. 18th.. OF^*ICIAt REGATTA d a n c e t; at night at HUrbar-View Daiioe Club Mow Cotton Pickers Free Transportetiqn from Ambleside Orchestra to Dance and return as far as West Bay lai^. where he . has secured a, at Ambleside Beach last position. afternoon on to sonvt Mr. and Mr!i:^P. X. Hodgson,[odgs( who have been spending a hoii« ......... . .., which had become sx|ms$4. own­ ing to the low tide. Hie head n g a h o li- was badly cut# neeessitutiiig day at Buccaneer Bay, have re- several stitches. Dr. Stainsby tunned to thehr home at 2810 attended to his injuries. Bellevue Avenue. ♦ * • * • * * Mrs. T. A. Spencer was a Mrs. English, 25th and. Belle- luncheon hostess on Tuesday, at vue Avenue, has moved into a her home, 21st^and * Mattiers house at 2271 Haywood Avenue. Avenue, when covers were laid for ten. Paul Mathews, the 17 year old son of Mrs. Mathews, 31st and Eric Stinson, who is a Gov- Procter Avenue, has just com- ernment official in the Fijis, has pleted a smart-looking 13-foot arrived on the Aorangi and is are €arefu% compounded and Promptly Delivered Mrs. Graham, who OCC m'ing a£ moved to Vancouver. BUILDING PERMITS UP $10,540 GennilTs Dni{ Store The Stoire e f Sirvilc*. 140S Marin* Drlr* Went 37 or Woat 607 Kmeriency Phono Woat 821 (After 10 p.m.) hydroplane, which was launched staying for a few days with Mr, T . lY. !, from W Bay last week end and Mrs. Teed, 27th and Water- The .boat has C l i e n t lin-a and front. He has also been^.the Legton h e lK ^ ib - 'A T th ^ wo"k 'SThe Gy»»the Canadian ^ „k last Saturday at Eagle Har hour. M a rc e l S h o p OPENING SPECIAL --*141̂ . ,, . . ■■ I'* Moving to N e w Q ywtcrs , above Royal Bank *■"' 17th and-Marine August 1st. M'̂ "Mr.""ahd'^ '̂'W:"G:-]W^^ ___ .............................. Dreamy Nook," 26th and .1 0+ ecn conkructlon includmg tHo instal- Bellevue Avenue. the engine was wholly * * • M iss-M ait Gosnell, R.N., who crease, over the previous^ month • <! ♦. has bfeen the guest for the past of June,^when 13 peiTOite. were Mrs. DoUman and her son, few weeks of Councillor and taken (mt for $6,970, and^ 8 ,5 5 5 prunji-DQjjjjuan, have return- Mrs. Lance Garthornfe,» 2208 *+ -r «% oKK ed to their, home,at 1564 Fulton Marine Drive, left yesterday to wnicn time y permits lor $;5,yoD Avenue,, following a two weeks' return to her home in London, vacation;at Qualicujn Beach. * Stratton's BAKERY Everything of the Best in CAKES & PASTRIES, Christening, Birthday and Wedding Cakes made at 1468 Mirrine Drive Phone West 27 were issued. A ve MRS. KING offers a Permaneot W ave Special for $ 3 .0 0 for one month only. Better Facilities Every Convenience Phone W est 304 ' distinct mock moon was yisibie at 11:45 pin. Mon? day to the, north of : the moon, which at this time had attained a goDd..€levatiob on the eastern horizon. From all accounts this ^phenomenon is :not. often obser­ ved, on this coast so' far south; although, of course, common enough in the far north. Mrs. ~~Smith, who has been spending a holiday in Cypress 1 Ontario. D. Mearon has moved 2407 Haywood Avenue into a at 2427 Haywood Avenue. Mr. and Mrs. P. J. Patterson house : Mrs. Wellington Keeves, who has- been spending a holiday at "The Gables," West Bay, has re­ turned to her home in Vancou­ ver. A large, bush fire broke-out and Eraine,- are leaving-here and' raged^most of Sunday one next Monday for the Yukon, mile norths of ' Horseshoe Bay, ♦ ♦ * . the smoke from i t being visible Mrs. Jamieson of Kerrisdale, all-over West Vancouver. i^the guest of Mrs. B. M. Grady, ♦ * 24th and Waterfront. The choir of St. John's Church, S h e e t M e ta l L. SPECK. Proprietor W orks __ * . ♦ , * Park, h a s. returned to Vancou- Burnaby, spent-Saturday'picnTc- and Mrs. E. H. Mullett and ver. • ing. at Mrs. Forbes' picnic family of Vancouver, moved grounds and' tea' room on the yesterday into a suite in the Por- West Bay sea front. * tune Gup Inn. H E W E T T -A U & T i6N E E fi& SCYS FURNIfUM PH O N E N ORTH 8 9 While-fishing™ ------It-Tr-Meglaughlinr-manag^bf- Beach"SundayfafteTnooTirafrahg-~ the B. C. Electric Corrhere, has Philip C. Chapman , General Insurance Agent. \ Fire, Automobile, Burglary, Accident and Sicknessr. 2557 King's Ave. Phone W. 42Y3 Eagle Harbor 'Picnic Grounds, Tennis Conrts, , Bathing, Boating, Fishing, .̂.̂ .̂ Tea-rooms, Sandy Beaches, - Cottagesifor rent------- 1443 Marine'Drive Ambl^ide Phone W est 340 Evenings, W est 143 Listings W anted r " Real Estate Finance and Insurance Mrs. Forbes' Tea . Room Foot of Oxley Street' W est Bay Sea Front ICE CREAM, SOFT DRINKS, TEAS, TOBACCOS, CANDY Playgrounds, Sand Pile BOATS PHONE. V FOR. HIRE. W est 698L2 ler hooked an dciropuSi The boat returned to duty after a sHô fc'* was brought to snore dragging vacation. the catch; which was then gaffed ♦ ♦ and ,landed, on the dock. This Mrs. Dean, 24th and Water- particular member of the cuttle front, has been visitipg^her sis- fish family measured six feet at ter in Victoria for the past week. full spread,, and ̂ was about the , ♦ ♦ ♦ same size as another caught in A. Gibson has moved into a the- same manner about four house at 1329 Marine Drive. y ^ fs ago off. HoUyburn: They ♦ ♦ ♦ are said to inhabit the sea bot- sind Mrs. M. Mahon of tom in the deep water up and jsforth Vancouver, have rented aĵ down the B. C. coasthqe, but do juj^e in the Fortune Cup Inn. not reach such a size as to be - * ♦ '. _dangerdud-to_hpmafi:beihgs---------------and- Mrs. Woods-of-Vic- - Hollyburn Theatre FRIDAY and SATURDAY , , August 3rd and 4 th THE CONOUERING SEX with MAX BAER and - . " ■■■ ■ Half-Baked Relations MONDAY, TUES., and WED. August Gth, 7th and 8th GEORGE ARLISS •' in The H ouse ot R othschild --- ---̂--3- JTHUJRSDAY-^-AugusMth- RASPUTIN AND. THE EMPRESS BARRYMORES/ ♦ I ♦ '/*- Miiss Barbara ,3mith of New York-is spending-,fJie summer with her uncle and aunt, . Mr. and Mrs. Lester White , o f Cy^iress Park.' toria, have moved into a house at 2161 Bellevue Avenue- . 4< * * Ilew Beach Bathing, filoaling. Fishing Summer Cottages Marine Dr. West Vancouver Mineral Spring on the property Mrs. Hutton is the guest , of SALE of Mantel Radios 1934 Super.Het. Cood $ O Q 5 0 quality, tone, volume,ietc. -- FORST'S LTD. G. H. 6EMHILL ■ West 37 1402 Marine Drive Sherman Store 3900 Marine Drive Bertha J. Campbell Phone W est 243X3 n_ V E R N O N F E E D S T O R E . A. C. SBARLE Phone West 9 Fertilizers of AU. Kinds . Wood*-,Coa], Builders' Supplies A mosh delightful afternoon., was spent Tuesday when MrSi ; W. ,W. Reidn Appleton -Court, „ entertained a number ol' her . , , , . , , A T» 1, friends at tea. The guests in- her daughter, Mra, A m y Bouch- ^lu^ea Mrs- H. L. Thompson, er of the West Bay Library. . Jiyg. vValter Gray, Mrs. C. B. * * * . j' (jreenwood, Mrs. D. MacMillan, J. R. Allan oft West Bay, is Mrs. ;Et. MeVean, Mrs. George, constructing on the be^ch there Clarke, Mrs. A. Thomas, .Mrs.. a fine 36-foot bridge-deck cruis- iceo. Payne, Mrs. R. Fiddes, er. The motive power .yrifi be Mrs. J. Lowden, Mrs. R. Cripps,. suppHed by a 20rhorsepower Mrs. J. Duncan, Mrs. Slater, Mrs,.; Monday for the Yukon. His Continental motor, which has J. W. Neill, Mrs. J. R. Mitchell, brother, Bruce, has just been bden already instaliedr, The boat Mrs. Amesworth, Miss Kenealy, notified of his appointment to is a very roomy craft and will Mrs. V. V. Vinson, Mrs. Feather; the Port Alice Superior School, have^ sleeping accommodation Mrs. Miles, Mrs. R. Black. Aŝ ^̂ ̂ ♦ f if for eight persons. sisting the hostess were Miss ■ , H. Smith of Vancouver, has ♦' ♦ Margaret Reid and the Misses moved into a house on Marine Mrs. Body, 20th and Mathers Grace and Gertrude Thompson, -Drive at Sherman. Avenue, has takeni ashouse a t Reginald Hamilton leaves on .I4M ANŶ QUANTITY, QUALITY. OR FOR*! Pacific fo ld Sm eltingvR Refining Ca. 600 Robson S liee t Trinity 3588 11th and Mathers Avenue. Through a typographical er­ ror in our account last week of the formation of a new North Shore Outpost of the T.V. Sec­ tion the name of Tom -Turfier appeared as the recipient of the War Veterans' Allowance;' This should have read "Tom Tanner." 3V. W. Turner hhis.,moved from Vancouver into a<house on 25th Street. : Rev. G. S. Barber .has moved into a house on Radcliffe Avenue. , BAND ^ W e st Vancouver Schools' Band (Mri Hills, Conducting) AMBLESIDE PARKCONCERT MONDAY, Aug. 6 th -- '7 p.m. sharp Silver Collection in Unemployed Picnic If," •'r?- ■ It * '71 A ̂ f 1 V TEAROE & SON ■■ Concrete Contractors Cement Floors Garden Walks Lily Pools Gravel and Cement 1474 Phone. ̂ Marine Drive West 84 .1 ' IKiT . aW'i ! ^ ,i~ I if ■'J f'WtMs' >4 m ■ k *. , . !' m ' ̂ ' ij. ^ t'. # ' J <» >' tv'iI /J '■ <4I p ;U. <1ff>k Play Golf ' - AT . M idsum m er Ihites Dr. A. C. Nash, ^ n d and Mar­ ine Drive, has retiEmexl fromr, a holiday on Calt Spring Island.