■ 4 , ' , J i , I ! i H its m.m., 7tl6 Sunday fkbool «tid Bibli ClMt 10 «.»L - ' i t n h n n f m tiH ~ W O tSSSr SUNDAY BYKNINO at TiM, Midsummer Chic for the Matron me. HBNBT f , EAB A prttctktti 3h^^3g,b th « | r§* tuins th« cmniiAlu of cblcs ha* S' diittnct «p{>o«l to th« bu>y matron. I t ahotild 'bo woH taparcd vrltb a vary, so tt permanent wayo So tbat It may bt* aaally dreaaad. No fiN»rmanaiit ia a aaving unlaia you can aat it youraolf. bi;.NDAY. Aug, dtlia a t $ p,m. GARDEN SERVICE at m B Ballavua Avanua. -- wialbcr parmittinir. Mil. IIENHY » . ilAE ' Spaaker. UNITEII CHURCH Gwendolyn Beauty Shoppe 1546 Marina Drlva For appointmanta FIIONB WEST 117 Next Sabbath R^v. W. ,N. Wliitmorc, B.A., mfhlstor of PinchtT Creek, I/niied Church, will (x cupy the pulpit of West Vn/uouver.# United Church, at both inorninfir and evening aer- VltM'H. Sunday School an uHual every Sunday at 10 a.m. m m M u C.M nm anpriCH EPiricf iMiirBtfiitoia|t#- Baflybiira, T M a S o « ii# g a Branch of _ Tba MMler Church t im F trat Church of Chrlit, S ab ttlii^ in Bolton, Mepatiaoietts , Sunday. August 5 .19.'J4. "'Suiidhy:B4u*idec: 11:80 a.n. Subject: **LO VE" Buoday ficbliol at 10:00 a.u. Taatimony Meeting Wednesday a t 8:15 p.ta. Tha publie h cordially in vited to attend our services and raaotinira. F . w '-v v Th JT £1Jl Mj R v 9 Kodak and AGFA The Agth people are putting on an extraordinury Competition from Hollywood. Your Pk'turo might give you a Contract, in the Movies, AMBLEmE PBARNACY W. Ia. KBR, Prop 1401 Marina Drive Phone W eal 828 FREE DELIVERY HAI»TIST CHURCH Pastor; Itev. H, P. Humphreys Sunday, August 5th, 1934 9:d5 a.m.--Sunday School. 10:00 ir.m-- Adult Bible Class. { 11:00 a.m.--Morning Worship. Miss Constance J. Bran don of the World Evan gelization Movement will . ̂ give the address. Soloist: Miss Juliet Johur son. 'Hie Ordinance of the lyord's Supper will l̂ e ob- ' Korved. " ■ ' ,7:15 p.m.--Evening Worship. l.*astor will preach. Wednesday, 8 p.m. -- Mid-week prayer service. All heartily "Welcome. . Miss E. Naim of Pauline John son School, accompanied by Miss Thelma Jones, having spent a week at Jasper Park, returned here last week and has since left to spend some tinie visiting Mrs. A. jL, Stevenson in . Victoria, previous" to. returning to her home at Ladysmith . 1414 PRICES l ^ a i V E FRIDAY AND SATURDAY. AUliUSr and 4th. TEA -- JBlur Ribbon ............. .Ih., 42c COF F EE --" Max-i-mum ......34c F W U ll -- Wild Rosr PaHiry.'f'lh. y k ^ r 24«. .CANADA CORN STARCH |-- pkg, ...... ................. .8c JELLY POWDERS -- Mux-I-mum ______ ________ f, 4 pkg*. i 5c yOAP ~ Pearl W'hilo bar Sc SOAP -- Witch Hazel 8 bars lOc . CRISCO -- purely vegelaWe -- ............... ...... ..............3 lb, tia 57c PFJAS -- Aylmer, Sieve 5, No. 2 tin.................. I..............„..,.2 for 17c CORN -- Aylmer, No. 2 tin.......... ...........................each 9c TOMATOES -- Libby's, No. 2Vt tin:.,............................... .„ .'2 for i^c PEAS -- Orchard City, Sieve 5, 8 oz. tin...-..-...................... each 6c SPACHFrrri -- Canadian Beauty, 17 oz. tin 2.................. :each 15c SOUP - - Aylmer Tomato ................................................^.„4 tin* 25c WAX LUNCH ROLLS -- iO s h e e t ................................... 2 pkgs. 15c FLOOR WAX -- Shinola ......................................i............ lb. tin 19c W« rei«rve (he richt to limit queaUtle*. SAFEWAY STORES LIMITED • a*M ■ at J k WITHOUT WASTE DR. G. D. H. S E A L E D.D.8., U D .a DENTIST H*y Block, 14th and Marino Dr, Odlce Hours 9 to C p.m. Evenings by appointment. Phono West 72 ST. ANTHONY^S CATHOLIC CHURCH 23rd & Inglewood Ave. Priest in Chargfe, Uev. W. J. Millay, Re.sidonce: 2323 Inglewood Ave. Kcsidence Phone West 240R. E.-GAfcliANT; Services iLuHCMass:-- 8T45ra:m CHIROPRACTOR High Mass and Sermon 2444 Marine' Drive, Dundarave, 7 p.m, to B p.m., Mondays, Wod- nesditys And Fridays, House visus l)y oppointment IlOHldenco; 2808 Marine Drive: . Phono West 846L. Vancouver Office; 712 Robson Soymour 8790 Catechism and Bible Class--8:00 Vespers and Benediction--? iSO p.m. Week-day Services ' _ Mass, dally -- 8 a.m. Fridays: Benediction, Rosary, Confes sions -- 7 ;30. C. J. Overington PIONEER BARBER P x̂pert Work 14th and Marine \ Phone West 135 ST. STEPHEN'S CHURCH XCoctof* -- Rev. F. A. Ramsey, L.S.T, Eatahliahed on North Shore 20 Yeara. (Lady Aasiatant) HARRON B R O S. & W ILLIAM SON funeral Bircctars North Vancouver Parlors 122 West Sixth Street Phone North 184 Vancouver Parlors 65 Tenth Avenue East Phone Fair. 134 8:00 a,m.--::HoJyjCom.munion._ 10 & 11:15 a.m,--Sunday School 11 ;15~a,m.~Matins~&"l^mbiL~ 7:15 p.m.--Evensong and Ser mon. 7 St. Froncis-in-the-Woods. ' Caulfeild August 5th, 3 p.m. -- Evensong; FUL-L-Ŷ ENCLOSED-KNEggCTIÔ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ S ^ ^ ^ ^ S s t e e r i n g • BUILT-IN N O -D R A FT .■lupwiigg *®?SWI6B9896SSRII8BttBHS8BR85598BR5SW9SR8!SBRR99Sl!ISBI' THE West Van News PubUahed Every Thuraday Pahlirdier y . 'P . LOVEGROVE Phone W esr363 Buatneaa and Bdiierial Off tee: 17th and,Marine Drive 'stNextJo Hollyburn P.O.) Phone West 363 Mail Addresa: P. O. Box 61, HoHybunit B.<3. North Vancouver Office: . 123 Lonsdale Ave. fl.OO a year by carrier: |2.00 a year by mail. CHURCHES OF CHRIST, SCIENTIST "LOVE" is the subject of the Lesson r Sermon which will be read, in all Churches of Christ, Scientist, on Sunday, August 5. The Golden Text is"; "He shall feied His,flock like shepherd: He shall gather the lambs with His arm, and carry them in His lx)Som, and shall gently lead tliose that are with young." ( I ^ a b d O :! ! ) , ̂ ^ ̂ Among the cita«<^is which comprise the Lesson - Sermon is the-following from the Bible: "And this commandment have we from Him, That he who lov- eth God love his brother also." ( I j ^ n 4 : 2 1 > . The Lesson - Sermon also in cludes thei^ following passage from tins Christian Science text book, "Science and Health with Key to the Scriptures" by Mar\̂ Baker Eddy: One inflnite God, good, unifies 4nen and nations; constitutes the brotherhood of man; ends wars; fulfils the Scripture, 'Ijove thy neighbor as th yst^ ; annihilates pagan and Clmstian idolatry,--whatever is wrong in^speiai, dviK criminal, political, and religibus codes; equidiwss the sexes; annuls .the curse on man, and leaves noth ing that can sin, suffer, be pun ished or destroyed." (p, 840). CYLINDi Ir HEAD • AAf RTY W ;A S S jg m S H IE L D & .V E N T IL A T O R S - STURDY. B Y _ F I ^ E R _ . o c t a n e S E L E C T o T ^ T l S ^ r i ^ S f after year, it has been the some story: ^ Chevrolet first, . . with the newest and best. Chevrolet leading, others-foUowingl And 1934 is no exception. Again, the big- gest engineering achievements in the loW-price field are Chevrolet achievements; Fully En closed Knee-Acrion . . . changing your ride to a g m /_ m u e Flame Cylinder Head. . . riving motc ̂ W tt and "snap", yet using less gast^ line than CTet! Fisher Streamlined Design . . . the most popular'motor car styling in Canada! CaBle-C^ntrolied Brakes . . . self- equcilizing, bigger, sealed against dirt-and. moisturel Fisher No-Draft VeriHlation;. . . refined and imiproved! *'YK" Frame ' stronger than any other in ite class. . ' ' . A ^e, sure you get a modem, 1934 -auft̂ m^ile for your money. . . a new CHEVRO-' LET, Canada's Great Sales Leader! READY FOR IMMEDIATE DELIVERY StoBddrdSfxfrom ? 8 4 4 * 7 1 0 ______ *^pricM on the G J U A C j ^ , rtew pam C.I74C m «m i e l a n m o v o k s L m n ^ N orth V ancouver, B.C.