West Van. News (West Vancouver), 2 Aug 1934, p. 1

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jSV *** 4- * "If' 1l.. i J I nv a t t e n d f a b b w b i x t o a iB |n>;jnr Mu r r a y »»^JriA r TO M R ; A N n v ,> J , -T O ;H ^ T O N '. ' ,• ■......... ... I.■' J ' V / f c j ' l * W f l j i i m i i c e i v W I r o m a e v e n i l . ' .The Unlt^ C h u N ih v M ^ ;T O ^ ■ crovfded to. the d o ^ m i w ^ ^ - - e x iM ^ funda' & to a t o n d . y w l l w l & r WBST VAW AGRIOUliTCmAL AND HOETICiprUlUL ASSN. PacIBc Internatto: many as' y r t r ^ p r , . ....... , _ posflllijle a general meeting, on ' M d a y evening, t REEVE LEYLAND HOPEFUL OF BRIDGE Champlonshfj the sociah given Jim ) ^ i w ' ^ * "S o to H h* I ijijfht there oni2Bth Aug- Reeve Leyland, who returned ... ..t Ottawa* , stated that the delegatldn had h "V _ ̂ ̂ done everything possible to for- ward the First Narrows Bridge project which he thought would have been defeated but for them. Both he Md Boiled '•:t A : Patterson and their. 4*aM%WJwahot^far^ 4 h a n ' any registeiv le h try J iu M e loi W ne. w h o ^ leaw nE shw ^y , . e d . 'b y : : h l s - ^ & the V aM o u v erM rf^ tio n . for the Yukon. 'other, E v in c e s ,.so th a t oh pres- , DirM tors ,pf the Society Wright acted as chalrmaij.H_,j,.^. ,.eht s tan d in g -h e should be-sure feel tha t t h ^ . . ^ e many resl- Brief addresses w e te .n w s ^ y .: . of a place, on the,Canadian team, P , ®n*̂ 5® ™ "!!}*̂ Mrs. A. M .^O D M n elU o f^h e , could help. ^M lderab ly Boerd of Schoo ^ u ^ S /_ M r e ; schuberg- late of . West f>«}r ®"<> " hearty ------- --- ------ -- UTi-daiftn invitation is giv^n to them to ' T'iasa\ w.y solicitor I h te ld t lo n ia O a M ^ had-had. a-personal.. Chamt nauonw uujawr owimmiUK interview with Hon. R. B. Ben- stated he was satisfied ___ c . 1 cabinet would approve the who * ?te^. bridge subject to more Inquiries ^ th ?i *̂*5*« A r?S* certain details. These might ioi4v at'Dundarave Pier, Aslastyear^ rpnnif in Rifomfinvia tirVifnii t | e ^ will be seen in action some B3x-high AssociaHon, and^Cha^ ̂ Ihg all;hls 'e^dnses. It seeihs to Baldwin, all of whom vo ic^ t^ ^ , that vwhat Mission can do, universaLregxeLfolt h r q u ^ m j^ jy ^ the-municipaJitv bio4ldo.w,HWe '̂hope- so in ure of Mr. any ca^ . and with* others are „« and their daughter. RefetOnces wor^kihg" to~that "endr We M gh t Thursday, ^August 9th, in the Orange Hall when dahlias, gladi­ oli, annuals! and border flowers h1i( the best swimmerd^and divers on the American Oontinentrand 'the Swimming Club officials' are sparing no efforts- to mialce It the outstanding swimiping gala of-the-year-onJ:he„Pacific!jCoaat-„ gl result in alterations which should not provide unreasonable obstacles to its building; The Reeve, thought tlje bridge would be approved, but probably with some , changes,. He also had a long interview with thjj^depufy- minister„-.of-. t 1,. Uh Pi A A y f e j w* 1̂" fi ' ■ ' w f ;h' yyere manfi Lu xyxi. Patterson s long career the on his . - , , work inNthe church and com­ munity was / eulogized as, also that of her daughter in -they following: official TRefifatta"^ ̂ labor, to whom ho had stat̂ ^̂ ^ ;psgl̂'sfe»*» 8 will be held in the evening at that all discussions as to chang- Collarette, five Pompons, Harb6r-View Dance Club near relief rates, were . R€d^ PurSV, tainers. Free transportation will difficulties. PosSibly^it shojdd '.any othdr color. ^ be given from Ambieside Pier to M Mve PoH-prflrtn with a tonai^ Celobi^tion WoTo and Is Mr. and Mrs- ifatterson wirn a xu- AnftfrftliflTibeautiful mahogany Westmin- sponsorea py ttie,. A ustralia "'ThrlS"vaserW I Annuals, one the dance and returning as far Schools variety to' a vase, ̂ One vase of as West Bay. Further announi^- « 'y Border cut^fiowers not al- ments^ w ̂ in this mentioned* Paper. church life of the youmter «en- & S . e r in S o u S * t e i S 't r w . T. Bush present^ | l f » " r e ^ b a n d CONCERT Deauuiui mauugiuijf yy coi.t*****- n/ivprnm phf . wKh' n av all flia ster competitors'^expenses from Van- F X-- couvcE toJaelboume^aia-return |._^esente(^O L »frjn .d»Z E ai-H I,esides-rgiying-^-Patterson as a markjOJLjkheJioyh • ■'>•• - * ' ing apprecMOfi West Vancouver." ̂ ' . MR^atterson in e x p i^ s in || his mneere thanks said he dOLF AT eURNEAGIiES UNEMPLOYED MEETING Gol ̂j is good! at Gleneagles, andspi^ial-midsdifimerrates^re n o w -fer^ ^<SyBjF1hcludnigi ! The Cana(dan Legion Hall Was -filled to-eapaeity--on--Tuesday On Monday, AugUst"6th7-the* West Vancouver Schools Band, under the baton, of Mr. Hills, will "give â band concert' at Ambieside Park-commencing at 7 p.m. sharp. -This-concert-is^ade-possihle- V,' t'w'il : 4 p ; y w thought he ought to do some de­ bunking. He had always, ^ad a good and a loyal staff and\ they fiad enjoyed working., together. So far as the' young were con-r VINSON MEMORIAL CHALLENGE Sundays, all day, 75c; after 5 p r e ^ t problems of relief ad- It is in aid of the Unemployed p.m., 50c. s^rfnistration. picnic to Eagle Harbour when ............ ... - ' Called under the auspices of two hundred children and par- the West Vancouver Unemploy- ents will leave on the No. 6 ferry ;■ ■wv't a«h4- '. A nnyvî i n 4-1 .4*1̂ 'f■Prvm* 'aI ^LEGION NOTES Subscriptions have started to;, The next general meeting of come in for the purchase of a" the local branch will be held in Vinson Meniorial Perpetual the Legion Hall Friday, August cemed, their upbringing rested Challenge Cup, which will be 3rd, 1984. in the hknds of the home,-the tu i^ ^ over to' the West Van- For the information of .mem- church a M ^ e school, but prin-. couvCr Swimming Club; to"be-' bers and others^ who-may have cipalIy^he-ht)nie7-H^adTalways--compet^-for-aHHually^inW-race-^got^-aa>-mistaken impreasiiaLjn_ liked West Vancouver and its ; to be, designated by them. A connection.with, thdreceptopen- ment Association those present ' for a day's outing, consisted of men and women There »will be no reserved seats employed and unemployed as It is hoped that all will be there well as many who, while not to express their appreciaton to vitally affected therpselves, have the boys by being as generous as come to. see the seriousness of possible^ unemployment -with-its-|ittend-------Summer residents and-visitors ant miseries, , whp-Jiave not had the pleasure Mrs. R~Pr"Steevei37--MiijrA^-- of-hearing-the-Boys^and-should--̂Vk/v *̂ 1̂. lA^:^___ _____ i • f f* 1 y I 1 l**' \ '- V - 4 W I--rB .̂itp--aTi. -̂hf4?ft~wl -̂v.'n*~™' -̂'̂ l̂"~""P~**kn'-iw-pii"'>iaKaiW-4nĝ -n£Si«Iijorth'.Bhoi!£5utpoat ' spoke,at. lengfe, decrying the not miss this musical eyeniue. dMp r ^ e f .---------- 7--- "----------- a n C a ig ra v er for a sWall sum-, 'of the T. V. Section; Branch No. - governments whp-d03iot fluH'-aTTiflll tfnhHj»vir»+ifkTia will Vip 44. nf Vaneonver. nf thp Oanadi- handwriting on the wall. i1 governments Mrs. Patterson in expressing , and small subscriptions will, be 44, of Vancouver, of the Canadi her appreciation of the g ift said,,,welcome. A committee from thê an Legion, it is pointed out here that all she had done in the" Swimming Club and, the editor that this is only another of the giving the case church had been a pleasure.'and, of this paper will choose'and many sided activities of the Vancouver relief ' • - purchase the cup. We beg, to Canadian ------ - i,osr̂ ,̂̂ *,0,0+, -No^eserved^seats--Silv€rcol-= lection. MacNeil also spoke, ' case of the West, men who dp 'tp when the clock chimed in the Yukon, she would always re-*̂ member her West Vancouver friends. \ Mrs. Patterson was also pre­ sented with a fine silver-dish by Mrs. T. E. W. Russell 'on behalf, of the P.-T, A., while, Eraine-re- LEGION SMOKER Don't forget the Canadian Legion .^throughout now have consistently worked for Legion Smoker at 8:30 o'clock ackhowledie'^the^fo^^ Canada, which for very obvious their relief,;but who, faced with ., tonight (Thursday), ________ , . . reasons deals exclusively '̂ with ** rpaliwiTiir the.. Tietrmn Hflll. Wrt.n tn< lQldje|||i|®lSr^^ mentioned branch title. I ssenptoiQns: J. T. l^ a t t ........................ 50 David Morgan .................. .50 Ed B lack ....................................50 X Duckworth .................... .r .50 -1 i, 1 Ai. W. C. Thompson..................... 5 0 , S f **'1. Councillor,Gartholme......... • .60y^ng people,of the church and, ______________ S B ih h Jten ^ It is understood that this local newly formed branch of . the Legion w ill conduct monthly in the a further cut, and realizing the. Legion Hall. With the-program situation better than relief men of varied entertainment 'arrang- in other municipalities who have ed by the committee in charge, not worked, have reached the a good evening's fun* awaits . 'r 4̂ |i end of their tether. They asked to be given a fair meetings in the Canadian ̂Legion deal and to be properly equipped those who 25 cents> attehd. Admission, Club Rooms, West Vancouver. for work.. If not, then they would stay , at home until their ôcal solos were given by Miss Mary D'Donnell and H. X Hob­ son and recitations by Miss Hat-no ' - j. ■ 'tie Young,* all of. wRbih/were |<ĉ ompelled to give, encores, the program including.-some-, com­ munity singing being very'muc]S' .Ob Friday, August 10th, an­ other? . popular , "Big Family Part^" whist drive and dance will be held in the. Orange Hall. . SWIM living and working conditions.^ The meeting went on record .; as heartily endorsing resolution^! SOFTBALL On Wednesday, July 25th. For- "î reeiT; . "* A" -Jr K • m The last one proved such a enjoyed, llie accoS aiiists'weiS success that the same arrange- eluding Donald McKenzie,^the Mrs. Alexander, J.HaydiiYoung ments have, been made. .T&m i4-year-ace who won ih e Dun- The annual Dundarave-Holly bumswim will be held next Sun- calling for a further sum of day afternoon, and .there will be $15 per. hxdnth at rate of 50c per a large field of *cojfnpetit6rs"in- hour if work on relief be requir- " ■ * " ed. In .the event of a work pro- ____ ____ - . - gram pbeingMintroduced unioni j^Tv Watt7"and H D̂db̂ ^̂ -Smith-and-Sid-Jamieson-wilLbe--darave-WestomSwimJwo-Weekfl _rates for pay-r^with minimum, freshments were ierved a t the iu charge of cards and dancing, ago in recordptime^ This year, wage of $16 per week--for 32' conclusion of the evening ' vdth . Slim and his Hollybum on account of the greater, facil- hour week--and further that no , -- _________ ̂ Dance. Masters providing the ities available to ̂ both: edmpeti- one be struck off relief for re- _____^______ latest popular dance hits of̂ the tora and the public ,tH^ face will ̂ fusing to work until one or other including a draw, and there isAUCTIONISALE man's Flashes by the score of 11 to 7 in the fourth game of the final series. The feature of the game was Tommy Neill's home run with two on bases. 'The series-now stands two games for Fortune Cup Inn and one for Freeman's Flashes. The .deciding game will be played, tonight (August 2) 1 at Ambieside Park at 6:30 p.m. Five games have been played, i p i l i Uon't forget the^^cSon sale seaisom At our last party the be started from ' Hollybum of theseproposals.be available. only a difference o f 4 runs be- of the residue .o f-th e :h6use-r! Diamond Orchestra ye i^ Wharf and will finish at Dun- .7, The Association backed ,b '̂, t^oen the two.teams which gives hold goods of # donated their sem ces; - darave Pier. The swimmers w ill 'fiaxp^.ers-.and others interes^^ close they are 1487 Gordon 'Avenue^ at '2*4o ' this ttime Slim and His Holly- be sent off on their long journey on Monday evening to lay their, ̂ matched. Everybody turn out p m. tomoiTow^(iS^^)^"cOMn" ~b Dance "Masters are donat- regardless of weather conditions demands before the council cillorR.Piddes w il la c t '^ a u c -P W tb e ir sefvices/the object of at 3:30 p.m. ___ . p . . tioneer. For full narticulafa see ^thOse two whist * drives and -------- -- HOLLYBURN HALL a J v e r t i s e m e n r i n ' S S ® ^ ^dkn^s along w itlilhe Boys B ^ GARDEN SBRYICB ____________ Concert, liext Monday being ,tb There will be a.garden. service There will be a gospel service COippid E V B N i S ^ f o r the Uneihployed at 3 p.m..next Suhd^Mu^^^ . at 7:30 p.m* next Sunday, Augp * picm ctoE aglcH arbourouA ug- 5th, on the lawn a t 2^18 Belle- ust 5th, ,in Hollybum Hall, a t. ^ e s t . Vancou'tef ::MiiempS^^ -- > p viie Avenue, pr<wding the fe Bkigle Harbdin-f * - tonight as a good game can be expected. , The - winner of to­ night's game will be the cham­ pion of the season. y y - m t ' H i l ■ J ' i t . ' f L m k 1;ti' if li bdurf A lS , 7 Table reservation can be made w ith e r permits.^ M e; SBoakw D- Rm . Sunda; . by calUngWest .53E2. , - will be Henry D. at 10 a.m. ̂ J-'fi " " / t. ̂ , V j t I i * .She: What? sort of house shall we mov$ to? - xciiL V , Husband: Let's try a bungalow, 'V.dear; then you won't always be hear-UoUa'l' 'inns Knt»ap1iiM wiAtflncr \afiAiilr ffnivn* which the speaker will be Henry. Sunday School as osual, ;7'jug, burglars moving 'about down * stairs^ I - .f ' 7" »»,. ii'S 'a ' Tv*;, 7h 'Z"" - ___ 5U, i - A *,yr I. rt.msi 'tC?