SBi m iS#4 mm MNMHM - \ tjkit iiiil fMft* 11:15 iLm̂ T:15 pj>. SiniMrtirf * VfaUtorf WdcwM# wilt i« fiilMiiHiBI^ S o m m e /a .vjpfc.<!>»."!»..«■ «-.»>,« ---*- Jr" '■•I'"'-. J r 0 f f n € l f l 0 f U 9 ' ~ c •Ĵ ^ 'f am Baaatl/ullt DHfamnt::,...... . ...... . ■ ..... " ....... ......."""'lSi|S|y i: { IV,4..V-.1 yi?n most cotatertibl* and witijrfyfnif waves: kavinit the ,halr soft; Ask anydne who has had a '^ ■SbmiBffs. at MiMM H0LL1.iSWI'«W>,i*Pii OTPIWW|HBi" w ; <) Y««W VmM$ l l l s iM M W Cm Jm i **♦<*• rt (ThU wjll tta iMt .iW w " efiwk# 4 r n 4 i m m i m i *7 i t 10 o*dotk Sttttda>HScl»oo!,««l ypoinr, l!s«*| BlWf d a i s This d a ss wili also Uka char^$ of the Sunday Evening Serviw a t 7:30 Come and listen to bright qo«f>el messages by tb# young men. < ' I ♦ < -if Gwendolyn Bequtyv Shoppe 1046 Marine D rive' '*"*• '■' Fdy"¥b0blhtihiilili"3"*3r:!^' PHONE WEST 117 fSSMM mum UNITED CHURCH (' The regular meeting of the W.A. will be held a t 2:1^ p.m. bn Tuesday, May 1st, in the Church ' 'Hallr " Membera - -and ' Irr f 1 lIK?, -iJ- 'i # I'W-f i If '5 I rt »|M 5 A Branch of Charch reh of Christ, In Boston, usftts j lliSO aJ«., S im d iy rA p r ii 29. « 3 ? "PIMWATION AFOea DEATHff I ^ Snnday Behool at 10:00 a.m. Teithnotty Meeting Wednesday a t 8 t l0 paitts The public Is cordially In vited to attend our services and mootings. 1 BAPTIST CHURCll S ^ a B T & d a y S c h p o l friendft are'cordially'Invited. in.'Xn o'w' "Adnlf. Bible Class The luncheon at Spencer's last Wotifnv* week was a dec! success, iV'f >4.? W am pole's MILK OF MAGNESIA 6oz 25c. 12oz 60c, iA > liB L E S ID E ^ PHARMACY W .^ K B B , Prop. 1401 Marine Drive m PH3NK wenf 3 a 3 E Free Delivery 11.00 a.m.-- The Pastor. 7t80 p.m.-- The Pastor. ' B .y.p.u. - prayer" ^0̂ ; " ."*' " ■ MoK , 8:00 on ,: T he Hollyburn Versatile Play- ers presented the play "My F irst m i . S . n n __ Choir DrcHH Suit," written by Mr. • Medcraft, under the auspices „ . ^ _ junior of the C.G.r.T. Girls last Friday F r^ay . 7.80 P* Pi. in the church hall. Miss H attie q/indav* morninir service & o n ' ? S / » i Z x S o r d t a n " of^Belioiers^Bl^tiam7.w«play.< In c iu d eu .o n xne-.pr4Jgrain«.^™ ^ .. ~4̂ Yinmhara Kv Ancma Will D0 ObSerVM. M m* r" »'* »* **r" S He e6QWI||i^^ "Ham mmwi mmi SUGAR -- R c. Granulai CUT GREEN BEANS - - rt^»N :.^3yw «r^M «ii- PEAS -- Aylmer, Sieve 4, PEANUT BUTTER -- S | AIRWAY COFFEE ..... BAKEASY -- 1 lb. carton -- TOILET PAPER -- Canadian ! WL foUl....«...«...;.M.,-.«..„.2 for fie DOO POOD ■-- Dr. Ballard'a, H n------- !----- -- i for 2Se SOAP Pearl White ...v»»*»«tttfs#w»W4MH;sMi*»'WM')iw.t..w<»«"f*#i«(.*A*sbara 17e-s CHIPSO --' largo package ...UX:.......- WATER GLASS - tin ......I2c SALMON -- Red Spring, Mat«IileM N a , J4 9c I^RUNES 40/50 size lbs* 25c We reserve the right to limit quartttSef. SAFE^AtflpRESrpMITEp DISTRIBUTIONCVJJ^ WITHOUT WASTE t,* ■ aitpi Ĵ tlS l44n,t :0 'f- D R : O r D T U r S E A L E D.D.S., L.D.S. n v B iv ic tn r ~wFJEwH JI m9 M, ■ - Hay Block, 14th and Marine Dr; OflUce Hours 9 to Q p .m 4 ', , Evenings by appointment. ̂ Phone Weat-72 . ^Br-€tALLANTT^D.C.,- were three* numbers by Angus Young, a vocal solo, by Bonnibel Barbour, and a piano solo by Betty Blair. The evening's ent ertainment was much enjoyed by the many who attended. ST. ANTHONY'S CATHOLIC CHURCH 28rd & Inglewood Ave. Priest in Charge. ; Rev. W. J. Millay, Riisidence: 2823 Inglewood Ave. - Sunday Services ST, STEPHEN'S CHURCH April 2Sth, 1934 - 4th Sun day after Easter. 8:00 a.m.--Holy Communion. 11:16 a.m.--Matins and ^rm on. 7 :16 p.m.--Evensong & Sermon Tuesday. May 1st--St. Philip & ' S t James Day. Auxiliary'Sunday School l l t h and Inglewood 10:00 a .m .-Sunday School. St,. Francis-in-the-Woods , Sunday service 3 p.m. On Friday, May 4th, the lead- NOW IS THE to have your car put in condition for the;Sanuner Season With the< Up-to-Date Equipment which we have In our Shop we are well able to give you the kind of job. you would expect from the Firat Class Shops in Town. Plus Personal A ttention FIRESTONE TIRES -- G IW D TB A :^ RAYBESTOS LINING -- WILLARD BATTERIES - A. C. & CHAMPION PLUGS . SHELL GAS & OILS VBEDOL and ILO OILS in stock a t W EST V A N M OToAs 1451 Marine Drive (BILL GROUT, Prop.) W est 268-<pay or Night) When in trouble phone or come in and-let usihelp^you with our COMPLETE AUTOMOTIVE SERVICE . . We specialize in pleasing the customer. . ISVif'nr'o* J W* "dr^wnnHi 'Vllk - 2444 Marine Drive, Dundarave, Monday, Wednesday & Friday ~ Evenings, 6:30 to t s o p.m. Vancouver Office: 712 Robson Seymour 3700 Established on North Shore 20 Years. (Lady Assistant) < BARRON BROS. & WILLIAMSON P n e ra l Bicectoca North Vancouver Parlors 122 West Sixth Street . Phone North 184 ' . Vancouver Parlors 65 Tenth Avenue E ast Phone Fair, 184 Philip C. Chapman] Oeneral Insurance Agent -__Fire, Automobile, Burglary, Accident and Sickness, etc. , 1557 Klng'a Ave. Phone W. 41YS WOMEN! i liavtM«d; Low Mass ^ 8 :45 a.m. a : u J9 a R ia ta 8 R A n .d ^ in f ia ^ iP:45 era of a.m. ̂ ^ . Catechism and Bible Class--3:00 - p.m. .Vespers and Benediction--7;30 p.m, " - Week-day Services Mass, daily -- 8 aim. : Fridays: B€n€dictionr"Hosary, Confeff-" sions-- 7 ;S0, FUNERAL SERVICESOF^ ing a fla im et^n^"^rom -9-:to - midnight in ̂ Hdy Trinity Hall, 10th and Pine, * The entire proceeds will be added iio Camp funds.' CHURCHES OF CHRIST, SCIENTIST Use Zero D elivered in large or sm a ll , . '__ q u a n tit ie s f , i -fi •.V'/ - Crystal Clear Ice Boxes for Sale or Rent i -------- p h o n e : -- r r - Q T r i D R V ^ C North Shore n o r t h O I U l l E i l u Ice Delivery 3 7 0 ' "* ?F R O B A T IO N AFTER - DEATH" is the subject of the Lesson - Sermon which will b e . read-iiL all._.Churches_3f _ Christ,. _ HARLEY C. B. ANDERSON Scientistr on Sunday, April 29. The Golden Text is: "t •I am■ r --- --- ^_V^vlvll' i-a..- .cvara -The- very large number who i the resurrection, and t l^ life: Aomroue nmg»dn«tvouB> ■ ■ ■ 'Oo. aSfHSIB! ■w ■ THE W est Van News Published Every Thursdsy I r '/ . : ' ' PuWtahcr . » I P, F. LOVEGROVip attehded the funeral services he that believ^lTiifM e,though last S ^u rday in North Vancou- he were dead, yet shall he live: van of the late Harley C. E, and whosoever liveth and believ- Antieraon, M.L.A., tesSfied to eth in Me shall never die." (John the esteem in which the deceas- 11: 25, 26). ed was held. Many West Van- Among the citations which couyer residents were present, comprise the Lesson - Sermon is as:w ere also representatives of the following from the Bible: all sections of the North Shore's All ^rip ture is given by in- husinessandsociallife . Hon. A. spiration of God,,and is profit- Wells Gray, acting premier, was able for doctrine^ for reproof, for them on behalf of the provincial correction, for instruction in government as well as numerous righteousness: That the man of ^representatives ^.of^the. .=̂ C.C4F ._ .-G od-m a:^ej)ertet^ ._ .to party; Following the simple but furnished unto a ll good works." impressive funeral service con- (H Timothy 3: 16; 17). ducted by Rev, J. Archibald, the The Lesson - Sermon also i i t remains^ escorted by a long eludes the following p a ^ g e funeral cortege, were conveyed from the Christian Science text- to Gapilano View Cemetery, book, "Science and Health with xvhere interm ent was made. The Key to the Scriptures, by Mary pall bearers were Chief of Police ?akar Eddy: "God requires per- (Teoi^/Gatild, ExMayor E. H. fection, but not until the battle B r id ^ f t^ G r a n t McNeill, Wil- between Spirit and Hesh is : liam ' Mitchell; D, McLean, and fought.and the victory won." (p. D.T^Maeponaddfr": 254),-- - DEATH OF MRS. J . DAVIES SCOTTISH COUNTRY Mrg, Louise Dorcis Davies, , ' DANCE SOCIE'TY Good lighting and good salesmanship are the two most irnportarit Feature of merchandising. Th^ j^ d e n c y of; Sales es-- »■* i i s i Phone West 363 Bu*in«M and. Editorial Offica: 17th and Marino Drive ' . (Next to HoUybom P.O.) ' Phone West 363- Mail Addreaa: wife;:-of J<>hrt Davies, passed ^ away: last I Friday, a t her home, - , _T«« Provincial .Executive of l l 6G ,;^ a th ^ s Avenue, after, a the B.C, Scottish Country Dance lohjgTahd lingering illness. The Society will be the hosts a t the deceased/ who Was m -her 61st Jewish Community Hall, Oak" ,\'ear," leaves to mourn her loss Street, on Saturday, April 28th, heirhusband and one daughter, to all local branches of the Scot- Veia,. at, hom e,. She had been a tish Country Dahfce Societies. people Is noticeably increased with: better - J : ■ |f% 5- ' u . . . . Box 61, Hullybum. B.C. ,0t r^H^rron WEST yANCOBYER lighting. Progressive merchant r do not complain about their lighiihtf/cos^^ ̂t. ] - ' . T . c ; ' f \' ' * •= t ' >• ^ in crease the: intensity'oF ilfumifiBtionn K ' 1 # 1' p : . j." < ^ Nertli Vancouver Olftce: 23 L o n sd a le Avej_ ; u n e m p l o y e d a s s n . fl- saste"fl'l¥: yesr by carrier: 62,00 ,a year maB. *^HuIar meeting of the West Vandouver;; Unemployed A ^ a l i o n ,riu b . hdS tonight BRITISH COLUM BIA ELECTRiC RAILWAY GO. w ne to the races.*' - - I f y o u a r e g o in g t o t h e movieg to . the races in business v o u d o th e s to.behours?" c - f . *' % r ' myfmu/lsr: imh' iiS£w'. i c .>1