\ 4 I I r , ■ ̂ A ' ' ■ , IM iili mif&sif ■M t S » | i f l ^ Mi! ^ g M Circui $1.00J ) ^ . 1 V R W S j M : a u 'IJ , W.W«̂ WL¥'- * .*■• dik •'.• ' ® i"IFVancou Honybum,We\ {dyWhytecHff:, Etc. ' VoL VIII S IS tiM iiilw l Tir.XT̂'j;p-,lpflT[v̂nrfx̂|rCTTOg.Ĵ ̂ ̂ -̂ in----■̂-...■..,. .-j,.,- ...... r̂* . ■ «. -ŷ, 1 ih ̂ tl f -, > * ' \4 . * 4 * 1,/M̂.", , . ■■'■"■ ' F 1 . * ■. ♦ • n ■ Ouhdafave 1 per m w 'i^ttt0W.iiititid«.' No. 52 : S p j i i M ^ ' i ^ B i f » INTBE'.HiyitllELAY EAC» LEGION NOTES our resumO linlike other proposed re n i^ le is to r cj • troubles considera- ion of thoughtful men andfion of tnougnuui men »nu. .v«twav. wi, «T«.ĉ uv •«y'» poiwer in the The events of: the. last few, weeks hhve. proved the correctness of' our'pr(mMsy%-«rr"" -• ? lS h ^ e d M The London Timles onlyV'week'.c^^^^ » ̂ .• _. •_4'Wa . VtaYii/iviiiy dtret.showdown and a n investigation.IntoJh'e Bn^^^ tem aSd the wording o f its>di^brial;:whi«k^^^^ S several l e a d i n g London flhaAciersL Showed-that i t had in mind the systeln invented hy M ajor Qouglas- r . ' ; CHORAL SOCIB'TY ..c; - ■ , , , - ■-- r--t' ;■ MEETING- AND SOCIAL An event which will grow in The list general meeting-^Ci „„ m S a i l M a r c o u w t t S - f e g a K S I S '2 " iss start from "Lotisdale Avenue, ex-service men was provided.by. hnL̂ ,Il« L ish in g .^ t..;^ le s id e . _Both. varlous.members,̂ ^̂ ^̂ ^̂ ai-e urged to be present. ^ schools «.have„; sopie real good definite progress - was being. foNrKRT ANn athletes and. both* have built up made throughout Liegion circles p*- »« h y TiTiKTinu. a 'splendid' sports reputation# in dealing with same* It wadj DRAMATif' SO fiFTFTV Chief Gauld of ;ihe North Van- agreed that a special meeting be k a m a i i l SUCIETETY couver City police, has kindly called in the near fu tu re for the ^ Saturdav a t 2-15 nm in offered his co-dperation. Mr. purpose of collecting the necos- MacGowan . (McS* the (genial sary data of individual m em b W ' Junior proprietor o fW A m b lesid e Tea* and their registration In this, Dramatic _ Society (i • 'Nj in 'i ' 1̂t vp m \ ̂ A , V ' TheVe things show theJw ay thejw ind is blowing, and it would not be a t all sutprisjnig'if befow | 6n{f. spme a ^ ^ is m de to put into l>raot^,j.tbift;j»PwaBftttep.aiSS^lJA«M^^ c iv i l iz a t i o n 's economic ills; '. ,'- ' ' f e w m ^ T is k h o m to d o n ^ 0^ * ^ 1! ^ S ? S t e p h M v f t ^ "l r '̂ ^ of the individual cups for the member will make a sp ^ ia l ef pj.Qggĵ |̂ ĵ-jg nlav "A Little race. will present the play !'A Little Excitement," together with afo rt ?o attend.Elaborate .arrangem ents are being made in connection .y^h .,, 'th ifb H h b S ff i iB g B ro v lM ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ .'l?l T5!!• - . i V : , ------ ■"'. ....... .. of the K a n iiiw so n Chaptef. Oregon and aĉ ^̂ ^̂ ̂ atlnglew o,.^ and 11th." After- MAYIDAY CELEBRATION i.o.D .E., was helfl a t Mrs. J . B. v a ~ o t i "e V S d i a l l e g i o n 'r j '" " -, ~ T--."---'V--..'.......... ' - ........ 'Monday. ■ A'D r i l " " 9 t h , - o h v . A c m '+liA"Vtiw/inv iItii.. concert a t a small charge. See WEST VANCOUVER ' iia rtICU LTURAL' SOCIETY , , ,H O R liL U L J ^ ..... . , , The May Day Committee met rOn Thursday, May 3rd, in the ; on IS th instant, in the council Oranee Hall at 8 p.m, wiU- be , chamber when, considerable p ro - , commiLLf^es., iwu held the second of. a series.,of .gress? was made in preparation ' ported attendih krlor shows. The date*has been fo r the celebration. ^ « meeting of -------- advanced one week. This is o n . ' Ovring.to the*change in;-the tions-Society.in Vancouver, and a?*®y J®" and progressive Legion eomiede- * va« n v niTm i a an executive ghipj* Delegates will be chosen " ^ ^ IIU Y S BY P U P ^ ^ gue of Na- ^at the next'general m eeting of , MOLLY EDWARDS the branch to. represent th is "Holidays" is to be p i^ se n toadvanced one weeK. xmo m . . vvyaaî ^ uoiiS K>wmi.or̂ A.i account of the wonderful Weath^./school; system it was d e c ito to brought . b ack ; .the suggestion p^gt. - - n i r . h has prevailed 'this, hold, two;r^^^ races this y e a r , : th a t a study, group be formed " N^xt general meeting May E x h i b i t o r s areHasked to one jh te rrh ig h ' contest (4 men here f o r 'fu rth e r information,' _________;------- -1- 4. LEGION fWiaiST drivh! AND DANCE by the pupils of Molly Edwards in the lower, Orange Hall a t 8:15 p.m. next ̂Saturday, the 28th instan t.' I t will be a novel idea including toe, tap, acrobatic, in- i-t';-1' Tulips. Each vase'.i 1 distinct ■vmety sprays ef Lily ofsprays 01 Lily 01 a rsLuay.vgiUju^, e ___ ^_____________ Pansies, 4 distinct vm ieties; ' The .May,*pay}dahqe^^ touch w ith the committee. the. Legion HalJ, startfng a t 8 Black Diamond Orchestra will Twelve Violas, 4 distinct"."vtorr plafee in Ihpewood Auditonum , Mrs, Fiddes, Educational sec- p^jh. These whist drives, and provide the music f-or the pro- eties. R. G. Paris will judge Orchestra s^upply- fetary, reported that-350 books dances have been very popular, gram and for the dance to follow exhibits. ' - * : in#.,the-music. had been collected to, augment and there will be a big night for m the upper hall. Admission 25 Anyone desiring a catalogue' ■ Decdfatioiis will be in charge, -the High School ^Library, and this, windup of the series. The cents, children a t the door, 15 can procure one a t the,'Amble-. bfi^the W est Vancouver Horti- : a lso ,a se t of.H arvard- Classics usual evening's prizes will be cents. side Tea Rooms, near the ferry ,'- cultural'Societyrand U. J. B ™ - donated by Mrs. J. P . Jackson. given, and following cards a n d ---------------------- or from S. H. Trust, West 170L . erick was'^ ' appointed official <pjjg report of the^M ay Day refreshments the old favorites, CONFERENCE re METRO- AjnusicaLenteKainmeht'^nd .jih p to ^ ap h e r. ^ * Committee m eeting/w as given Roy Lowes and George Childs,. POLITAN POLICE AREA a lecturrby the judge "will make^^ ̂ Councillor " Fiddes, Trustee' jjy th e representatives, Mrs. will be on hand for the danemg. a jneiy enjoyable ev en iiig -fp r/;R u ^se ll'an d . A., Stevenson w ere. gmalLand Mrs. Jackson, rand i t Admission, 25 cents, everyone who cares-to attend, appointed ^ committee to inquire decided to : 'a g a in ' take Everybody enjoyed a very Admi?ision free. ' -awy % 'ks? r 1, ■ *'3 IT i r~/' .I"* V ■■ ■■ . ■ ■■■■ . ■■■■J,•.■■■. ■ ,. • ■•■■ ■■ ' ^ - T ■■ . A joint conference of mayors and reeves of the Lower Main- ' fVfi'tHi to attena. apj?ointea ^com m itteelo m quue ^^g decided to ̂ a g a in ' taxe iuverynoay enjoyea a very and the attorney general ' " -liAtd tenders, fo r loud speakers charge of the May Queen and pleasant evening a t the previous Tuesday the 17th 'ana,awaril the .tender. , her party . A committee crasist-, whist drive and dance on the jn ^^n t, in the Vancouver « t y rtPF .T V .d '"."-' Tlwa n p v f niPP.t.nifi*"Wlll beheld t-mjm'.n'C 1vrv.o -CJmalT- TWr.« 'P.lmTV- oVATHTity n f f.liA l .^ th in s ta n t '. ' T-r_n ____ T ___ 1 '■Ki BOWLING SEASON. OPENS'/ / fh e .n ex t meetihg 'wlll be held Next Saturday,-the 2.8th7inst- Wednesday, 2nd May, ant, the new -ground^ at" 2pth * in j:he counciL cham ber*- Street will be openedT^for play ̂ ^ ing of 'Mrs. Small, Mrs.,;Chap man,. Mrs. Hirst, Jackson, . . and Mrs. Grayr^was .appointed.^ Mrs. Hill, .Miss Cathcart, I t was also decided, to submit a Johnston and-H. B. Gtay. for the ,, refreshm entand it is hoped th a t all members ' DAMAGED'OVES tender and prospective" memb&s' , will ' picture is sh o rn under booth. ' ^ j xi. turn out to s tart thO Aeasdm /So . tî ^̂ ̂ .* Mrs, M cIntyre, replorted the far it is calculated th a t the club " Social^ Hygiene Council. ^ ^ v Easter Dance a d ec i^ d success, V o ' .̂'ra,v+w. V - the screen .a t the nelly- a«d. Mrs!. Small erave the final re- \j.T ' rti.| ̂ i. i.. - lllSv<lll.Ljv 1** l/Xlv V HIIUUU,V\3X . v/lv̂ e'vening of the, 13 th instant,, jjall. Reeve Ley land stated that when the prizewmners w e^ ĵ g .^^g aQoojd with the funda- Mrs. Hill,' .Miss Cathcart, F. mentals of the scherne. He.deem- ed i t very ;essential th a t greater a co-operation should be secured ; between the various cities and /municipalities in respect to pol-" ice protection. He stated they ■i LADIES' LAWN BOWLING/ CLUB, far it is calculated that the :club ; ssm*. J j y s i e n e . K a s t e r Uance, a a e m ^ success, The West-Vancouver Ladies' protection. He stated the; will have a membership.dt'sixty." "be/pn .tte screen.at the Holly- and Mrs. Small ^;ve the final re- Lawn Bowling Club will hold .its ,-^ouId like to retain their presen The greens- are-in /firstrclass * l^urn Theatre next Monday, port for Mrs. Bowmans, play ' lUpening games for this season at pgj,gQjjjjgj,|£ j^g^^^j^gme was shape and everything is mreadih. -'Tulsday and Wednesday, and "Paying Off / he;'Mortgage,'.; the new green, corner Marine g-pr^ved, also would w i* to Bess for Saturday. .Playhrs 'are, evmy a!dult should s ^ iti No one. $40.65 being/he pel .pi'oceeds. Bnve and*20th Street, on Thurs- jogtg and believed no action asked to kindly note th a t-Rubber' .under 16 IS, admitted.-^For fur- The c h ^ te r feels v e ty 'g ra t^ u l day. May 3rd, beginning at 2 -gjJ^gyj^^ljg^^j^gj^jp^j^ymunici- soled shoes or rubbers . m u s t "he the^ particulars see ' advertise- to Mrs. Bownmn and her players P*^* ' . pality unless the electorate were worn on the greens*. * ' * m e|it in th is is^ue. * for th is donation towards th e ir Members and" prospective pnnfiiilfpd bv meanH of a *_!_: 4 'i "aU" ^ w o r k ' I . I . ■ '» C'h meir , M m bers and" prospective ^j.g|. oonsulted by means of a . members are, urged to be present "plebiscite L0.B.A. DANCE,' ̂<' r ' V,' " t OLD TIME'^I>ANCE The raffle fo r'the Afghan has on th is occasion, and all M ies attorney general stated it FRIDAY APRIL 27th The Old Time Dance put on again* been postponj^ until the who are interested will he/cordi^ intended to appoint a ______; la s t ' Saturday evening, by tye n e x t meeting. May 7th . - ̂ . ally welcomed. * new force but only to unify the A dance will-be ,h t o M th e l-L e ^ o n W.A. under the conven-- I t was decided to again award t at aoa/^nr amnM ' present "forces under a' chief Orange Hall tomorrow,. Friday, ' ership of -Mrs. Rivers, in the ;.'lin/1n*w :/TTq ________ .. ... .... i i I-s' :ne conveu-- i i was ueciut^ Vr^***" t a t a "forces unaer a cniei jrs, in the a prize to the M l Show,of the LIBERAL A SSO C I.^ coh^missioner with the present under thrausniceTof I to io n Hall was-very successful. Horticultural Society for the The ^ h i s t Drive and Old l i ^ local chiefs as assistant commis- B A ^ lS d g e -N rf6f--ttl^ li--.an iiB lI-e rijoyed -them selves-tiio r-.-besf^co llec tion -^^ /-^^^^^ --------------. --------------- will be decorated for the occasion- oiiihly dancing to the music of ^ o w n by a schoSI child. . j a ^ ^ d a y evening was a worn ., coBlerence went on record on the S'oouts. ^ , Mrs: Small, Mrs./;; service West Dancing commiehced at 9 p.m. to \ There will hfe ^he usual young the snappy music played by the . people'fif^^ryice illustyated by morrow (Friday) in Hollyburn H^Jl. This will be the last Fri day jservice of the season, Sun- School, and YoungMen's w«v%,* ,a.***,w**.* - ________ - . Qlqss will be held at 10 6f*ihe Jfarvard There,, were also present aboufe *a.m, on , Sunday, April 29th. * forty"*' of 'the North//This; clAss will also take/f^^^o? jK aiio- Lu. wi»«3 bon ' Yahcodver -Liberal Association, -the Sunday evening semce Miss Audrey Lester* The winner of the prize draynng. :30 o clock. Come and listen *,E member,, wnd leaves'/was'John Lawson .with ticket/Jp bnght gospel messages by the j 9thfor a l^^fM G htojISN ' '■' --̂ t&'YOuttg'-'men: ........... n * / # f T / i i mm