West Van. News (West Vancouver), 19 Apr 1934, p. 4

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f-it 7 I tiyaiwwiww'il f f ' o f thenxeeviuB v* **" "'T' \ ®- - ' ' <!tî '*«■ ! «rt̂»f!*»W»Pf»*5'Mef?̂'i "AlMfH' 27t» "-' "-•'W""'- - Til* ' n m S m of the M g e • « G o v e m m ^ Good (of Sat, I ";1 #'■ hlU TOMATOEg, ^ U rfo No. tVi clft.......................................... t tfiM gte *"B*ll#**i": t W heving !»«« «"• • $ i m ^ t / m the '̂ iifto *fjl> ̂ hijifni early *n May fw ■2lil 'L'iP i: 1 Store at . - "̂̂41 i • * IM # WWH W N M P P W CSriMw4.No* 3 ilao.tia««.»i«i.tta u^'dk-w w t# Go/piraj ̂ 'Jg ' Vacuum itackodL Ifclo jMNr IM * WUl* BHBIMPfl;...... . ..tin l i e P h o n e W e a t 3 7 0 ". ;4|Lt||fc ' "̂'Môeu ooê Leû u ,H ie ie ':4 itl^ (» n g th e ^ . >& f. \ . have alw aya enjoyed th is won- CRBSCBNT SHOBTWINa, 1 U» I*< d e rfa l m uric and this will be the ̂ , "t *̂' X î-w' y ' JAMBS 01108/ CANADIAN 8BBDS atui of, 'im fm ItM'.A . good uioortmtnt vofotablca. HIPB OLIVES, Seottoia, autill tin 18c .»/3riyw««ila»*****'"*i****f**********"*****"****'**'*'̂**** *lMf̂ ECKNS* SBC. BACON, Vi lb pkt 15c la s t chance fo r some tim e to KiiAFT C0BB8B ( a l l ) ............ . 15c dancc to th e music of th is popu- FlNNAN HADDIB .......-- ib. 15c Jar o rcheatra , so keep the date KADDlB FlLLBTS...... ......... ..lb. l$c open, and j^ve Buck McCIary and KIF|*EM. •8 IJj* J5f hla Cowboy# a good sendoff on •{ ','1(1 if' '*• * '• ' | : ' ! '■ GOLDEN BANTAM CORN. . Red & White, fancy No. 2 tin 2 (Ina 29c Blue tft White, choice. No. 2 Un 2 tiita 01 am* *:!****•* SuMt MARMALADE -- Murray^a 40 ounca Jar «4n,f**>««,aaa«««4«4«a«4dia«««*« jl24S 8 UNK18T OI<ANGBg,-largo aiao r ■ „ "is/ii* v--îSEEDLESS GRAPEFRUIT California mtatr*****i**»f********* 4 for 19c Tomatoea ..a.̂ I,«ttuc« Cueumbera Rhubarb -- Spinach -- New Carrotu,, -- Near Cabbage. SHREDDED WHEAT.......packet lOc th e ir extended tour. Dance A pril 27thy Friday -- Orange Hall, 9 p.m. FKIMB RIBS .................... .J.,.. . rOT ROAST from Prim# IsUcf III* m.mmm mta* ****** *****am m m »m m l,* * * * * *m**tm*******»M iZVtc Bologna »*****■•* * m * t* m * * w ^ m t* * * * * * * m * * * * * * * * * * * * * lb. 15c WKlWjEWS X0C ................. _ h/ kf SAimAfil '.... ..............Ihi iJ WEST VANCOUVER V B A b - I ® MB r . TOBK^- . UNBMI*LOYE0 A SSN FRESH FISH R eports 'h f threatened evic- cri»Au/ni/i»ov*'M I. L j ••- ai 'a« tiOHS causcd gruvc concern a t a S^JiA'yHBRRY, Nabob, 4 lb. Un 49c m0e tin g o£ the Unemployed As- and all Building M aterial of B est Q uality a t to w Prices. WEST VANCOUVER L l|M B f | CO. LTD. Phone W est 116 ^ Phone W est 3681 ' 15th and M arine . "Right Serviee - - B iith t G rades" >1 OfMMWiNWi , c. t ■r MINING LECTU RE CHOCOLAfE^BaAAiRS, Red^Arrow apciation, held on April 12th. 26c Forty-five ra^mi)ers m et in the .0 Legion H all on th a t date.Large pockaffo................ ........ i9e m eeting was told relief recip ients unable to pay the in by the . speaker. Rev, Hillis creased ra tes: charged for sum- W right acted as chairm an, while w er rentals,; have already been CLASSIFIED ADS T 25 cents he rate for Classified Adcartiaemcttte ta 2 emta per Woni nts. Except in the case of thoae haring regular, accounts. Word, minimnn ^ ^ "RemeKr**aas^^^^ ̂ NoWa get Immolate results. •11 cliul. Remenfber FOR RENT OR SALE - Four good WEBB'S SHOE " REPAIRS WEAB tone violins; 2508 Mathers Avenue. BEST Dundardve. Phone West 483L. ' ' ■On Monday evening, 9 th Inst- Mrs. A. P rom ar Bruce in a few requested to vacate their homes. ............................ an t, in th e U nited Church hall, well-chosen words, introduced F ea r was expressed by several xt *u nit SHOE REPAIRS-i-.Get the best nut. a n in teresting and in stru c tiv e .the speaker. Mr, W righ t in m em bers th a t landlords would SHANNON'S TAXi--Phonc N o ^ em l and a t , Pox'*, description- o f - th e p ic tu re sr-m o v in g -th e vote of th an k s-to * let th e ir houses No?thVaS?ouvl7Gene^^ ..L L eJ :̂-------- - throw n on the screen by Thom as Mr. Kilfott, which was ably sec- to fam ilies oil relief because of E llio tt of the C ham bers of M ines ontled by John Lawson, gave th e small am ount provided for $1.25. f ' > 'i I " ' I 11 gl__ wms enjoyed by th e large num - marty reminiscences of h is Uari- re n t in th e relief aflowance. ber* present. The various m eth- boo days. Selections by the I t is hoped th a t negotiations ods-o f-tranB pdrta tion -from the" ^'Junior O rchestra comiposed of between "a committee of the uh- lono prospector w ith th e 100-lh. Miss Stella Bruce, accom panist, employed and .the Municipal o r more pack on. h is back, gangs Mis.y Jessie Davies, Miss M ary Council m ay lead to a satisfac- w ith pack-horses, trucks, trac - M urray, K enneth Bruce, and Ted "to ry solution of this distressing to rs, to the m ore m odem m eth- Sheffield, and directed by Mrs.' problem. od by aeroplane, were shown. U,-McLelland, completed an en ̂ -------?*---------- rh o scenes covered all th e princ--- Joyable and well spent evening. BOWLING CLUB ipal m ining d is tric ts , including . -- ______ The new grounds will be B ritannia. The sam ples o f ore "KINDERGARTEN--Ambleside, Mon­ days and Wednesdays, 2 till 4; West Bay, Tuesdays and Fridays, 10 till 12. Phone West 104Y1. GIRL WANTED to Assist "with light housework. Apply 3370 Radclilfe Avenue. FOR SALE -- Store, radio, laneous furniture, good, condition, bargain. Apply 1480 Marine. WANTED^ TO RENT .-- Small fuhi._ . ished house, . $15.00; close in, moj. r ern. Phone W est 103L. «: f W EST VAN. RANGERS FERRY TALES Are Good and Son* of them fresh, but the stock of' popular Cigarettes, Cigars and To- baccos a r e . always fresh at tbo Ambleside Tea Rooms. Mnirt,* «« . • y opened f o r M on Saturday, The W est .Vancouver Rangers attracted_ the a tten tio n of the^ T by / p r i f 28th. ^All members and will m eet Marpole oh Saturday.**v vaaj*wwvM W4IXJ fAVWliWVJ* UX 1^ j Va t " . AXpi 11 4 & 0 ^ A llltJI m any i^ u l t a n d _ young m en * and bounds. P edestrians prospective members are asked a t 3:30 p.m* a t Powell S tree t present. Many questions asked auryivm g by th e sam e pro- to tu rn out, . grounds in the semi-finals of th e w ere sa tisfac to rily .answ ered * L ------------------ -- Con Jones Cup and arerhop ing .SOFTBALL_____̂___l_tojise.eL_aJar.g.e^nhmbi5iij>f^^ SINGER SEWING MACHINE CO.- = , E lettric and •'tread le machines,̂ needles, o il,: -parts, repairs, West- Vancouver resident agent, % * Arnold, 1076 "King's Ave., Phone! West 418R^ Hollyburn.________ «!'■ -I Iif (; ft 4 I , * m Don't fo rge t the final m eeting porters from th is side, ioftball TEACHERS' DANCE SOME WILL WISH TO SHUT THEIR EYES to the facts of fife of th e Softball Association n e x t ' T uesday ,- April 24th, a t the F e rry Office Board Rooms a t 8 p.m. All those in terested'" are Invitations are being sen t out asked to attend and team s enter- by W est Vancouver . School FURNISHED AND UNFURNISHED, Houses to Rent. Houses, lots, "and! acreage for . isaie..: Jqhn Lawson, i . 17th and Marine, Phone West 66. LAWN MOWERS SHARPENED with special machine;' alL, makes. West Vancouver " Machine Shop, 1449 Marine Drive. - i But hum an experience has show n th a t the re a re two ways, one dark, in fested by lu rk ing shadow s and-nameli^ terrors, the other-oneJiLup-witA the ** I t does know,confidence th a t comes w ith "I know. AND SO W ILL YOU W H EN YOU SE E ing th e league are reminded th a t Teachers fo r a dance to be held e n try fee MUST be deposited in the Inglewood Auditorium , Tuesday night in order th a t a Frfday, A p r i l . 27th. Anyone schedule may be drawn up. wishing an invitation should get I t is hoped the first gam e will in touch w ith any of the . local ^bepjLpr about Mav 1st, 19.<14 . "te ach e rs . RADIO TECHNICIAN -- Your Radio troubles given prompt expert at-• tention-raerials, tubes, Tom Brown We§t 266R.. THE WELFARE^ ASSOCIATION re- - -- quires -discarded -clothing.--Phone- West S7 and truck will collect. Auspices C ani^ian Social Hygiene Council wmsm WM 111 ^e^MKirot; W. CARLEY buys ami seR«i furniture, paints, oils, glass, etc. -French ] Polishing. Phone West 7IY. MARCELLE SHOPPE -- Thermiqne Permanent Wave ̂ without danger of < burning.' 'M arc^ ' 60c; reset 96c| Finger WaveC 60c. Phone.Mrs. King West 804; 1620 Marine. NOTICE EDj b l a c k of the West Vaa Transfer, 2513 'Marine Drive, wishes th a t on and after April < 19 th, 4934, the above .business willhe Ĵ closed until further" notice. All out- .' standing accounts will be received atv above address. • -< GORjbON ROBSON Barri8ti« V Solicitor WEST VANCOUVER-- Office No. 1447, Marine Drive Phone W est 408. 10 to 12. V ^C O U V E R OFFICE-- Suite 501; 610 Haatings SL W. Phone, S e ;^ o u r 4199. 2 to 5. T h e tw o g re s s W e -m e fc h M ^ for bosinew with plenty of light.. .well- lighted windows and an attractive interior. •.HAY Gripping, vital, 1933, modern, poig^iant, enlightening -- a dramatic educ*|ttion in the ̂ t r u th r ih a t all should know. The dim, dingy store is passed by. People don t stop at the gloomy, uninviting shop. They eyte and their trade ' to the bright, wide-awake m t r S t - ̂ Notavy Public Real' Estate & Insurance' ' ' - L i s i '4 I I lu ' I' For and Women at lAo Same Performances, I Greai Sttc<^ ibrottgbout y®*'*' lighting. ̂ » ' 1405J Marine Drive Phone West 21 or Seymour 1260 exactly a s show n w ith th e B ritish Isles. ' Mon,, Tnet.; Wed., - A Tr.* C 5" ", •* " bon w o rfc .T h is isa p u re ly advisory service. , ^ Sym m r 51S1. .. Evenings West 204X T H E , May 1 & 2 C0LUA\B!A >E LECTRIC CO. LTD VAN r r West 39 j^nge Repafi'"®' lers f'A- S.,4""5- S