'ifSR!"W'-i t̂:si^ '̂&'&"i6"-^w'»>fSw^ ' f u ^^^ i w .......... j f f l i i . s ™.. itSfi ka^ 7ilS fM» % p :$ M * ■§tsriUtif0t§ As 1/1idloff WlliMNI*i i I ŵ _________________( B t l f f l f r t . i ' s S , Your New SiiiV? %» No.»lMit If you don't watali a I Utj m u r ^ t *^Sli and tiee our now croatbni < from Cbicairo and Hollywood^-- , 4*̂ „l ! ' t i Gwendolyn Beauty Shoppe 1S4< Marino Prlr# For ippolntmwito' ̂ FIIONB WJBST m Frldi^f i|prll Yooof l*«opM*o Bonrko «• «n. Ul«, '•r'?»lr.;l*r ., tl)mti*t«d l»r Vl«w»f ' ...................■'^u ' . 'V - 1̂#* I ui n: YouriK Men'a Bitto Claii ind Sunday Scb<Mt Sunday, 7:30 p.m. An Addroaa by MR.JOHN ItJB.Mcl.AREN .Subject: . . , , , "Eternal, Varitlca^ i f-S'̂ • I HT. ST E P H E N 'S CHUHCH i ?t ,. »,> -fc ^ gfiH ' ; a m m ^ - r - * V * i If mmm v̂ aiiii M l ictjr ilOHI aJt. BoUyborn "Tito Bddi& ti a Braitob of i S T S ^ e r Cbureb .urch of Ghriit, In Boiton, ■- < 4 Siulilay I M ic e : 11:80 a.nL Sunday, April 22 ,1234 , S u b jects "DOCTRINE OF . . A T 0 |4 E M E N r Sunday School at 10:00 a.m. Taatdmonr Meeting Wednesday " ̂ a t S;15 p.iB. - If . • , . >• , ^nn^tii0 The public is cordially in vited to attend our services and tneetlnaa.,'April 22nd, 1934 - - 8**<1 ' 'day a fter E aster, ^ ; .• . '• ; , ..^ im n r^ rvn8:00 a.m,--Holy Communion. ST, ANTHONY'S CATHOLIC a;m:riMatjn«md"SaTO<mi*»-«"-'*«"'-r^«««!CH^iJRCH-1 ;•■.......... 7; J 5 p.m.~Evensong & Sermon 23rd & Inglewood Ave. |<4 t 'I ,.w* As an IntrodtrtJtory Inducement wo are still selling M rasem a Cream ^ 15c for a 28c Jar also alaea 68 eenla and 11,08 ANBLESIDE PHARHACY 1401 Marine Drive Phone Wort S2S FREE DBUVBRV Report of.Synod. , M e s i r n C h w ^ .A V « w > L # w a V ' \ f m Auxiliary Sunday School l l t h and Inglewood Rev., W . J. MilUy, Residence! 2828 Inglewood Ave. lOiW a.m.-Sundav Low \R .r 5 a ,!n '- I W y C o « m A . High ^ s .r l» d . S erm on -10:46 'I'llere waa ji very good attend- Catec^lani-M'Bible Classrr3:6o aru'c' a t all the services last. Sun* . p.in. 3av; being the 21st anniveriwry Vespers iand;?Benediction--7 :30 of the founding of the parish. p.m, , 4vi*ujff - 'Grace-* "■'the t»'Aw:hbi8hop-««^^«*^Wc^ ̂ Services preae hed at the morning service, Mass, daily -4 8 a.m. the special preacher, in the eyenr Fridays ing being Rev. N. D. B. Lar- Benec __m oiitb t_ ......... . , ______________ 'J'iie Sunday School ., made - a .. . . tolMUaWttWW*-" " ■ ■■"■-■■X-" ■ i r. . iff?**"* « W. Kh i ' " . ':i "'V', prices EFTEaiVE FRIDAY AF ■ ■ ■■• ' . m highway 88s ................................. "49s ,'..»**.i»*»»i>*ddh*«h**f»»***̂»̂***̂***.*̂*'***̂ '̂* * ■ 24s ................... .............. .'If. . '*«*«* * « * • ,7Bp pSptfT. »****.*• *•»•'••**"■ .19 J ' 12.09 1.89 .88 4i5, . , , :*S:;i£5S;5^^v - PEAS -- Aylmer, Sieve 5,^Nk'.'® 19c CORN -- Aylmer, Golden Bautow, ^fo. 2 tln.«;....U.w^^^^ CORN -- Aylmer, White, Nu. 2 TOMA7'OES Ajflmer, No, 2̂ -- PORK & BEANS - Aylmer, No.^ 2 squi flT1xmAr>Dr V _____ aimraiutiA ■' ......... Lfor.lSc.'.. . . I .,£4'tor 25c PINEAPPLE-- Singajmre,7.'::;t:̂ ;T;:r.r.;̂ ^̂ ^̂ ^̂ ̂ 15c COFFEE --~ Blue Ribbort 35c JELLY POWDERS -"Maximum (Limit 8) ..„.;:....:...:.4 foir 15c . SOAP -- Fela Naptha ..........,,...,.'fi...*. b**'® 25c ., iVe reserve the risht to limit duantitlmMfc*^^ L LIMITED Dl SIR I BUT ION WITHOUT WASTE 1 > . K 'It... L i l l i s i "V.? .. V..T -- T ^ . rni B ene^ction ,. Rosary, Confos- sions--'7180. J fii:' 9JUiiiA»j •̂ w*a\#w«4̂ ♦••••a-w --» .......... .■iiiiMeimii------- record attendance of 297 schol- W EST.VANCOUVER " , ars. SWIMMING CLUB ga,lionaf'bL 1™ ' w a r 7 e i d " S annual . Friday evening in th e parish held a t 8 -p .m . Tuesday, April hall, when an enjoyable evening 24th, in i h e a a c h a n ^ those Wim Rnf-nt in immes etc. B rief in te rested it.should be explained addres^ses were^ma'de'by R ev.'F . th a t th is annual meeting ^ the Al^ifamsey Rov" ê ^ S e r ie s , Club haa4)een.dolayed ^ Rural Dean, Rev. H. B*. Alien of th a t of th e B. C. Section being . S t. Clement's, Lynn Valley, Rev; ̂ Jefi? Hillis W right, and by C. T. Ken- ' j J th e ,I ) ^ in ip n Section to 15th -didek7--^~Di--H ar4y--s n d - J d is s J f e Y s -- 1 ' if'h: !•■; !i l i li " i i ' R GALLANT CmUOPIlACTOR 2444 Marlrie^Drlvo, Dundaravo, Monday. Wednoadoy & trlday E,«U»a..J.=S» toM«,[-XonVancouver OlYlco; 712 Seymour 8790 ,v; . ' f - ' . D J {. G . D . H . S E A L E D.D.S., L.D.8. w m a m Hay Block, I4th and Marina Dr. Offica Houra 9 to 6 p.m. Evaninga by appointment, x Phone West 72 m y n mAlmas. The evening term inated w ith refreshm ents and dancing. T uesday A ftern o b r -^ J b n iO T ^ DRAM ATIC SOCIETY- I-- r\\___ t- TT.»11 ' lir 'A TO GIVE PLAY WOMEN I \ •* t J l \ Sale in Church Hall. W. A. , ______ T» in On Saturday, Aril 28th, a t 2.15 Basem ent 2 .30 op,m. ^ S t e p h e n 's P arish iiA n frfQ frrn T T R rn Dundarave Junior® BA PTIST CHURCH D ram atic Society, under th e Services ' auspices of the W.A., St. Steph- 9 :46 a.m .~*Sunday School. en's-Inglewood Branch, will pre-»KLAYED*ndyAiNFum«enH»M̂ y ; 4 0 a.m.--sunuay scnooi. T .if J A T ^ -- 10:00- a.m.--Adult Bible - Class. __^nUhe_pM_e^titled ,.; ... ...... ........................................ . 11.00 a.m .-- The Paator. Excitem ent." CUB NOTES . 7 :80 p.m.~~The P asto r. . A fine musical program hasV ,IJJa . l - . u v jy .u a .-- x a iv x «aa,.vua. . j i •, • The St. S tephen 's Cuba held M onday. 8 :00 p.m . -- B.Y.P.U. also bren p repared ,. and it is th e ir m celing.on ' Monday, 'A pril W ednesday, 8 :00 p.m; -- P ray e r h o p ^ there wiR be a_ large a t - 16 th : Two new m dm bers joined .t . and praise.' tendance. F u rth e r particu tars the .back -- Billy H ughes and T hursday, 8 :00 p.m. -- Choir, will appear m nex t week's paper. sCharli r x ', . .She w ent visiting .-.ijwwtvi 4w»-r, <UtI^-."K W - --fi swT.'i.& '̂S'J'irrtsri - j.'i®? f o ■tv-s,'W ' ' ' ' ' " t' 'You.must gel lonely, shut up. in ihis house all day." said . . ..i ' . . . flA J* ; • .Jm • • T i'.l ■ /a toMrs. MurkroyS to Mrs. Rcdfern; one evening; "O ne might think so," smiled Mrs. Redferm; " b u tj visited twenty people today;'although I never left niy'home."- I suppose you're joking," said Mrs. Mdrkroyd. ■ ■ • . 'J - r ■ > ■ '* There's the explanation," she said. " I m ay,b e .shut up in this house, but as long as 1 can visit folks by telephone there's, not much chance for me to be lonely." J' .■?." B . C . T E L E P H O N E C O M P A N Y ios G raham . The m em bers P ractice.__________ ____ ______ , - ^ From the standpoint of health M ahy .a m an in .love with a I from now on will bo able to en- F riday , 7 :80 p .m . -- ju n io r M iss Drew of Calgary, is a m an's cardinal sin is overeat- . dimple makeis th e mistajte of * joy outdoor games; . ■ C.G.I.T. -- , -- guest a t the Clachan. ° ing. -̂------------------------ --------------m arry in g -th e % »ssss ' ■) ( 1 11' i |i ' ',1, ■ ■' i '! pgp|S|j|>S|̂ gH*5SI«; •Ir '!:?*"■••.%,'. • iS f.r - |3«l:::ul h §5® " ' C ' V V . i