Mi4! .-r .-r lift il̂ felS IMP *'®#!Sl9«̂' mfmm. ....ir, SWS'W.K iM i l p i i * i ----- - i i I L-0 »B*A* !,-**? 4 * f f-j ̂ i-,-̂-̂ , j" h: >• * of the ' ;|̂yWW!lCTHI'ilPI'l l■l̂'■!l̂ H ' r r h i r ^ y J - ' "̂̂ *'****̂ ♦ ^p§; *i?5; y : f iiSiSifi w a FEATURES-Friday The toterWnment co««"'tt" « ........................... ¥ G m 4̂ * U » u l« a a . 'w u ' ¥e «f«Ai*4* mfim ktlH'•ppiy«* îv(M a uniiiani; fttllMlL"' ' ■ " BNAP. tJa . nM4r<tw*f->*«M*'t"********̂***'*̂ ""WE 1 Jha tia to haro Aoi Sat. Apnl -13»aBd44 HcOery and hfe " " * • » ******* . , ' f , " ! : - * ? B ^ n f f i Orcheatm aupply- a a p » # « ' ■ ' ,. » i? to g ,t l» jn iw |c for same in rM jR l€ S B w F aDi)U<!AtioiiA for initiaUon were the in- committee hav^hg meaiwsfledMMiiNNPiPiiê oii'A iW l tel j ^ f o r e ' a t 1 Phone West 370 . ' y Y - . ! . ■ 4-. .̂,1 ^ O ' h e a t r e , « '! " I P -J."IS2' . ^ £ t ® m■ P a a i i l y - p a t w t t ................* *'* KBLLOOG'0 bran FLAICEa,4, 10̂ Bad A Whita TOMATO JUICB 21e .(! ' ||4D ' M • . Ta7i{t N», 2 alaa m 'BKOOM0 «2cJ|JI|e gCBUB BHUSIIE8 . «ood uunUf handy trip iiECKirra nwu, packet........ u ROYAL CROWN SOAP 6-Bar Carten l ie d A White BPAGHBITI, 2 tlna 19c, LYNN VALLEY PKACIW Ontario '̂ -a*a-f ••***eeej<*Pe**»*«i*»̂ * telftS WV̂B COLOMBIA'PEAS, Bieve S Bwejet and tender ♦»a.**ae#fe»*••**•*»<• lOc ' PIGB ......... ........... .......2 pounda 16e BULK DATES..............2 pounda ISe SONKIBT ORANGES Medium alac .....down 26c BANANAS, Golden Ripe 8 Iba. 26c LEGS OP LAMB per a 24e SHOULDER OF LAMB....per Ih. 16c UIKS OF LAMB, Breaai on...,lb. 18c SMOKED BLACK COD (Alaaka) HADDIK F IU eTS 16c FINNAN IIADDIB ......... lb, 16c KIPPERS 2* Iba. for 2iBc PURE BEEP DRIPPING, per lb. 8c EbiNHURGIl ROLLS lb, 22c- ROI,OGNA » » « a* a d a » « # « # # 4 d-# lb. 15c WEINERS, Burna* Shamrock, lb. l»e IIKAD C H EESE.....................each 12c PRIME RIBS BEEP, per lb....:.:;; 14c * FRESH COD Biid HALIBUT SLICED BACON^. Shamrock Vt III. package ............... CIIKESE, Monterey ............. LARD, Swift'a ... v esd g a tin g ..................., ,, report*! ftvdrably on, the appll cants. In the pa»Uhc lodge has been meetinir on ine fnmeeting on (he first Thurs day of th e month and it was de cided .......... " »F»p«a«v»*sa«*rfp*ai .... 19c lb. 20c lb. 18c STAMP NEW S of the h ighest aw ards a t th e Plans a re well in hand fo r th e International Exhibition, a t Vi- *■' i i ........ public exhibition to be held in tho O range Hall on W ednesday, A pril 18th, tion will bo divided Into ei>na last year. « SCHOOL l i b r a r i e s ____ to m eet semi-monthly, and In fu tu re meetings will be held on th e first and third mondays. A, communication was receiv ed frbm th e Right Worshipful Grand.M i»tre88 of B. C. wherem she sta ted she would, make her official v isit J o West Vancouver in May and the lodge is making preparations to entertain - this, distinguished visitor. The con vener of th e Sewing Circle re ported th a t the quilt for the L .I . Home is nearing completion, and i t was decided to h'51d the next m eeting of the group a t the home of Mrs. I^arker, 20th St. The reguiail* meeting, of the . lodge will be held on Monday, 16th, and all members are asked to rem em ber change of meeting n ight. A practice of the Initi- and all Bulldlng M a te r i^ of WEST VANCOUVER LUMB^: GO. LTD. Phoni West 116 , ̂ Bte. Phone West 3681 ' 15th and M arina "Right Service ■-- R ig h t Grad^*^ CLASSIFIED ADS The rate for ClaasRled Adfcrtiaementa ia 2 cento per, .word, mlninuira 25 cento. Except In the case of those hating regular accounts, all elassi. fictda are oarable strictly In adranee. Remember Claasiaeds In the Weat Van Newa get Immediate results. classes -- Class I, C ountry t The L ibrary Com m ittee of th e Countries I I ; Subject III, A ny Duncan Lawson C hapter, I.Q.D. ® not covered by I and II. F ram es e ., iwish to acknowledge books ^ , atory,. degree.,,will be,, held a fte r th e m eeting, ddgree team is re- FOR RENT -- A small comfortably FURNISHED AND UNFURNISHED furnished cottage on good Houses to^ Rent. -Houses, lots, and near ferry. Phone West 350X. _ acreage for sale. . John Lawson GARDEN WORK --*• CLEARING --• Marine, Phone West 65, Dav or contract. Write or call. 'J . i ^ Mechielson, 1257. Clyde. ' ........I e notice: SPIRELLA CORSEI'IERE West 487L. , ' Phone h,, j}. only to be entered .and not m ore received during th e p a s t two th an 10 sheets in a n / en try . woek.s from the following: Mrs. Any num ber of sheets in fram es - F;-E. A rm strong,-M rs. M. B utt, may bo p u t in for exh ib it ou t-' Mrs. M. Cornish, Mrs. C. T. aide th e com petition. . Jun io rs Kendrick, Mrs. A. M. Lester, to exhib it fram es of not m ore ^ r s , A. M. O'Donnell, Mrs. Les- th an 25 stam ps, tdck Reid, Mrs. R obert Reid, Vancouver Machine Shop, 1449 Marine Drive. P.-T. A. NEWS " The "regula r hi on i h 1 y ~'meeti n g" o f the W est Vancouver P.-T. A. was held on Tuesday evening in th e Inglewood School. ̂ The ex-. WILL PARTY Picking Up le tte r ad dressed "Rev. W. M .' Robertson, -Vancouver," ..cbminunicate .w ith: B,. M., West Van News.______: " ■ ■ ■ FOR RENT -- Waterfront Cottage. Full plumbing. Phone Seymour 5606 RADIO TECHNICIAN ~ Your Radio ^troubles given prompt expert at*, tehtioh-^aerials, tubes. Tom" Brown West 2&8R. J. S tew a^ , Jack W atson, announced th a t the annual oratorical contest would be held e n v ^ a T m ! P nu 'P pV ln^ffi bringing th e ^ with musical pro-covers. I h i s collection took one total over 350. _____________ May Day committee „ consistiHg of-M rs..Patterson and L ./B rooks iaaJppoiiited by the FOR SALEh-* English Baby Carriage Phone West,348X. _________ THE W ELFARE ASSOCIATION re- .quires discarded clothing. Phone West 37 and truck will collect.' FOR RENT OR SALE -- Four good tone violins; 2568 Mathers* Avenue. Phone West 483L. W. CARLBY buys and sem furniture, 1 paints, oils, glass, etc. French Polishing. Phono West 71Y. a We are pleased to ahnounce that I I MR. TOM BROWN |,.Jijexj£autivejYefe..eador5e(Lby_tlieL m eeting. ■: The secretary, MiSs Betty SHANNON'S TAXI--Phone North 50 Day or night service. Ambleside to ' North Vancouver General Hospital, $1,25'. ", ' * MARCELLE SHOPPE -- Thermique J " Permanent Wave without danger oi <5 burning. M arcel' 50c; reset 36c; . Finger Wave 50c. Phpne Mrs. Kiiig WEBB'S . BEST SHOE REPAIRS - Dundarave. WEAR -W est--304rT520'-Marine.-" _f- has taken charj>e of our store In WEST VANCOUVER BARRACLOUGH'S RADIO STORES _ Savory, announced .w ith regret th a t she would be unable to act in th a t capacity due to her ac cepting a po.sition a t Kamloops fo r the summer. The post will be filled by the executive. Brief HANDY ANN SHOPPE, Dundarave. Wool; Notions; Hardware; 'Toys; D.M.G.; Putty; Turps.; Rennie's Seeds. .FERRY TA LES'A re Good and Some of them fresh, but_ the stock of' popular Cigarettes, Cigars and To baccos are - always fresh at the Ambleside Tea Rooms. 1 0 2 West 2nd Street, North Vancouver ,"^>^1542 Marine Drive, Vw|tJ^ncouver Phode North 17 Phone West 3 6 6 convention reports were given by Mrs. H. G. Selwood, T. Russell and H. Davison. I t was made know n_that T._ Russell __.and:2H. Davison had been elected to the FOR SALE -- Electric Range and hot water heater and fittings. Very ~ "ch'eap/~Phone West/554X. FIRST-CLASS SHOE REPAIRING-- 14th a t Ferry. Best material and workmanship.____ ____ ' ___ _ _ \ ' b W ■V m Provincial Executive of the P ar ent-Teacher Federation.; Mrs. Selwood and Mr. Russell LEGIOJ ̂ CONVENTION (Continued from P a g e -1 ) The committee, bn unemploy- HEWETT AUCTIONEERS Specials in Used Furniture:-- Oak Dresser, O val Glass, 3 drawers $12.50; 3 Drawer Chest $6.50; White, Enamel Chest of Drawe,rs $5.00; Drop-leaf T ab le .$4.50; Camp Settee $4.50;'Seagrass Garden-Table $2.50; Seagrass-Chairs, "each "$2:00; Camp Beds, from $4.50; Canada Pride Range $22.50; Monarch Range $20.00. 1732 Marine Drive Phone West 214 wei*o also appointed by the Con- ment, of which Mr. MacNeil was vention to .act on a- oommittee appointed chairaian, reebmmend- formed to meet th e Provincial ^ th a t (a) The scale o f pension- ' Cabinet m inisters in the m a tte r eVs' relief be. $45 fo r a m arried of finding some m eans of solving -pensioner with $12.50 fo r the th e problem of "Unemployed first child and $10'f o r th e sec-' Youth." A' report was read from ond, th a t "for single m en $30, ' Mrs. Jones and Mrs. Denriiston .and t h ^ f r e e medical, surgical, oh the Child W elfare League d en taK ^ d optica! tre a tm en t be dded. GORDON ROBSON B arris te r -- Solicitor WEST VANCOUVER-- . . . i- Office No. 1447, Marine Drive Phone W est 40k TO to 12. VANCOUVER'OFFICE------- Suite 501: 510 Hastings St.~W. Phone, Seymour 4199. 2 to 6. a GEO. HAY N otary Public Real E sta te :& Insurance W anted __ I i Perhaps the light is too dim. Rejslace your 4brwatt la.mps with 6 o 's and . liotice the m eeting and Mrs. Denniston was Pi*ovide appointed the representative to (b) Steps ,be taken w ith th a t body. view to obtaining sheltered a.,„ J. R. Mitchell, Schools P rin ft^ ^preferential em ploym ent for pal, was heartily con'gratulatea handicapped ex-service meii. on his attain ing t h e honor o i the I?) Promotion of ' necessary Presidency of th e Teachers'̂ Fed- Public works to take care o f gen- eration. A short ta lk was given , nnemployment, pending by Mr More W haum on the sub- which an im m ediate increase-in J^ct of "Education in China," of relief, which was appreciated by those ' ; M aintenance of wage present. " . . - standards. The a itis ts who contributed to . Support of E m pire inter-- - th e enjoyment o f th e evening ^ ^ . were Miss Jean Hrll, pianofoite- . Co-operation in all efforts solo; Miss Madge Farm er, solos, relieve unem ploym ent dis and Angus ̂Young, humorous , recitations. Refreshm ents were . Ai'rangem ents be " made served a t the close .of the-m eet-- -vh^^h-jnass-meetiDgs-oYex- _ ^ ■ tres uDon ^ Colpitts, whose- death ®as an- Thfl -1 4 ? J i.1. iaion PresidGnf ® Dorn- ̂iiounce^ in a M arch-issue of thi-« / h e council referred the m at- ar,,r th e ev en t.o f 1405 Marine Drive Phone W est 21 or Seymour 1260 . Evemngs W est 204X FU N E R A L OF^ MRS. H A R R IE T M, COLPITTb T he fu n ex aL o f-H a rr ie t Mar cella--b e lb v ^ /^ f e ^ o f Russell S.-I- ___ __ i. on- tei- of Dundarave w harf repairs norf *» P u b lid y sup presentation ,-.oT the difference' for only i/4 of a cent for the whole, evening. ' ■' Ifi (' \%. *- &- V ̂ ^ „ '■"z to the reeve and th e chairinan ,-i ---------- o f parks for exam ination on th s Canadian Legion, ground. reg a rd in g pensions .the con. venbon w ent on record t h a t M s her*.; nortati™ Phksis on the i? I* seem sJtH at som e-years ago she paper, ^was ,Held Ton .Wednesday, March. 21st, from the Anglican , J Churcli.„mcVeiTO burial be- > ing^ made in the cemetery there. Rev; Canon, .McGpmas conducted the service.' Tlje'deceased was an tY. i while thf^ Anf tne service. ' Tne deceased was a G c^on Dubberly appeared be_" satisfactory , fo rm e r Mis<t~Tear of W est Van- re the council to speak to his l^heir opinion beeulu re m e council to speak to his opm ion been couver an d a t 'th e tim e of her d ea th '- w ^ ^ p t t g to-spend BRIIISM COLUA\BIA EU-CTRIC RAILW.AY CO. portation, CounciUor K ddes and t i S f 'f . M th e fe rry m a * M w ith power th e publid funds. .J ru s - to.act.^ ThetJ?"?ranient;were asked to remedy th esrcS M i& " I t seems., th a t som e y ea rs ago sne h a d /a n - ;p i» i^ ip her head and-J;h is m a /r b a v e led to the braim H einorrhage Which caused h e r