Burrard ;...]9rJBMwkJkV|)#-M8| w»Ŝ Msjâ t̂f!8W*a ft)H i>KPENDABL.K .. ri/WE ANDERSON* W est Vancsouver Kepresentutive Phones--W est 691t< o r North 3810 L ocd :.,M d „ lP ersM T 3 5 H 3 F l a r i C 5 n r i r i 0 Q a a e ^ ^ and Easter new delivery truck is the work Mi dtdsfk E.. G ALLAN T O in tO P R X C T O R Announces the opening of a branch office at 2444.Marine Drive, Dundarave Hours 6.30 to 8'p.m., on Mondays, VVednesdays and Fridays. Opening date Monday, April 16ih. Vancouver Office:--At 712 Robson S treet Phone Sey.'8790 were week*«nd , ___ _____ guests of Major and Mrs. Fred "eriek'Bay HsSyr84t h^and^^BeHevue Avenue.• m ŵ-K, - It'- • , ^ Miss Jean Hutchison spent the week end with Captain and Mrs. S. Garuham, 24th and Bellevue Avenwf. Mrs. C. B. Jakes, 1329 Esqui- malt Avenue, has moved into a house a t 1370 Clyde Avenue. of Mr. Thomas of E ast Beach. c o o LIVER OIL " with Hypof4\osphiteti that's NEUTROCODOL The Ideal Tonic Price $ 1.00 ' ̂ , 1 Gemmiirs Drug Store Thf 8t<ir« ftf HerTie«>, 1402 Marine Driya Wrat 87 Kniersonry I'houc Writ 821 (After 10 i>.ni.) Stratton's BAKERY M athers Avenue. WEST VANCOUVER COMMUNITY PLAYERS THE WHOLE TOWN'S TALKING The West Vancouver Unem ployed Association raised ovei $70 as .a result of their tug dt^ here last Saturday. They"T5^ very grateful to the public foi their support. 'Hollyburn Theatre A pril 1 0 th & 1 1 th ADMIBSION""2 0 C " 3 5 C r ~ '50C:-- at 8.16 p;m. F.-J J'atterson of the teach- o u r x n i .1. 1. p ,,3 rtfturned to his Miss Kyle,, who has hoen oc iiu ;.s tj.tro fth eT r^H ig h S eh o d yhe A n n ^ T j le e t i i^ is spendjng the Easter holidays W estTtancouver Softball Associ. vaecm .ver GenSi-al Hosoital. Caulfeild. has moved to Vancou- SOFTBALL Mr. and Mrs. Fox bf l^kncPU- ':ver» ■ hkf r 'ittbvddittto"'iriTO 4026 Marine Drive.; * a % , , ' Mr. and Mra. De Monte of Vancouver, have moved Into a house a t 22nd and Argyle Aye- 'nue."";:--':;:-""'- ** Mr. and Mrs. G. Burrowes of West Bay, have moved to Chilli- m!Iss M argaret McLeod of the wack. teaching staff of the PoWell " . ♦ * ♦ . River Public-Schools is spending Miss E. Mackay of Fort Lang- the holidays a t lier home, 2295 ley, is the guest of Mr. and Mrs. ^ ----- A------- Stratton', 1468 Mariiu' R R F A f ) All ' a ■ * a ■ Mrs. Log'^ir has moved from Vancouver into the Eilby house ^"•nt"Unuifeiidr"""'̂""'" '~!""^ I a ■ ■ * ' The dogwoods are in bloom on ,1 ' the slopes of Hollyburn Ridge, Mr. and Mrs. C. B. Kearns ap'd ."'this being another indication of family have moved from 1176 an early spring. Duchess Avenue into a house at a * a 1248 Duchess Avenue. Mr. .and, Mrs. Acton hav<' V .* * * moved from the city into a Miss Gladys Reid, formerly of house at 1669 DUchess Avenue. West Vancouver .but now of La ♦ Mesa, Cal., is spending the Mr. and Mrs. Edgar of Van- E aster holidays with her par- couver, have taken the Curtis "ents, "Mr. and Mrs...R. "W.' Wi "'house"iit W est Bay anlj 'baTT^^ 'Reid, 14th and Gof-don.Avenbb. moved in. 'v.......... a *................a ...... ............ .......... a .a, , a............... ... CAKES ̂ m Z PASTRIES ALL KINoi o/u*ANCIK 1468 Marine Drive Phone West 27 P. Lever has returned tp his Miss Kyle, , who. has been oe- ^ ____ ifc -- . _ • . « T ^ • 1 1 1 . . . i spending -- with his wife and family a t his home, 1487 Gordon Avenue. TEAROE & SOJL Concrete Contractors ' Cement Floors j Garden Walks Lily Pools . --Gravel-and-Gement-- 1474 Phone Marine Drive West 84 ation will be held in the Ferry Office a t Ambleside pn Tuesday, April 10th, a t 8 p.m. sharp. All those interested in this popular summer sport are asked to a t tend, rnore especially local busi ness firms who wish to sponsor a team in the Senior League. ' The council decided to assist the West Vancouver Agricult- ural and Horticultural Society in th e ir efforts to promote beauti Vancouver General Hospital, Caulfeild, has moved to Vancou: where he has been* a patient for ver. some months following an oper- " * * * ation there. ' Jim Chapman, Met Chapman. * * ♦ ̂ Miss ' Betty Savory and Mi.s.s Mr. and Mrs. Wyndham of Clonnie Page, who have been al- Dundarave, have moved into the tending the, automotive night De Pencier house a t 23rd and classes put on by the P.-T. A-. Marine Drive. ' ' a l l . passed their exams with honors.♦ * ♦ Mrs. Kerr, 3243 Marine Drive, has moved to Alberta. . Hollyburn Theatre FRIDAY ami SATURDAY A|)K,il ,.(Uh and' 7Ui macs with WIIKKDKR and WOOLSKY MON,, TUESttS^WEDNESDAY A|)ril i)tli, ipti) and lltli THEATRE RENTED> ' . . • ' )' ■ t(, WES'r VANCOUVER COMMUNITY 1'LAYERS The handsome cha,mpionship Tmthall-cup-for-the-Lower-Maii^ bueii; eu u rts to proinote ooauu- .. K ath leen W ePm oth who land^wdn by th e JV est, Vaiicoii:_,, fichtion of .the b o u le v a rd s ,b y ■. hleen^W-- o n 'exhibition K. W. Savory donating prizes as follows: 1st, !?. now o„ the t^ c h in g staff of $20;.2nd, $15; 3rd, $10; subject r 1 uoh' to the regulations governing the "ved here for th e .E as te r holi- competition being approved by y . the council. _ and _Mrs. Scott have -- -- ' -- . . . . moved from Vancouver into the AMBLESIDE Marsden house a t 23rd and 1443 M arine D rive ------ ^Ambleside------- Phone West 340 Evenings, West 143 SHEET METAL WORKS King's Avenue - L. .SPECK____S.-CROSS-ON'___Mr-: Proprietors - and--^Mrs. * -P. Buscom.be, Listings Wanted Op.ening on April 14th Seaview Home Cooking and REFRESHMENTS -Give-us-a-trial---:^-25th-&-Bellcvue- who have been spending the winter months in Honolulu, have returned to their home a t Caul feild. \ . Mrs. Ryall has moved fro.m 12th and Duchess Avenue to T^ancauver in the window of 'the Amble.side Pharmacy, 14th • arid IV^ririe Drive. '■ . ♦ . ♦ ♦ :■ f" •? Oliver S. Sloan applied to the council for a - concession on Ambleside Beach. The m atter was referred to the chairman of the. parks and the chairman of the board-of works.to interview . "^Mrf Carley~ai^^ pbi'tT^♦ ♦ - •New W estminster Amateur Athletic Association ha.s"ari;ang- ed an indoor meet fol" l^^blay, 1 QCh ♦ Wnmpn'.c; f^vonts. Finance and Insurance Philip C. Chapman General Insurance Agent Fire, Automobile, Burglary, L Accident and Sickness, etc. 2557 King's Are. Phone W. 42Y3 C. C. F. MEETING Orange Hall SATURDAY, APRIL 14th, a t 8 p.m. - Speakers: REV. ROBT. CONNELL, M.L.A. MR. BAKEWELL, M.L.A. S'Everybody Welcome -' Collection : Overflow Meeting in Legion Hall ' if necessary April 13th: Wornen's events, hurdles, 40 yards, high ,fump, relay race ; , also High School . . .. e v ^ t s : boys 40 yard.s, 880 Mrs. Staples of V ancouver,-, y a rd s , hurdles, relay race. High has moved to 26th 'and. .King's School p r ls 40 yds., relay raĉ e. A vpTHiP ' - All girls are welcome at L>on- /Aveime. ̂ - federation Park, on ■ Wcclne.sday JVTrs. Hunter,, wife of Captain ^evenings a t 5 :30 o'clock. C. J. Overington PIONEER BARBER Expert Work 14th and. Marine -- r-Phone"West--L15----- Hutrter of the Princess .Jo in , is . Tho coaches would like i'> the guest-for-two-weeks- of-her - a lot mbre-Wes.t_Vancpuyer .i,. sister, Mrs. Dean, "Shoredene," turn out. 24th and Bellevue. - --------- -t * * Mr. Blatchford of the Bank of Toronto, and party have ren t ed one of the Bulkley houses at 26th and Belleyue. -- - >* ♦-- * ' -j Mrs. F. X. Hodgson was among the artists taking part in the MINING LECTURE A topic, which a t this time will have special appeal to the men of the community, will be the subject of an address by Mr. Thomas Elliott, of the Chamber of Mines -- "Mining, in Briti.sh Columbia." I t will be illustrated Estaliii.shcd oiv North .Shore 20 Yeiirs. (Lady A.s.sistant) HARROW BROS. & WILLIAMSON JfuiiE tal i i r e c t u r s North Vancouver Parlors . 122' West Sixth Street Phone North 134 Vancouver Parlors, 55 Tenth Avenue East •Phone Fair. 134 LEG IO N W .A . OLD-TIM E DANCE SATURDAY, APRIL 7th, the artists taxing part m uric lantern slides, and specimens musicale-put-onJast-Tuesday-^y the Teachers' Convention in the IN LEGION HALL 8.30 to 12 The council informed F. Stout Block 24,: were 'Q uadrilles, Minuets, Lancers, Refreshments Barn Dances-and Veleta 1 Admission 25c D O L L A R S R'ealraed from some discarded Gold Tr-fhketis certainly we'lcome these days! . r r»' * i '--1 Are you sure you haven't some OLD GOLD articles long since useless, hidden away somewhere? , BRING THEM. TO U3 -- WE BUY GOLD Pacific Gold Smelting & Refining Co. Tune in to Our Radio B roadcast over CKMO every morning 10 To 10.15 6(10 Robson Street Trinity 3588 Hotel Vancouver. ^ U n i t e d Church, tt i : will be given on the evening of in regard to Lot 10, bloc The. Seaview Home Cooking Monday April 9th, a t 8:15 in- D.L. 558 ,E 'A th a t they and Refreshments "7 the Church Hall, Esauimalt and willing to accept a first paym ent ed on 14th April a t 25th . and gigt Street, eritrance on lilsqui- of $75 provided th a t the balance Bellevue Avenue. They ask the M usical' items will be owing was paid with interest in jpublic to^call and give them a j.endered;'by the Junior Orches- equal installments,-the lastpay- tra, under the direction, of Mrs. ment to be made not later ,than D., McLelland. ' December' 15th, 1934. i i trial. Miss Edna Redge, R.N. of ^Edmonton, is the .guest of her cousin, Mrs. L. Garthorne, 22nd and Marine Drive. Snow fell' on Saturday on Hollyburn Ridge to a depth of eight inches in some places, about four inches being register ed at the ski qamp. / * * V* . ■ Mr. Lnnd .M rs.-Brooks hjave moved from Vancouver and are occupying a house ,at 1538 Argyle Avenue.. UNDER AUSPICES OF ST. STEPHEN'S C'HURCH CHOJR A CONCERT ' On FRIDAY, APRIL 6th in-the Parish Hall a t 8 p.m. Admission 25c. - . . ^ Proceeds for Choir Funds "I ' *■- 'A •» V -1 ? H'* /I "> ibJ ■t % i '1 a : ri,-' m j.: w - r 'P I ft ■ ■ ■ ■ ! ' / « ■■ ■ f |' ; .f n»* h ■ .;' A-> ^'̂4* ■■ . L :$ f 'p S, ' , * • . V V m v -m V' 'VERNON FEED STORE• V .. ...... ........ . ■ ■ ... ■ .. ■ ' ■ ' ■ ■ : ' 'i; A. C. SEA RLE Phone West 9 -- Fertilizers of AH Kinds a • , '• -■ ■ T ■■ A Wood, Coal, Builders* Supplies nj,' 4'.' ■<'v1 . .' J-'Hv'v,;. 'T - J ' L-c-J •- « ;5»SA ̂ kir-M ' ■ l i r t „ l i i f *xmm f 1 , I L i .y ; •-T; - '*■'*. »v - n i f i i/A:4 . ■, * b V.' ' i *1. I V '•v' i:j - ,